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The Marilians

Page 3

by Beth Worsdell

  I reluctantly started to take hesitant steps towards the Marilian’s minion, and his eyes firstly widened in surprise, and then they narrowed as he let his hatred for me flow. His animosity was so strong that I was struggling to breathe under the weight of it, and my heart hammered, matching my racing pulse. I knew I had to keep going forward to get as close as possible.

  Within moments, I was standing less than a foot away from Peter. I could feel his hot breath on my face, and it turned my stomach. My body began to tremble as my baby girl’s protective instincts kicked in. She didn’t want me anywhere near Peter. She could feel his evil soul and murderous instincts just as much as I could.

  I knew that my hands were beginning to glow with her shimmering blue energy as I could feel it. My whole body was tingling, and I felt my baby’s power building in my stomach. The energy was flowing through my body, moving down my arms and into my palms and fingers. As I moved my fingers; I could feel it building and building. ‘We can do this baby girl,’ I told my daughter, knowing she would feel my sentiment or hear my words.

  Instantly, I felt her energy peak, and I instinctively raised both of my palms towards Peter’s restrained body. His eyes enlarged with shock and sudden fear. The blue power shot from my hands in an explosion of light, and this time, I kept my eyes open. My fear of Peter was gone as I accepted and relished the power flowing from my child and me.

  The energy flowed quickly, hitting Peter’s body, and then it began to swirl around him in the same way it reacted when Abigail touched it; when it encased Kay. Miniature waves crashed around his body as it covered him, and he was freaking out.

  There was nothing he could do to escape what was happening, and he knew it. He strained against the silver vines that were wrapped around his body, and he strained his neck, trying to lift his face away from the blue energy that was now moving up his chest towards it. Peters snarls were now becoming more desperate as he realized that his efforts were useless.

  Then abruptly, it was as if he just gave up. Peter stopped struggling against the silver vines, his body losing its tension and beginning to sag against his restraints. Slowly, his head lowered, and when his eyes connected with mine, I gasped. His blood-red fiery eyes were beginning to change as I watched in fascination. The fiery red was draining from his pupils like the color was being washed away. I could see his normal eye color, a lovely green beginning to come through, and as the red vanished, the blue energy swallowed his forehead and head completely.

  Peter was completely cocooned inside a shimmering blue bubble just as Kay had been. Only this time, I was still awake, and I instinctively knew that I shouldn’t bother lowering my hands. It felt like it wasn’t over.

  “What’s going to happen now?” Kay asked, with shock and worry evident in her voice.

  “Be patient Kay, and please do not worry; it is not over yet,” Christik told her gently.

  Christik could obviously sense the same thing as I could, that my baby was getting ready to take her healing energy back. Within seconds, the feeling in my body changed. It was as if a tide changed deep inside me and instead of the energy building and wanting to burst free, now it felt like a void, wanting and needing to be filled again.

  As I stared at Peter’s motionless body and his green eyes, the flow of blue energy turned. The current of shimmering blue waves changed direction, and the flow started to come back to me. It felt amazing as the flow returned and the fact that I could no longer feel the evil animosity coming from Peter was a massive relief. I think all of us were gradually relaxing now the whole atmosphere in the room had changed for the better. We could all sense that Peter was healed again.

  While Peter’s body began to gradually appear, his wife started to walk forward. I couldn’t blame her for wanting to check for herself that he was back. I think I would have felt the same way if it was James. In fact, I know I would have been.

  The blue fluid receded from Peter’s head and face first, and as it ebbed away from his neck and chest, his eyes started to try and focus. He looked so confused, and I felt bad for him as his brain registered that he was restrained and unable to move. Kay realized what was happening too.

  “Don't worry, Peter, it will be over soon; you’re going to be fine,” she assured her husband. I think that was going to be easier said than done. He was back to himself, but he was vulnerable, and he knew it.

  Christik glided to my side with the two guards, and all three raised their hands to show they were of no threat.

  “Trust us and your wife Peter; we are healing you. You will be alright in a moment and released as soon as it is over,” Christik told him kindly.

  Her eyes never left his as his brain still tried to rationalize the situation. Gradually, his body and face calmed. We could actually see him processing and relaxing at the same time. Why wouldn’t he trust the words of his wife, and also the angels who we all knew wouldn’t lie.

  When the last of the healing energy entered my palms, I lowered my hands. I was so relieved for it to be over, and I was thrilled that it had actually worked. The guards glided to either side of him, dipping their heads in respect and showing Peter they were there for support while Christik raised her palms.

  Instantly, Christik’s hands began to glow with her white power, and the silver vines that were wrapped around Peter’s body started to slither away. A silver pool began to form inside the gold disc that was underneath Peter’s feet.

  Minutes later, Peter was free, and the guards took him by the arms to help him down from his place of imprisonment. The gold disc that was above his head slowly descended until it met the disc that had been under Peter’s feet, and then both were gently lowered to the floor. No sooner had his feet touched the ground, Kay rushed forward flinging herself into his arms; sobbing out of sheer relief.

  “Woooo, whooo!” I heard behind me.

  When I turned; I found my kids absolutely beaming. I think they were all just as relieved and thrilled as I was, that it was all over.

  “What the hell happened?” I heard Peter say in a deep voice.

  Kay was still wrapped around him, sobbing softly with her face buried in his neck. He was looking at Christik with confusion on his face. He must have realized that Kay wasn’t in a fit state to explain anything, even if she had known what had happened.

  Christik looked at Peter with understanding; she could sense not only his confusion but also the worry for his wife.

  “You have both been through a lot, Peter, let us take you back to your cabin so we can explain everything,” she told him gently.

  Peter was too overwhelmed to say anything more, but he nodded in agreement.

  “Mel, if you would like to rest with your children back at your rooms; I will come and get you later if that is ok with you?” Christik said.

  “Yes, that’s fine, I could do with chilling out for a bit,” I told her honestly.

  Chapter 3

  Christik and the angel guards used their power to take Peter and Kay back to their cabin at the holding structure. Kay gave all of us huge hugs and thanks before leaving, and Peter shook hands. It was going to take Christik a while to explain to them what had happened, but at least she could reassure them that the Marilian responsible for what had happened was secure and couldn’t attack and change anyone else.

  When the kids and I got back to our rooms, we were all buzzing. I had every intention of chilling, but after releasing Kay and healing Peter, I still felt supercharged. The kids were also full of excitement, and it was all they could talk about. While they were talking among themselves, I took a moment to touch my com around my neck to check on James. ‘Zanika, are you still with James?’ I asked. I didn’t have to wait long for my angel friend to reply. ‘Yes, Mel. Harrik and I are still with James,’ she answered. ‘How is he doing?’ I asked, desperate to know of any changes.

  I wanted to be there with my husband, but I knew that the kids needed me to spend time with them, even if they didn’t know it. ‘James is healing we
ll, Mel,’ she said ‘His head injuries are nearly healed completely. We believe he will be back with you all by tomorrow,’ she added. ‘Thank you both, I owe you everything,’ I told her sincerely.

  I knew she wouldn’t be able to sense how grateful I was as we weren’t close enough, so I wanted to tell her to make sure that she knew. ‘You do not owe us anything, Mel. You and your family are a gift to us,’ she replied, ‘If anything, we owe you. I will inform you as soon as James is awake.’

  It meant a lot to hear her words. I knew she would be true to her words and would let me know. I couldn’t wait until he was awake. It would make him being ok real and not just a hope.

  I told the kids how their dad was doing, and their relief was clearly evident. They had become so close to their dad while I’d been in my long sleep state, and it made my heart full of joy to see it. We all seemed to have a greater appreciation for family now as well as friendships.

  Just as Anthony was asking another question about James, there was a tap on our archway entrance.

  “Come in,” I called, half expecting it to be Christik, although that would have been very quick.

  Hulaz glided into our room with a stone tray of refreshments and behind her was a young lady I recognized straightway. April looked very shy and uncomfortable as she walked behind Hulaz and immediately, I wanted to give her another hug. After losing her girlfriend and now being alone, I felt very protective of her, and I’d been asking after her on a regular basis.

  “I found April outside your rooms, and I convinced her to come in with me,” Hulaz explained.

  “Well I’m very glad you did, Hulaz,” I told the angel with a smile on my face.

  April looked up at me through her eyelashes, obviously feeling nervous and maybe regretting her decision to come over. I really didn’t want her to feel like that. Standing up from my seat, I went over to April, and I wrapped my arms around her small shoulders. The moment my arms were around her, her arms encircled my waist, and she leaned into me with her head resting on my chest.

  I couldn’t hear her crying, but I could sense that she was. For someone so young, she'd been very brave since she’d woken up. Although she clearly hadn’t been coping quite as well as I thought she had, suddenly I felt really guilty for not checking on her more thoroughly.

  My kids were quiet and respectful as April let her built up emotions out, and it was a few more minutes before she released her hold from my waist. When she took a couple of steps back, her face was full of tears, and she attempted to quickly wipe them away; her face began to glow pink with her embarrassment.

  “You don’t need to feel embarrassed, April,” I assured her, “Let me introduce you to the rest of your family,” I told her with a warm smile.

  As soon as I said the words, her eyes became wide with surprise, and her lips began to tremble. I stepped forward and gently wiped away the last of her tears.

  “Come on, let's say our hellos,” I told her, taking her hand in mine.

  I led April over to the seating area where Hulaz and the kids were waiting patiently. My kids all gave her a lovely warm smile as her cheeks continued to glow bright pink. The moment we reached my kids, they all stood and moved towards her.

  “Everyone, I’d like you to meet our new family member, April,” I said, as I felt April’s hand trembling in mine.

  Holly was the first to throw her arms around her. I hoped they would get on well as they were so close in age.

  “Welcome to the family, April,” Holly told her gently, giving April a huge smile.

  As soon as Holly released her, Harrison moved forward, also giving her a big friendly hug and saying welcome. By the time all four of my kids had welcomed her, she was positively beaming with happiness. Hulaz looked on with a big smile on her face. She was picking up on April’s happy emotions the same as I was.

  “So, what do you think, April, would you like to move in and be part of the family?” I asked her.

  Her resounding smile spoke volumes.

  “Yes please, if that’s ok,” she said, looking absolutely thrilled.

  Holly and Abigail were also looking just as thrilled.

  “This is so cool,” Holly said to everyone, “Now we have two new sisters,” she beamed.

  Abigail was bouncing on her heels as her mind worked overtime.

  “Us girls are so going to whoop your asses on the next games night,” she stated to the boys with a huge grin on her face.

  Anthony and Harrison responded with over-exaggerated eye rolls and laughter at her excitement.

  “I will arrange for April’s belongings to be moved here, and I will arrange another bed for the children’s room,” Hulaz said.

  “Thank you, Hulaz,” I said as I sat back down, “Come on kids, let's get eating.”

  The kids and I happily chatted with April while we drank and ate our snacks. She was very honest, explaining that she’d felt too embarrassed to say that she wasn’t coping well and that she had felt very alone. The English lady, Joanne, had suggested that she come to see us, and I was so pleased that she had.

  While the kids were telling April about what had happened to Kay and Peter, I heard Christik in my mind. ‘Mel, are you and the children ready to greet the Elders with me?’ She asked.

  Straight away, my heart began to race. I was really excited to see them arrive and meet them. I knew the kids were very excited too. ‘Yes, we can’t wait to meet them, Christik,’ I told her. ‘We’ll meet you at the craft.’

  “Right, kids, it's time to go back to Peru. April, would you like to come with us to greet the Angel elders?” I asked.

  April beamed in sync with my kids at the mention of the elders.

  “Yes, please!” She answered quickly.

  “Awesome. Anthony and Holly, would you like to ask Christine and Nalik if they’d like to come also?” I asked as I rose from my seat; “they can meet us in the hanger.”

  Soon, we were all arriving at the small craft and greeting Christik, Livik and Jakiz with dipped heads and smiles. Christine was already there with Nalik. Both of their faces lit up at the sight of Anthony and Holly. In fact, Nalik’s whole body lit up like a beacon. I could feel their bond becoming stronger, and I couldn't have been happier.

  “Shall we board?” Christik asked.

  “Yes, kids, you go first,” I said, as I indicated for them to get on the craft.

  I could feel a nervousness coming from Christik, which was a little unnerving as she was always so confident.

  “Are you ok, Christik?” I asked.

  Christik looked at me with hesitant eyes. She knew I could sense what she was feeling.

  “I am feeling nervous about seeing my parents again,” she said honestly, “It has been many of your lifetimes since I have seen them.”

  I couldn’t imagine what it was like to be a being, with a whole different view of time, but I did know what it was like to be a parent. The angels didn’t seem that different when it came to love and the value of family and friendship.

  “I really don’t think you need to be nervous, Christik,” I told her truthfully, “I honestly think that you and your parents will reconnect exactly where you left off from the last time you saw them. We parents always see our children as our children, no matter how old they are or how much time passes,” I added.

  “Really?” She asked in surprise.

  “Yes, really. Our love for our children doesn’t lessen as they grow up and become independent,” I explained, just as Anthony’s head popped out of the small craft.

  “Are you two coming or what?” He asked with a grin.

  Christik smiled and led the way on board.

  The rest of the kids were already in their seats, and I could feel their excitement in the cabin and see it in their young faces. Nalik was sat next to Holly, watching her adoringly, and April was sat next to Abigail. It was lovely to see the two girls chatting away to each other.

  I was half expecting Hulaz to be piloting the craft, but instead,
Livik was at the front, raising her arms to connect with the craft. The moment our seats started to suck our bodies into place, we all looked over to Livik to watch her in action.

  As soon as her arms reached out to her sides, the craft responded. The silvery-white vines appeared from the sides of the craft, reaching for her glowing skin. They traveled around her hands, gently snaking their way up her arms, and I could feel the power in the air as the connection grew stronger. It was almost as if the craft came alive at her touch. In seconds, we could feel the craft rise from the hanger floor and start moving towards to exit. The craft picked up its speed the second it was clear of the main craft.

  I could hear April asking Abigail lots of questions and the others talking between themselves, and I sat there wishing that James was with us all, my heart aching in my chest.

  “James will be back with you soon, Mel,” Christik said next to me.

  She gave me a knowing smile and placed her hand on my arm. Instantly, I felt her calming power flow through me.

  “Thank you,” I told her gratefully.

  I turned my focus to my kids as we travelled, listening to them catch up on news from Christine. She was telling the kids how everyone was getting on with the projects now that everything was safe again. Although Christik still had extra guards around the cruiser just to be on the safe side.

  Before long, I could feel the craft slowing down and then gently descending. The anticipation began to thicken in the air as our excitement grew. As soon as the craft touched the earth, the vines surrounding Livik’s arms and hands began to unwind, releasing her. Livik turned as soon as the vines melted back into the craft’s walls and the exit opened. It was getting dark outside, but we could still feel the dry heat coming into the craft from outside, and a small gust of wind blew in a sprinkling of dust and tiny stones, which scattered at our feet.


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