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Ruin (The Rhodes Book 1)

Page 15

by Rina Kent

  The stranger binges my head against the wooden floor. A metallic taste explodes in my mouth. Hot liquid invades my nose and trails on my face. The excruciating pain in my skull silences my limbs and my voice.

  A black veil forms at the back of my mind.

  My last thought is gratefulness that unconsciousness pulls me away.

  Chapter Fifteen


  The distinct chatter in the main hall ebbs at the clinking of my champagne’s flute. Women in their pretentious cocktail gowns and men in their tuxedos face me.

  I’m actually doing this.

  I give a side glare to my right, where Tristan occupies the co-host position. He flashes a smirk, having so much fun with my torment.

  He knows all too well that this banquet is the last place I want to be. Let alone host the whole hellish thing. If I had a choice, I would be with my mouse right now. I barely fought the urge to stay in her bathroom earlier, seconds away from proving her how much of a pervert I can be.

  The mere image of her flushed ivory skin sends my blood pressure on frenzy.

  This obsession with Mae needs to stop. Yet, staying away from her for whole five days proved to be bloody torture.

  Now that I’ve been around her addictive citrus scent, I need to go back. Which means finishing the evening without butchering all the guests.

  I smile the brightest I can. “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending the regular banquet. I shall hope the estate’s organisation is to your liking. The Rhodes were, and will always be, a proud member of the Noble Community.” I raise my flute of champagne. “To the community.”

  “To the community.” All guests take a toast. Except for one.

  He stares me down from the far end of the room, a dumb smirk on his lips.

  The mini-orchestra goes back to playing a violin concerto when I turn to Tristan. “Why would you invite Hampton?”

  He nods at a passing lady. “He’s a noble, I can’t exclude him.”

  Dylan joins us, fetching a flute of champagne on the way. “I advised Tristan against it. Simon somehow knows that we killed his father.”

  My cousin shrugs, his expression welcoming. “He can’t do anything about it.”

  Tristan is right, our security is top-notch, to say the least. Yet, I still don’t like this.

  ‘Please don’t tell me you’re thinking about killing him?’ Aunt’s yawn invades my mind.

  ‘His father was a better opponent, and even he wasn’t exciting,’ Father says in a bored tone.

  It depends...

  I look over Dylan’s shoulders for Hampton. He guides a short-haired brunette with a firm hand on her naked back to the buffet section.

  I abandon my flute of champagne. “Let me go entertain Hampton then.”

  Dylan shakes his head, his eyes clouding with grey. “Don’t even think about continuing from last time.”

  “I won’t. I’ll only play my role as an honourable host.”

  It takes me several strides to get to Hampton and his date, who are picking smoked salmon parcels.

  “Lord Hampton.” I stand in front of him. “Long time no see.”

  He smirks, his yellowish teeth peek from underneath his thin upper lip. “I told you we would meet again, Your Lordship.”

  I glance the brunette by his side, her icy blue eyes briefly meet mine before she goes back to nibbling at the salmon parcel in her hand.

  “Will you introduce me to your companion?” I ask.

  He puffs his chest forward. “Her name is Sophie. There’s nothing more you need to know about her.”

  I hold Hampton’s determined eyes for a while then say, “Tristan wants to discuss the recent contract renewal with you.” I motion to where my cousin is conversing with a few associates. “Go on. Sophie will be in good hands.”

  He peeks at her and doesn’t move until she gives him a slight nod.

  Once his unimportant presence is out of sight, I extend my hand to the outside terrace. “Shall we?”

  “It’s really nice to meet you, Your Lordship,” she says in the familiar sultry voice as we zoom out of the blinding lights and endless chatter.

  We stop by the balcony, and I face her. “Cut the comedy, Celeste.”

  At the mention of her name, Xan appears right behind her, a gun pointed at her side.

  “Oooh, I’m terrified. Save me, Aaron,” she purrs, her voice too sexual for her current situation. “Are you going to let your big bloke here shoot me? I’d hate to ruin this dress, you know.”

  “You’re so arrogant to come here with your own feet, Celeste.” I nod at Xan. “Take her to the dungeons. Let’s get some information out of her before we get rid of her.”

  Xan grabs her arm, but she doesn’t resist. A gleam crosses the depth of her eyes as she keeps staring at me. “Yes, Xan, take me so I would give you information about your master’s new pet.”

  Ice shoots through my veins, and it takes great effort to keep my expression neutral.


  She does know about Mae, and if she tells Xan, Tristan will know and things would end badly for me.

  Sucking a deep breath, I nod at Xan to retreat back.

  “Sir, are you—”

  “Go, Xan.” My tone is firm.

  With one last glance at Celeste, he retreats back into the shadows.

  “No wonder you guys left The Pit.” She throws a piece of bread with caviar in her mouth, chews then releases a longer-than-needed moan. “If I had such luxury to go back to, I would’ve left too. “ She pauses and tilts her head up. “Or is it your human pet that keeps you rooted in this place?”

  My left eye twitches. “What are you doing here, Celeste?”

  “What does it look like I’m doing?” She chugs half of her champagne. “I’m experiencing your snobbish lifestyle.” She blinks her fake lashes. “How did you know it was me? I thought my disguise skills were on a professional level.”

  “I can recognise a snake whatever she wears.” I look her up and down. “Besides, your fashion sense is the same. Knee-length dark coloured dresses to hide your knife’s sheath.”

  “Touché.” A showy laugh erupts from her plump red lips. “But you’re not changing the subject. Since when did you start keeping human pets?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” How the hell did she know I keep Mae here? Only Kane is aware of that information.

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about,” she purrs again. Her arms circle my waist and she gets close until her generous breasts press against my chest. Her hot breath fans my neck as she tiptoes to whisper in my ear, “I saw you take her outside that nightclub, Aaron. You’re becoming reckless. Something tells me Tristan and Dylan don’t know about your little pet. Should I tell them and spike things a bit?”

  I yank her hand, that reached for my knife, from inside my jacket and twist it behind her back. “You’re still centuries away from disarming me.” I shove her back. “What do you want, Celeste?”

  A fake laugh leaves her lips. “How about we kill your little pet and you go back to being my partner?”

  ‘Yes, please.’ Aunt’s excited voice fills my head.

  “The answer is no.”

  “But, Aaron!” She pouts, the gesture so fake I want to choke the bad actress out of her. “When did you stop being fun?”

  ‘We’re asking the same question, lady.’

  Screw off, demons.

  “Probably since you’ve became a coward.” I lean closer to breathe her too strong perfume. “Why

are you hiding far away from the centre of the banquet? Are you perhaps... avoiding someone?”

  She purses her lips, but her tone is still jokey. “Seriously? Why would I avoid anyone? People avoid me.”

  “How about... Dylan?”

  Her face contorts. I smile. It’s always fun to see her reaction whenever he’s mentioned. Even someone as Celeste has a weakness. It’s my pleasure to exploit it.

  “Do you want me to call him?” I continue. “Perhaps chat about how you left him with a hole in his shoulder?”

  “Yes, let’s do that.” She swallows down her reaction and plasters a wide grin. “Let’s also chat about the pet you’re hiding under his nose. Would he and Tristan let you be after you targeted an innocent?”

  A knife hits me right in the face. I brought a weakness upon myself and that weakness is Mae.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  I push those thoughts away to focus on my ex-partner whom I always thought I had no weaknesses like she does.

  Guess we’re too alike after all.

  To protect my freedom, I need to find an opening to take Celeste away and finish her life.

  My eyes drift back to the hall. Tristan is conversing with Lowell and his family. Dylan’s busy with some old lady whose name I can’t remember. I search for the pig face. Nothing. There’s no sign of Hampton.

  When I glance back to Celeste. She’s gone too.

  God fucking dammit.

  “Xan!” I call, and he comes out after a few beats. “Close the front gates. Don’t let neither Celeste nor Hampton get away. Don’t question them until I come. No mistakes are allowed, do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I storm through the hall, keeping my strides as composed as I can possibly manage.

  Tristan walks to me with furrowed brows. “Where do you think you’re going? The banquet isn’t over.”

  I give him my back-the-fuck-off glare. “Not now. I mean it.”

  Once I reach the outside terrace, I run to my quarters and dial Kane. The more the phone rings, the louder the unusual sounds echo in my chest.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Who did you leave in front of my quarters?”

  “Craig, Sir.”

  “Only Craig?” I shout.

  “It’s a busy night, Sir.”


  “Meet me at my quarters now.”

  I throw the phone, uncaring if it reaches my pocket or not.

  Bloody hell. I made a terrible mistake. I underestimated Hampton.

  The quick sound of my steps through the hall of my quarters sends a sinking unfamiliar sensation down my stomach. It twists my insides into atypical knots.

  It’s open. The door to my quarters— protected by a password— is open. Craig is nowhere in sight.

  My pulse overwhelms my ears as I take quiet steps upstairs. My hands reach for the knife in my jacket. Once my fingers lurch around the cool handle, my breathing evens out, a much-needed calmness washes over me.

  My feet move of their own accord to the last room in the corridor. I halt right beside the door frame.

  ‘She’s already gone—’

  I shut the voices out, an ability I rarely make use of, and focus on the solid handle in my palm. My breathing comes out in a regular rhythm.

  Inhale. Exhale.

  With careful hands, I crack the door open. Mae is splayed on the carpet, chest facing the ground, eyes closed. Her once beautiful features are bloodied beyond distinction. Lines of crimson trickle down her neck, pasting strands of her hair to her stained flesh. Her nightgown is torn from behind, the white material of her undergarment on display.

  The sinking at the bottom of my stomach heightens. It’s only when Mae’s chest rises and falls in a constant rhythm am I allowed to breathe.

  “Wake up, whore!” Hampton pulls Mae by the hair. His dirty hands dare to touch her beautiful strands. The bastard— who is soon to be dead— had the audacity not only to touch her, but to also beat her. Bleed her. Call her a whore. Under my fucking roof.

  Adrenaline kicks in with a slamming force. My pulse quickens. A tornado washes the sinking sensation away and replaces it with something I can recognise: pure bloody rage.

  I place the knife between my thumb and forefinger and lift my hand to throw it when Mae’s lids flutter open. I pause at their wide dullness. The anguish and fear in them so strong that the sinking in my stomach comes back with vengeance.

  Fucking hell.

  When she meets my gaze, an illumination strikes their blueness. She opens her mouth but I hold a forefinger to mine and shake my head. Mae clasps her lips shut, tears mix with the blood, staining her face.

  Hampton places a knee between her legs as he fumbles with his belt. Trembling takes over her entire body. Mae’s gaze searches mine, a silent plea for help leaves her eyes in the form of unstoppable tears.

  No thoughts. No hesitation.

  With a flick of my wrist, the knife’s sharp edge plunges deep into Hampton’s internal carotid artery. He falls backwards. Immediate cerebral inperfusion. Blood abandons his rotten brain.

  In a few steps, I reach him, my hand on another blade’s handle. Blue creeps into his frozen face. His bulging eyes look at me as if I’m death itself.

  I thrust another knife into his chest. The sound of sharp metal breaking his tendons to reach his faint beating heart makes me smile. I twist the knife in the muscle with slow motion until it stops beating. His disgusting face becomes a permanent shade of blue.

  A loud gasp fills the silence of the room. My head turns to the source.

  Mae sits asymmetrically, keeping her weight on the left side. Hair wild, her limbs tremble, and both her scratched hands block her mouth. Her frantic eyes look at me in an expression I can’t quite fathom.

  I got so engrossed in finishing the pig I almost forgot about her. She watched me kill the insect, didn’t she? Damn. That’s not a sight for someone in her state, isn’t it?

  I walk to her, slow to not alarm her. How in the living hell does someone deal with these situations?

  Be a gentleman. It always works.

  I remove my jacket and put it on her naked shoulders. She doesn’t look at me. Her focus is on Hampton’s corpse as if she’s seeing his ghost.

  Crouching in front of her, I gently remove her hands from her bloodied mouth.

  “Are you fine, Mae?” My calm voice is a mask to the still-burning lava coursing through my veins, refusing to leave my system. I know she still has her undergarments on, but the mere thought of that bastard doing anything to her makes me yearn to give him back his life so I could take it all over again.

  Her gaze meets mine, but she says nothing. The emptiness that taints their blueness fuels the sinking at the bottom of my stomach. She glances between me and Hampton’s corpse, probably trying to reason what she saw.

  My fingers brush under her chin and, with a tender lift, I bring her attention to my face. “Focus on me, Mae. Can you do that?”

  She slowly nods.

  “I will carry you out now, all right?”

  Mae nods again, her lips twitching.

  After releasing her chin, I put one hand behind her back and the other under her legs. I lift her in my arms, careful not to touch her injured side.

  As I march down the hallway, Mae closes her eyes, body trembling in my hold. She sniffs every now and then but no tears come out. There’s nothing more hideous than the blood tarnishing her beautiful features and the side of her neck. I never thought my eyes would perceive blood negatively. Not u
ntil now.

  “Sir.” Kane runs towards me, stops, his chest heaving. “Is she...”

  “Fine.” I grit out.

  He heaves a sigh. “I came as fast as I could. Craig was food poisoned and is unconscious at the back entrance.”

  Mae twitches but doesn’t open her eyes.

  “Clean the last room,” I say in a low voice.

  “Yes, Sir.” He scurries past me.

  I open the door to my bedroom and secure the lock with the hand under Mae’s legs.

  The first thing I do is switch the lights on. Her fear of the darkness doesn’t need to mingle with her trauma.

  I place her still-trembling body on the bed. Once I release her, both her hands clutch the sleeve of my dress shirt. Her eyes shoot open with a plea. She shakes her head in a frantic movement.

  “I won’t be long.” I caress her hand.

  She doesn’t release me, so I gently pry her fingers away. Bloodied skin glistens under her fingernails, an evidence of her fight. She did fight. That’s why she was beaten.

  A wave of pride invades me at her bravery. A feeling I only had for Uncle Alexander and myself thus far.

  I take a quick trip to the bathroom, fetch my medical kit, some warm water, and lots of towels.

  Mae’s in the position where I left her. She releases a breath at my sight. I place the equipment on the night stand and kneel in front of her. “I will clean your cuts, all right?”

  She gives a single nod.

  Mae remains motionless as I remove the jacket and the remnants of her torn nightgown, leaving her in cotton underwear. She stares at the ceiling as if there lays a wonder of some sort.

  I wet a towel and clean the clotted blood on her mouth and nose. Then her neck. A bluish mark stains the pale skin of her stomach. I grit my teeth. I should have killed that arsehole slower.

  “I will use some antiseptic so the wounds won’t infect. It will sting.”

  Her gaze meets mine this time as she nods.

  She whimpers when I apply the ointment on her broken skin. Then I bandage some of her more serious wounds. I’m halfway through when a strangled sob pierces my ear.


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