Breath Of Life

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Breath Of Life Page 10

by Shyla Colt

  The little dude has good taste because his mother is sick of hearing about how cool my new girlfriend is. I’m not petty, so I don’t flaunt her. That doesn’t mean I hide her. I’m proud of her and not about to hide her or our relationship away. We’re making real progress. I’m learning things about myself and being in a healthy partnership I don’t think I ever thought I’d know.

  “We’re going to take him to the zoo and then just enjoy the warm weather and be outside.”


  “Yeah, Quinn and I.”

  She gnashes her teeth. “So, you’re attached at the hips now?”

  “No, but she is a major part of my life, and I want Rolly to get used to having her around.”

  Her hazel eyes flash. I tense, waiting for her onslaught.

  “And you think it’s cool to just have him there while she crashes?”

  “One, she doesn’t crash, she goes home to her own place. But yeah, eventually it’s going to happen, and I expect you to both be okay with it. He knows Quinn now. They get along well, and we’re getting pretty serious.”

  “I just don’t understand how you could date the woman who nearly ended your life.”

  “Did she shoot me?”

  “No, but she was the reason you were there.”

  “I was parked on that street, Allie. You think they wouldn’t have hit me up?”

  “If you’d left at a different time they never would’ve noticed you.”

  Her words are a punch to the gut. “Do you have any clue how selfish you sound right now? You know damn well what would’ve happened if she’d been walking out there alone. Are you so petty you’d wish her ill? Why? In your heart, you know we never would’ve made it. The stop and start routine was tired. We both deserve better.”

  “I love you, Oliver. Maybe you never loved me, but I put my heart and soul into our relationship. I’ve been waiting for you to grow up for years, and now I have to see you give everything I deserve to some random woman?”

  “She’s not a random woman. She literally saved my life, and she’s not going anywhere if I can help it, so you need to get used to her. I’ll continue to respect your wishes for now and have her keep her distance, but that’s only going to last for long. I’m sorry you feel like I short changed you. I’m not the man I was. The accident changed me, fortunately for the better. It grew me up hella fast. I needed the wake-up call to snap me out of the sleep walking I’d been doing. I’m sorry it didn’t work out in our favor.”

  She crosses her arms over her chest. “Right?” She sniffs.

  “We have to keep it together for Rolly, Al. We’ve got sixteen more years. I know how important a good relationship between parents is.” I cringe at the thought of my father. “Believe me.”

  “I’m ready, Dad.” Rolly’s voice ends our conversation as he comes out dragging his bag behind me.

  “You sure, little dude?”

  “Uh huh. Mommy packed my clothes, and I got to pick out what I wanted to have wif me for night night time.”

  “I can’t wait to see what you picked.” I ruffle his soft hair. “You ready to go?”

  “Yep. Bye, Mommy.”

  She bends and kisses his cheek. “Be good for Daddy while you’re gone.”

  “I will.”

  He gives her a toothy grin, and I can see the charm in him already. Pride floods me. That’s my boy. His personality is making itself known more and more every day. I’ve heard people say time flies when you have a child, but there’s nothing like experiencing it firsthand. In a few more months I’ll have a four-year-old on my hands. Another year and I’ll be taking him to kindergarten instead of daycare. It’s mind boggling.

  “We’ll see you in a few days, Allie.” I grab the bag and take Rolly’s hand. We’re splitting time equally. She gets him half the time and every other holiday. For all of our bickering, she never tried to keep him away from me. I’m grateful for that. I’ve seen some real horror stories where child custody is concerned. The more space we put between Allie and me, the better I feel.

  “How was your day at pre-school, buddy?”

  “Really good. We learned all about the color red, Daddy. Did you know it was a primary color?”

  “No, what’s that?”

  “A color that can’t be made. Red, blue, and yellow are primary.”

  “That’s awesome, buddy. You are one smart dude.”

  “Just like you.”

  I’m awed by his belief in me. “I try, my man, I try. Are you ready to hang out with Quinn this weekend?”

  “Quinny,” he cheers.

  I laugh. “We’ll all be going to the zoo tomorrow. Tonight is just for us.”

  “Yay. Can we see the monkeys at the zoo?”

  “We can see whatever you want to.” I open up the car and watch as he climbs up and buckles himself in. Not long ago I had to do it for him. I study the round face that’s losing its circumference and slimming. It won’t be much longer before he’s a little person instead of a toddler. My gut clenches. I’m not ready for my little boy to be growing up so swiftly. I throw the bag on the bench beside him, close the door, and move to the driver’s seat. I turn on the classic rock station as I make my way toward one of our favorite restaurants.

  “You hungry, Rolly?”

  “Yeah. I could eat a whole cow,” he exclaims.

  “The whole thing?” I ask in mock shock.

  “Yeah. I’m a growing boy.”

  “Well, that makes sense.”

  I make small talk as I drivemy way to Beltline Road.

  “Do you know where we are?” I ask

  “We’re going to the Magic Time Machine.”

  I laugh. “Yeah, we are. Are you ready for an adventure?”

  “Yeah.” His arms flail as I pull into the parking lot of a Texas treasure. The servers wear costumes of characters from pop culture of the present, past, and a few in the future. The narrative is engaging, and fun. Hell, I feel like a kid when we come here. We step through the door, and it’s like going to a tea party with Alice in Wonderland.

  We have to bring Quinn next time. The thought is a common one. She’s occupying more and more of my thoughts these days. We’re greeted and guided into the section being run by Spiderman. Rolly’s eyes are as round as quarters and full of hero-worship. I lose myself in his wonder as I soak up the time with him. The three and four day stints always go way too fast.

  “ARE YOU READY TO SEE the monkeys, Rolly?” Quinn asks.

  “Yes. I want to see them eat bananas.”

  She laughs. “Well, they might be eating something else, bud. They have to eat a balanced diet just like we do.”

  He scowls. “With vegetables?”


  “Maybe I don’t want to be a monkey any more then,” he grumbles.

  She smiles at me and contains her laughter as we continue to navigate our way through the crowded area. The genuine adoration between the two pleases me. They’ll never pass for biological mother and child, but I know it takes much more than DNA to make a family. With his big, hazel-colored eyes, rosy cheeks, and chocolate-brown hair he’s his mother and I made over. Quinn is all curves, black, coarse hair she wears curly and straight, and mocha-colored skin I love to nibble every chance I get. The two have taken to each other like ducks to water. I squeeze her shoulder, kiss her temple, and move to grab Rolly’s other hand. It feels right having him between us. We wind our way around to the orangutan habitat.

  “Look, Daddy. His arms are so long.” Rolly bounces as energy surges through his tiny frame.

  “I know. He’s an orangutan. See his reddish-brown fur.”

  “I do. He looks like King Louie from The Jungle Book.”

  “He does. They’re the same kind of monkey.”

  Curling his arms, he hops from one for to the other. “Ooh oooh, aaah aaah.”

  “Oh man. Be careful, little dude, he might wonder why his monkey buddy is on the outside while he’s in there,” Quinn says, tweaking
his nose.

  “It’s really me Quinny,” he replies, sounding worried.

  “Oh. Phew.” She wipes her brow. “I was scared we’d lost you for a minute.”

  “How big is he, Quinny?”

  “I’m not sure. It says the males are up to two-hundred pounds. That’s a lot isn’t it?”

  “Uh huh.”

  Quinn kneels beside him, pointing things out as they speak softly to one another. I glance down at my watch. It’ll be time for lunch soon and maybe a nap. He doesn’t take them much anymore, but it’s been an exciting day. We’ve been walking for hours, and when the excitement wanes, he’s going to drop like a stone.

  “What do you say we get some lunch, guys?” I ask.

  “Sounds amazing,” Quinn says.

  I smirk. “Of course you’d say that, sassy. What about you, little dude?”

  “I’m hungry, too, Daddy.”

  “Okay, a few more minutes here and then we’re going to find some food.”

  “Yes, sir,” he mutters glumly.

  “Will you guys be okay here while I run to the bathroom?” I ask, peering across the way at the building marked ‘Mens’.

  “Yeah, we’ll be fine. Right?”

  “Right,” Rolly agrees.

  I hurry across the lot, hoping to beat a line. After finishing my business, I wash my hands and step out into the sunlight. I find the two where I left them. A large man in baggy khaki pants, white canvas shoes, and a white T-shirt bumps into her shoulder hard, making her stumble. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on in. Sunglasses hide his eyes from view, but evil intent oozes from his pores. I can’t hear him, but I see his lips move. She shrinks away, pushing Rolly behind her, and I see red. My fists ball as I stalk over.

  “We got a problem?” I ask.

  “No. Just telling her she should watch where she’s going.”

  Stepping in front of her, I stare at the dark squares that hide him from me. He gives an abrupt laughs and walks off shaking his head. He walks away and a bitter taste fills my mouth. I don’t like the exchange.

  “You ready to go, Quinn?”

  “Yes, please,” she whispers.

  “What did he say to you?”

  “That people who didn’t watch where their step might get hurt.”

  I gnash my teeth and glance down at Rolly who seems to be oblivious to the seriousness of the situation. Good.

  Wrapping my arm around her waist, I place a hand on the back of his neck as I lead them in the opposite direction of where the man disappeared. “Time to head out. Did you have fun?”

  I continue to scan the area as I keep him engaged.

  “I did, Daddy. I’m glad we saved the orangutans for last.”

  A prickling sensation on my back fills me with urgency. “You’ve been walking a long time today. Can Daddy help you out?”


  “Of course.” I move to the side and squat down so he can climb up. The minute he’s secure, I take Quinn’s hand and haul ass.


  “Just a feeling.”

  “Me too.”

  We traverse the park in half the time it would normally make and quickly secure Rolly and pile into the truck. The minute we leave the zoo and hit the highway, I can breathe again.

  Reaching across the cab, I grab her hand. “Are you okay?”

  “I will be. Just need a minute, you know?”

  “Yeah, I do,” I say.

  The jingle of my phone makes us both jerk. The name on the display screen causes my blood to run cold. Detective Kunes. I hit the accept button.


  “Mr. Hemnway. “


  “I just wanted to let you know we’ve arrested Santiago Martinez and we plan on putting him on trial for robbery and attempted murder in the first degree.”

  “When?” I swallow as my mouth goes dry.

  “We’re building our case now. We’ll let you know once we have our first meeting with the judge and he sets a date.”

  “Thank you.”

  I glance over at Quinn. Coincidences aren’t something I buy a lot of stock in these days.

  I peer in the rearview and thank God Rolly is asleep. I don’t want this to affect him in any way. A strange silence creeps into the cab, and I opt to head home for lunch.


  “You should stay.” Ollie brushes his lips against mine. I melt into him.

  “No, this is your weekend with Rolly. I want you guys to get some alone time.”

  “We had that yesterday. Believe me, he agrees it’s more fun when you’re here.”

  I laugh. “You’re sweet.”

  “I don’t feel comfortable with you going home alone right now.”

  “Technically, I have a ton of roommates,” I say, thinking of my apartment building.

  “You’re splitting hairs, and I’m not in the mood to humor you, sassy. This doesn’t feel safe.”

  “You think it was the. D.A.C.?”

  “I don’t know what I think. That it’s a possibility at all bothers me.”

  Me too. I keep the thought to myself. “It’ll be fine. You know I’ll call you if anything feels off.”

  “Yeah, the problem is if shit goes sideways you’re there, and I’m here.”

  “You’re starting to make me think you’re sweet on me, Mr. Hemnway.”

  “We both know I am.” He hooks his fingers into my belt loops and pulls me to him. Leaned against the door, I feel my resolve slipping.

  “Ollie. What about Rolly? I don’t know how he’ll feel waking up and having me here.”

  “I do. Freaking stoked.” He tickles my face with his soft facial hair.

  I giggle. “You make it sound so easy.”

  “Because it is, and I’m not going to sleep well without you here tonight. Not after that call from Kunes.” He voices the concern running through my head. There’s no way the vato with the teardrop tattoo issuing a warning about girls who don’t know their place falling on the day Santiago gets locked up is happenstance.

  Resting my head in the crook of his neck, I inhale his crisp, clean scent. He reminds me of the ocean. I’ve been trying to leave for nearly ten minutes. It’s clear I don’t want to go.

  “All right.”

  “Yeah?” He moves back. The excitement swimming in his blue eyes makes my surrender worth it.

  “I’m staying.” He pulls me to him, lifting me off the ground. I relish the feel of him. He’s gaining strength and muscle to his lithe frame. Wrapping my arms around him, I let the tension seep from my body. He’s my safety zone. It’s one thing for a person to tell you they’ll protect you, another for them to show it without a second thought to their own well-being. I wrap my legs around his waist and frame the face that’s become so dear to me. From his downturned gun metal, blue eyes fringed with dark lashes to his aquiline nose, every bit of him is familiar and dear to me. I stroke his facial hair, enjoying the soft bristles


  “Yes, sassy?”

  “I like you a lot.” My tongue thickens. I know where my feelings lie, but I can’t say it yet.

  “I like you a lot, too, beautiful.”

  I trace the seam of his full lips. He parts them, and I slip inside. He tasted like the scotch we sipped once Rolly went to bed with a hint of something earthy and masculine. I take my time sampling him as our tongues slow dance. He hardens against my belly. My panties grow damp, and my breasts swell. Threading my fingers in his dark strands, I tighten my legs. I pull back and nip his earlobe. His moan vibrates through his body, making my core tingle.

  “Ollie?” I catch the delicate skin of his neck with my teeth and he shivers. “I want you inside of me.”

  He jerks back and ducks his head. “You sure about that? ’Cause once we start, I’m not going to be able to stop.”

  I rub myself against him. “I don’t want you to.”

  I’m jolted as he pivots and walks briskly toward the
bedroom. Laughter bubbles up and joy floods me. This has been a long time coming. He kicks the door shut, bending down to lock it. I’ve never been so grateful Rolly’s bedroom is on the other end of the hallway.

  “You’re going to have to keep quiet, sassy. Is that even possible for you?”

  “I’ll do whatever it takes to get what I want, Ollie,” I purr.

  “Jesus,” he nips my bottom lip, “you’re so damn sexy.” He grips the back of my neck with one hand and supports my ass with the other as he moves toward the bed. I continue to tease him with playful nibbles along his neck.

  When I suck the skin above his point pulse, he groans. “You marking me, baby?”

  “You’re mine to claim, aren’t you?”

  “Beware, I’ll claim back.” His voice is smoke and gravel. The hoarse sound sends a jolt straight to my pussy. He tightens his hold on my neck. “You like that, don’t you? The thought of me putting my mark on your skin.”

  I shudder, aroused by his words. He’s touching a place inside of me I didn’t know exists.

  “I’ll always give you what you need.” He moves down my neck with his lips and teeth, each nip harder than the one before. When he reaches the area where my shoulder connects, he sinks his teeth deep, and I damn near come on the spot. The rough play has a puddle in my pants and my mind in a blissful in-between that has floating. He grips my hair and tugs.

  I groan.

  “Shhh. Can’t be too loud.” Lapping at my bruised flesh with his tongue, he backs into the bed and plops down, placing me squarely in his lap. I rock against the bulge and attack his lips. Our tongues battle as he grips my hips, setting the rhythm as he moves me back and forth.

  “Ollie.” My voice is a strangled whisper.

  “Does that feel good, baby?”


  “You might have to be on top until I’m healed, but it doesn’t mean you’ll be in full control. Do you understand me?”

  His eyes glint, and I can only nod. Awed by his fierce persona in the bedroom, I let him lead.

  “Good girl.”

  He thrusts up, and my brain ceases to functions. Need takes over as I grind into him. The seam of my shorts and his cock are creating a wicked friction, edging me closer and closer toward completion. His husky voice is honeyed whiskey in my ears setting my body ablaze.


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