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by Leopardi, Giacomo

  2. Leopardi refers here to Forcellini, under coena.

  Z 4520

  1. The pun ozio/negozio [leisure/activity] is lost in English.

  2. Both quotations are from Imperatoris Caesaris Augusti temporum notatio genus et scriptorum fragmenta, ed. J. A. Fabricius, Hamburg 1727, pp. 162–63 and 223 (Pacella).

  Z 4521

  1. This title echoes one of the separate slips not referred to in the 1827 Index, where it is headed simply “Vulgar Latin.” Leopardi’s interest in Vulgar Latin is long-standing. The same project is alluded to in 1821 on Z 1012–13 (see note 3).

  Z 4522

  1. Leopardi alludes to the “liberal arts” which formed the basic curriculum of late classical and medieval education: Grammar, Dialectics or Logic, Rhetoric (trivium); Music, Arithmetic, Geometry, Astronomy (quadrivium).

  Z 4523

  1. A follow-up from Z 4518.

  Z 4524

  1. In September 1829 Leopardi was in Recanati. In the course of this month he composed three of his most celebrated poems: “Le ricordanze,” “La quiete dopo la tempesta,” and “Il sabato del villaggio.”

  2. This is the last note written in Recanati. Leopardi left for Bologna and Florence on 30 April. He never came back to his birthplace. Note that the following entry is written thirteen months later. Although he took the ms. with him, his departure virtually coincides with the end of the Zibaldone.

  3. See Z 4481 and note 1.

  4. Cicero, De officiis 3, 13, 54.

  5. The Catalogue of the collection of Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of Canino, was published in Viterbo in 1829. Leopardi saw the review by D.-R. Rochette in the Journal des Savans (February 1830), hence the title in French (Pacella).

  6. This tome of the Ast edition was seen by Leopardi in Rome in 1832.

  Z 4525

  1. Leopardi translates this quotation from Plato’s Crito.

  2. See Z 163 and note 1.

  Z 4526

  1. See Z 1387, 1436–37, 1866–69, 2523–24. In this last entry, the Book and the World become one—in the end.

  List of Sources

  Used by Leopardi

  Alamanni (Luigi), Girone il cortese, Bologna 1757 [LL]

  Alamanni (Luigi), La coltivazione di Luigi Alamanni e Le api di Giovanni Rucellai, Bologna 1746 [LL]

  Alberti (François), Nouveau Dictionnaire françois-italien / Novo Dizionario italiano-francese, Bassano 1777 [LL]

  Alfieri (Vittorio), Tragedie, Venice 1785–1792 [LL]

  Alfieri (Vittorio), Vita di Vittorio Alfieri da Asti scritta da esso, 2nd ed., Londra [in fact Florence] 1806 [LL]

  Algarotti (Francesco), Opere, Cremona 1778–1784 [LL]

  Anacreon, Le odi di Anacreonte e di Saffo translated by F. S. De’ Rogati, Colle 1782–1783 (with the Greek text) [LL]

  Andrés (Juan), Dell’origine, de’ progressi e dello stato attuale d’ogni letteratura, Venice 1783–1800 (sometimes referred to as Storia della letteratura or Storia d’ogni letteratura) [LL]

  Annali di scienze e lettere [LL: nos. 1–26, 1810–1812]

  Antologia [LL: nos. 36, 37, 39–40, 61, 94–110; and Florence]

  Archilochus, Reliquiae, ed. I. Liebel, Vienna 1818 [Bologna 1825]

  Aristotle, De optimo statu civitatis, ed. P. Vettori, Florence 1576 (sometimes referred to as Politics) [LL]

  Arrian of Nicomedia, Expeditionis Alexandri libri VII et Historia Indica, Greek and Latin, with notes by G. Raphel, Amsterdam 1757 [LL]

  Athenaeus, Deipnosophistarum libri XV, ed. I. Casaubon, with a translation by J. Dalechamps, Lyons, Commelin, 1598 (includes: Isaac Casaubon, Animadversionum in Athenaei Deipnosophistas libri XV, Lyons 1600) [LL]

  Baldi (Bernardino), Versi e prose, Venice 1590 [LL]

  Barthélemy (Jean-Jacques), Viaggio d’Anacarsi il giovine nella Grecia verso la metà del quarto secolo avanti l’Era Volgare, Venice 1791–1793 [LL]

  Barthélemy (Jean-Jacques), Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grèce dans le milieu du quatrième siècle avant l’ère vulgaire, 2nd ed., Paris 1789 [Rome 1823, cf. Z 4279, note 2]

  Bartoli (Daniello), Il torto, e’l diritto del non si può, Bologna 1674 [LL]

  Bembo (Pietro), Opere, Venice 1729 [LL]

  Bernardin de Saint-Pierre (Jacques-Henri), Études de la nature, 3rd ed., Paris 1793 (includes La chaumière indienne, appendix to tome 7, pp. 28–106; Paul et Virginie, appendix to tome 8, pp. 1–224; Voeux d’un solitaire, tome 10, pp. 31–336) [LL]

  Biblioteca Italiana [LL: nos. 1–24, 1816–1817]

  Bibliotheca Graeca → Fabricius

  Bibliotheca Latina → Fabricius

  Boccaccio (Giovanni), Trenta novelle … scelte, Venice 1770 [LL]

  Buffon (George-Louis Leclerc), Storia naturale, generale e particolare, Venice 1782–1787 [LL]

  Buommattei (Benedetto), Della lingua toscana, 7th edition, Naples, 1733 [LL]

  Burke (Edmund), Ricerca filosofica sull’origine delle nostre idee del sublime e del bello, Macerata 1804 [LL]

  Caro (Annibal), Apologia, Parma 1558 [LL]

  Caro (Annibal), Delle lettere familiari, Padua 1763 [LL]

  Casaubon (Isaac), Animadversiones in Athenaeum → Athenaeus

  Cassius Dio, Historiae Romanae quae supersunt, ed. H. S. Reimar, with notes by J. A. Fabricius, Hamburg 1750–1752 (trans. J. Loewenklau revised by Reimar) [LL]

  Cellarius = Keller

  Celsus (Aulus Cornelius), De medicina (ed. unspecified by Leopardi)

  Cervantes (Miguel de), Novelas exemplares, Milan 1615 [LL]

  Cervantes (Miguel de), Vida y hechos del ingenioso caballero Don Quixote de la Mancha, Antwerp 1697 [LL]

  Cervantes (Miguel de), Vida y hechos del ingenioso caballero Don Quixote de la Mancha, Madrid 1765 [LL]

  Cesarotti (Melchiorre), Iliade o Morte di Ettore, Venice 1795 [LL]

  Chateaubriand (René-François de), Génie du Christianisme, ou Beautés de la religion chrétienne, Paris 1802 (including René, part 2, bk. 4, tome 2, pp. 169–218 and Atala, part 3, bk. 6, tome 3, pp. 191–304) [LL]

  Chesterfield (Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of), Letters Written … to His Son, 12th ed., London 1803 [LL]

  Chiabrera (Gabriello), Opere, Venice 1782 [LL]

  Cicero, De re publica quae supersunt, ed. A Mai, Rome 1822 (in appendix B. G. Niebuhr, Conspectus orthographiae, pp. 350–52) [LL]

  Cieça de Leon (Pedro), Parte primera de la Chronica del Peru, Antwerp 1554 [LL]

  Clement of Alexandria, Opera, ed. John Potter, Venice 1757 [LL]

  Compendiaria → Facciolati

  Constant (Benjamin), De la religion, Paris 1827 [Florence 1828]

  Coray → Theophrastus

  Cornelius Nepos, [Opera] quae exstant omnia, Padua 1720 [LL]

  Corticelli (Salvatore), Regole ed osservazioni della lingua toscana ridotte a metodo, Bologna 1754 [LL]

  Courier (Paul Louis), Collection complète des pamphlets politiques et opuscules littéraires, Bruxelles 1826 [Florence 1828]

  Creuzer (Georg Friedrich), Meletemata e disciplina antiquitatis, Leipzig, 1817–1819 [LL]

  Crusca → Vocabolario

  D’Alembert (Jean), Mélanges de littérature, d’histoire et de philosophie, Amsterdam 1764 [Pisa 1827–1828]

  Davanzati (Bernardo), Scisma d’Inghilterra con altre operette, Bassano 1782 [LL]

  De’ Rogati → Anacreon

  Della Casa (Giovanni), Opere, Venice 1752 [LL]

  Dictionary [often used referring to the Crusca] → Vocabolario

  Diogenes Laertius, De vitis, dogmatibus, et apophthegmatibus clarorum philosophorum libri X, graece et latine, with notes by I. Casaubon, Th. Aldobrandini, and M. Casaubon; Latin trans. of St. Ambrose of Camaldoli edited by M. Meibomius; with an appendix (vol. 2) by G. Ménage, Observationes, Amsterdam, Wetstein, 1692 [LL]

  Du Cange (Charles du Fresne), Glossarium ad scriptores mediae et infimae graecitatis, Lyon 1688 [LL]

  Du Cange (Charles du Fresne), Glossarium ad scriptores mediae et infimae latinitatis, Paris 1733–1736 [LL

  Du Fresne → Du Cange

  Dutens (Louis), Origine delle scoperte attribuite a’ moderni, Venice 1789 [Recanati, no longer in the LL]

  Encyclopédie méthodique, ou par ordre de matières par une Société de Gens de Lettres, de Savans, et d’Artistes, Padua 1786ff. [LL]

  Epictetus, Epicteti Enchiridion, Cebetis Tabula, Prodici Hercules, et Theophrasti Characteres ethici, graece et latine, ed. J. Simpson, 5th ed., Oxford 1804 [Bologna 1825–1826]

  Eustathius, Commentarii in Homeri Iliadem, Florence 1730–1735 (in the appendix to vols. 2 and 3: Wolfgang Seber, Index vocabulorum in Homeri Iliade atque Odyssea) [LL]

  Fabricius (Johann Albert), Bibliotheca Graeca, sive Notitia scriptorum veterum Graecorum, Hamburg [first edition: 1705–1728; the LL owns volumes from different editions: vol. 1: 1718; vol. 2: 1716; vol. 3: 1717; vol. 4: 1723; vol. 5: 1723; vol. 6: 1726; vol. 7: 1727; vol. 8: 1717; vol. 9: 1737; vol. 10: 1721; vol. 11: 1740; vol. 12: 1740; vol. 13: 1726; vol. 14: 1728]

  Fabricius (Johann Albert), Bibliotheca Latina mediae et infimae aetatis, Padua 1754 [LL]

  Fabricius (Johann Albert), Bibliotheca Latina, sive Notitia scriptorum veterum Latinorum, Venice 1728 [LL]

  Festus (Sextus Pompeius), De verborum significatione, Venice, Ziletti, 1560 [LL]

  Firenzuola, Opere, Milan, Società Tipografica de’ Classici Italiani, 1802 [LL]

  Florus (Lucius Annaeus), Epitome rerum Romanarum, ed. J. G. Graevius, with notes by various scholars, Mannheim 1779 [Recanati, no longer in the LL]

  Fontenelle (Bernard le Bovier, de), Oeuvres, Amsterdam 1742 [LL]

  Forcellini (Egidio), Totius Latinitatis Lexicon, Padua 1805 [LL]

  Foscolo, Viaggio sentimentale → Sterne

  Franciosini (Leonardo), Vocabolario Italiano-Spagnuolo e Spagnuolo-Italiano, Venice 1774 [LL]

  Frederick II, Oeuvres complettes, Berlin 1790 (17 tomes, including the Correspondance) [LL]

  Fronto (Marcus Cornelius), Epistulae, ed. A. Mai, Rome 1823 [LL]

  Fronto (Marcus Cornelius), Opera inedita, ed. A. Mai, Milan 1815 [LL]

  Gale → Rhetores selecti.

  Genovesi (Antonio), La logica per i giovanetti, Bassano 1794 [LL]

  Glossary (when in the singular normally a reference to Du Cange)

  Goethe (Johann Wolfgang), Verter, trans. M. Salom, Venice 1796 [LL]

  Goguet (Antoine-Yves), Della origine delle leggi, delle arti e delle scienze e loro progressi presso gli antichi popoli, Lucca 1761 (cf. Z 555, note) [LL]

  Gravina (Gian Vincenzo), Della ragion poetica libri due e Della tragedia libro uno, Venice 1731 [LL]

  Gruter (Jan), Inscriptiones antiquae totius orbis Romani, Amsterdam 1707 [LL]

  Guicciardini (Francesco), Della istoria d’Italia, Freiburg (in fact Florence) 1774–1776 [LL]

  Herodotus, Musae sive Historiarum libri IX, with a Latin translation, ed. Johann Schweighaeuser, with notes by P. Wesseling and L. C. Valckenaer, Strasbourg and Paris 1816 (Florence 1828) [LL]

  Hippocrates, Opera quae exstant, ed. G. Mercuriale, Venice 1588 [LL]

  Holbach (P.-H. Thiry), La filosofia del buon senso, ossia idee naturali opposte alle soprannaturali, first Italian translation (n.p., n.d.) [LL]

  Horace, Poemata omnia, Venice 1540 [LL]

  Isocrates, Orationes septem et epistulae, ed. W. Battie, Cambridge 1729 (only tome 1) [LL]

  Jerome (St.), Opera omnia, ed. M. Vittori, Rome 1576 [LL]

  Josephus (Flavius), Opera omnia graece et latine, ed. S. Haverkamp, with an appendix by Thomas Ittig, Amsterdam 1726 [LL]

  Keller (Christoph), Notitia orbis antiqui, Leipzig 1731–1732 [LL]

  Keller (Christoph), Orthographia Latina ex vetustis monumentis, 2nd edition, Padua 1739 [LL]

  La Bruyère → Theophrastus

  Lambert (Anne-Thérèse de Marguenat de Courcelle, de), Avis d’une mère à son fils, suivis du Traité de l’amitié, des Réflexions sur les richesses, Paris and Lyon 1808 [Recanati, no longer in the LL, cf. Z 302, 304, 309]

  Lambert (Anne-Thérèse de), Oeuvres complètes, précédées d’une notice, suivies de ses lettres à plusieurs personnages célèbres, Paris, Collin, 1808 [Recanati, no longer in the LL]

  Lamennais (Hugues-Félicité-Robert de), Saggio sull’indifferenza in materia di religione, trans. Angelo Bigoni, Fermo 1819–1820 [LL]

  Leçons → Noël and La Place

  Lexicon (when in the singular often a reference to Scapula)

  Liebel → Archilochus

  Locke (John), Saggio filosofico su l’umano intelletto, summarized by John Huddlestone Wynne (An Abridgment of Locke’s Essay Concerning Humane Understanding, by John Wynne, London 1696) trans. and annotated by Francesco Soave, Venice 1794 [LL]

  Longinus, Dionysii Longini quae supersunt, graece et latine, ed. Jonathan Toup, with emendations by David Ruhnken, Oxford 1778 (preceded by Petrus Schardam, Dissertatio de vita et scriptis Longini) [LL]

  Lucian of Samosata, Opera, with notes by various scholars (among others J. G. Gräve, J. Gronov, G. Ménage), ed. J. G. Gräve, Amsterdam 1687 [LL]

  Machiavelli (Niccolò), Tutte le opere, n.p., 1550 (fourth Testina ed., in fact from around 1640) [LL]

  Maffei (Scipione), Opere, Venice 1790 [LL]

  Magalotti (Lorenzo), Lettere familiari, with notes by D. M. Manni, Venice 1762 [LL]

  Malespini (Ricordano), Storia fiorentina, Florence 1816 [LL]

  Manutius (Aldus), Epitome orthographiae, Turin 1730 [LL]

  Martini (Giambattista), Storia della musica, Bologna 1757 [LL]

  Ménage (Gilles), In Diogenem observationes → see Diogenes Laertius, Appendix (vol. 2)

  Meurs (Jan, known as Meursius), Opera omnia, ed. G. Lami, Florence 1741–1763 [LL]

  Montesquieu (Charles Louis de Secondat), Considérations sur les causes de la grandeur des Romains et de leur décadence. (New edition that includes also the Dialogue de Sylla et d’Eucrate, Le Temple de Gnide, and the Essai sur le goût, Fragment), Amsterdam 1781 [LL]

  Montesquieu (Charles Louis de Secondat), Dialogue de Sylla et d’Eucrate → ibid., pp. 285–300

  Montesquieu (Charles Louis de Secondat), Essai sur le goût → ibid., pp. 363–407

  Montesquieu (Charles Louis de Secondat), Temple de Gnide → ibid., pp. 307–57

  Monti (Vincenzo), Proposta di alcune correzioni ed aggiunte al Vocabolario della Crusca, Milan 1817–1826 (includes: G. Perticari’s Degli scrittori del Trecento, vol. 1, part 1, pp. 1–198; G. Perticari, Dell’amor patrio di Dante e del suo libro intorno al volgare eloquio. Apologia, vol. 2, part 2, pp. 1–447; P. Giordani, “P. Giordani a V. Monti,” vol. 1, part 2, pp. 249–66) [LL]

  Morgan (Sydney Owenson, Lady), La France, 3rd ed., Paris and London 1818 [LL]

  Nardi (Jacopo), Vita d’Antonio Giacomini Tebalducci Malespini, Lucca 1818 [LL]

  Niebuhr (Barthold Georg), Conspectus orthographiae → Cicero, De re publica

  Niebuhr (Barthold Georg), The History of Rome, vol. 1, Cambridge 1828 (sometimes referred to as Roman History) [Florence 1828 and Recanati 1829, no longer in the LL]

  Noël (Jean-François) and La Place (François-Marie-Joseph de), Leçons Françaises de littérature et de morale, ou Recueil en prose et en vers des plus beaux morceaux de notre langue dans la littérature des deux derniers siècles, Paris 1810 [LL only tome 1; tome 2 borrowed when cited, e.g., Z 4282, see letter of 21 Nov. 1827]

  Nuovo Ricoglitore (sequel to the Spettatore italiano) [LL: nos. 1–78, 1825–1831]

  Orelli (Johannes Caspar), Opuscula Graecorum veterum sententiosa et moralia graece et latine, Leipzig 1819–1821 [LL after 13 Dec. 1826; see Epistolario, p. 1277]

  Pascal (Blaise), Pensées sur la religion, et sur quelques autres sujets, new edition, Amsterdam, Wetstein (n.d., perhaps 1667) [LL]

  Passavanti (Jacopo), Lo specchio di vera penitenzia, Venice 1741 [LL]

  Perticari (Giulio), Degli scrittori del Trecento → Monti, Proposta, vol. 1, part 1, pp. 1–198

  Perticari (Giulio), Dell’amor patrio di Dante [also referr
ed to as Apologia di Dante] → Monti, Proposta, vol. 2, part 2, pp. 1–447

  Phaedrus (Gaius Julius), Fabularum Aesopiarum libri V, ed. F. J. Desbillons, Mannheim 1786 [LL]

  Phaedrus (Gaius Julius), Fabularum Aesopiarum libri V, ed. P. Burmann, Lyon 1778 [LL]

  Photius, Myriobiblon, sive Bibliotheca, ed. David Hoeschel, with a Latin translation by André Schott (Andreas Schottus), Geneva 1611 [Bologna 1826]

  Plato, Opera omnia quae exstant, ed. Marsilio Ficino, Lyon 1590 [LL]

  Plato, Opera, ed. F. Ast, Leipzig 1819–1829 [Rome 1823 and then LL, only tomes 1–4]

  Plautus, Comoediae superstites viginti cum fragmentis deperditarum, Padua 1764 [LL]

  Plutarch, [Opera] quae exstant omnia, with a Latin translation by H. Cruserius and G. Xylander, Frankfurt 1620 [LL]

  Plutarch, Opuscoli morali, trans. Marcello Adriani, Florence 1819 [Rome 1823]

  Pontedera (Giulio), Antiquitatum Latinarum Graecarumque enarrationes atque emendationes, Padua 1740 [LL]

  Pope (Alexander), The Works, London 1795 [LL]

  Porzio (Camillo), La congiura de’ baroni del Regno di Napoli contra il Re Ferdinando I, 3rd ed., Lucca 1816 [LL]

  Pougens (Charles), Archéologie française ou vocabulaire de mots anciens tombés en désuetude, Paris 1821–1825 [LL]

  Priscian, Opera Grammatica, Venice 1476 [LL]

  Prose fiorentine raccolte dallo Smarrito Accademico della Crusca (Carlo Roberto Dati), Venice 1730–1743 [LL]

  Pseudo-Longinus → Longinus

  Raccolta di prose e poesie a uso delle regie scuole, ed. G. Tagliazucchi, 3rd ed. Turin 1753 [LL]

  Redi (Francesco), Opere, Venice 1728 [LL only vols. 4 and 6]

  Regia Parnassi, seu Palatium Musarum, Venice 1740 [LL]

  Rhetores selecti: Demetrius Phalereus, Tiberius Rhetor, Anonymus sophista, Severus Alexandrinus, grece et latine, ed. T. Gale, Oxford 1676 [Bologna 1825–1826]

  Richelet (Pierre), Dictionnaire de la langue française ancienne et moderne, Paris 1728 [LL]

  Ricordano → Malespini

  Roberti (Giovanni Battista), Opere, Bassano 1789–1794 [LL]

  Robertson (William), Storia di America, tr. by Antonio Pillori, Venice 1794 [LL]

  Rocca (Albert-Jean-Michel de), Memorie intorno alla guerra de’ francesi in Ispagna, Milan 1816 [LL]

  Rousseau (Jean-Jacques), Del contratto sociale, ossia Principj del diritto politico, Venice 1797 [LL, “prohibited” and still partly uncut]


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