Breath Of Life

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Breath Of Life Page 11

by Shyla Colt

  “Are you going to come for me, sassy? I’ve been dreaming about the way you’d look and sound. Let me see it.”

  My stomach clenches and my pussy flexes as I begin the slow ascent to release.

  “Oh. Right there. Yes.” I dig my fingers into his shoulders as I lean back and circle my hips. I close my eyes.


  My eyes fly open at the sharp word.

  “I want to see those pretty brown eyes.”

  I fight to keep my lids open. “So close. So close.” My words are a desperate prayer whispered in a room silent but for our breathing and the whisper of fabric. My chest tightens, and I shake as I yield to the vortex of pleasure that swallows me whole. His lips smash down on mine, muffling my cries before they can fill the room. I ride the wave, circling as the aftershocks continue to make me twitch. The man just owned me, and we haven’t removed a stitch of clothing.

  “Oh, Jesus.”

  “You might be calling for him tonight, but I assure you the pleasure won’t kill you.” His voice is strained like the skin around his eyes and mouth. The control he’s exorcising is tantalizing. I haven’t even come fully down, and I’m already tingling and creaming myself. Still, I’ve always been the type to give as good as I get. I scoot back on his legs.

  “I think we’re both wearing too many clothes, don’t you?” I skim the edge of his shirt, teasing his flat belly with my nails.

  “Oh, I agree.”

  I pull his shirt up, and he raises his arm, allowing me to pull it over his head and toss it behind me. I run my hands over the hard chest sprinkled lightly with hair. The scar tissue reminds me of all I could’ve lost. Bending down, I kiss it gently. His muscles tense, but he allows me to caress the area with my tongue. I pinch his opposite nipples and scrape the one nearest to me with my tongue.

  He moans. I suck the stiff bud, soothing the sensitive area I’ve abused. He tugs my hair, and I peer up at him grinning as I release him.

  “Naughty minx. When I come, it won’t be in my pants. That first time was for you. Your clothes need to come off now before I rip them.” He grips my shirt and pulls it up and over my head. After tossing it aside, he deftly removes my bra with one hand. He cups my breasts, massaging them as he pulls down on my nipples. Unable to sit still, I squirm in his lap. He pushes them together and flicks my nipples with his heated tongue. Liquid heat spills between my legs.

  “I could worship you all night, but right now I’m dying to be inside that tight little pussy of yours in the worst way.”

  Coming from anyone else his words would be crude. Instead, the filthy words light me up, like a match to gasoline. My stomach flips.

  “Stand up.”

  I climb off his lap and toe off my gym shoes, kicking them behind me. He pops my top button, unzips my jeans, and yanks them down my legs along with my black underwear. I grip his shoulder as I step out of the fabric.

  “So damn beautiful.” His hot hands roam my body, leaving behind tiny flickering flames that ache to be extinguished. He cups my core, and I gasp.

  “So wet.” He pats my pussy and my body jerks. “And responsive. Unbuckle me.”

  Reaching down, I fumble with his brown leather belt. The buckle gives with a clink, and I unbutton his jeans and pull down the zipper. He springs forward, swollen, thick, and leaking a pearly white liquid. I circle his head and smear the warm liquid around.

  He grunts. “Stop tempting me with those lips of yours. The only place this cock is going is inside of you.” I push his pants down, stroking his legs along the way. I stand, and he kicks them off. “Come here.”

  He’s a siren calling me to him. “Are you ready for me?” He wraps his hot hand around my upper thigh and squeezes.

  “So ready, Ollie.”

  “Let’s check.” He slips two fingers inside of me and in a come hither gesture that makes my legs shake.

  “Juicy, hot, and tight.” He pumps once, twice, and I bite my bottom lip and flex my muscles. He removes his fingers and sucks them in his mouth. I whimper. “So sweet.” He pats my pussy again. “You ready to ride me, sassy?”

  “God, yes.”

  “Then come here, baby.”

  I climb onto his lap and grip his base. I stroke him once, slowly. He twitches, and I bring him to my entrance. This is the culmination of a dozen interrupted moments, confessions made at late hours, and a deep bond. We’ve had the right conversations. We’re both clean, and I’m on birth control. I want nothing more than to feel him inside of me. I lower onto him, moaning as he stretches me inch by inch.

  Gripping my hips, he peers at me from lowered lids. “You feel so good, Quinn.”

  Fully seated, I take a few seconds to adjust.

  “I’m so full.” I wrap my arms around his neck and rest my forehead against his as I enjoy the feeling of him so hard and long inside of me. He captures my lips, and I’m drowning in everything Oliver Hemingway. Gripping his shoulders, I push up and lower down. Our mouths mute whimpers, grunts, and groan as we increase our speed. He glides in and out of me, completing our connection and shifting things between us. The protection I’ve kept around my heart cracks, and my feelings escape.

  My body trembles as the fullness of my emotions break over me. As he drives his body into mine, he burrows his way into my heart. My walls contract and I tumble over the edge.

  “Ah God, Quinn.” He sinks his teeth into my skin as he thrusts once, twice, and floods me with a sticky heat that coats my insides and solidifies the fact I’ve been avoiding—I’m falling fast and hard.

  He kisses my forehead and leans back, taking me with him. I rest on his chest, relearning how to breathe as the afterglow settles in and my bones turn to goo.

  “As much as I’d love to stay here like this for the rest of the night, we should shower and get on some sleep clothes because you never know when the little monster is going to creep in.”

  I force my body into action and slide off him.

  He strokes my hair away from my face. “Are you good?”

  “Yes.” I place my hand over his scar. “Are you?”

  “You did all the work. It won’t be that way forever.” His eyes darken, and I know it’s a promise. One I can’t wait for him to keep. He intertwines our fingers and unlocks the door before we head to the en suite bathroom.

  “You’re such a good father.” I kiss his cheek and squeeze his hand.

  “I do my best. I always wish I could do more, though.”

  “Spoken like an excellent parent.” As we head into the bathroom, I’m struck by how damn good this feels. I laugh. The cocky bastard was right, he wore me down, and now I’m liking his nicknames and having a hard time imagining life without him.

  “What?” he asks.

  I shake my head. “Just thinking. Life is crazy, isn’t it?”

  “With a capital C.”

  I put the serious thoughts on a shelf as we step into the sandstone shower and enjoy the feeling of hot water, soap, and skillful hands.

  THE BUZZING OF MY PHONE pulls me from my sleep. Who in the hell? I scowl as I pat the dresser beside me for the rectangle. It could be my sister with a crisis or an anxious client. Rolling onto my back, I bring the phone into the nest of blankets. I blink as the bright light blinds me. I’m in the room alone which means the boys are letting me sleep. Smiling, I roll onto my back and focus. The words on my screen make my stomach heave. My inbox is flooded with messages from people I’ve never even heard of.

  Bitches that talk too much get cut.

  Snitches don’t get stitches they get killed.

  My heart thuds in my chest. The room shrinks around me. Holy shit. I run my hands through my hair and shake my head.

  You’re dead. The likes from people I didn’t even know made me dizzy. These people knew enough about me to hunt me down on Facebook. It wasn’t hard. I’m a public persona. My phone buzzes again.

  Loose lips sink ships.

  When rats jump ship, it’s the family they leave behind th
at gets hurt. My mind flashes to the incident at the zoo. They know who I am and how to track me. Oh my God, Rolly. The thought of an innocent child hurt because of me makes me sick to my stomach. Thanks to me, Ollie almost landed himself six feet deep. I owe it to him to keep him safe this time. Dropping the phone, I sit up, pull my legs in, and wrap my arms around them. A knock at the door makes me glance up.

  “Are you up, Sleeping Beauty?” Ollie steps into the room and frowns. “Quinn?”

  “Trying to wake up,” I whisper, memorizing his face. The lazy smiles and bright eyes look good on him. “I have to get going here in a few.”


  “Some things came up with work. I need to get them taken care of for the week. You know how it is when you run your own business.”

  He sighs. “Yeah, I do. Anything I can do to help?”

  “No. But thanks for asking” His sincerity has me ready to sing like a canary. I force myself to remain calm. I refuse to endanger Rolly. It’s my turn to handle my shit.

  “Are you sure this doesn’t have anything to do with us sleeping together?” The uncertainty in his voice sends me into action.

  “Oh my God. No.” I jump out of bed and rush to him, wrapping my arm around his waist. I cling to the security he always provides as I place my ear against his chest. The steady thump of his heart calms me. I press my palm to his opposite pec and close my eyes, breathing him in. “It’s not you. Last night was amazing. I wish I could stay here all day and have a lazy Sunday with you guys.”

  He kisses my crown. “You can always come back over.”

  No, I can’t.

  “Maybe. I get the feeling this problem is going to take some time and a lot of chocolate.”

  “Is this something I should remember for you later?”

  “Yes. When in doubt, bring chocolate.”

  “Got it.”

  He bends down and takes my lip. I suck his tongue into my mouth, savoring his flavor as I commit the way I feel to memory.

  “I’ll make you breakfast to go. Go get dressed and come and say bye to Rolly?”

  “Of course.” He gives me one last kiss and pats my ass before he leaves. In just a few hours my life has gone from a dream to a nightmare.

  Chapter Eight


  I’ve never been a man in touch with his conscience. That bullet changed more than my health. I spent Sunday alone with Rolly after Quinn left. While I always love hanging with my kid, her behavior still felt off. It’s not like her to be closed off about anything, even if it was her sister’s story to tell. Her texts have been brief, and I don’t like the fact that she seems to be avoiding talking to me on the phone. If she’s freaked about last night, we need to deal with it immediately. The thought of her regretting some of the best sex of my life pisses me off and makes me sick to my stomach at the same time. It was an interesting combination to have during a full day of work. Today Allie’s days start with Rolly, so I’m biting the bullet and driving over to her place.

  Three days is a long time for us to go without talking on the phone or meeting up for a quick lunch. Trepidation fills me as I steer the car through the familiar streets. The droplets of water splattering against the windshield seem appropriate for my mood. I pull into the parking lot of her apartment building. I’ve never been a coward, and I’m not about to start now because I’m caught up in my feels. I jog through the rain and up two flights of stairs. I thought about calling, but I know she’d only dissuade me from coming over. I knock on her door and shove my hands in her pocket.

  “Who is it?”

  I frown. She has a peephole. Why the hell is she asking me who it is?

  “It’s me.”

  “Ollie?” Her voice wavers.

  “Quinn. Open this door right now, or I’m kicking it in.” Dark images haunt my mind. Had the gangster from the zoo come back and found her? The locks turn and the door swings open. She’s a sight with her frizzy hair, black sweat pants, and a faded T-shirt. There’s a bat at her side and dark circles under her eyes.

  “Quinn?” I step inside and grab the bat. “Baby, what’s going on?”

  She shakes her head.

  I close the door.

  “Lock it. Did you see anyone on your way up here?”

  “What? No.”

  She jogs to the window and peers out the closed blinds. “Sometimes I think I see them.”

  ‘See who?”

  “I don’t know,” she whispers.

  “What happened when you left my house on Sunday, sassy?” I ask, putting bass in my voice.

  Turning, she looks at me wide-eyed. She licks her chapped lips, and I wonder what kind of hell she’s been living.

  “The messages started,” she croaks.

  I walk toward her. “The what?”

  “The FB messages. The shit they said. They want me dead for snitching, and they threatened to hurt my family to get the point across. Remember that day at the zoo?”

  The words connect. A tidal wave of anger washes over me. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because I wasn’t going to put Rolly in danger. I already got you shot. I can’t do that again. I won’t be that person. I’m not a damsel in distress.”

  Her words stun me. “I never once said you were.” I rush forward and grip her shoulders, giving her a shake. “I don’t blame you, and you shouldn’t either. If we hadn’t walked together, I might be dead because there’d be no one to help me. Have you ever thought of that? Did they mention Rolly by name?” I dig my fingers into her flesh and fight the urge to shake her again.

  Blinking slowly, she shakes her head from side to side. Relief seeps in. “I can’t believe you’d keep this from me.”

  “I was thinking about Rolly.”

  “At the expense of yourself? No, that’s bullshit. I can keep both of you safe. Do you have so little faith in me?” The thought hurts.

  “No.” Her eyes glisten. “I know you so well. You’d put yourself in harm’s way for us.”

  “Damn straight. Do you know why? Because that’s what a man does for the people he loves.”

  “No.” She tries to pull away, and I hold her tighter.

  “Yes. I love you, Quinn Scout Fleming.”

  She covers my hand as the tears roll down her face. “I love you, too.”

  “Promise me you will never do this shit again. If they’re trying to intimidate you, the last thing you should be is alone. Has anyone come by?”

  “No. I don’t think so. I’ve been terrified every time I leave my house. I’m constantly looking over my shoulder and scanning my immediate area. I don’t even sit with my back to doors anymore.”

  The picture she paints is grim.

  “Did you call Detective Kunes?” If he left her high and dry like this, we’re going to have words.

  “No. What if they find out and get even more pissed off?”

  She’s not a woman who’s easily rattled, but this is preying on the scars left behind by a very recent and traumatic event. Seeing her like this infuriates me on her behalf.

  “Pack a bag. You’re coming home with me.”

  “No, I can’t do that.” She grips her throat.

  “It’s not a request, Quinn.” I stare her down, willing her to argue with me. “I refuse to take any chances with you. You’d do the same thing for me, so stop being stubborn. We’re both going to contact Detective Kunes and see what our next step should be. You promised me were in this together, remember?”

  She attempts to smooth down her wild mane. “I remember.”

  “Good, then you’ll let me make good on that promise now.”

  She sucks in her cheeks and then releases a breath. “I’ll pack.”

  I rest my forehead against hers. “I know you’re independent. I’d never dream of trying to take that away from you. But we all need help sometimes. This is over both our heads.”

  “You’re right. I just ... with Rolly there I panicked.”

  “And I love
you even more for placing my son before yourself.” After kissing her forehead, I place a hand on the small of her back and guide her into her bedroom. I need to touch her and reassure myself she’s whole. Inside her room, I pull her to me and wrap my arms around her waist.


  “Do you know how important you are to me? If anything happened to you, I’d lose my mind, Quinn. No more trying to do this on your own. I need you to promise me.”


  “It’s no longer just you. It’s us.” Her eyes dilate, and her nostrils flare. “I’m in this thing with you for the long haul, Quinn. Where are you at?”

  “I’m here with you.”

  I fist her hair. “Then this will never happen again. I take care of the people I love, and you’re on the top of that list. I came over here convinced you regretted sleeping with me or something might have happened to you. You got anything else you’re hiding from me?” I glance down at her and study her face.

  “No. I’m sorry I made you feel that way.”

  “What do you expect, sassy?”

  She shakes her head. “I couldn’t think. It was like everything around me paused, and I couldn’t think straight because my head was full of static. Then the paranoia kicked in, and every car was a potential stalker, and every noise was a potential break in. And I couldn’t bring that around you. Not with Rolly—”

  “Did you stop to think if you’re in danger, so am I?”

  She covers her mouth with her hands. “Oh my God.”

  “We can’t let them separate us,” I say as I massage her neck. “I’ve got your back one-hundred percent, just the way you’ve had mine. We’re going to get your things packed and settle you in my house. Tonight we’re going to forget all this shit we have no control over, and tomorrow we’ll contact Detective Kunes and go from there. Okay?” I ask, trying to pull her back from the edge they’ve pushed her toward.


  I let her go and step away. “Where’s your luggage?”

  “In the back of the closet on the left-hand side.”


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