Betrayed: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone Book Two

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Betrayed: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone Book Two Page 40

by Jacklyn Daher

  Luxor’s mouth filled with blood, her tongue heavy with a metallic taste. She spat out a wad in her face. She refused to be victimised. Another sharp painful hit to her face, and stung even worse, her eyes rolling back and blurred her vision.

  Five bodies came storming forward, a series of pink and green lights streaming forward blinding her in the process.

  "Melita, get away from her," Principal Wright's authoritative voice boomed out.

  If anyone could help them it would be him, he was an angel with greater power over a Nephilim. He opened up his palms a streak of green strobe light flying Melita backwards.

  The other four had disappeared with bits of pieces here and there; auburn curly hair, yellow eyes and flickers of platinum.

  A series of cracks formed on the tree branch. Evie was whipped away in a whirl no longer near her and because Luxor was disoriented, she couldn't help. The rope fell onto the floor, her arms receiving a much-needed reprieve from the pain, and slackened as they lay limp. The chair was replaced under her feet and a wave overcame her knowing help was on its way.

  The natural light streaming in through the multi-coloured stained-glass windows blinded Luxor. She shielded her eyes with her hand, digging her fingernails into her scalp as if she was a vampire being seared by the sunshine. Except it was much worse. The throbbing pain was almost too bear, and she desperately needed to escape wherever she had ended up.

  If only she wasn't immobile.

  A rivulet of sweat trickled down her temples, a vast contrast to the roasting her organs were being subjected to. The more she came out of her stupor, the greater the pain invaded and intensified. If she could describe it exactly it would be similar to being dosed in gasoline and a match being lit.

  "It hurts," her voice came out foreign. "I'm going to die."

  That is impossible, I'm already dead.

  If she was lucky, she'd gone to Heaven where she presumed there was lightness of airiness, and the pain ceased to exist. Except here pain was an all too common factor. It suffocated her very existence.

  There was only one place it could be.


  "She's coming to," a sweet familiar voice said. "The pain will disappear soon."

  "How about Evie?" A male voice replied.

  Principal Wright. He was here? Why was he in Hell? No, worse still, why was Evie in Hell? I deserved to be here, or at least in between, but Evie was good, normal.

  "A bit beaten up but she will be okay."

  Principal Wright swiped the hair off Luxor’s face. She dug her fingers into his warm hand with as much effort as she could muster, and transferred her pain to theirs. A coolant blanketed the searing for a moment, and she could breathe. When the hand was removed the agony returned with a vengeance. Luxor curled herself in a foetal position. It took too much energy to rock, to groan even to cry; inside she was screaming.

  "Luxor, can you hear me?"

  Ayla? No, no this is all wrong. She cannot be here. Maybe this is Heaven and this is what it feels like. Or maybe...

  "You're not dead," Ayla's angelic voice said, helping her to sit up. Her touch, just like Principal Wright's eradicated whatever torture was going on in her body. She brought a cup of cool liquid to her Luxor’s lips.

  "I'm dying," she whimpered, swallowing the water. It helped with her cracked lips which began to bleed.

  "No, you're safe." Ayla placed her hand on hers, and the fire dissipated.

  From Melita perhaps but not from this pain.

  Luxor lay at the stone-cold altar of the church. Inside it was small and dank, the aroma of incense lingering in her nostrils. Flickering candles were placed strategically nearest the statues, and the most holiest of places. It might not have been Hell, but she presumed it was a close equivalent. Being on consecrated ground was magnifying the torture by tenfold, on the outside her skin was beginning to flake off.

  "What are you doing here? You have to go, she'll hurt you," Luxor told them.

  "I can take care of myself." Ayla held her close.

  Outside, screams and bodies were hurtled against the glass causing it to vibrate. Beside her, Evie cowered, shielding her head with her hands. One side of her face was puffy and on its way to forming a vicious bruise. Her tights were torn, the previously cream blouse now stained with dirt.

  Hardly being able to hold herself up, Ayla assisted Luxor by the elbow.

  "Does she know anything?" She gestured towards Evie.

  "She will now." Ayla moved to bring Evie closer.

  "You can't tell her!" Luxor rasped out, holding her back. "Let me."

  Even though last time was a disaster.

  "Everything will be fine," Ayla assured her.

  Nothing was fine. Luxor slid into the wooden pew, holding onto the banister wondering if Evie would notice the state Luxor was in. No scratches or bruises were blemished on her body. Apart from the bloodstain on her jeans she was no longer bleeding.

  Luxor wiped her lips with the back of her sleeve and pulled them down to cover the chaffed and peeling skin. She hung her head low shielding her face not wanting to meet Evie's eyes.

  "Are you okay?" Evie asked, her voice shaking.

  Luxor nodded shoving over to give her room. In an ideal world, she'd want Evie to stay away, she didn't want her looking into her eyes and realising her dream was true.

  Evie averted her gaze from the mayhem outside. "What a psycho Melita is, what did you do to her to make her hate you so much?"

  "Apparently, got too close to Hunter."

  "Very Fatal Attraction." Evie snorted. Even through everything she still had her humour.

  That was one thing she'd miss. The worst thing about second chances is she knew what's at stake after the first horrible event had occurred. Then she would have to endure it again.

  "I need to tell you something." She took a brief pause wondering how she was going to explain everything without her freaking out. "Promise you'll keep an open mind." It was an unfair request one she had no right asking but at least now she has a small warning. When she didn't reply she continued. She explained everything, about Hunter, Xavier and what she was. All along her facial expressions changed, from shock, confusion and hurt. None of them positive.

  "It's all true, isn’t it?" Evie asked, although it was more of a statement than a question. "Who's fighting outside?"

  "Nephils, Angels, with a dose of the Fallen," Ayla responded, touching Luxor's temple and eradicated the pain.

  It was a while before Evie spoke again, "How long have you known?" Evie asked Ayla.

  "A while," she said with a blank expression.

  Most likely because of the bump to her head Evie didn't pick up on the blatant lie. If 'a while' meant from her birth, then yes that would be the truth.

  "I seriously can't take much more of this weirdness." Evie rose and moved around, mumbling under her breath.

  It was watching a replay of the other day, all she needed now was the insults, death threat and for her to storm out of the room.

  "It's true. Watch." Ayla's face glowed, her golden hair flowing freely. She gave Luxor a sweet smile, a warmness infused through her subduing the effects of the church.

  "You're an..." Evie mouth gaped open. Ayla cusped her hands in a bowl and created the palest pink orb light coming out of her palms. "Holy shit." She clapped a hand over her mouth. The reflection shone in her widening eyes and lit up like a child at Christmas. She was entranced by the ball that continued to spin suspended in the air.

  Luxor gazed at the orb a regular fixture that was there in her time of need. When she fell onto the consecrated ground when she poured apple sauce and Skittles on Hunter, the light was there talking her through the pain. But most importantly it was identical to the one from when Verity and Aiden had killed her that night.


  Ayla had been the one to save her then, just as she had now. She reached out and touched the enchanting vision only to have it dissipate on contact.

  By now Luxor
expected Evie to pass out or run out of the church screaming at Ayla's revelation but she was surprisingly placid, he eyes glistening bright.

  Evie turned her head. “Are you an angel too?"

  If Luxor wasn't racked with pain and injuries, she would have laughed her head off. "No." She averted her eyes away from her, crawling towards the door using each pew as a support beam. The connection was broken with Ayla, she whimpered as the pain returning in all its wicked glory, but she needed to leave. She couldn't tell her, not after the way she looked at Ayla in complete awe.

  "Luxor, where are you going?" Ayla glided over to her. She kneeled and placed her hand on top of Luxor's.

  "Joining my type, and not cowering." It was the only place where she'd be accepted.

  "Your type? You can't be, it's not possible." Evie vehemently shook her head.

  "Why would I lie? Do you need proof?" She picked up a shard of glass and positioned it across her palm ready to slice. She was prepared to show her exactly what Hunter did to her to convince her.

  "What are you doing?" Evie slapped the glass out of her hand. "Are you crazy?"

  "If only you knew to what extent. But you must believe me."

  "Why are you saying this, are you and Hunter proud of what you are? That's why you two mixed with Xavier, and have this tight bond or whatever you call it."

  "You believe me then?" Luxor asked hopefully.

  "No. I'm humouring you."

  "Suit yourself." She tightened her fist into a ball and swung her hand backwards, punching through the stained glass, and shattered it. A piece spiked her skin. Luxor pulled it out and held it up showing Evie just what she had. "Here's your proof." She gritted her teeth.

  Drastic measures had to be taken. She removed her jacket and revealed her arms, producing horizontal incisions against her flesh, each sting hurting more each time as if they'd been barbecued. It was no different from how her organs felt. "I'm the same as I was a minute ago." Blue blood oozed from the wounds, making plip plip noises on the wooden floorboards. She leaned her head against the door, the vibration keeping her alert.

  "I need air," Evie said, but she made no attempt to move.

  A booming knock jolted her from behind. "Angel, open up."

  Hunter, he's alive.

  Ayla stopped her from opening the door. "Leave him out there. It's for the best."

  Who was she to say what was for the best?

  "No, this is."

  The knob seared her hands and she screamed. She squeezed her fingers to stave off the burn, but it was useless, without Ayla's touch the fire couldn’t be doused. If only she could use her strength to open it up but anything touched by the holy graces was like kryptonite, the only thing that could truly destroy her.

  Hunter's pleas increased, and the banging became frenzied and urgent. Being on blessed foundation, he was torturing himself in order to get her out.

  An explosion flung the door wide open and smashed the altar, half of it tumbling down and landed on her ankle. Shards of glass followed, and she ducked, protecting her head and unable to move, waiting for the inevitable impact. A flash of thought entered her mind that dying in a church was the ultimate punishment. A minute passed and still she hadn’t been pulverised, so she lowered her hands and peeked an eye open. Debris, crosses, and any religious paraphrenia suspended in the air, and almost touched her scalp.

  Green light streamed in, and Evie was scooped up and left in a whirl, leaving Luxor to painstakingly will herself to move.

  “You can’t stay out of trouble, can you?” Becky drawled.

  From her side and through the fog, a figure emerged, broad shoulders and a halo of messy blonde curls and pale blue eyes. A look of agony pained him as he crouched down and lifted the altar of her ankle, before lifting her with ease.

  She stiffened even though he had saved her in a way. Utterly exhausted she slumped her head onto his shoulder, but it felt different. No murkiness clouded her mind, she was entirely alert in the moment. This is Xavier with none of his gift.

  "Are you okay?" he asked, walking out of the church and off the consecrated ground.

  Luxor groaned and rubbed her neck taking in deep breaths. "Is this how an animal feels like? If so, I'm seriously thinking of becoming a vegetarian, my body feelings like it's been rolled around on a spit." She turned to face him and she swallowed hard, clasping her hands together. “Why save me?”

  "I couldn't leave you in there," he said, holding his arm close to his chest.

  Luxor reached out to help him lift his limp wrist, the rope had eaten away at his flesh, and crimson blood trailed down his arm. He quickly retracted. "What happened?"

  "I snapped my wrists to untie the rope to get to you." He peered up solemnly and winced. "I'm sorry. For everything."

  She nodded, unsure on what to say. "I think there are more important things to worry about now."

  It would be all too easy to take the cowards way out, to say to hell with it this is not her problem and she unwittingly got dragged in this mess. But she didn't want to be a coward anymore. She didn't want to be the victim. And standing up to them was the only way.

  A snap came from her side followed by a slew of expletives. Xavier groaned, crouched over holding his side. He turned around and held up his wrist which was now locked back into place.

  "You're able to do the same."

  It didn't occur to her, but then again deliberately snapping her bones was extreme even in her current predicament.

  Pandora bounded from across the field at a frenetic speed to match her feline form. She skidded to her knees and come to end next to Luxor. “Nine lives Luxor, nine lives,” she said with a wry expression before turning to Xavier. “Typical, you are back and so is trouble.”

  “It’s not like that, Melita sent the note and lily.”

  “Melita? But why?” She furrowed her brow.

  “I don’t know. Jealously? Oh, and they’ve gone dark,” she said, and Pandora hissed. “Where’s Hunter?”

  “I saw him run with the others,” Xavier said.

  “Run? No, he was trying to get me out,” she said confused, the story not adding up. "He will come back, and you need to leave. You shouldn't have been dragged into this...whatever this is."

  "They are responsible for everything, and you're in more trouble than you think. There's no way I'm leaving you," he said adamantly.

  Hunter barrelled over like a steam train from the direction of the gymnasium, his T-shirt torn and holes at the knees of his jeans. His fists clenched to continue fighting, except another enemy. "Oh yes you fuckin' are. Get away from her." He stamped his dominance, wedging himself between them. "She's mine."

  "What are you two? She's not a toy," Xavier growled. He not only was he a few inches taller but also had a stronger build on him. In a fight, there was no doubt with his swift reflexes he would win.

  "Can we return the over the top testosterone to the werewolves?" She held them apart.

  As if proving her point Hunter tensed and tightened his grip. "Angel, lets go."

  You better let go before I fully flip it.

  Hunter lessened his grip although his authority continued to be transcended. No matter how strong she felt for him she refused to be treated as a possession. His behaviour was unwarranted and irrational.

  Luxor nodded once to say goodbye to Xavier and turned her back on him. “Where were you?” she said.

  “Indisposed. Xavier snapped my kneecaps.”

  “Asshole,” Pandora said. “The good guy really is gone.”

  “He was never good to begin with. Ever,” Hunter said.

  "Remember what I told you," Xavier yelled after her.

  Hunter stalled, his rigid stance an indicator for his emotional state. "Stay here." There was no time to complain before he quickly walked off. He neared Xavier and shoved him with force in the chest that he stumbled back. "I don't know what lies you're filling her mind, but I swear I will end you."

  Xavier chortled, smoothed down
his top, and pulled up his sleeves. "Lies? Oh, the irony. You're a disgrace to your father who'd be disappointed in the man you've become."

  "Take that back." Another shove, this time harder.

  Xavier laughed mockingly and let him do his damage. "Did I touch a nerve? That must hurt."

  "No, this will." Hunter reached back and pulled out a slender arrow from the quiver, the tip of the brightest gold. He aimed it at Xavier's chest. "Take it back," he said through gritted teeth.

  "Does somebody have daddy issues?" he taunted, unfazed that he had a weapon that could end him. Permanently.

  Hunter slowly rhythmically twirled the arrow before swishing it, the whistling sound sliced through the air and missed him by an inch. Xavier jumped back and laughed, angering him even further.

  There was a dynamic shift, Xavier was revealing his true nature, flawed and humanised, the capability of emotions apart from love. He wasn't afraid to let his true feelings show. And currently it was obvious hatred was evident.

  Luxor came up behind Hunter lowering his arrow, coaxing him. "Ignore him." His hands trembled fixating his deathly glare at the antagoniser in front of him.

  A shot of emotions shot through her on contact. She expected it to be unadulterated rage, instead, it was an all-encompassing yearning. It was for something pure. Something she couldn't associate with because she never had it.

  "Run along little boy, go destroy somebody else's life," Xavier spat contemptuously before turning to her and softened his tone, "You deserve so much better than him."

  "Xavier you're not helping," she scolded him over her shoulder.

  Xavier brazenly approached her and she had to create a barrier between them. "Something is going on, look around us, open your damn eyes. Surely you don't think this is about a deranged girl and her jealousy?"

  It was true, the environment had worsened. A ripple of enemies invaded the school at least half a dozen. Whilst they stood around arguing about menial issues black ash billowed in the distance. It was subtle but there nevertheless.

  Theo had been searching for Hunter everywhere, and after a couple of altercations with some Fallens he'd finally found him. "Are you ready?" He only acknowledged Hunter's presence.


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