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The New Resistance (The NEW Trilogy Book 1)

Page 17

by Vee Bosse

  “Vigilantism is always the answer. Everyone in this valley will pull their weapons. Whoever these jerks are, the amount of bullets we can pump in em’ should be more than enough.” Her father’s words frustrated her beyond belief as she stepped forward, slapping him with a fury.

  “Dad, Christian is dead! We will be too if we don’t run from that power! Holy shit, are you blind!?” A mass of tears suddenly erupted from her mother’s eyes as her father sullenly dropped his auto-aimer.

  “ in the hell could you do that to your mother and I? How could you say something like that?” The three stood silent while Westin stood his position in the distance, somehow holding of Xinling’s death grip.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m not sorry about slapping you if it means we get out of here alive.” Brienne said turning around to see the quickest escape into the woods. “What...Christian?!” Where Brienne expected to see nothing but trees, she suddenly saw her long-lost brother standing in front of her.

  “Guys, you look...great!” Christian nervously muttered, happily gazing at them all as their tears of hurt instantly turned into tears of overwhelming joy. “We...we never gave up hope!” Dianne began sobbing as she frantically raced over to Christian, her husband running close behind her. As the three embraced their long-lost son, Brienne fell to her knees, also sobbing at the joy of the unlikely reunion.

  “What took you so long, you shithead?” Christian stepped ahead of his parents towards his sister, extending a hand to help her up.

  “Sorry I took so long.” she accepted his hand, purposefully smashing into his forehead to send him reeling from a furious head-butt.

  “Now we’re even. Thanks for making us wait.” The reunion was suddenly interrupted though by the sudden feeling that the death aura was slowly creeping back up on them. Christian also feeling its full effects switched instantly into panic mode.

  “You guys, get out of here now! If they see me here with you all, they’ll probably kill you without hesitation! You guys and everyone else in this valley need to run as fast as you can!!”

  “Christian, tell us who they are!” yelled his father, demanding further explanation.

  “Look, they almost killed us back at Haven Island. They mean to decimate us and everyone else in the Western Latitude!” Looks of bewilderment crept on their faces as they suddenly understood why they all were told to evacuate. “My friends and I escaped from that place that our government took us, and we are all trying to take back other cities in this country from another threat that’s capitalizing on their invasion. Look, I’ll have to explain everything later, but just run for now, please!”

  A look of defiance at the thought of parting with Christian again came over his parents when Brienne grabbed both of their hands, and forced them to follow her running charge out of danger. “Brother, I’ll trust you this time. Come back, or you’re dead!” Christian smiled purposefully as they ran past him, while he turned around to warn the rest of his hometown’s population to likewise run as far away as possible. He suddenly began to see them all pulling out their auto-aimers, preparing to scope out any enemy they could identify as being the culprit that nearly choked them all out.

  Christian steeled himself to back Westin up as his family fled when, suddenly, the sound of his sister screaming in horror from behind stopped him dead in his tracks. “Christian!!!” Brienne yelled in shock as her brother witnessed O’ Ren brutally slashing the backs of both of his parents, sending them to the ground below.

  “Mom! Dad!” he cried, leaping towards O’ Ren of the Fox Mask with a furious speed.

  “Your anti-gravity leap is impressive. Yet, you are a mere novice.” O’ Ren barked as Brienne’s knees locked to the ground in shock. Her eyes became panicked as their parents hit the ground with a brutal thud. She became even further shocked at the sight of her brother leaping in midair towards the lady with the fox mask. He seemed to form jagged ice crystals in his fists, preparing to strike down the one who was poised to kill his family just when he had been reunited with them. “Family name: Rivers. Given name: Christian. Your death will be the first step in the purging of your defiling Latitude.”

  Christian’s ice-infused fists approached O’ Ren’s masked face with incredible speed. Yet, with a swing of her Jade Dragon Sword that his eyes couldn’t even begin to follow or comprehend, a significant wound appeared on his chest with the ice spikes on his fists instantly shattering away as well. She leapt into the air while maintaining her unmatched speed, and with an elegant crane kick, she drove her foot into the back of his head to send him face first into the ground below.

  “Brother!!” Brienne screamed, suddenly witnessing her family fallen and dying right in front of her.

  “This must be troubling for you. You are the sister of our true enemy. You and your brother must pay the price for defiling this planet, and spilling blood on our Sacred Radiance,” O’ Ren declared, as unmatched anger suddenly overcame Brienne.

  “Just what in the hell...are you talking about!!? Don’t spout your philosophical bullshit at me, you spineless bitch! What have we all done to deserve this? What has my brother done to deserve getting hauled away in front of us because of what some piece of shit shot into him when we were only kids!?”

  O’ Ren remained unmoved at Brienne’s words. “It is the will of the Opal Radiance that guides us. One such as you cannot understand the Holy Will of the Planet you tread on.” Brienne defiantly spat at the warrior who proudly held her sword aloft.

  “No more bullshit! I’ve tapped into the networks and done research on what they all call forbidden! I know about opals, and diamonds, and even apparently emeralds and sapphires, but...seriously! You’re fucking joking, right!? We are all still human beings who like to play with weird powers that these stupid, fucking stones have given us! The Earth...hasn’t chosen us! You people are out of your minds!!”

  “Enough. Your words cause the ears of the Earth to bleed. I’m silencing you at once.” O’ Ren’s sword suddenly moved into action once again, as an impending fear of helplessness overcame her like never before.

  “Sis, cut the bitch down!” Christian said, bloodied up like never before, while his sliced-up hand was firmly grasping the Jade Warrior’s ankle. The fox masked warrior looked down in shocked silence to see her legs and torso instantly frozen in a thick barrier of ice.

  “Yeah, little bro.” Christian recognized the look of his sister’s familiar Meteorite Knife that she swiftly drew from her back pocket, yet he also noticed O’ Ren had resumed her sword’s advance toward Brienne.

  “Aggghhh!!!” he yelled with all of his strength as he barely managed to freeze O’ Ren’s arm along with her sword in full. “You’re finished!” Christian declared as O’ Ren took the full brunt of Brienne’s knife as it pierced clear through the side of her neck.

  “I’ll not die, not this way!” O’ Ren weakly cried in a sudden state of fear. Brienne amplified her statement by kicking the samurai’s torso that Christian had successfully frozen clear through. The beloved Warrior of the Jade Dragon Sword had fallen in an unprecedented instant, while her frozen figure shattered into pieces towards her beloved Earth below. Brienne yelled in exhilaration, “checkmate!!!”

  Meanwhile, Westin had been struggling to hold off Xu Xinling’s massive death force with his own energy when he realized that the Supreme Commander of the Eastern Latitude’s attention had turned despondently to the events below. “Your subordinate flashed away towards Christian a few minutes ago. See something you don’t like?” Without any warning, Xinling thrusted his palms forward, causing the surrounding air in the valley to instantaneously turn black. “What!?” Westin was suddenly blasted backwards by the massive force, sending him rolling intensely down the hill on which they had been deadlocked on.

  “Ichinaru, O’ Ren.” The sight of his beloved subordinate being unexpectedly and utterly defeated by Westerners brought on an unequivocal need for retribution, not like any other time before in his untarnished rule. �
��This ends now.” Xinling suddenly leapt in an instant to the site where O’ Ren had been shattered and shamed, and Brienne and Christian were now confronted with a truly fearsome force that felt beyond their imaginations.

  Brienne had just helped her pummeled and bloodied brother to his feet when their new opponent sent his suffocating force of death all through the valley once more. He seemed to now have more precise control over it as the New Boise citizens were all brought to their knees from the choking sensation, while the siblings found themselves completely paralyzed from Xinling’s invisible grip.

  “You will now watch you parents, and your defiling citizens die before your eyes. Justice will only be suitable in the event that you two lose your heads at my hand.” Brienne and Christian looked at each other as they desperately thought of a way out of their situation, yet nothing came to mind against the unreal power they now faced.

  “Westin!!! My family! Please, he’s going to kill them all!!!” Christian defiantly yelled, frantically looking around for Westin to come to their aid.

  “My power is absolute...rebels will die.” Xinling’s wooden staff suddenly exploded into a force of pitch black energy, forming itself into a solid round orb. “It’s over. Face justice.” The energy suddenly floated over to their parents who were still unconscious on the ground next to them, wrapping around them in an effort to raise them up so that their children could plainly see what was about to happen to them.

  “They will be ravaged and obliterated with my Opal Radiance energy. Your deaths afterward will signal the beginning of our restoration of the Earth to its divine state. Begone, children!” Xinling raised his hand to his side, eyes not turning away from Christian and Brienne for even a second. He studied their facial expressions for a moment as he admired their looks of complete dismay. He decided he would take a moment to use his energy to paralyze them even further as to make sure that their expressions could not leave them. He arrogantly smiled.

  “Activate...Beautiful Prayer!” In an instant, the sun reclaimed the valley, and the residents of New Boise found themselves able to breath once more. The siblings were suddenly able to freely move once again, and the black energy that had wrapped around their parents disappeared in an instant as they freely fell to the ground once more.

  “Toshiro, are alive?” Xinling watched in complete dismay as Westin appeared from behind them all, sporting the same energy that The Beautiful Prayer of Tokyo had possessed when he and Westin clashed during their struggle in Tokyo.

  “I am Westin Anderson, and I can tell you that back there, Toshiro died at Jayce’s hands. But what he gave to me was a strong dose of his unique aura when we clashed in that stadium. Thanks dude, something just now brought his aura out in me. But, I know what I have to do right now.” Xinling turned his backs to Brienne and Christian with a look of pure fury. He threw his hands towards Westin, attempting to summon his unmatched radiance in an effort to strike him down.

  “Why, why would my faithful executioner...DEFILE me?!!” Westin threw his hands in the air, indicating that he truly had no idea why his enemy chose to bestow his power upon a westerner like himself.

  “Maybe he had good intuition, but I do sense that when two Opal Radiance user’s energies fuse together like this, the wielder has the power to completely nullify the other Opal Radiance user’s power. Even someone as frightening as yourself apparently.”

  Without any further words, Xu Xinling gritted his teeth in disgust at the sight of Toshiro’s betrayal. He frantically leapt forward, defying gravity like never before; his face braced itself for a fatal impact upon Westin in order to snuff out the disgusting defiance that the Eastern Latitude’s most beloved executioner had wrought on the Earth.

  “With my bare hands, you will fall!” Xinling barked in unbridled rage, to which Westin carelessly retorted.

  “Another important thing about me you should know is that my original abilities seem to have been enhanced as well.” Westin smiled on, and sent a fearsome shockwave of energy at Xinling that blasted him backwards with fury.

  “One more time, Brienne!?” declared Christian, leaping in midair towards the leader as he found most of his body suddenly turned into ice upon the touch of a single finger.

  “No, please! Don’t!!” Xinling desperately gasped, with juvenile fear suddenly painted on the old man’s face.

  “Piss off!” Brienne’s kick was even fiercer than the one that took down O’ Ren minutes ago. In likewise fashion, the Supreme Commander of the Eastern Latitude was shattered into thousands of ice crystals, dancing to the ground below.

  Meanwhile, General Maputo and his assistant Hiroko sat around in their office in Tokyo, awaiting the latest report on how the invasion of the Western Latitude was progressing. Maputo with a malicious look on his face gazed at Hiroko as he expected her to begin scolding him at any moment, although she never had before. “You don’t tell me, you don’t tell me what someone such as myself already knows!” His accent carved a feeling of passionate fury around the room.

  “Back then, they laughed! They leapt out of that a pack of dancing hyenas!! I was the victim, and they mean to overthrow my efforts. I am the true leader of this Latitude, not Xinling! My chance to shine disappeared along with those...cowards!!” Suddenly, their computing devices lit up in earnest while Hiroko indifferently turned to gaze out of the enormous window that overlooked the nighttime skyline of Tokyo. Maputo’s face suddenly grew gravely disturbed as his eyes focused on the news report that had just reached their executive office.

  “Ichinaru, Hiroko. You are solely responsible for this. Xinling is...dead. Our ninja soldiers will fall one by one at the hands of those...BEASTS!! will be made an example of for this mistake!!!” Maputo’s hands began to violently shake as he struggled to hold back his crazed tears of anxiety and shock. “She has betrayed me!! Where is my communications diode!? I will command my army to hang you in front of my executive palace! People will know who is responsible for this atrocity! has to be YOU!”

  “So, my sister has also fallen?” Hiroko’s gaze remained unchanged upon the Tokyo night. “O’ Ren has been slain?” Maputo’s angry tears were now welling down his hysterical face.

  “I don’t care about your dead, stupid sister! You will di...ack! Ugh!!” It was the Violet Dragon Sword that pierced through Maputo in a harsh instant.

  “Calling upon your disgraceful troops will not be necessary. I will take my journey across the ocean instead, and hunt my sister’s murderer until their blood spills upon this defiled planet.”

  Maputo fell lifeless to the floor as his eyes grew wide in dying regret, while Hiroko took a second to clean and sheath her twin sword. She then promptly shattered the window, leaping into the Tokyo night.

  Meanwhile, the scene shifts to the area where Christian and Westin stood with the others. “We need to get Mom and Dad some treatment for the wound on their backs,” Brienne declared. “I know of a doctor a couple of tents over from us, they will be fine.” Westin stood in silence next to Brienne and Christian, feeling as though they might have just done the impossible. He turned to Christian as he began to speak.

  “Hey, protect Mom and Dad for me while I am gone. Myself, Westin, and our friends still have to take down Jayce and the people in this country’s cities that work for him. We aren’t out of the woods yet,” said Christian, with a look of reluctant purpose on his face.

  “Well, you kept us waiting for so long already, we might as well wait a little longer for you and your friends to finish pummeling these assholes. Get back soon, shithead,” Brienne barked with a look of annoyed happiness.

  Westin couldn’t help but smile, perhaps because they had proven themselves capable of protecting the innocent people of their land. “Ah, what the hell, double high five?”

  Brienne stood in awe of how powerful Westin had shown himself to be, yet at the same time, how joyfully carefree he was. “Screw it. Why not?”

  The siblings completed the
gesture in full force as the sun continued its trek across the mountainous sky. “So, my team is really powerful, eh sis? How does it feel to know your bro is the co-leader of such a powerful force?”

  Brienne scoffed, clenching her hand into a sudden fist. “Even with your lucky abilities, your talentless big sis still scored both of the finishing blows.”

  “Ouch! Don’t punch me, dammit!”

  Chapter Fifteen

  The Nerd in Texas

  “We’re finally in San Antonio!” Laran said, standing next to Milli and Sabrina on the deserted and empty interstate that led into the vast expanse of the city.

  “This city was definitely on the strange occurrences list we saw in Old Mexico after Melas and Reylina docked their ship. I wonder what kind of crap we’re getting into?” Milli declared, as they began walking in search of any strange sights.

  Sabrina took the pace ahead of Laran and Milli, who had become confident in their weapons’ abilities; however, a seemingly invincible android such as Sabrina Phillipi gave them an added sense of ease. After a while of casual strolling, they heard an intense explosion to the left of the empty interstate.

  Sabrina reported, “Acoustic signature pinpointed...location determined.” Using their perfected skills of gravity leaping, the three made a quick parlay into the neighborhood which now hosted a large plume of smoke ascending into the midday sky above.

  Upon reaching the location, they saw that it was an average solar house, big enough for a regular-sized family that was now blazing in flames. The explosion created a large hole in the roof, while the flames ascended above; the solar panels that made up the house’s roofs sizzled like giant microchips. “Any thoughts?” asked Milli, waiting to see if her newly announced husband would speak anything about the uncertainty of the situation. Laran shrugged his shoulders, unsure of what to make of it.

  Suddenly, a blast knocked the front door down, and a flurry of smoke billowed out of the dark house, blocking their view inside. “The hell is that?” asked Milli when a figure emerged from inside, covered in ashes.


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