The Marilians
Page 5
My body instantly shivered as a rush of cold washed over me, making my teeth chatter. ‘I bloody hate being cold,’ I thought to myself as I tried to warm myself by rubbing my arms. The kids were all hugging each other and rubbing each other’s arms while giggling as the angels all looked on bemused.
“If you would like to follow me,” one of the blue-haired angels said politely as he used his arm to indicate the entrance of the holding structure.
The angel glided forward with us following behind while the other angels glided behind us. We could hear a thrum of chatter and laughter as we approached the massive wooden doors that were left open, and I could feel the excitement in the air.
As soon as we stepped into the cruiser, my breath was taken away. All I could see were decorations everywhere. Beautiful flower garlands hung over the shop entrances, and flowering vines were wrapped around the pillars, chairs and tables that were dotted everywhere. The angels had basically decorated everything that wasn’t alive, and it was stunning. The shops looked very different at first glance, and when I took a better look, I saw that the usual items had been temporarily replaced with tables full of food and drinks, enabling the angels to make full use of the main area.
The cavernous foyer was full of Angels and humans of all ages, who were all mingling together, either stood in groups or sat at the decorated tables. As my eyes scanned the scene before me, I spotted Christik at the back of the foyer near the natural pool. She was talking with her elder parents next to a row of long tables. It was nice to see her so animated and lighthearted with a smile on her face and a sparkle in her eyes.
The elders were a lot taller than everyone else in the room, and their powerful presence made them stand out even more. As we walked towards everyone, Christine and Nalik made their way through the throng of bodies, desperately trying to reach Holly and Anthony. Nalik was literally glowing as he approached my daughter, who started to blush profusely. ‘They’ve got it bad’ I thought as I smiled to myself.
When Christine reached Anthony, she slipped her hand into his, and she gave him the sweetest smile, which he returned immediately. Seeing my kids with their loves made me hope for the future, which I didn’t think was possible before.
I was soon stood alone as the kids and angels drifted off to catch up with their friends. Suddenly, I felt like Billy no mates, and I could feel my own cheeks becoming hot with a blush. Luckily, Christik noticed me, and she began to beckon me over to her. I gave her a nod and started to slip through the groups of angels and humans. Everyone was so polite, either saying hello or respectfully dipping their heads and occasionally asking how the baby and I were doing.
Before long, I’d managed to navigate my way to Christik and the elders, abruptly aware of how much of a short-arse I was in comparison to them.
I dipped my head to the elders and Christik the moment I reached them, feeling a little nervous and quite intimidated. The elders and Christik all dipped their heads in response, and I could feel nothing but affection from them, which started to put me at ease. Christik’s mother gracefully glided forward with a stunning smile on her beautiful face, and she took me by surprise as she reached forward, taking my hand in hers.
“Christik has told us of your wonderful news, Mel. We are all excited for your new baby,” Lindaz said as her smile grew bigger. “Infants are very precious to our race as we do not conceive as quickly as other races,” she added.
The look on my face must have shown my curiosity and surprise at her words. ‘You would think healers of worlds would be able to have babies at the drop of a hat,’ I thought as I looked into the elder’s blue eyes. Lindaz looked bemused as she watched my facial expressions.
“As our race lives such a long time, Mel, if we could conceive quickly, we would each have more offspring than we would know what to do with!” Christik said with humor in her voice.
“I believe it is as it should be,” Lindaz stated.
She looked over my head and scanned the foyer.
“Let us address everyone, now we are all here, my own, my one,” Lindaz told Christik.
Lindaz turned to the other elders and dipped her head while indicating to the long table and chairs. As the elders began to glide towards the seats, she turned back to me with her eyebrows raised.
“Please join us at the head table, Mel!” She invited kindly.
I walked forward nervously and wondered where my kids were. I wasn’t worried about them. They were in a building full of angels, so I knew they were safe, but it did bother me not being able to see them.
I took a seat at the end of the table next to Christik to allow the elders to sit together. I felt even more like a total short-arse, and I must have looked funny being the only little human at the table. The elders all sat in the available chairs, while Christik remained standing by my side.
“If you could all take your seats, please!” Christik said loudly above all the chatter.
Instantly, everyone in the bustling foyer moved to the nearest table and chairs. There was no them and us. All the angels and humans sat with whoever they were talking too. It was wonderful to see such a friendly camaraderie between our two races. As I looked across our long table while everyone was getting settled, I noticed that all the elders now had the communication devices on, like the angels and some of us humans. It was going to be very convenient for the battle to come. I definitely felt more confident, knowing the elders were going to have our backs.
Before long, everyone had taken a seat at one of the many tables, and the cavernous foyer was beginning to quiet. Patiently, Christik waited for everyone to be silent, and as soon as it was, she began to address everyone.
“Welcome all to the celebration of our elder’s arrival,” she stated.
Angels and humans alike began to applaud with the angels applauding a little more enthusiastically, which was understandable considering they were of the same race.
“I think I can speak for you all when I say how pleased we are to have you here,” Christik said as she glanced at her parents and the rest of the elders at the table.
All the elders dipped their heads to Christik and then to the watching audience. Christik continued.
“It was not an easy decision to summon you here. However, having knowledge of our strong ties to these amazing humans made the decision a little easier,” Christik declared. “Thank you, elders, for coming to our aid; we appreciate your presence, and we all look forward to working alongside you,” she added with another dip of her head.
Everyone began to applaud loudly and cheer at her warm and heartfelt words, and just as Christik started to take her seat, Lindaz and Evest stood from theirs. Silence immediately swept the foyer in anticipation for the two imposing elders. They were a magnificent couple, and I could understand why Christik was in awe of her parents.
Lindaz and Evest raised their arms before them, and their whole beings began to glow an ice white shimmer. As they raised their arms higher, specks of light started to appear above us all, high in the foyer ceiling. More light specks appeared with each second, and they darted around the ceiling like fireworks.
We were all in awe as we watched the display, none of us knowing why this was happening, but all enjoying the light show. When the air above us was full, the specks began to form into shapes. Planets began to appear before our eyes of various shapes and colors, and there in the center was the largest planet.
It looked remarkably similar to Earth with vast amounts of blue and white on its surface. The main difference between the planet and ours, from what I could see, were streaks of gold and silver that ran over its surface like shining veins.
“This is our planet, Anunaki,” Lindaz said, over our ahhhs and oooos. “As some of you already know, we have visited your planet from our own since life began here.
“We formed bonds with your ancient ancestors over many of your centuries,” Evest explained, “working with them to protect your Earth and helping it to thrive. We are sorry that we w
ere not able to arrive before your planet came to a critical point.”
The elders looked up, and as we all followed suit, the planets dispersed back into specks of light. The specks swirled for a few moments, reforming into what seemed to be the surface of a planet. It was lush and very green, and wildflowers and trees were growing everywhere. It was our planet, but I’d never seen a place on Earth that looked so healthy. Even the sky looked bluer and sharper.
“This was your Earth before your race began to use fossil fuels, machinery and farm animals,” Evest stated without judgement.
“Many races have made the same mistakes as your race,” Lindaz added, “the damage to your planet was slow, but as you are all now aware, there does come a point where it is irreversible.”
I think all of us humans in the foyer felt pangs of guilt. Most of us hadn’t done anything near enough to protect our planet. We all felt responsible for what had happened. As I sat there next to the elders and angels, I felt guilt and shame for the part I’d played in destroying our planet.
“If we had not arrived in time, your planet would not have healed itself,” Lindaz explained. “The ice age that would have covered your whole planet would have wiped out humanity and the majority of your animals. However, it would have allowed your planet to heal and start over,” she said calmly.
“We are pleased that your race and your planet did not have to go through that process,” Evest said warmly, “We know that your race has learned a big lesson from the events that occurred. So, let us eat, drink and celebrate the new beginning for your race and planet. Once we defeat the Marilians, together we will be creating a new Earth you can all cherish and enjoy!” He said.
As the elders lowered their arms, the images above us dissipated. The specks of light fell from the ceiling, vanishing before they got close to the people and angels below, like fading fireworks.
Everyone in the foyer started to applaud as the elders dipped their heads as a thank you. The elders took their seats as Christik stood up, and I could tell by her demeanor that she was very proud of her parents and her race.
“Let us eat,” she declared.
Nobody needed telling twice. Very quickly, everyone left their seats, making their way to the food areas, which were once the shops. I briefly spotted Abigail and April, making their way to the food with Tracey and John. The girls were laughing, so I assumed that Tracey was telling them one of her stories or jokes.
“Shall we get some food, Mel?” Christik asked.
When I turned to look at her, she was smiling.
“Yes, that would be great,” I told her. “It looks like Tracey is entertaining the girls,” I added, indicating towards Abigail and April.
The two girls had actually stopped in their tracks; they were laughing so hard. John was shaking his head at his wife while Tracey was looking at him as if to say, ‘What?’
“I really like Tracey,” Christik said as her smile grew bigger. “She confuses me with some of the things she says, but she is very funny and is a friendly, honest woman,” she added.
“Yes,” I agreed, “she cracks me up too,” I confessed.
Instantly, Christik looked very confused.
“Tracey cracks you up?” She asked with her eyebrows raised.
“Yes, it means that she makes me laugh hard,” I explained. “Tracey is the kind of woman who can make you laugh so hard that you struggle to breathe. I think we all need a friend like that in our lives,” I told the angel with a smile.
Christik returned my smile as we left the table and walked into the nearest food area.
The food selection was amazing, and it really was a feast for the eyes. The angels had outdone themselves, and it all looked amazing. There was a formidable feast of fresh fruits and vegetables that I assumed was a selection from around the world. Many I recognized, such as dragon fruit, lychee and Kohlrabi, but others looked absolutely bizarre. Christik had to tell me the names of many of them. The Romanesco broccoli looked like it came from a completely different planet and so did the mangosteen fruit, which I have to admit was the most amazing fruit I’d ever tried.
After getting a small tray of food each, Christik and I made our way back to the long table, joining the elders who were eating and talking between themselves. It was nice to listen to them talking in our human language, discussing how different our planet looked the last time they visited.
Just as the conversation was getting really interesting as they mentioned an elder who had taken a liking to an Egyptian woman, I heard Harrik in my head. ‘Mel, would you like to come back; James has woken.”
Chapter 5
The moment Harrik said the words; my heart started to pound in my chest. I’d known that he was going to be ok because I trusted Harrik and Zanika to heal him, but even so; the relief I suddenly felt was almost overwhelming. I touched the com at my chest, ‘I’m on my way,’ I told him, ‘and Harrik, thank you!’ I said, with all my heart. ‘You are most welcome, Mel, see you soon,’ he answered, and then he was gone.
Christik as always sensed what was happening to my emotions, and she reached over and touched my forearm. Curiosity was written on her face.
“Mel, what is happening?” She asked, her curiosity just as evident in her tone.
“It’s great news, Harrik has just told me that James is awake,” I told her breathlessly as I tried to control my racing heart.
I could suddenly feel Christik’s calming power flow through me, helping to steady my heart rate and shaking hands, and I knew without looking that her hand was probably glowing white.
“Could one of your angels possibly take me back, please, so I can go to him?” I asked.
Christik gave me a smile full of happiness and understanding.
“I will take you, Mel,” she said.
“But don’t you want to make the most of your parents being here?” I asked, surprised that she’d offered.
I knew that if I had the chance of spending time with my parents, I’d want to make the most of every second with them.
“There will be plenty of time for me to spend time with my parents, Mel. Do not forget that I am well used to being away from them. It is our way of life,” Christik said warmly, “Come, we shall go right now.”
As Christik rose from her seat, her parents as well as the other elders, all stopped talking instantly and looked at her.
“Is all well, my own, my one?” Lindaz asked.
“Everything is fine. Mel’s husband has woken; I will be back soon,” Christik told her, dipping her head.
The elders all dipped their heads to Christik and I as we began to leave the table. I was so desperate to get to James that I almost forgot to nod in return, but I reminded myself in time. The last thing I wanted to do was to offend the elders.
As we began to make our way out of the throng of Angels and humans, Christik touched my shoulder to stop me.
“Would you like to collect the children before we go?” She asked.
I had thought about telling the kids straight away, but I decided not to. Not just yet. The kids needed to have some fun just for a while. They’d been through so much in such a short time, and with the Marilians coming, it was going to be a while before they’d get to let their hair down again.
“No, let them have some fun for tonight,” I answered; “they need to have a good time while they can,” I added.
Christik nodded in understanding and agreement, and then she began to glide forward again towards the exit. Everyone was having such a good time that no one really noticed us as we passed. We were about halfway through the foyer when I started to hear a guitar being played. I surmised that one of the cruiser residents must have had one in their cabin.
Whoever it was played extremely well, and I recognized the song straight away as it was one of my favorites. It was a song called ‘Watching over me,’ and it always reminded me of my grandparents. ‘They’d be so proud if they could see my kids right now,’ I thought as I followed Christik to the
I hadn’t realized that we’d been in the cruiser so long, and it was pitch black as we walked outside. I looked up at the night sky as we walked away from the building, and I was instantly blown away by the number of stars in the sky. The sky was teeming with stars as far as my eyes could see, and they looked so bright that if I hadn’t had wanted to get to James as much as I did, I could have happily just laid there on the ground and star gazed for hours.
“So many stars!” I said, more to myself than Christik, “I’ve never seen so many in the sky.”
“You can see so many because there is no light pollution from the cities,” Christik explained.
“I didn’t know that would make such a difference,” I told her honestly.
“Are you ready to see your husband?” Christik asked with a smile.
“Yes, I am,” I said with a huge grin.
My heart had stopped its racing, and now I really wanted James safe in my arms. Christik glided forward, and I immediately placed my hand on her offered arm. Within seconds, we were outside the medical room where James was being looked after.
As I tried to control my shivering body; I began to feel our baby moving, it felt as if she were doing somersaults. It was strange because I almost felt as if she was excited too, ‘Maybe she is excited’ I thought, ‘Maybe she can sense that her dad is better.’
“Are you ready?” Christik asked as my shivering started to wear off.
“Yes and thank you for waiting,” I told her, “I don’t want James to see me walking and shivering at the same time,” I laughed; “I’d feel like a complete idiot,” I added.
I took a deep breath and walked into the bright white medical room. As soon as we entered, I could hear James’ voice as he talked with Zanika and Harrik. I just caught the tail end of their conversation, which I believe was about the kids when they were little and always getting into mischief. As soon as he heard my footsteps, he stopped talking and turned to see who was moving in.