Betrayed: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone Book Two

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Betrayed: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone Book Two Page 39

by Jacklyn Daher

  “That’s my girl.”

  Luxor power showered, and rummaged through her wardrobe finding her favourite pair of jeans and teamed them up with a beige, long-sleeved knitted sweater and ankle boots. Her aim wasn't to impress but she was sick of her un-showered, hobo inspired disaster state she was currently in.

  "Where do you think you are going?" Meredith called out from the loungeroom where she lounged about watching a daytime soap. She joined Luxor, coffee in hand and still in her robe.

  "To church," she replied. Meredith lowered the mug from her lips, giving her a quizzical expression. "To see Evie, she's feeling better."

  "Oh, that's good. She must be over that flu that's going around." Meredith hummed waving her goodbye and resumed to engross herself again in the tawdry love triangle.

  Luxor zipped her mouth and agreed, opening the umbrella and sideswiping the muddy puddles. By the time she arrived she was early and watched from afar as the congregation of worshippers were exiting the church.

  Pastor Cooper and Bethany Cooper shook hands with the faithful, the picture of family holiness. Evie followed out shortly after, her shoulders slumped, and clasping her hands together in front of her. She glanced over at Luxor but quickly averted her eyes, and followed her mother to the car. Her cream blouse with a paisley skirt under her knees were a size too big, and she shuffled her black Mary Jane shoes that had been matched with thick black tights. Her hair was devoid of her usual bright colours, clipped back with bobby pins, and her face devoid of any make-up. Luxor had to do a double take it was that much of a difference.

  Luxor should have considered herself lucky Evie hadn't screamed demon child at the top of her lungs and flicked holy water at her. It was hard to distinguish where the discomfort was coming from; the church or Evie.

  She glanced mournfully one last time, fixating her attention on the fact Evie was currently having a theatrical argument with her mother. To prevent a scene, Bethany Cooper demanded Evie to hush up, and when she looked over at Luxor, she shook her head. Throwing her hands in the air she walked off giving.

  Evie headed over with hesitation. "Sermon's over," she said, her eyes red-rimmed and puffy.

  "I know, I'm waiting for someone." Luxor said nervously waiting for the ball to drop.

  "But not me." She lowered her lashes, shifting her feet from side to side.


  "Oh." Evie bit the inside of her cheek, smoothing her hair back in a nervous manner. Her behaviour was too natural considering the circumstances. "I know you've been calling but ever since what happened at Sanctum my mother wants me to steer clear of you, thinks you are the bad influence." She gave a small smile before it disappeared. "But most of all I couldn't face you," she said still not facing her so there was no big improvement.

  "I can't help what I am, soon everyone will hate me." She swallowed hard. "Especially you."

  "Hate you?" Evie quickly looked up, and raised her eyebrows. "I'm embarrassed." Luxor furrowed her forehead and her eyebrows contracted. She pointed to the bleachers moving them even a great distance from the church, and Luxor let out a breath. "Last thing I remember was sitting on the corner outside of Sanctum, bottle in a brown paper bag like some homeless bum and having you and Hunter bail me out. The next morning, I woke up with a monster hangover."

  It happened just like Hunter had said it would. Her secret was safe, and Evie's memories were altered to contain only selective pieces. She wasn't sure of the lasting effects, but she hoped they weren't too severe.

  "No, I thought you hated me because..." Luxor let the sentence hang, instead pulling her into the tightest embrace she could muster. She couldn't help the smile as she held her bestie close.

  "Let's not fight again, I'd go crazy not having you as my bestie," Evie murmured into her shoulder, her infectiousness return in. "And I'm rapt your eyes are blue."

  She stiffened, and held her at an arm's length away. "What did you say?"

  "Just this weird dream I kept having over and over again. Your eyes were aqua. Maybe some kind of power trip. Too much alcohol."

  "Way too much vodka." She laughed to lighten up the mood.

  It was worrying Evie was able to retain that particular piece of information. What else had she remembered? Or worse still, would more come to light as time went on?

  "Who are you waiting for?" Evie asked. Luxor passed her the note and watched her reaction change to one of confusion. "Wonder what he wants." She checked her watch. "I'll get going to give you privacy, call me later and tell me all about it, I want every dirty detail." She laughed and bumped her shoulder.

  "No, stay until he gets here," she said quickly. Even though she told Pandora she wanted to be alone with him, as time ticked on, she got more nervous.

  A series of click-clacks on the gravel had them turning around in unison.

  "Yes stay," Melita circled her in a predatory manner, her unruly golden tresses pulled back in a sleek high ponytail. Luxor flinched at her nearness. "You're right on time." Emerald eyes narrowed with a venom of pure hatred injected with them.

  "You sent the note?" Luxor paled, taking a step back.

  She clapped mockingly. "Not the smartest cookie in the jar."

  If it weren’t for her curiosity to meet Xavier again, she would have listened to Hunter and stayed in. Now she'd fallen into a deep trap with a mentally unbalanced person hell bent on destroying her. Melita had never hidden the fact of her disdain for Luxor, or for others in general.

  "Who else were you expecting?" Melita said sarcastically, and sidled up close to Evie. "And I'm delighted you're feeling better."

  Evie moved as far away as possible in the small amount of space. "Am I supposed to know what you're talking about?"

  "Unfortunately, no." Melita turned her back and speed dialled a number from her mobile. "It's time." Her face contorted in anger as she listened to the person on the other line. "She's here, want to speak to her? Uh huh. Well, get here and you will."

  "Come on Evie," Luxor whispered through the side of her mouth, clasping her hand, and slowly walked backwards.

  "You don't have to tell me twice."

  Melita whipped around sharply disconnecting the call. "Where do you think you're off to?" She halted them in their tracks and blocked their way.

  "This has nothing to do with her."

  Melita tilted her head to the side in deep contemplation. "I'm in a generous mood, she can leave." She jutted her chin in Luxor’s direction.

  Luxor let out a sigh of relief for small victories. If she could get Evie to safety, she would remove the liability, and she could let loose, and be victorious over Melita and Castor, one and for all.

  "I'm not leaving her alone with you," Evie brazenly said.

  "Evie, leave now," she appealed to her.

  Melita cunningly smiled. "Suit yourself, although I'd run now little girl. Just like the other night, things are going to get a little messy." She hissed, leaning against the tree.

  Luxor guarded Evie making sure she'd suffer the full brunt of Melita's attack. Melita checked her nails in a bored manner, tapping her nails on her phone being coy.

  "You can't stop us," she said, more confident than she felt. She trembled, and her birthmark flared up. Pain. Shooting pain struck her side, and she doubled over in pain, wincing.

  Melita sneered. "Maybe not." She clapped her hands twice in the air. "But we can." Castor appeared behind her, dressed entirely in black. "Isn’t it grand the power we hold over her now we’ve gone dark. Might not have killed sweet old Inez but she'll have fewer customers." She cocked her head back and laughed.

  Luxor gasped. The culprits weren’t Cane, nor the deal takers.

  Castor invaded her space, and she gripped her hair, slumping down. His presence was wreaking havoc on her nervous system. Now that Melita had joined him, it made him even stronger.

  "What's wrong?" Evie knelt beside her cradling her shoulders. She exchanged glances between them. "What are you doing to her?"

"Nothing. Ain't it great?"

  "Go. I'll deal with her," Luxor whispered. "She's after me, and I'm not going to let you get hurt again. Hunter's coming, he'll help me," she struggled out.

  Melita cackled, pressing the stiletto inches away from Luxor's fingers. "Yeah sure he will, he was only having fun with you little girl, but now we're together."

  Breathe, block her out, you are strong.

  No matter how much it was hurting, she'd hold her anger. She refused to give Melita the satisfaction of showing her how much she'd affected her. With Evie around, if she lost control and she'd have another accident there was no way they would glamour her. Castor and Melita would make sure Evie saw her for what she really was.

  A monster.

  If it came to that again then she wouldn't want them to. This was her, and whatever Evie saw she would have to accept. The line 'warts and all' was all too poignant as it sprung to mind.

  The ferocious roar of the Ducati bound towards them, demolishing the grass in its wake. It skidded across the field on its side. He barrelled down with Theo not far behind after he jumped out of his Hummer. "Melita, leave her alone," he boomed.

  "Oh babe, I wasn't doing anything." She sashayed towards him, fluttering her eyelashes seductively at him.

  An unexpected flush of jealously, and complete hatred coursed through Luxor, even though Hunter had declared his affections for her on numerous occasions. Melita wasn't a threat, but her proximity amped her jealousy to great heights. He was hers, and she refused to let Melita get close to him again.

  Melita turned her entire hatred on Luxor, and the full force of her electric current forced her to her knees.

  Hunter caught her just in time before she made contact. "Stop it now!" he growled, grabbing her by the throat, and squeezed. She gasped, clawing her long crimson talons down his arms. But he wasn't done, and his full focus tuned into causing maximum damage. He applied greater pressure and Melita gagged, her complexion turning blue.

  Theo pulled him off to restrain him. "Enough. It's enough."

  Melita slumped down, breathing heavily. Theo helped her up, but she shrugged him off, and brushed down her dress. "I'm just having a little fun until they arrive, and reuniting these two lovebirds." She slicked back her hair, and directed her attention straight ahead.

  Castor dragged Xavier, his feet shuffling as he lagged behind, and his wrists bound together behind his back with thick, holy water soaked rope. “Let the fun begin.”

  "Xavier, what are you doing here?" Luxor called out.

  Xavier’s head jerked upright. His appearance had diminished, those pale blue eyes were flat, and when he looked up, she saw the pain behind them. He opened his mouth to talk only to be stopped by Castor who fisted him in the ribs. Xavier crouched down, closing his eyes, and groaned.

  "Seems this poor Romeo couldn't stay away. One message from you had him scuttling back like a love sick puppy," Melita said.

  "So, why's he tied up?" she said dubiously, after all he was the one who faked everything, and then left without a word.

  "In case he has a change of heart. Seeing you two sickening pair would have the best of the lovers lose their confidence."

  Hunter sent Xavier a death glare, and assisted Luxor against a tree to block away the pain. It had dissolved as quickly as it came, but a stitch on her side lingered. If Melita continued, she wasn't sure the extent of how much her body or mind could endure.

  "I'll fix this Angel, I won't let them hurt you," he breathed out, inching forward, and Skittles fanned her face.

  Luxor raked her fingers through his hair, placing her forehead against his. "Promise," she mouthed.

  "On my life." He smiled. Castor grabbed and shoved him away from her which burst their bubble. Hunter spun around, and shoved him back with greater force. "Why are you acting like this? Following Melita like she's the boss. We are not of the dark," he seethed.

  "Who are we supposed to follow? You? You've lost track of why we're here. We've been stuck in this town for far too long, the mission was supposed to be simple, a couple of weeks. Max," Castor spat, grabbing Xavier's throat. "This one here was a blessing in disguise, but no you couldn't stick to the damn, fuckin' plan."

  Luxor froze, her mind transferring her to her very first day when she'd lined up behind them. She didn't know them then but their conversation was intriguing as they griped about having to arrive at the school, dropping in key words, "hunter," "mission."

  She raised herself up clasping onto the back of Hunter's arm. "What is he talking about?" she whispered.

  Melita came forward, only to be halted by Theo. "You don't think he's here for you, do you? How very teenage of you. He is, but not in the way you're thinking," she said, fighting him off. She dodged both of them, leaving ample opportunity to come face to face with Luxor. The determination on their faces explained it all; both were on the cusp of punching the other one out.

  "Being a jealous cow isn't a great look." She pressed on the inflammation of her birthmark. Thoughts of gauging out her eyeballs entered her mind.

  "You're delusional if you believe he feels anything for you," Melita stated smugly.

  Hunter latched onto her dress at the waist, and dragged Melita backwards. "Melita shut up," he warned.

  She hung onto him, hot tears trailing down her cheeks. "Three-hundred-and-ninety years I've been with you, from Arcadia and all over the world. All that time I've loved you, and waited for you, but one look at her and I'm nothing to you. NOTHING!" She clutched her chest. “I once told you this would blow up in your face, so don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  "Evie, you need to go," Luxor desperately urged her, the situation had gotten much worse. She was able to look out for herself, they all were hundreds of years old but history had shown her genetics were strong enough to fight them. Or so she hoped.

  "I'm not going anywhere. Will someone tell me what's going on?" Evie asked nobody in particular.

  All of them were engaged with their own battles; Hunter with Melita, and Castor with Xavier. Meanwhile Theo was in the background and tried to rectify both situations.

  "I will, once this is over. Trust me run." She gathered the umbrella, and wound it around her wrist all the while keeping an eye on Melita and Castor. The pointed tip would come in handy as a weapon.

  Castor had expertly looped the rope around a thick tree branch leaving Xavier to hang, and then assisted Melita in her fight with Hunter.

  It pained her to see him in that position, despite what he did. Without any powers, he was in a predicament, and not only would she have to get Evie out of this situation, she couldn't leave him like that.

  Evie nodded and hugged her. "I'm calling for help," she spoke so quietly that she only barely managed to hear.

  "Just where do you think you're going?" Melita grabbed Evie by the scruff of the neck. "You had your chance and you stupidly blew it." She dragged her backwards, but Evie didn't go quietly, and kicked gravel with her heel. "Deal with her, remember she has a temper."

  "No shit," Castor replied rolling his eyes, and watched them disappeared behind the back of the church, Evie’s screams echoing behind. He grabbed Luxor's arm and twisted it behind her back.

  Hunter went after him, and flung a dagger into Castor’s ribs.

  Castor growled and yanked it out. “He has him,” he said low. With a swift swing he whacked Hunter across the ribs with a baseball bat. A sickening crack followed, and he tumbled head first into the ground.

  "No!" Luxor screamed, and lunged forward, punching her way out of his grasp.

  "Your turn." Castor gleamed scarily at her, and stalked forward.

  She got into a kickboxing stance and kicked his ribs just as he did to Hunter. Castor doubled over, but quickly regained his composure and barged at her, with a thunderous expression. She attempted to kick again, except Castor side-stepped as if he anticipated that action, grabbed her foot and twisted.

  Luxor yelped and fell flat on the ground, and he loomed over and pulled
her up by the sweater, tearing it down the middle. He retracted his arm, the glint of the silver knuckle busters making contact across her face. "Stupid kariola," he spat.

  "Hunter," her silent pleas went answered. Her head flopped forward, and blood trickled into her eye, and down her cheek like a crimson tear.

  The next time she came into consciousness, Luxor wearily tilted her head up making out the branch above. The outline was barely visible, a thick rope bound and burned her wrists hanging above her head. Her legs ached standing on a rickety wooden chair, her toes only just touching it. Evie slumped in a chair beside her feet, very still with blood saturating her neck and duct tape across her mouth. In a less severe fashion, her hands were tied with more rope in her lap.

  "Evie," she whispered hoping Melita wasn't near. She gritted her teeth and wriggled her wrists to loosen the rope to no avail. The more she moved, the more they seared. "Evie, listen to me. We need to get out of here."

  No response.

  "Luxor." She tilted her head up, Xavier was directly across from her still hanging although he was in a much better condition. "Stop swinging, if the chair tilts you'll be in greater trouble. I'll get us out of here soon," he grunted, rounding his wrists round and round, until they were almost loose.

  She was paying too much attention to his escape act that she lost her balance. As if it was happening in slow motion the chair wobbled. Before she could fathom what was happening the chair dropped on its side, belting into Evie who tumbling down with force.

  "Hunter!" Luxor screamed, her muscles stretched to the limit as she dangled from the tree. "HELP ME." With each passing moment, the excruciating pain increased, twisting and burned.

  Melita ventured forward. "Tsk, tsk, tsk are we trying to play hero?" she sang.

  Luxor closed her eyes willing for her mind to go to another place, to anywhere else. She couldn't hold out for much longer with her arms feeling like they were being pulled from their sockets.

  Melita hit her dangling legs with the metallic tip of the umbrella. "Don't pass out on me, I want you to feel all of this." She slapped Luxor’s cheeks, snapping her head to the side. She righted her head, and dug her nails into her jaw, forcing her to look her right in the eyes.


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