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The Merger: The Ryan Family Books One-Three

Page 11

by Loni Ree

  Max was brilliant, almost too bright. He always fed the illusion that they weren't responsible enough to take on more responsibility so that he stayed indispensable to me. I was too blind to see it. Meeting Madison and wanting to have more out of life than eighteen-hour days in the office finally woke me up. I am now happier than I ever imagined being. Those days of working from sun-up until late at night and forgettable, meaningless hook-ups are a thing of the past. I still work hard for my family business, but nights and weekends are all dedicated to my wife and our family. I'm a dedicated family man. Who would have believed?

  Bradley has taken over the position of CEO of Steele Co., with Aiden as his CFO. Steele Co. is now back at the top and is no longer under threat from competitors. Bradley, as it turns out, is a much better businessman than either his father or older brother ever were themselves.

  There was a bit of tension at first between Bradley and Aiden because of Aiden's close relationship with his twin, Annie. Bradley now acknowledges that he dodged a bullet when his relationship with Annie ended. But I believe he will always feel hurt and betrayed at the way the situation occurred.

  After the whole kidnapping incident, Bradley and I have become good friends. What has the world come to? I laugh when I think about it, yet I have actually never been happier. I hope Bradley finds the same happiness someday.

  Over the last several months, Drew has had an incredible transformation. The gruff, beyond arrogant asshole is now something completely different. His relationship with Annie has put a strain on the entire family, but the change in Drew has been unbelievable.

  Lucy and Blake welcomed a baby girl, Lillian Margaret David, several months ago, and adjusting to life with a new baby has been very difficult for the family. Drew has agreed not to assign Blake on long, international assignments he feels are unreasonably dangerous. I believe Blake is having a harder time with his new duties than he is letting on, but I hope with time, his love for his new family will overcome his desire for danger and excitement.

  I have back to back meetings scheduled all day long. José is helping me to try to get everything arranged so I can take off several weeks when the babies are born. He is someone else who has stepped up and become very important to Sterling-Ryan.

  Madison is due in three weeks, and we are ready to meet our new babies. We should have them within the next week. I texted her to see how she was doing, and she sent me a :-), so I guess things are okay. Every morning when I get up, I dread leaving her to go to work.

  I sit down to start the second meeting of the day, and Brayden throws the door open. "Lukas, I'm going to take over the meeting for you. You need to get to the hospital."

  I realize when we get to the hospital, the whole ride over is a blur. Wyatt drops Nikolas and me off at the front door, and we run up to the front desk. I tell the receptionist, "My wife, Madison Ryan, has been brought in to labor and delivery to have babies. I need to know what room she's in."

  The lady looks at the computer and then asks me, "May I please have your driver’s license, sir? I cannot give out any information without proof of identification."

  I hand over my driver’s license, and she gives me instructions on where I can find Madison. By the time I get to the room, Madison is settled into the bed and hooked up to monitors and wires, and she looks a little nervous and stressed. I tell her everything is going to be okay, but I'm nervous and stressed myself. The whole family is gathering in the waiting room to support us. I pray our babies are born quickly and safely.

  Twelve hours later, I look down at my adorable daughter, Harper Michelle Ryan, and my handsome son, Christopher Lawrence Ryan, as I hold them close in my arms.

  I’m finally sitting down to enjoy them after I kicked the entire Ryan and Steele circus out. I allowed them all in for a few minutes to come and see our new additions and to see for themselves that Madison is all right. They all spent the last twelve hours waiting patiently, so I owed them some time with my girls and my little man.

  Now, daddy gets to spend time with his littlest angel baby and his little buddy. She's got my dark hair and has a perfect miniature version of Madison's beautiful face. It even looks like her eyes may be the same unique blue-purple as her mother's. He looks just like me, with my dimples and a head full of dark brown hair. I think he is going to have my blue eyes, too.

  I lay him on the bed next to his mom so I can hold his sister for a little while. As I sit here holding her in my arms, her tiny fingers are grasping my finger in a surprisingly tight hold. My kids and their mother have the same hold on my heart.

  I feel love so deeply for my family; I can barely contain the feelings. I look over at my gorgeous wife, snoozing in the bed after all the hard work she did today, and I realize how lucky I am. I found my love, my wife, the mother of my children, my everything. The best decision I ever made was keeping my Angel.


  By: Loni Ree

  Copyright © 2019 by Loni Ree

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Edited By: Ellie at My Brother’s Editor

  Cover By: Karlee Fast at KL’s Book Designs

  Created with Vellum



  Slamming my office door shut and tossing the offensive announcement in the garbage can makes me feel better. I knew something big was about to happen by the way Christopher was prancing around at home. My asshole brother loves to give the impression that he’s a superior and manly leader, but we both know the truth. He’s an insecure little boy who does everything exactly the way Daddy expects. Dad made him CEO today because he is Dad’s mindless minion.

  I stopped dancing to Daddy Dearest’s tune months ago, and he began to make my life a living hell because of my rebellion. The endless tension at home and in the office has become unbearable, and I’ve decided to make some serious changes. My plans for tonight are to find a bar where no one I know would frequent and get so drunk that I can’t remember my name much less all my other troubles. Next week, I’m going to start the “change Lucy’s life” mission, but tonight…tonight is all about forgetting.



  Pushing my way past the loud, obnoxious group of drunk assholes blocking the entrance of the Salty Shore Bar on a busy Friday night, I see the place is wall to wall with people wanting to get an early start on enjoying their weekend. On one side of the bar, a large group of businessmen has taken over the entire area by the pool tables and are celebrating loudly while a couple of women try desperately to get their attention. A circular shaped dance floor bordered by floor-to-ceiling speakers encompasses the entire other side of the bar. The tooth jarring beat from the speakers bounces off of every corner of the darkened space and the dance floor is packed with sweaty, grinding bodies as well as several desperate looking people attempting to find someone to take home for the night.

  I notice almost every asshole in the bar watching a beautiful girl sitting alone in the last booth at the back of the bar, downing shot after shot of cheap booze. She stands out with her designer clothes and perfectly styled hair. Based on all the desperate, hungry looks coming from the assholes throughout the bar, I realize it won’t be too long before one of these fuckers tries to take advantage of such an easy target.

  The second I see her, I understand why all the attention is on her. My heart starts beating loudly in my
chest, and the urge to mess up her perfect hair while I’m fucking the hell out of her runs through me. My protective instincts go into overdrive, and I have no control over my body as I make my way over to her. As I’m shoving my way through the crowd of partiers, I wonder what the fuck is happening to me? I want to fuck her and keep her?

  After prowling over to her table, I slide in next to her to block all the other douchebags from eyeing the object of my intense desire, then pick up one of the shots, throw it back, and say, “You know someone who weighs one hundred pounds shouldn’t drink ten shots of whiskey. You’re going to be drunk on your ass and puking, sweetheart.”

  “I’m actually one hundred and five pounds and can hold my liquor. Thank you very much, Mr. Asshole. And I never said you could have one of my shots. Those shots are eleven dollars each, so you owe me,” she sasses while downing another glass of liquor.

  Her small pink tongue licks the inside of the glass after she throws back the drink. She’s the most beautiful vision I've ever seen, and my mind is blown. The overwhelming urge to throw her ass over my shoulder and carry her out of this overcrowded bar in order to have her all to myself races through me.

  “I don’t think five pounds is going to make that much difference, sweets. And I was doing you a favor taking one of your shots, that shit is awful,” After getting up and pushing my way through to the bar where I wait until I can get a bartender’s attention, I settle her tab.

  By the time I get back to the table, some slimy asshole has decided to make a play for my girl. Since I outweigh him by at least fifty pounds and tower over the little bastard, fear enters his eyes when I stand over his ass and glare. The stupid fucker turns and scampers back into the crowd after I grab him by the back of the neck and threaten to break both of his legs if he bothers the gorgeous girl again. This girl is already turning me into a caveman, I don’t want any other man within breathing range of her.

  “You didn't have to pay for all of them. Look, I want to forget this day, no actually, this week ever happened. My life has gone to shit, and I have no idea how I’m going to fix it. I want just one carefree night, so please leave me and my shots alone,” my sad girl finishes on a slur before she rolls her eyes and goes back to her row of drinks.

  “I have a better idea. Before you get too drunk, why don’t we get out of here, and I’ll get us a room in the hotel across the street. I promise I can distract you much better than the booze.”

  She studies me intently, weighing my offer and trying to decide if I’m worth her time. As she thinks things over, her eyes travel up and down my body several times.

  Finally, grabbing my hand, she drags me from the bar. We walk in silence to the hotel across the street, and she waits in the empty lobby for me to get the room. I keep looking behind me to make sure she hasn’t changed her mind and run out the door. My brave little doll appears to be as anxious for me as I am for her if the way she keeps staring at the front of my jeans is any indication.

  When we get to the elevator, she refuses to give me her name, and I don’t push her, but tomorrow morning, I will be getting to know this girl very well since I don’t plan on letting her out of my life any time soon. No woman has ever had this kind of effect on me before; the moment she touched my hand, I thought I would blow my fucking load in my pants. I barely resist taking her up against the elevator wall, but the asshole security guards watching on the cameras don’t need to see something that’s for my eyes only.

  She’s ripping my shirt over my head before we even have a chance to clear the threshold of the hotel room.

  “Slow down, sweetheart. We have all night,” I try telling her, but she’s beyond listening.

  “You promised to make me forget,” she reminds me as she grabs the zipper of my jeans and hastily rips it down.

  She rips my jeans down around my knees before I can take my next breath. The need to make this girl happy slams through me, so for the time being, I let her take control and push me up against the wall.

  “Fuck,” I groan as she drops to her knees and wraps her luscious lips around my aching dick and starts sucking so hard my knees almost buckle. My goddamn cock has been hard and leaking cum since I walked into the bar and she knocked me on my ass. Her eager sucking is about to cause me to lose total control. When she reaches up and gently massages my balls, my eyes roll back in my head, using all my willpower, I pull her warm, sucking mouth off of my straining erection.

  “Doll, I want you to forget your shitty day, but if you keep that up, I’m going to blow my load before I’m able to fuck your greedy pussy.”

  She pouts but ignoring her, I toss her little ass on the bed. She gives a cute squeak when she bounces. While I pull her high heels off with her tight jeans and thong, she throws her shirt and bra across the room. When she’s completely bared to me, I take my time admiring her beautiful body. Delicate sun-kissed skin covers a slim little package and messy blonde hair and huge, cornflower blue eyes complete one hell of an amazing view.

  Fuck, the possessiveness running through me as I look at her luscious body shocks the hell out of me. The urge to hide her away so no other man ever sees her again is strong. Suddenly, I’m having thoughts of keeping this girl that would have scared the shit out of me a few hours ago. Now, it’s the idea of losing her that scares me to death.

  “Are you going to stare at me all night or do you plan to use that big dick of yours to fuck me?” the mouthy little shit smirks.

  “Oh, I plan to fuck you alright. When I’m through with you, you’ll know precisely who made you forget about your awful week. Prepare to forget.”

  Dragging her ass to the edge of the bed, I drop to my knees as I spread her core wide open with my two thumbs and press my tongue into her pink folds for my first taste. I lift my head to give her an evil smile and a light lick right on her sensitive nub, which causes her to growl before she grabs both of my ears and pulls my face down hard into her waiting center. As I start to devour her, she keeps moaning, panting, and begging me.

  “Hurry the fuck up,” my girl demands, but I ignore her, and I take my time enjoying my appetizer.

  After a few minutes, she comes screaming, and her cunt ripples around my fingers. Squeezing my rod to keep from finishing with her, I lay my head on her thigh and take a few deep breaths to calm my fucking body down.

  Something serious is bothering my girl. Even after coming so hard, she’s back in her head, so to bring her back to me, I finger the fuck out of her until she arches her back mindlessly and tears at the skin on my shoulders with her nails as her second orgasm rushes through her. While she recovers, I move slowly up her body, pausing along the way to taste one of her luscious breasts then I lash her pert, little nipple with my tongue while tugging forcefully on the other one. Her neck calls to me next, and after getting my fill of her delicious taste, I move on to her sassy mouth.

  My patience is fucking gone, and I need to know what her pussy feels like, so while I’m feasting on her mouth, I thrust into her wet, hungry haven. She’s so fucking small that I almost lose control and explode on the first thrust. I pound her little ass into the bed until her tight channel starts spasming around my shaft, and her screams echo throughout the hotel room. The most intense pleasure I have ever felt seizes my body as her orgasm tears through her.

  At the last moment, the thought of protection runs through my mind, so after pulling out, I shoot my seed all over her flat stomach. I have never been that goddamn stupid before, but this girl liquified my fucking brain when she was milking my raging erection with her voracious mouth, and all thoughts except for taking her were gone from my mind.

  After assuring her that I never forget rubbers, she mumbles some comment about it not being a problem, so I assume she's on birth control and relax. After getting a towel and wiping the semen from her skin, I pull her tiny body into my arms, and we both fall asleep.

  Sometime later, I wake up surrounded by her delicate scent and realize I’m alone in the bed. A quick scan of th
e room reveals that she’s across the room trying to quietly dress and sneak out on me, which pisses me right the fuck off. I plan on keeping this girl for a long time, and it’s time to inform her of my intentions.



  This jerk must want to die. If he doesn’t start sucking, I’m going to damn well kill him. On second thought, it would be a shame to murder such a talented asshole.

  “Oh my god, yes, right there, use your tongue right there.”

  He starts flicking his tongue then sucking hard on my clit, slowly running his finger around the inside edge of my passage. When he curls his finger and taps while biting my bud, I go off like a Roman candle. Fuck, I needed that. This has been the worst week of my life, but I refuse to think about anything except the hot stud who’s currently blowing my mind.

  “Are you with me, sweetheart?” I smile while shaking my head to answer. Then he bites my side lightly before he thrusts his fingers back into my hungry sex while rubbing my sensitive nub. The sound of my moans and his fingers driving into my wetness echo through the room until I scream when another orgasm blasts through me.

  He slowly climbs up the bed, caressing his way up my body. Getting to my boobs, he pays extra attention to each one, sucking and biting lightly before moving on to my neck and then finally blowing my mind with the kiss of all kisses. While he distracts me with the oral gymnastics that he’s performing with his tongue, I miss him thrusting into my hungry flesh. I lose my breath when he penetrates so deep that my eyes cross from the intense pleasure tearing through my body.


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