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The Invisible Bridge: The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of Reagan

Page 123

by Rick Perlstein

Walden, Phil, 716

  Waldorf-Astoria (New York), 568

  Walker, Alice, 230

  Walker, Bill, 92

  Walker, Charles, 480

  Walker, Hal Philip (char.), 581–83

  Walker, Robert, 456–57

  Walker, Ron, 171

  Wallace, George Corley, 7, 108, 213, 216, 286, 314, 440, 452, 491, 520, 550, 555, 561, 563, 586, 589–91, 593, 607, 609, 613, 622–25, 627–30, 633, 650, 654–55, 661, 668, 674, 681, 691, 700, 719, 724, 736

  Wallace, Henry, 247

  Wallace, Irving, 350, 657

  Wallace, Mike, 560–63, 775

  Wall Street Journal, 115, 134, 142, 161, 390, 453, 476, 482, 491, 501–2, 789

  Walt Disney World, 21

  Walters, Barbara, 6–7, 255

  Walton, Bill, 507

  Walton, Rus, 652

  Wannaiski, Jude, 789–90

  Ward, George, 341

  Warhol, Andy, 141–43

  Warner, Jack, 345, 350, 354–55, 365–66, 369, 375, 383, 388

  Warner Bros., 206, 341–42, 344–47, 349–52, 354, 356, 362–63, 366, 370, 375, 383, 468

  War on Poverty, 317, 613

  War Powers Act (1974), 110, 158, 184, 464, 557–58

  Warren, Earl, 275, 277

  Warren, Gerald, 268

  Warren Commission, 276, 513, 738

  Warren Report, 276

  Washington, D.C., 312, 415, 440, 443, 590, 644, 680, 710–11, 713, 743

  National Mall in, 709, 711

  Palm Sunday “Circus Mass” in, 448

  Vatican embassy in, 446

  Washington, George, 29–30, 263, 272, 294, 304, 315, 415, 709, 797

  Washingtonian, 612, 783

  Washington Monument, 443

  Washington Post, 7, 11, 14–15, 18, 50–51, 58, 67, 72, 74, 76–78, 93, 123, 127, 133–34, 141–42, 149, 155, 159, 162, 180, 198–99, 223, 240, 252, 257, 267, 269, 271, 278, 286, 315, 326, 329, 331, 335, 356, 418, 428, 456–57, 461–62, 503, 509, 513, 522, 524, 528–29, 535, 538, 553, 577, 592, 625, 650, 654, 682, 690, 697, 703–6, 727–29, 731, 746, 754, 761, 764, 766, 769

  Washington Redskins, 529

  Washington Star, 308, 408–9, 503, 513–14, 559, 603–4, 706

  Washington State, 216, 625, 704

  Wasserman, Lew, 347, 349–50, 354, 375–77, 383–86

  Watch Mr. Wizard (TV show), 395

  Water and Power Department, Los Angeles, 177, 203

  Watergate Babies, 318–22, 326–29, 480, 517, 644

  Watergate Comedy Hour (album), 132

  Watergate hearings, 93, 95–102, 116, 119, 122–33, 136–57, 159, 168, 170–73, 185–90, 217–18, 221–22, 231–37, 267, 456, 530, 764

  House impeachment inquiry and, 216–17, 219–20, 222–24, 237–38, 251–52, 255–56, 259–65

  media and, 95, 98–99, 101–2, 123–24, 135–36, 140, 156–57

  public fascination with, 132, 140

  public response to, 98

  Watergate scandal, xiii–xx, 1–15, 50–57, 61, 63, 66, 74–81, 92–93, 114–23, 134–35, 145, 158–59, 164–65, 176–78, 191–93, 198–201, 212–13, 225, 237, 248, 250–51, 267–71, 273, 275–76, 279–80, 284, 297, 305, 315, 320, 328, 330–31, 418, 436, 439, 461–62, 469, 472, 507, 509, 520, 522–24, 528, 548–49, 557, 568–69, 579, 587, 592, 600–601, 611, 620, 636, 655, 659–60, 676, 688, 706, 719, 723, 744, 748–49, 754, 762, 765, 778, 788

  defenders of, 238–41, 257–58, 261–62, 264–65

  liberal establishment and, 120–22

  media on, 64–65, 108–9, 134, 149, 156–57

  media public vilification of, 118–19

  Nixon supporters and, 118–20

  Nixon tapes and, 148–51, 158, 180–81, 185–88, 190, 192, 199–200, 223, 231–37, 252–56, 259, 267–68

  portrayed as liberal conspiracy, 117

  Reagan on, 22–23, 80–81, 100, 110, 118, 159–60, 191–92, 194, 241, 266, 268, 747

  Watson, Tom, 314

  Wattenberg, Benjamin, 93

  Waverly, Tenn., 314

  Wayne, John, 5, 21, 70, 305, 560, 646, 660, 699, 757, 777

  Ways and Means Committee, California, 161

  Weather Underground, 415, 510, 639, 656, 728

  Webb, Jack, 405

  Weed, Steven, 209

  Weehawken, N.J., 710, 713

  Weicker, Lowell, 57, 118, 140–41, 147, 149, 153–54, 173, 256, 737, 764

  Weimar republic, 514

  Welch, Richard, 576–78, 598

  Welk, Lawrence, 541

  Wepner, Chuck, 145

  Western State University, 244

  Western Union, 189, 284, 682

  West Germany, 183, 423, 504

  Westinghouse plant, 685

  Westmoreland, William, 424

  Westover Air Force Base, 531

  West Point, U.S. Military Academy at, 146, 687–88, 702, 744

  West Virginia, 111, 188, 299, 305–6, 322, 460, 677, 682, 743, 791, 794

  Wet Willie, 716

  Weyand, Fred, 423

  Weyrich, Paul, 306, 456–57, 675

  What’s My Line (TV show), 585

  Wheaton, Ill., 705

  Where’s the Rest of Me (Reagan), 25, 84, 358, 405

  Where the Boys Are (guide), 500

  Whigs, 764

  Whip Inflation Now (WIN) campaign, 313–14, 320–21, 677

  White, E. B., 355

  White, F. Clifton, 530, 691–92, 704

  White, Kevin, 290

  White, Theodore, 79, 253, 260, 316, 526, 659

  White, William S., 158

  White House, 265, 731, 735, 743

  Rose Garden of, 279

  White House Correspondents Dinner, 674

  White House “Defense Group,” 239–40

  White House Domestic Council, 444

  White House Enemies; OR, How We Made the Dean’s List (gag book), 142

  Whitney, Tom, 588

  Whitney museum, 717

  Whittier, Calif., 203

  WHO (radio station), 247, 337, 340

  Wholesale Price Index, 280

  Who Rules America? (Dumhoff), 617

  Who’s Who, 379

  Why Not the Best? (Carter), 588, 721

  Wicker, Tom, 9, 13, 81, 417–18, 423, 556, 625, 690

  Wiggins, Charlie, 261–62, 266–68

  Wilber, Walter, 71

  Wildmon, Donald, 514

  Will, George, 91, 194, 268, 329, 597, 741

  Williams, John, 468

  Williams, John Bell, 733

  Williams College, 131

  Wills, Frank, 273

  Wills, Garry, 215, 261, 602, 651, 768, 778

  Willson, Meredith, 314

  Wilmington, Del., 500

  Wilmore, Ky., 449

  Wilson, Bert, 84–85, 87

  Wilson, Betty, 397–98

  Wilson, Bill, 397–98

  Wilson, Pete, 606

  Wilson, Woodrow, 263

  Wimbledon, 4

  Wimill, Eleanor Day, 692

  Winds of War, The (Wouk), 167

  Wingate Junior College, 641

  Winning Through Intimidation (Ringer), 657

  Winston-Salem, N.C., 649

  Winston-Salem Journal, 656

  Winter Park, Fla., 633–34

  Wirth, Tim, 316

  Wisconsin, 117, 207, 237, 260, 284, 313, 318, 321, 385, 435, 456, 600, 654–56, 660–61, 664, 788

  Wisk, 697

  Witcover, Jules, 173, 308, 528, 546, 555, 714–15, 724–25, 739, 767–68, 770, 776, 791

  Wobblies, 617

  WOC radio station, 243, 337

  Wolcott, James, 441, 443, 612, 654, 716

  Wolfe, Tom, 193

  Women in Law, 444

  Women’s Wear Daily, 126

  Wood, Roy, 608–9

  Woodell, Dorothy, 15

  Woods, Rose Mary, 200

  Woodstock, 772

  Woodward, Bob, 15, 51–52, 56, 140, 223, 225, 267, 275, 335, 462, 509, 657–59, 707

  Worcester, Mass., 156
/>   Works Progress Administration, 246

  World Airways, 422

  World Council of Churches, 141

  World Series, 41, 227, 230

  World’s Fair (1897), 582

  World’s Fair (1939), 395

  World Trade Center, 269

  World War I, 1, 11, 40, 745, 771

  World War II, 1–2, 143, 196, 203, 301, 319, 362, 377, 388–89, 433–34, 470, 474, 476, 479, 491, 536, 552, 646, 672, 678, 781

  Worldwide Texas Tour (ZZ Top), 729

  WOR radio, 64–65

  Worthington, Ohio, 127

  Wouk, Herman, 167

  Wounded Knee, S. Dak., 62

  WRAL radio station, 641–42, 644

  Wright, Charles Alan, 180–81, 190

  Wright, Loyd, 404–5

  Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 699

  Wrigley Field, 671

  Wriston, Walter, 482

  Wyman, Jane, 346–47, 349, 351–54, 362, 366–68, 370–72, 381, 392, 404, 542–43

  Wyman, Louis, 502–3

  Wymong, 692

  Wyoming, 59, 707, 787

  Xenia, Ohio, 225–26

  Xenu, 570

  Yale University, 19, 25, 39, 75, 89, 141, 286, 447

  Yalta Conference, 491, 647, 780

  Yamani, Ahmed Zaki, 184

  Yankee Stadium, 40, 700

  Yastrzemski, Carl, 290

  Yearling, The (film), 353, 367

  Yearling Row ranch, 372

  Yglesias, Joseph, 751

  YMCA, 343

  Yom Kippur War (1973), 175, 182–85, 187, 189–91, 506

  Yorty, Sam, 113

  You Are Not Alone, 575

  Young, Andrew, 262, 662

  Young, Coleman, 663

  Young, Dick, 229

  Young, John, 71

  Young Americans for Freedom (YAF), 238, 306, 309, 406, 413, 451–52, 640, 742

  “Sharon Statement” of, 640

  Young Republicans, 22–23, 271, 456, 617, 692

  Young Republicans National Federation, 691

  Young Socialist Alliance, 456

  Youngstown, Ohio, 393

  You That Could Be, The (Dodson), 575

  “Youth for Christ” rallies, 102

  “Youth for Reagan,” 765, 776

  Yugoslavia, 190

  Zablocki, Clement J., 109–10

  Zapruder, Abraham, 513

  “Zebra” shootings, 225

  Zen Buddhism, 684, 686–87

  Ziegler, Ronald, 51, 76, 99, 142, 198, 235, 267, 659, 731

  Zimbalist, Efrem, Jr., 771

  Zinzel, Marlene, 735

  Zipkin, Jerry, 793

  “Zorba” (North Vietnamese doctor), 66

  Zumwalt, Elmo “Bud,” 656–57, 660, 719

  ZZ Top, 729

  Photo Credits




  4. Courtesy of Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum

  5. Courtesy of Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum

  6. Courtesy of Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum

  7. Courtesy of Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum



  10. United Feature Syndicate

  11. Used with permission of the Conrad Estate

  12. Author’s collection

  13. CORBIS

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  18. Published by Grosset & Dunlop, now an imprint of Penguin Group (USA)

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  28. Published by Berkley Books, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA)

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  31. Associated Press

  32. Courtesy of the Los Angeles Times

  33. Award Books

  34. Time/Life Star Vista

  35. Courtesy of Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum

  36. CORBIS

  37. National Citizens Committee for Fairness to the Presidency

  38. CORBIS

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  40. Author’s collection

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  43. Courtesy of Newsweek and the estate of Fred Maroon

  44. Courtesy of Paramount Pictures

  45. Courtesy of Charleston Newspapers

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  47. Courtesy of Warner Bros.

  48. CORBIS

  49. Photoplay

  50. Courtesy of Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum

  51. Courtesy of Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum

  52. Courtesy of Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum

  53. Courtesy of Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum

  54. Fortune magazine

  55. Courtesy of Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum

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  Simon & Schuster

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  Copyright © 2014 by Rick Perlstein

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