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by Leopardi, Giacomo

  Tansillo, Luigi (1510–1568). Neapolitan Petrarchist poet: 1181

  Tarquin, Priscus Lucius (ruled 616–579 BCE). The fifth semilegendary king of Rome: 4456, 4458

  Tarquin the Proud (ruled 534–510 BCE). Semilegendary king of Rome, held to be the last: 4456, 4459

  Tartars: see Nations, peoples

  Tasso, Bernardo (1493–1569). Italian writer, the father of Torquato and author of the narrative poem Amadigi: 3885, 3887

  Tasso, Torquato (1544–1595). Italian poet, much of whose life was passed in the court of Ferrara: ART, LANGUAGE, AND STYLE: 4, 5, 29, 39, 61, 136, 143, 462, 471, 700–702, 725–27, 803–804, 1178–79, 1233, 1526, 2522, 3045–46, 3415, 3590–613, 3768–69, 3884, 3900, 4052, 4167, 4182, 4243, 4246, 4365–66, 4417; LIFE AND PERSONALITY: 136, 140–41, 462, 1177–79, 4160–61, 4255–56, 4327; WORKS: Aminta: 2391, 2999; Gerusalemme liberata: 803–804, 1526, 1672, 3131–32, 3141–42, 3147–53, 3173–77, 3415, 3525–26, 3578–79, 3590–613, 3617, 3761, 3768–69, 4236–37, 4365, 4388–89; Goffredo: 1672, 3127, 3131, 4475; Rinaldo: 1451

  Tassoni, Alessandro (1565–1635). Italian poet from Modena: 4228

  Taste(s): 74, 1473; AESTHETICS: 144–47, 263–64, 1186–90, 1318–21, 1404–11, 1411–20, 1424–25, 1434–35, 1529, 1533, 1668–69, 1671–73, 1688–89, 1698–99, 1883–85, 2636–38, 4020; Montesquieu (Essai sur le goût): 154–55, 186–88, 188–89, 191–93, 198–203, 1552; sense: 157–58, 1940–45, 2230–31

  Ta-Tsing-Leu-Lee: 942

  Tching-Tseu-Toung: 943

  Teaching (see also Schools): 664, 1375–76, 1690, 1697, 1710, 1727, 1939, 3440, 3775, 4215

  Telegraph: 4198–99

  Teles of Megara (fl. c. 235 BCE). Cynic philosopher and teacher: 4226

  Telescope: 1737–38, 2603

  Telesilla (fifth century BCE). Argive Greek poet: 1400, 2676

  Telesilla. An early work sketched by Leopardi: 1400

  Tell, William. Legendary hero of the struggle for Swiss independence in the fourteenth century: 4193, 4340, 4362, 4372

  Ten Commandments (the): see Bible

  Tendency: see Disposition, faculties

  Tenderness: 3309–10, 4504; TOWARD ONESELF: 2555, 3292, 3837, 4040

  Tercier, Jean-Pierre (1704–1767). French scholar: 1012–13, 1036

  Terence (Publius Terentius Afer) (193/183–159 BCE). Roman writer of comedy: 675, 988, 991, 1056, 1057, 1253, 1483, 2993, 3170, 3487, 3628, 4145

  Terminology (in the arts and sciences): see Names, naming: NOMENCLATURE

  Terms: see Words

  Terrible, terrifying: 7, 73–74, 3640

  Terror: see Fright

  Tertullian (Florens Quintus Septimius Tertullianus) (c. 160–c. 225 CE). Early Christian writer, born in Carthage, regarded as the founding father of Latin theology: 991, 1849, 3695, 3752, 3893, 4165

  Testi, Fulvio (1593–1646). Poet and diplomat in the service of the dukes of Modena: 23–24, 28

  Teutons: see Nations, peoples

  Thales, of Miletus (fl. c. 600 BCE). By tradition the earliest Greek philosopher-scientist, one of the Seven Sages: 284–85, 490, 4394

  Thasos. Greek island: 4155, 4159, 4188

  Theater: 663–66, 731–32, 804, 810–12, 2313–15, 2326–27, 2361–62, 4203–204, 4222–23, 4235–36, 4238, 4256, 4357–59, 4359, 4367, 4389, 4398–99, 4418–19, 4458–59, 4475–77, 4483–84; CHORUS: 2804–809, 2905–906, 2999; COMEDY: 2, 7, 10–11, 41–42, 63, 220, 223–25, 663–66, 804, 2804–809, 2905–906, 3042–44, 3062–63, 3482–88, 3491, 4068, 4173; OPERA: 32, 2905–906; TRAGEDY: 2, 6, 7, 32, 223–25, 804, 2313–15, 2674, 2804–809, 2905–906, 3042–44, 3104–106, 3119–23, 3448–60, 3482–88, 4078–79, 4408, 4458–59

  Thebes: see Cities

  Theft: see Stealing

  Themistius (c. 317–c. 388 CE). Greek rhetorician from Paphlagonia, prefect of Constantinople: 313, 884, 885, 2697

  Themistocles (c. 524–459 BCE). Statesman of the Athenian democracy: 4153

  Themistogenes of Syracuse. Author to whom the Anabasis of Xenophon was once attributed, possibly a pen name adopted by Xenophon himself: 467

  Theocritus (first half third century BCE). Hellenistic Greek poet, the originator of pastoral or bucolic poetry: 57, 107, 2590, 3013, 3982, 4156

  Theodorus of Gadara (first century BCE). Greek rhetor, the teacher of Tiberius: 4197

  Theodorus Metochites (1270–1332). Byzantine statesman, author, and philosopher: 998

  Theodosius I, “the Great” (347–395 CE). Roman emperor from 388 CE: 884, 885

  Theology: 434–35, 586, 1466–69, 1642, 1849–50, 1995, 2014, 2074, 2178–80, 2263–64, 2492, 4471

  Theon, Aelius (first century CE). Alexandrian sophist and author of a collection of preliminary exercises (progymnasmata) for the training of orators: 4163–66

  Theophrastus (c. 370–c. 287 BCE). Greek philosopher, his teacher Aristotle’s successor as head of the Peripatetic School of philosophy in Athens: 306, 316, 317, 318, 324, 325, 351, 2728–29, 3470, 3474, 4145–49, 4159, 4215, 4294, 4346, 4469, 4159

  Theophylactus of Ohrid (1055–1107). Byzantine cleric, archbishop of Achrida in Bulgaria, and biblical exegete: 848, 2696

  Thermopylae. Narrow pass linking Greece with the north, site of the celebrated battle of 480 BCE at which the Spartan 300 put up a spirited defense against the Persians: 22, 44, 67–68, 335, 2422, 4352

  Thersites. The only low-born character in the Iliad: 1528

  Theseus. The mythical founder-king of Athens and conqueror of the Minotaur: 2318, 2806, 4159

  Thetis. In Greek myth, a sea nymph, mother of Achilles: 2768, 4047

  Thiele, Just Matthias (1795–1874). Danish folklorist, author of Danske Folkesagen (1818–1820): 4311

  Thieme, Carl August (1721–1795). German editor of Xenophon (Leipzig 1804): 2470

  Thiersch, Bernhard (1793–1855). Prussian patriot and writer: 4316

  Thiersch, Friedrich Wilhelm von (1784–1860). German classical scholar and educationist: 1134, 4316, 4319

  Things: LANGUAGE: 638–41, 748, 788, 951–52, 1226, 1388–90, 1701–702, 2664, 2721; POETRY AND ART: 1234–35, 2056–57, 2611–13, 3717–20, 4271; THE SYSTEM OF NATURE AND THE WORLD: 102–104, 138, 154, 246–48, 255–56, 295–96, 577, 585, 828, 1339–41, 1341–42, 1355, 1461–64, 1464–65, 1613–16, 1616–23, 1645, 1673, 1712–14, 1790, 2232–33, 2338, 2431–33, 2936–39, 2941–43, 3134–35, 3171–72, 3237–45, 3269–70, 3518, 3523, 3578, 3956–57, 4142–43, 4174, 4175, 4238–39, 4418, 4461–62, 4505. (See also Nature: THE NATURAL SYSTEM)

  Thinker(s): see Philosophy

  Thirlwall, Connop (1797–1875). Cotranslator of Niebuhr’s Roman History: 4431

  Thirty Tyrants, the. Athenian oligarchs installed in Athens at the end of the Peloponnesian War: 1058

  Thomas, Antoine-Léonard (1732–1785). French writer, academician; WORKS: Éloge de Descartes: 3978, 4108–9; Essai sur les éloges: 208, 217, 970,1052, 1232, 1445, 1933, 4117–18; Essai sur les femmes: 4103, 4104, 4144

  Thornton, William (1759–1828). British-American physician, inventor and architect, who designed the Capitol in Washington: 4352

  Thou, Jacques-Auguste de (1553–1617). French historian: 1403

  Thought (see also Philosophy): 84, 183, 4241, 4503–504; ANCIENTS/MODERNS, NORTHERNERS/SOUTHERNERS: 931–32, 3472–77, 3676–82; GRIEF, UNHAPPINESS, DESPAIR: 3842–43, 4145–46, 4418–19, 4438; LANGUAGE: 94–95, 2212–15, 2948–49, 3472–77; MATTER: 4251–53, 4288–89; SYSTEMS: 945–49

  Thrace, the Thracians: see Nations, peoples

  Thrasea Paetus, Publius Clodius (first century CE). Part of the Stoic and republican opposition to Nero: 274, 522

  Thucydides (c. 460–c. 399 BCE). Greek historian, author of the History of the Peloponnesian War: 4, 126, 468, 470, 509, 595–96, 849, 2589, 2675, 2787, 4055, 4140, 4309, 4401, 4441, 4464

  Thunder: 1928–29, 4293

  Thurii. A Greek colony in southern Italy: 4431

  Tiberius (42 BCE–37 CE). Roman emperor, ruled from 14 CE: 81, 121, 992, 107
7, 2245, 4194, 4195, 4196, 4218

  Tibet, the Tibetans: see Nations, peoples

  Tibullus, Albius (55–19 BCE). Roman elegiac poet: 4144, 4190 (note 5)

  Tillemont, Louis-Sébastien (1637–1698). Jansenist priest and French historian: 1001, 2825

  Timaeus of Tauromenium (Sicily) (c. 356–260 BCE). Greek historian: 4432

  Timaeus the Sophist (second to third century CE). Greek philosopher about whom little is known, author of the Lexicon vocum Platonicarum: 3236

  Time (see also Brevity; Eternity; Future; Present, the): 345–47, 818, 1074–75, 2491–92, 3410–11, CONSOLATION: 512–14, 2150–51, 2419–20, 2479, 3529, 4243–45; DURATION: 165–67, 610, 1080, 1089, 2435, 4043, 4063, 4271–72; NATURE OF TIME: 292–93, 4181–82, 4233; PROGRESS: 4500–501, 4507–508; PERCEPTION AND RELATIVITY OF TIME: 3265–69, 3509–14, 3898–99, 4254–55

  Timidity: see Boldness, frankness

  Timon. Semilegendary Athenian misanthrope: 4149

  Timotheus. Famous flute player from Thebes, accompanied Alexander the Great in his campaigns: 3425

  Timycha. Pythagorean woman: 4225

  Tiraboschi, Girolamo (1731–1794). Literary historian and writer, later director of the Estense library in Modena: 34, 2701, 3018, 3177, 4236

  Titinnius (second century CE). Roman comic poet: 3625–26

  Titius, Caius (prob. second century BCE). A Roman knight, mentioned by Macrobius: 3986

  Titus (Titus Flavius Vespasianus) (39–81 CE). Roman emperor from 79 CE: 886, 1001

  Tlaxcala. Mexican city and surrounding region: 2388

  Tobacco: see Drugs

  Toil: see Labor

  Tolerance: 3684

  Torpor (see also Drugs and Languor): 172, 290–92, 649–50, 1580–81, 1585, 1628, 1779, 1792–93, 1988–90, 2566–67, 2861, 3550–52, 3842, 3846–48, 3905–906, 4419

  Tortoises: see Animals

  Toup, Jonathan (also known as Toupius) (1713–1785). English philologist, editor of Longinus: 981, 4116, 4117, 4123, 4135–36, 4255, 4440

  Toussain, Jacques (Tusanus) (1498–1547). French humanist and lexicographer: 2788, 4011, 4116, 4124, 4465

  Tracy: see Destutt de Tracy

  Trade: see Commerce

  Tradition: 939

  Tragedy: see Theater

  Trajan (Marcus Ulpius Traianus) (53–117 CE). Roman emperor from 98 CE: 494, 979, 992, 2644, 4157

  Translation: 988, 1052–53, 2150, 3475–76, 4263–64, 4305–306; THEORY OF TRANSLATION: 12, 319–20, 962–71, 1988, 3954; characteristics of particular languages: 323, 1492, 1683–84, 1926, 1946–51, 1956–57, 1973–74, 1988, 2013–2014, 2026–28, 2089–93, 2101, 2134–36, 2451–52, 2845–61, 2913–14, 3441–43, 3972–73, 4191, 4305–306; French: 93–94, 246, 962–71, 1001–1003, 1086–1087

  Tranquillity: see Quiet

  Transylvania: 241

  Trausi: see Nations, peoples

  Travel: 51, 147, 720–21, 834, 1539, 4295–97, 4412, 4471, 4485; THE ENGLISH NATION IS THE MOST WIDELY TRAVELED IN THE WORLD: 1028

  Trévoux (Dictionnaire de): 983, 4148

  Trinity, the: 1627, 2179

  Trinity College (Cambridge): 4431

  Trissino, Gian Giorgio (1478–1550). Writer and humanist from Vicenza: 3132

  Triumphs: 1016, 1445–46

  Trivulzio, Gian Giacomo (1441–1518). Italian aristocrat who held several commands during the Italian Wars: 3887

  Tropes: see Rhetoric

  Troy, the Trojans: see Cities

  True, the: see Truth

  Truncation (linguistic): 4028

  Trust/Mistrust: 661–62, 1866–69, 2862–64, 4230–31; SELF-CONFIDENCE OR THE LACK OF IT: 96–97, 122, 123, 461–62, 802, 960, 1063–65, 1728, 3188, 3279–80, 3943–44, 4282–83

  Truth: 1090–91, 1239–40, 1521–22, 1655, 1939–40, 2019–20, 2653–54, 3932, 4002, 4206–208, 4235; ARTS AND LITERATURE: 2, 156–57, 203–204, 347–49, 1228–29, 3382–86; HAPPINESS/UNHAPPINESS: 109, 168–69, 176–77, 326–28, 331–33, 378–88, 413–16, 450–51, 633–36, 636–37, 678–83, 814–18, 1970, 1974–75, 2653–54, 3932, 4002; IMAGINATION, INSPIRATION, ENTHUSIASM, PASSIONS: 1833–40, 1961–62, 1975–78, 3237–45, 3269–71, 3382–86, 3552–53; PHILOSOPHERS: 128–29, 945–49, 1089–90, 1090–91, 1228–29, 1239–40, 1341–42, 1347–55, 1712–14, 1833–40, 1848–60, 2019–20, 2616–18, 2709–15, 3382–86; PROGRESS OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT: 1729–32, 1708–709, 4108–109, 4192–93, 4206–208; RELATIVE NATURE OF TRUTH: 160, 451–52, 661, 675–76, 1616–18, 1632, 1637, 1645–46, 1690–91, 1706–709, 1766–67, 2527–28

  Tullia. Daughter of king Servius Tullius, wife of Tarquin the Proud: 4456

  Tullius Hostilius. Third semilegendary king of Rome, ruled from 673 to 642 BCE: 4455, 4457

  Tunisians: see Nations, peoples

  Turkey, the Turks: see Nations, peoples

  Turnus. A character in Virgil’s Aeneid: 3141

  Tusanus, Jacobus: see Toussain, Jacques

  Tuscanisms: 1326, 2062

  Tuscany, the Tuscans (see also Italian Dialects: TUSCAN): 25, 28, 30, 187–88, 207, 392, 694, 936, 1021, 1092–93, 1245–47, 1249, 1250, 1325, 1436, 2123, 2124, 2125, 2126, 2516, 2592, 2652, 2721, 3065, 3066, 3070, 3071, 3073, 3548, 3969, 3990, 3995, 4003, 4031, 4082, 4098, 4236, 4237, 4264, 4287, 4294, 4301, 4336, 4365, 4443, 4495, 4512

  Twentieth century, the (see also Future): “LETTER TO A YOUNG MAN OF THE 20TH CENTURY”: 4279–80

  Tydeus. An Aeolian hero, one of the Seven against Thebes: 3276

  Tyranny: see Government, governance

  Tyrtaeus (seventh century BCE). Greek elegiac poet, probably of Spartan birth: 808, 812, 3224

  Tzetzes, John (c. 1110–1180). Byzantine poet and grammarian: 998, 2696, 3106


  Uberti, Fazio degli (c. 1310–c. 1370). Lyric and didactic poet, based mainly in northern Italy: 3014, 4190

  Uckert, Friedrich August (1780–1851). Classical scholar, whose major work is concerned with Greek and Roman geography: 4343

  Ugliness (see also Beauty): 2–3, 49, 233–34, 276–77, 718–20, 1183–99, 1199–201, 1212–13, 1356, 1379–81, 1404–11, 1509–10, 1510–13, 1538–40, 1593, 1594–99, 1634–35, 1749–52, 1865–66, 1913–14, 1914, 2395, 2456–58, 3553–54, 4258–59, 4416

  Ugolino della Gherardesca (1220–1289). Pisan Ghibelline nobleman whose story is recounted in Dante’s Inferno, canto 33: 4365

  Ugone. Character in Tasso’s Gerusalemme liberata: 3594

  Ulfilas (or Wulfila) (c. 311–383 CE). Gothic or half-Gothic bishop, missionary, and Bible translator: 4312, 4523

  Ulpian (Domitius Ulpianus) (third century CE). Roman jurist and writer: 1182, 2865, 3074

  Ultra-philosophy: see Philosophy

  Ulysses (Odysseus). Legendary king of Ithaca, prominent in Homer’s Iliad, and protagonist of the Odyssey: 3601–603, 3608, 3609, 4391, 4396

  Unbelief: see Incredulity

  Uncertainty: see Certainty

  Undefined, the: see Indefinite, the

  Unfamiliarity (in language or style) (see also Elegance and Extraordinary, the): 1323–24, 1336, 1337, 1485, 1806–11, 1916–17, 1919–20, 2502–20, 2539–44, 3372–73, 3407–408, 3429, 3476, 3566, 3864–68

  Unhappiness: see Happiness

  Uniformity/Variety: 151, 364, 368–69, 1399–1400, 1655, 1736; NATURE/CIVILIZATION, ART: 128, 147, 148, 167–69, 246, 381–82, 659–60, 721–22, 1513–18, 1999–2004, 2599–2602; languages: 1022–23, 1065–66, 243, 1386–87, 1965–67, 2002–2004, 2056–65; THEORY OF PLEASURE, HATRED OF BOREDOM: 23, 51, 88–90, 167–69, 239, 345–47, 1028, 1507–508, 1827–28, 2599–2602; beauty: 186–88, 189–91

  United States of America: see Nations, peoples

  Unity: OF ORIGINAL LANGUAGE: 1265–66, 2621–22, 4373–74, 4428, 4500; POLITICAL: 546–60, 567–68, 577–82, 3389–90. See also Oneness (of a language)

  Universal/Particular (see also Absolute/Relative): IN RELATION TO EACH OTHER: 1301, 1878, 3788, 3929–30,

  Universal vocabulary: see Word(s)

nbsp; Universe (see also Nature: THE NATURAL SYSTEM): 3378–82, 4129–30, 4137, 4141–43, 4174, 4175–77, 4248, 4257–59, 4274–75, 4292, 4510–11

  Unknown, the: 89, 169–70, 1991–92, 3639

  Unlettered, the: 359, 1788–89, 2580, 2951–54

  Upton, John (1707–1760). English philologist: 4335

  Useful, the: 21–23, 64–65, 312, 341, 876–77, 949–50, 986, 987, 1165, 1175, 1306–307, 1507, 1565–68, 2254–55, 2703, 4013, 4058–59, 4268, 4502; IN LITERATURE AND ART: 3, 6, 63, 3383, 3455, 3459–60, 4347, 4351, 4483–84, 4497; THE WORD “USEFUL”: 4013, 4268

  Utopia: 562, 3469–71


  Vacuum: 175, 930, 2600, 3978

  Vague, the (see also Indefinite, the): 26, 61, 82, 100, 1226, 1235–36, 1964, 2288–90,3975–76, 3909–10, 4293, 4310–11, 4426, 4427, 4485, 4490, 4513; THE PHRASE “VAGUE AND INDEFINITE”: 75, 170, 257, 472–73, 514–16, 1017–18, 1025–26, 1574–75, 1928, 2053–54, 2804–809, 3308, 3911–13

  Valamir. One of Attila’s courtiers, who emitted sparks: 4218, 4219

  Valerius Maximus (first century CE). Latin historian: 478, 982, 2675

  Valor: 620–25, 984–85, 2674–76, 3720–22, 3893

  Valperga di Caluso, Tommaso (1737–1815). Turinese man of letters and scholar, a correspondent of Alfieri: 41, 3202–203

  Vandals: see Nations, peoples

  Vanity (see also Nothingness and Disillusion): 69, 72, 78–79, 101–103, 106–107, 131, 140–41, 172–73, 213–17, 259–61, 3990

  Vannetti, Clementino (1754–1795). Man of letters and advocate of classicism based in Rovereto: 1067

  Varano, Alfonso (1705–1788). Ferrarese poet and ecclesiastic, imitator of Dante: 3014, 4419

  Varchi, Benedetto (1503–1565). Florentine man of letters: 936, 1436, 2452, 2526, 3067, 4227

  Variety: see Uniformity

  Varro, Marcus Terentius (116–27 BCE). Roman poet, satirist, antiquarian, grammarian, and jurist, author of De lingua Latina: 759, 1067, 1070, 1121, 1130–32, 1534, 2138, 2165, 2308, 2655, 2729, 2932–33, 3062, 3420, 3469, 3471, 3561, 3627–28, 3686, 4432, 4442, 4451, 4459

  Varro, Publius Terentius (82–c. 35 BCE). Latin poet: 2729

  Varus. A friend of Virgil (it is not sure which of the different people called Varus connected with Virgil is meant): 2652

  Vastness: see Great(ness)


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