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Voices in the Mirror

Page 17

by Ross Turner

  Sadly, she was used to that look now, for Johnathan had worn it ever since the day Father Peter had been killed. Although, she suspected, that wasn’t the only thing that troubled her dear son.

  “Mother?” He said then as he entered, his tone worried and his eyes everywhere. “What’s wrong?” He asked, seeing her slumped in a chair at the dining room table, her head in her hands.

  “Nothing, Johnathan, thank you…” She lied, unconvincingly, feigning a smile, though again, with relatively meagre success.

  Her still loving son, though now he was fifteen years of age, and most certainly in that difficult stage of life where he was not quite a man, but not precisely a boy either, just as Father Peter had predicted, pursed his lips slightly for a moment.

  He knew she was lying.

  But, unfortunately, he also knew exactly what was wrong. He felt the same thing every day, and he knew there was nothing he could do about it.

  Sighing deeply and regretfully, Johnathan leaned down and placed his arms gently around his mother’s neck, and she reached up to embrace her son, warmed by his love.

  The front door was still open behind Johnathan, and Maddie had not yet followed him in, though neither of them had noticed.

  As a matter of fact, she was stood only just outside, her hand lifted up above her face to shield her eyes from the blinding sun, and her eyes desperately trying to focus upon the figure approaching her from the end of their front garden.

  “John…? Mother…?” Her voice drifted in from outside, barely even reaching their ears, and not once did she take her eyes from the figure walking slowly towards her, becoming no clearer in the blinding light of the day.

  Her heart began to race and barraged furiously against her chest.

  “Johnathan!!” She suddenly yelled, filling her lungs and forcing the sound from her tiny frame like an explosion.

  Within barely seconds her brother was dutifully at her side.

  “Maddie!?” He responded automatically.

  Their mother followed him out, only a moment behind him.

  “What’s wrong!?” She gasped, her breath taken away by fear.

  Immediately Johnathan saw the figure of the man and placed himself between Maddie and the threat.

  He too however, was forced to lift his hand to his eyes to shield them from the sun, and he could not make out any more than the outline of the person stood before him.

  “Who are you!?” He demanded.

  Though perhaps it was not the politest way to greet a stranger, Johnathan now favoured more with wariness than manners, be that a good thing or a bad thing, and he waited impatiently for a reply.

  But his answer came soon enough, and as the few scattered, drifting clouds high up above them sauntered in front of the blinding sun, dimming its light for perhaps a minute or two, the figure before them came fully into view, and they saw that he was not a stranger after all.

  He was tall and broad and looked even at first glance very strong. His dark hair and eyes were set about his chiselled face in a most handsome and attractive way, and he wore a smile that greeted the three of them warmly, and with many years’ worth of love lost to the ages.

  And because the day was warm and sunny and late into August, his weathered, brown leather jacket, faded and well worn, as it seemingly always had been, was slung casually over his shoulder.

  Finally, he was home.

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