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The Marilians

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by Beth Worsdell

  The Marilians

  Book Two of the Earth’s Angels Trilogy

  By Beth Worsdell

  Earth’s Angels Copyright © 2018 by Beth Worsdell.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  Cover designed by GermanCreative

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Beth Worsdell

  Visit my website at

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing: August 2019

  Beth Worsdell Publishing


  To my husband, kids, family and close friends, thank you for always believing in me.

  Thank you to everyone who has purchased, read and reviewed Earth’s Angels. Your support and encouragement have been marvelous and inspiring. I truly appreciate every single like, share and follow from you all. Telling your friends and family about my books helps me more that you know. I have been blown away with the reviews I have received on Amazon and Goodreads. It is always humbling to read your wonderful reviews, and they inspire me to keep promoting my work.

  Keep chasing your dreams my angels and believe in yourselves.

  “Our planet is the greatest show in the universe, showing us beauty every day, if only we took the time to notice.”

  Quote by Beth Worsdell.

  Chapter 1

  “Mom…. mom, wake up,” a very soft feminine voice said gently.

  I could feel a soft hand stroking my upper forearm, as I started to come around. When I began to open my eyes, I heard the familiar soft voice speak again.

  “Mom, wake up, please!” the voice pleaded.

  It took me a few more minutes to realize that whoever it was, was speaking to me. My mind was quickly trying to bring me back to my senses and reality.

  I opened my eyes fully and slowly turned my head to the soft voice. It was my daughter Holly, and she looked utterly distraught; her angel boyfriend, Nalik, was standing next to her holding her other hand. He appeared to be almost as distraught as my daughter.

  “James!” I said, as I quickly tried to get myself up in a sudden panic, “Where’s your dad?”

  Holly and Nalik both moved quickly to help me sit up on the bed that I found myself on. Looking around, I quickly realized that we were back in our room, and I was laying on my own bed.

  “James is in the medical room; he is being healed by Harrik and Zanika. Please do not worry Mel; they believe he will make a full recovery,” Nalik assured me.

  “I thought that woman had killed him; she tossed him over the banister…... as if he was nothing!” I sobbed.

  Then I completely broke down as the memory of James being thrown and left for broken on the floor ran through my mind, and my heart broke all over again. Huge sobs escaped me as Holly wrapped her slender arms around my shaking shoulders, and within moments, Holly was sobbing too. I felt my whole body shaking as I cried out the emotional pain and the guilt I felt for not being able to stop my husband from getting hurt.

  “James was badly injured, but we can heal him completely, Mel, do not worry. It will take time, but he will be back with you soon,” Nalik said kindly.

  Nalik waited patiently as I released all the emotions from my body and my soul. He only came forward when both of our sobs began to subside. I felt his feather-light hand touch my back, and a soothing calmness started to spread throughout my body.

  Once I had my emotions back under control, Holly reluctantly released me. Nalik’s other hand was resting on the side of her waist, and I knew she was probably just as grateful to him as I was for his soothing power.

  I took her hand in mine, and I looked into her tear-stained, flushed and worried face.

  “Thank you, my darling,” I told her, as I wiped away the tears from her flushed pink cheeks, “Where are your brothers and sisters?”

  She wiped the rest of her tears away with her hands while trying to compose herself.

  “They’re with dad, Harrik and Zanika. Do you feel up to going to the medical unit?” she asked, “The Angels have healed you already, but you may still feel a bit squiffy,” she added.

  “I’m ok; I want to go see him now,” I told her earnestly, “I want to be there when your dad wakes up.”

  Every fiber in me needed to be with James. I had to see with my own eyes that he really was alive. All I could picture in my head was my husband being thrown off the walkway, his body crashing to the ground. Then the love of my life, lying still and broken on the floor of the Cruiser. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach.

  Nalik moved towards me and put his hand onto my arm. As soon as I felt his touch; I felt the calmness spread through me again and all my anxiety and worry fading to nothing. I suddenly felt strong and determined.

  “Thank you, Nalik; I needed that,” I told him, feeling extremely grateful. I looked back to Holly, “Come on; let's go and see your dad.”

  When we walked into the white-walled medical unit, James was lying motionless on a bed. There were no other patients in the room and no hustle and bustle of a normal medical facility.

  Zanika was stood at the top end of the bed with her hands on either side of James’ head. I could see her white shimmering healing power flowing from her palms and gently soaking into James hair and skin. His face was still showing some bruising, but the bruises were green and yellow, indicating that they were old and gradually fading.

  I ran my eyes along his body, which seemed to look a normal shape under the silvery sheet he was covered with. Harrik was stood at James’ waist; one of his hands was hovering over James’ chest area, and his other hand was over my husband’s hips. Again, I could see Harrik’s power flowing into James.

  I actually felt quite comforted, seeing the angels’ healing power and energy flowing into my husband. It meant that he was already on the road to recovery and that I would be getting my love back.

  A movement to my right caught my attention, and when I turned to look; my heart broke again. There were our other kids, all draped over each other exhausted and fast asleep. They obviously didn’t want to leave their dad, knowing he was so badly hurt. The angels had draped silvery sheets over them and had given them soft pillows to rest against. My kids all looked so drained but yet still very angelic.

  Not wanting to wake the kids, I quietly walked towards the bed and my unconscious husband with Holly and Nalik following behind. I only had eyes for James. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I reached out to touch his hand, sliding it into my own. He felt warm and alive and relief flowed through me like a wave.

  I watched his chest slowly rise and fall, covered in the glow from Harrik’s power. Lifting my head, my eyes connected with Harrik’s. It was as if he could feel every emotion that I was feeling. His peacock, sapphire blue eyes swirled with silver, reflecting the storm of relief, anger, guilt and frustration I felt inside me.

  “There was nothing you could have done to stop this from happening, Mel,” a strong but gentle female voice said from behind me.

  Instantly, I knew who it was, and I could feel her power and emotions filling the room. When I turned to face Christik, she was gliding towards me in all her grace. I suddenly felt as vulnerable as a small child and when she reached for me; I walked into her open arms without hesitation.

  Christik held and comforted me, just as I had comforted April
when she’d learned that her girlfriend had died. It was only at that moment that I truly appreciated how much we all needed each other. Not only to heal from everything that had already happened but also to heal from the battle that we were all going to be recovering from soon.

  I cried, letting everything out as Christik’s power glowed around me. Her arms and wings were drawing me in and making me feel safe and protected. I don’t know how long we stood there for. I don’t know how long Christik held me, but I needed every second.

  She sensed when I had received what I needed, slowly folding her wings behind her back. Moving her hands to the tops of my arms, she looked at me with love and compassion.

  “You do know; you could not have stopped this, don’t you, Mel?” Christik said as she looked deeply into my eyes.

  It felt as though she were looking into my heart and soul. Her calming power flowed through my body, and I could feel it in every fiber of my being. Not only did I hear her words, but I could also feel them.

  “Yes, I know I couldn’t have stopped this,” I replied, knowing in my heart it was true.

  Christik moved her hands down to mine and held them. Her power was still glowing with the contact between our skin.

  “If you had engaged the woman, you would have been possibly killed. Your baby may have been killed too, Mel,” she said firmly, “I am sure that James would not have wanted either of you to be harmed in any way.”

  She was right; the last thing James would have wanted was for any of us to be hurt or killed, even if it was from trying to protect him.

  “Be with your husband Mel,” Christik told me softly.

  I didn’t need to be asked twice. I turned back to James and stood next to his bed. I stroked his bruised but handsome face, and my heart ached for him to wake up.

  I was aware that Holly and Nalik had sat down with the kids, cuddling them while they slept. None of the kids moved, so they were clearly exhausted.

  I looked up to Zanika, who was still sending her healing power through James; her eyes showed her effort and concentration.

  “How long before he’s fully healed, Zanika?” I asked her quietly.

  She smiled at me with understanding and love.

  “We hope that James will be healed completely in a few days, Mel. He has many injuries, but the worst injuries are to his spine and his brain. They take the longest to heal. We believe he may be able to hear you if you would all like to talk to him as we work.”

  “Thank you, thank you all,” I said, as I looked at all three of the angels in turn.

  Christik, Zanika and Harrik nodded their heads. My gaze moved back to my husband, his chest still rising and falling gently with each breath. I leaned forward until my lips brushed against his ear.

  “You’re going to be back with me soon, baby, my other half!” I whispered softly.

  We spent a few hours with James; the kids had all woken up and had taken turns talking to him, telling him what had been going on and promising to look after the baby and me. All the kids were so protective that it made my heart swell with pride.

  “You all need to get some rest and some food. I will stay and talk to James until you return,” Nalik told us kindly.

  I was so touched by Nalik’s offer; how could I have possibly turned it down. I also knew that he was right. We really did need some rest and food. As I thought about food, my stomach growled loudly, and I felt the baby flutter.

  “Thank you Nalik; we would appreciate that very much. I believe my stomach and the baby agree with you,” I told him with a warm and humorous smile.

  We left the medical room with Christik, with the kids walking closely together as if they wanted to continue to comfort each other. There were no conversations between them, and I knew that would probably change once they’d eaten and had some of their energy back.

  I also knew our kids were probably not only in shock because of what had happened, but also because they probably realized that their dad wasn’t the invincible father they thought he was. We were all guilty of believing that our parents were infallible and indestructible until something bad happens and, no matter our age, we all live in denial of our parent’s immortality.

  “Would you mind if I eat with you and the children?” Christik asked, breaking me from my thoughts.

  “I would love for you to join us Christik. I think I need a friend right now,” I told her honestly.

  Christik had obviously requested our food because the moment we arrived at our rooms, we could smell the scent of fresh vegetables and fruit. Yet again, I felt the greatest need for lots and lots of bacon.

  What was strange was that I’d never been a bacon type of person, always preferring granola and Croissants to the cooked breakfasts that James and the kids liked.

  “I do not know what food you are thinking of Mel, but I do not think we can provide it for you,” Christik said, with confusion on her beautiful face.

  I smiled at her, knowing that she was picking up on my pregnancy craving.

  “Part of being human and pregnant, Christik, is sometimes having to deal with strange cravings for food we wouldn’t normally eat. For me right now it’s bacon, which is a cured and cooked meat from pigs,” I explained.

  Suddenly, all the kid’s ears picked up on my words, and they all looked around with looks on their faces that said, ‘who said bacon.’ They were so much like James. He only heard me if I mentioned food, beer or football normally–typical male selective hearing.

  “Don’t worry Christik, even if you could produce a plate full of bacon, I don’t think I could eat it anyway,” I assured her.

  “We could eat bacon!” Abigail and Harrison called over in unison, as they took seats at the small table.

  “Yes, I’m sure you all could,” I told them with a smirk.

  I followed Christik as she glided to the table and chairs, taking seats next to the kids. They all looked so drained, even after having their sleep in the medical room. ‘My poor babies’ I thought to myself as my heart ached from their emotional pain.

  “Are you ok, Mom?” Anthony asked as he leaned across and put his hand on mine.

  “I’m fine now I know your dad’s going to be alright, darling,” I told him, hoping he believed me.

  I didn’t want the kids worrying about their dad and me at the same time. I turned my attention to Christik. I felt curious about our current situation with Peter and his bitch of a wife who’d nearly killed my husband.

  “What happened after I blacked out at the cruiser, Christik?” I asked.

  “Ooh, we’ve been desperate to know too. No one has told us anything!” Holly stated bluntly.

  Christik looked at all of us with compassion and understanding.

  “We are very confused at the moment, and we find ourselves in a unique situation,” she told us calmly, “I did not see what kind of magic your baby girl created to protect you, Mel. However, I did feel it, and it was very powerful.”

  “Woah!!” Abigail said in aww, “Our baby sister’s powerful!”

  I couldn’t help but smile at Abigail’s expression of sheer wonder.

  “I heard you call ‘Star of David’ to me, Mel, so that is what we did. My angels and I already had Peter surrounded, so we used your technique, and we managed to trap him,” she explained.

  “Where is he now?” I asked, feeling my heart pound again at the memories.

  Peter ripping off his ski goggles and revealing his fiery blood-red eyes seemed to be burned into my brain. I never thought, no, I hoped that I would never witness those evil eyes in a human in real life. I felt my body shudder from my head to my toes.

  Christik picked up on my emotions straight away, and she leaned over to me, placing her hand on mine.

  “Peter is secure in a holding room with his wife,” Christik assured me, “I am afraid because he is as powerful now as the Marilian, we have had to contain him like the Marilian. He will not be harmed.”

  “And what about his wife?” I asked as anger s
tarted to simmer within me.

  I instantly felt Christik’s power flow into me through her hand contact and, when I looked down at our connected hands, I could see the ice white glow between them.

  “I’m sorry, Christik. I’m trying to keep control, but every time I think of Peter’s wife, I feel so much anger towards her for what she did to James,” I explained.

  Christik looked at me with compassion in her sapphire eyes.

  “I understand how hard it is for you, Mel. You do not need to apologize for being human. Your protectiveness for your family and those you care about are one of your best human qualities,” she said kindly, “I would like you to come with me after we have eaten to see Peter’s wife. I know it is the last thing you would like to do Mel. However, I believe you healed her corruption. Or rather you and your baby healed her,” Christik added.

  The memory of walking up to the shimmering blue bubble my baby daughter and I created came back to me. I remembered watching the woman’s eyes as they turned from fiery blood-red back to the human green eyes she’d been born with.

  “Is she still inside the blue bubble the baby made?” I asked with a slightly shaky voice as I looked into Christik’s face.

  The kids weren’t saying a word. They sat in silence with intrigue and confusion on their young faces, apart from Harrison who was watching and stuffing his face at the same time.

  “That is why I need you to come with me, Mel. Kay is still inside the blue fluid bubble. So, we need to figure out how to get her out and find out if you and your baby can heal Peter too,” Christik said.

  I felt completely torn at her words. I still felt the anger trying to surface, but I also rationalized that this whole situation wasn’t Peter and Kay’s fault. They didn’t ask to be corrupted by the Marilian, and I was positive that they had just wanted to live their new life, happy and hopeful like the rest of us. I suddenly felt another wave of guilt flow through me.


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