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by Leopardi, Giacomo

  Civilization. ANCIENTS AND MODERNS: 123, 162–63, 1027, 1351–52, 1596, 4256, 4171–72, 4229, 4289, 4368; barbarism: 403, 423, 927, 1077, 1101, 1228, 1462, 2332, 2335, 2694, 3371, 4171, 4185; middling civilization: 114–15, 252, 314–15, 404, 408, 420–23, 431, 433, 866–67, 1426, 2331–35, 2405–408, 4423–24, 4475–77, 4504; CONSEQUENCES AND EFFECTS: 21–23, 31, 34, 315, 474–76, 521, 834–37, 905, 910, 1027, 1351–52, 1386–87, 1408–409, 1459, 1516–17, 1572, 1576, 1668–69, 1710, 1739–40, 1831–32, 1932–34, 1952–53, 2000–2001, 2620, 3075, 3153–54, 3310–11, 3412, 3833–34, 3910–20, 4180–81, 4186–87, 4198–99, 4235–36, 4256, 4266, 4399; happiness/unhappiness: 102, 216–17, 420–23, 3936–37, 4368; human body and faculties: 68–69, 76, 1594–1602, 3179–82, 3568, 4025; LANGUAGE AND CULTURE: 937–40, 1386–87, 1459, 1516–17, 2694–2700, 4235–36, 4389, 4476; THE NATURAL STATE: 315, 328, 375, 446–49, 573, 1536, 1910–11, 1924, 3779, 3808, 4135–36, 4185

  Clarity: IDEAS, LANGUAGE: 94–95, 119, 263, 950–52, 1357, 1609–10, 1690, 1372–77, 3047–51; Isocrates: 4250–51; genius, imagination: 950–52, 1177–78; MYTHOLOGIES: 4238–39

  Classes (social): 131, 1646–47, 1677–78, 3030–31; CIVILIZATION: 147, 1170–74, 4180, 4289–90; LANGUAGE: 841–44, 1629–30, 1755–57

  Classics: 3, 5, 10, 36–37, 46, 143, 307, 373–74; ANCIENT LITERATURE: 996–98, 2537–40, 3471–77, 4269–70; AUTHORITY: 1335–36, 1457–58, 1883–85, 1927; ITALIAN LITERATURE: 2386–87, 3738–41, 4066–67, 4413

  Claudian (Claudius Claudianus) (b. late fourth century CE). From Alexandria. Court poet in Rome, one of the most accomplished in the classical tradition of late antiquity: 991, 2919, 3004, 4387

  Claudianus Mamertus (d. c. 473 CE). Gallo-Roman theologian, seen as a precursor of Scholasticism: 3994

  Claudius (Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus) (10 BCE–54 CE). Roman emperor from 41 CE: 2740, 3074

  Cleanthes, of Assos (c. 331–c. 232 BCE). Philosopher, successor to Zeno, the founder of Stoicism, as the head of that school: 3470

  Clelia. Legendary figure from the early history of Rome: 4399

  Clement VIII (Ippolito Aldobrandini) (1536–1605). Elected Pope in 1592: 4290

  Clement of Alexandria (c. 150–215 CE). Christian Greek writer: 112, 1469

  Cleobis. Son of the Argive priestess of Hera: 2675

  Cleobulus. One of the Seven Sages: 206, 4438, 4481

  Cleopatra (69–30 BCE). Queen of Egypt: 57, 1165

  Climate: 4241–42; CIVILIZATION, NATIONS: 74–75, 204–205, 950, 986–87, 2608–609, 2926–28, 3201–202, 3347–49, 3513, 3638–39, 3646–60, 4031–33, 4062–64, 4069–70; HUMAN CHARACTER: 2599, 2926–28, 3295–96, 3347–49, 3891–93; LANGUAGES: 934, 2873–76, 3247–53, 3394–96, 3578–79; NATURAL SYSTEM: 1798, 2599, 4069–70, 4423

  Clitophon of Rhodes. Greek historian: 4225

  Clodius Pulcher, Publius (c. 92–52 BCE). Roman patrician, a bitter enemy of Cicero: 114

  Clorinda. A character in Tasso’s Gerusalemme Liberata: 3141, 3148, 3153, 3525

  Closeness: see Distance

  Clothes, clothing: 399–400, 402, 1865–66, 1881–83, 3301–10, 3914–15, 4069

  Clytemnestra. Daughter of Tyndareus, king of Sparta, and wife of Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, whom she murdered: 3458

  Coach drivers: 1610

  Codrus. The last, legendary, king of Athens: 477, 478, 3642, 4371

  Coldness: CLIMATE: 2017, 3347–49, 4241–42, 4282–83; LITERARY: 27, 36; MORAL: 116, 958, 1473–74, 1859, 1961–62, 2040–41, 2235–36, 3523–24

  Collection of Greek Erotic Writers Translated into the Vernacular (Collezione degli erotici greci tradotti in volgare) (Pisa 1817): 4145

  Collections (for the Crusades): 4081

  Collin de Bar, Alexis-Guillaume-Henri (b. 1768). Author of an Histoire ancienne de l’Inde (1815): 950

  Colombo, Michele (1747–1838). Preceptor at Ceneda, and fervent purist: 2723, 2885

  Colonies: 123, 1078–79; LANGUAGE: 240–41, 934–35, 1012–13, 1014–16, 1040–43, 1135, 1591, 2144, 2465–66, 2572–73, 2622–24, 3366, 4001–4002

  Color: 156–57, 1663, 1665, 1747–49, 1934–36, 1940–45, 1982, 3823; NATURE/CIVILIZATION: 1668–69, 1758, 1770, 1798, 1803–804

  Columbus, Christopher (c. 1451–1506). Genoese navigator: 4479

  Columella (first century CE). Roman tribune and writer: 991, 2470–71, 2729, 2878, 3366

  Comedy, the comic: see Laughter

  Comets: 3434

  Comfort, luxury (see also Wealth): 45, 538, 568–71, 830–38, 913, 1182–83, 2604, 3277–78, 3432, 3636–37, 3643, 3677, 3991–92, 3995, 4396

  Comin da Trino di Monferrato (active c. 1540–?1574). Venetian printer: 2810

  Comino, Giuseppe (d. c. 1756). Printer from Padua: 1127, 1276

  Commelinus, Hieronymus (Jérôme Commelin) (?1550–1597). Born in Douai, established as printer and publisher in Heidelberg: 4170

  Commentatio historico-critica de Rhapsodis (published in 1824): 4361

  Commerce, trade, business: LANGUAGES AND KNOWLEDGE: 30, 131, 240, 242, 336, 741, 793, 961, 1135, 1233, 1245, 1264, 1422–24, 1428–29, 1520–21, 2141, 2502, 2572–73, 2620, 3045, 3260–61, 3966, 3973, 3991, 4506; POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT: 590–91, 909, 1170, 1173, 1182–83, 2668–69, 3888, 4001, 4042, 4333–34, 4500

  Commodus, Lucius Aelius Aurelius (161–192 CE). Roman emperor, son of Marcus Aurelius: 427

  Common sense: 243, 1163, 1258, 1681, 1752–53, 2484–85

  Communication, communicativeness: 936, 1375–77, 1583; HUMAN INCLINATION: 85–86, 230, 266–68, 339–40, 486–88, 532, 592, 1535–37, 2471–72, 3804, 4068–69, 4284

  Compagni, Dino (c. 1246/1247 or 1255–1325). Italian chronicler: 4123–24, 4246, 4328, 4349

  Company (see also Solitude): 507–508, 717–18, 2230, 4183–84, 4294–95, 4493–94

  Compassion: see Pity

  Competition: 134, 148–49, 151, 3778, 4204

  Compound words: see Word(s)

  Concealment: see Dissimulation

  Condorcet, Nicolas de (1743–1794). French philosopher, mathematician, and politician: 357

  Condulmari, Anton Giacomo (1681–1762). Recanati notable: 4502

  Confidence: see Trust/Mistrust

  Conformability: see Habit, Habituation

  Confucius (c. 555–479 BCE). Chinese philosopher: 129, 1849, 2620

  Conon (end first century BCE–early first century CE). Greek grammarian and mythographer: 4208–209

  Conquest: 113–14, 299–302, 886, 397–98, 922–23, 933–34, 1879–80, 2389, 2479–80, 3173–74, 4423–24

  Conscience: 118–19, 124, 343, 1960–61, 2253, 2294, 2424–25, 2481–83, 3598; CONSCIOUSNESS: 3107, 4488–89

  Conservation: see Preservation

  Consolation: 65, 177, 259–62, 324, 614–18, 633–36, 1400–401, 1970, 2607, 3497–507, 3529–31, 4201–202, 4225, 4243–45; DEATH AMONG THE ANCIENTS: 79, 2943–44, 4309, 4410; ILLUSIONS, HOPE: 137–40, 169, 271–72; TIME: 512–14, 2150–51, 2419–20, 2479, 3529, 4243–45; THE YOUNG: 302, 313, 3840

  Consonants: 30, 69, 813, 1338–39, 1279–80, 1286–87, 2405, 2740–52, 3080–82, 4360–61

  Constant, Benjamin (1767–1830). French politician and writer, of Swiss descent: 105, 4322, 4405–406, 4408, 4409, 4410–11, 4414

  Constantine (c. 285–337 CE). Roman emperor from 306 CE who enforced tolerance of Christianity in the Empire: 81, 123, 303–304, 736, 739, 752, 982, 983, 988, 995, 1095, 1590, 2121, 2697–98

  Constantinople: see Cities: BYZANTIUM

  Contempt (also Scorn): see Esteem/Contempt

  Contentment (see also Happiness and Cheerfulness): 29, 40, 56, 82, 124, 633–35, 1584, 4071–72, 4090, 4104, 4191–92, 4250, 4286–87, 4477

  Conti, Giusto de’ (c. 1390–1449). Italian humanist and poet active in central Italy: 2865, 4300–301

  Contradiction: 2068–69, 4185–88; HUMAN NATURE, SOCIETY, CIVILIZATION: 56, 341–42, 352–53, 385–88, 1594–98, 1911, 1979, 2114–17, 2337–38, 2389, 2499, 3808–10; THE NAT
URAL SYSTEM: 365–66, 2499, 4087, 4099–101, 4129, 4177–78, 4204–205; RELIGION: 1627, 2232

  Contrast: 113–14, 239, 1393–94, 2156–57, 3785–86; ART AND LITERATURE: 86–87, 203–204, 1915–16, 3121–23, 3137–41, 3590–91; GRACE: 1387, 1522–23, 1990–91, 2481, 2682, 2831–34, 3177–79, 3955, 3961, 3971

  Convention: 342–43, 1202–204, 1245–46, 1427–29

  Conversation (see also Speech, speaking): 71, 97, 3360–61, 4183–84, 4294–95, 4295–97; CONVERSATION IN DIFFERENT TIMES AND NATIONS: 42, 3546–47, 3862, 4031–33; CONVERSATIONAL STYLE: 92–93, 106, 190

  Conviction: see Persuasion

  Copernicus, Nicholas (1473–1543). Polish astronomer: 84, 975, 1858

  Copts: 935, 1270

  Coray: see Koraes

  Cordoba: see Cities

  Coriolanus, Gnaeus Marcius (c. fifth century BCE). A legendary hero of Rome: 569

  Corippus, Flavius Cresconius (sixth century CE). African poet, author of epics and panegyrics: 1657

  Corneille, Pierre (1606–1684). French dramatist: 9, 804, 2910

  Cornelia. Daughter of Scipio Africanus and mother of the Gracchi: 3620

  Cornelius Nepos (c. 100–25 BCE). Latin historian: 360, 479, 861, 1181, 3544, 3627–28, 3722, 3744–45

  Cornificius, Quintus (first century CE). Latin author: 2878

  Correggio (Antonio Allegri) (1489–1534). Italian Renaissance painter, leader of the Parma school: 202

  Corrida: 3764

  Corruptibility: see Corruption

  Corruption, corruptibility, degeneration: ARTS AND LANGUAGES: 4–5, 1936–37, 1984, 2002–2004, 2065–66, 2075–76, 2091, 4027; CIVILIZATION, MAN, AND NATURE: 118, 132–33, 338, 358–59, 723, 1354–55, 1559–60, 1775–76, 1959, 2114–17, 2250–51, 2563–64, 2939–41, 3058, 3179–82, 3520–25, 3661–67; Christianity: 394–420, 420–23, 429, 433–36, 611–12, 1004; SOCIETIES: 358–59, 474–76, 523–25, 555–64, 572–73, 583–84, 628–29, 905–906, 910–11, 1170, 1952–53, 1960–61, 3411–12, 3517–18, 3568, 3802, 3932–36

  Corsica: 1591

  Corsini, Edoardo (also known as Corsinus) (1702–1765). Italian philologist from Modena: 4401

  Cortés, Hernán (1485–1547). Spanish conquistador: 2387

  Corticelli, Salvatore (1690–1758). Italian grammarian from Piacenza: 2069, 2880, 2923, 4082

  Cos: see Kos

  Costa, Paolo (1771–1836). Italian writer from Ravenna, theoretician of neoclassicism: 63, 1944

  Costanzo, Angelo di (c. 1507–1591). Neapolitan historian and poet: 2865, 4300, 4302

  Cotys. King of the Paphlagonians: 1794

  Council of Constance (1414–1418): 4290

  Council of Florence (1439–1442): 1025, 1591–1592

  Council of Sardica (343 CE), convoked to address the Arian controversy: 2825

  Council of Trent (1545–1563): 3888

  Country (political): see Homeland

  Country people: see Peasants

  Countryside: 85–86, 1550, 2691–93, 3117–18; PLEASURE, POETRY: 15, 26, 63, 75, 100, 170–72, 186–88, 514–16, 1430–31, 1744–47, 1777–78, 1798–99, 1804–805, 4293, 4418, 4426

  Courage (see also Boldness): 43–44, 117–18, 122, 262, 2400, 4109, 4282–83; ANCIENTS AND MODERNS: 3029–31, 4268; CALCULATION, REFLECTION: 1378, 4010, 4494; DANGER: 3526–40; MILITARY VALOR: 620–25, 984–85, 2674–76; THE SHY: 3488–90, 3491–94, 3537–40; VIGOR: 115, 254–55, 1420–21, 1800–801

  Courier, Paul-Louis (1772–1825). French Hellenist and liberal pamphleteer: 4309–10, 4318, 4328, 4351–52, 4424

  Cowardice, baseness: 117–18, 262, 364, 504, 607, 3314–17, 3767, 4268

  Cranes: see Animals

  Craniology: see Phrenology

  Crantor (c. 335–275 BCE). Greek philosopher belonging to the Academy, the author of a treatise on grief: 302, 2674

  Crapelet, Georges-Adrien (1789–1842). French printer and historian of printing: 4371

  Crates of Thebes (365–285 BCE). Cynic philosopher: 501, 1316

  Crescimbeni, Giovan Mario (1663–1728). Italian critic and poet, active mainly in Rome, founder member and first secretary of the Accademia degli Arcadi: 26–27

  Creuzer, Georg Friedrich (1771–1858). German scholar and philologist: 3588, 3842, 4095, 4147, 4294

  Crickets: see Animals

  Crime: 72, 80–81, 2028–31, 2481–83, 3448–49, 4044–45, 4289–90

  Critical Review: 943

  Critics, criticism: 145–47, 799, 803, 866, 946, 998, 999, 1285, 1318, 1573, 3230, 3569, 3585, 3711, 3812–13, 3879, 4048, 4193, 4355, 4369, 4419

  Croesus (c. 560–546 BCE). The last king of Lydia: 4309, 4402, 4403

  Crosses (on walls): 4298, 4300, 4305, 4307–308

  Crown, the: 4137

  Cruelty: 6, 238–39, 2397, 3766–68, 3794–95, 3795–97

  Crusades: 3127–28, 4081, 4506

  Crusca Academy and Dictionary: see Academies

  Crying: see Weeping

  Ctesias of Cnidus (early fourth century BCE). Greek physician, historian, and geographer from Asia Minor, author of studies on Persia and India: 3964, 4199–4200, 4225

  Ctesylla. Fable of: 4371

  Cuba: see Nations, peoples

  Cunimund (sixth century CE). King of the Gepids: 3967

  Cunning: 612, 2259–63, 3891, 3945

  Curiatii. Three brothers from Alba Longa engaged in a legendary combat with the Horatii of Rome in the seventh century BCE: 4372

  Curiosity: 29, 89, 170–71, 178–79, 206, 384–85, 651–53, 657–58, 721–22, 2313–15, 2326–27, 3164, 3601

  Curse: 503–507

  Curtius, Marcus. Legendary hero of Rome: 3642

  Curtius Rufus, Quintus (first century CE). Roman historian of Alexander the Great: 62, 509, 4156

  Cusa, Cusanus. see Nicolas of Cusa

  Customs: 1706–708, 1926–27, 2799, 3961–63, 3967, 4172; ANCIENT AND MODERN: 38–39, 148, 151, 1517–19, 1590–93, 4144, 4144–45, 4166, 4170, 4206, 4238, 4256, 4298, 4427; NATIONS: 147, 148, 720–21, 910–11, 1520, 1831–32, 2067–68, 2333–35, 2923, 4031–33, 4427; language: 1513–19, 1520, 1582–83, 1590–93, 1629, 1889–91, 1950, 2067–68; NATURE/CIVILIZATION/BARBARISM: 163, 302, 470, 674, 821–22, 910–11, 3882–84, 4103, 4427

  Cybale. African female slave in pseudo-Virgil’s Moretum: 916

  Cyclops: 4382

  Cydippe (Fable of the love between Cydippe and Acontius): 2675, 4370–71

  Cynaethus. A rhapsode from Chios, one of the Homeridae, reputed by some to have composed the Hymn to Apollo: 4345

  Cynics (philosophical school): 335, 402, 831, 1018, 1870

  Cyparissus. In Greek mythology, a youth turned into a cypress tree by Apollo: 64

  Cyprian, St. (third century CE). Latin Christian writer and Church Father: 991

  Cyrenaics. School of philosophy run by Aristippus of Cyrene, a pupil of Plato, and committed to Hedonism: 223, 249, 4190

  Cyril, St. (c. 827–869 CE). With his brother St. Methodius, Greek-born missionary to the Slavs: 4378

  Cyrus the Elder (sixth century BCE). Founder of the (Persian) Achaemenid Empire: 114, 255, 423, 882, 884, 2332

  Cyrus the Younger (d. 401 BCE). Member of the Achaemenid dynasty: 468

  Czerny, Georg: see Karageorge Petrovitch


  Dacia. see Nations, peoples

  Dæmons: see Gods

  Dalechamps, Jacques (1513–1588). French physician, botanist, and philologist: 4011, 4435


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