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Brownies and Dark Shadows

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by Amber Crewes


  A Sandy Bay Cozy Mystery


  Amber Crewes

  Published by Pen-n-a-Pad Publishing in 2018

  All characters and events in this publication, other than those clearly in the public domain, are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Copyright © Pen-n-a-Pad Publishing

  The moral right of the author has been asserted.

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  About Brownies and Dark Shadows

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  Cookies and Buried Secrets Cover

  About Cookies and Buried Secrets



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  About Brownies and Dark Shadows

  Released: July, 2018

  Series: Book 2 – Sandy Bay Cozy Mystery Series

  Standalone: Yes

  Cliff-hanger: No

  When Sandy Bay’s crème de la crème congregate to raise money for charity, Meghan Truman is proud to have her tasty desserts the talk of the party. She’s not so proud when the wealthiest couple in Sandy Bay are discovered dead and rumors circulate around town that her brownies are the cause of this tragedy.

  This murder case casts a dark shadow over Meghan’s budding romance with handsome Officer Irvin who’s disappointed that she’s once again at the center of another murder investigation.

  With everything to lose, Meghan must work hard to clear her name, restore broken relationships and solve this murder mystery before everything she’s worked so hard to build comes crumbling down.

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  “I CANNOT BELIEVE we booked the Weeks Group corporate order!” Lori squealed, her eyes dancing with excitement.

  Meghan smiled warmly at Lori. It had been a pleasant surprise to book such a lucrative deal; the Weeks Group was one of the largest companies on the West Coast, and Meghan knew what an honor it was for her bakery, Truly Sweet, to be chosen as the official bakery of the company. The bakery hadn’t even been open for a year yet, and already, Meghan’s business was the talk of the town!

  “Just think, Meghan! Every restaurant and cafe at the Weeks Group will be filled with your sweets!” Lori exclaimed.

  Meghan smiled down at Lori, her new assistant. Lori had only been working as Meghan’s assistant for a few weeks, but Meghan adored Lori’s warmth and enthusiasm. As the two women tied their aprons in the bakery’s backroom and prepared for the day ahead, Meghan’s heart swelled with gratitude for her protégé.

  “Our sweets, Lori,” Meghan gently corrected, placing a hand softly on Lori’s shoulder. “You are my assistant now, Lori! You are a member of the team here. My success is our success, and I want you to know how proud I am of how quickly you’ve learned about the way I do things here at Truly Sweet!”

  Lori beamed, her youthful face glowing with Meghan’s kind words. At twenty-two, she was only a few years younger than Meghan, but her earnest spirit made her seem even younger than her age. Meghan enjoyed Lori’s company, and she was thankful to have a new friend in her adopted hometown; Meghan had only recently moved to Sandy Bay, and with every kindred spirit found, she felt even more at home.

  Meghan tucked a loose strand of dark hair behind her ear and finished tying her apron. She walked to the large sink in the backroom and washed her hands, careful to scrub every inch.

  “Do we have a busy day today, Meghan?” Lori asked, wiping her own damp hands on her apron as she walked into the front room. Meghan shook her head.

  “No,” Meghan replied. “I received the call about the Weeks Group corporate order last night, and I went ahead and cleared our schedule for the week so that we can begin preparing! It will be an ongoing order, and I expect it will keep us busy. We’ll have a few miscellaneous orders to fill this week, and surely some walk-in customers, but otherwise, it will be a quiet week!”

  Meghan had barely finished her sentence before the bakery was abuzz with activity; suddenly, the tiny silver bells attached to the front door began to chime as the door burst open. A petite, blonde-haired woman marched up to the front counter, the two strands of milky-white pearls around her neck jingling as she moved.

  “Meghan Truman! You are just the person I need to speak with!”

  Meghan’s eyes widened as Kirsty Fisher sauntered up to the counter. Her heart sank; Kirsty was one of Sandy Bay’s more influential residents, and she had acted aloof toward Meghan since the scandal that had threatened Truly Sweet’s success only weeks ago. Kirsty had hardly acknowledged Meghan since the murder of Norman Butcher, a local man, had been blamed on Meghan and her treats. Even though Meghan’s name had been cleared for weeks now, Kirsty’s attitude had still been chilly. Meghan felt her hands quiver as Kirsty approached, and she bit her bottom lip nervously as Kirsty’s lips turned upward into a business-like smile.

  “Lori,” Meghan hissed under her breath, trying to capture the attention of her trusted assistant who was rolling out dough behind her. Lori heard Meghan’s whisper and immediately came to her side.

  “Well, good morning, Kirsty!” Lori said kindly to the woman as she wiped her messy hands on her apron. “What brings you in this morning?”

  Meghan’s shoulders dropped in relief; a lifetime resident of Sandy Bay, Lori knew how to interact with everyone in town, and Meghan was thankful for her help as Kirsty eyed her.

  Kirsty nodded at Lori, but quickly moved her attention back to Meghan.

  “Meghan, dear! So lovely to see you. I hope you are well?”

  Meghan shrugged nervously, and Kirsty continued.

  “So Meghan, I’ve heard you bake the best brownies in town! Your bakery was the talk of the town over the last few weeks, you know, with…. everything…... that happened?”

  Meghan watched as Lori disappeared into the backroom. The scandal had personally involved Lori; it was her father that had been murdered, and while he and Lori had not had a close relationship, Meghan knew Lori was still recovering from the loss.

  “Anyway, I’m so terribly sorry that your first few weeks in Sandy Bay were tainted with such a scandal! How awful. This is such a lovely town, and I don’t want you to get the wrong idea of us!” Kirsty said, her smile shifting into a look of concern.

  Meghan shook her head. “It’s alright,” Megan replied. “My bakery’s reputation has been restored, and I think things have settled down.”

  Kirsty gave Meghan a pitying smile.

  “Well, I heard that your name was cleared. That’s so wonderful. I just had a little idea that could help completely eliminate any more issues you may have been having because of that horrible little scandal!” Kirsty said, tossing her blonde hair behind her shoulders and retrieving a business card from her purse. “As you know, I run the Fisher Foundation, the biggest charity in town. We raise money for those in need, and it’s nearly time for our annual gala, the F
isher Fest! My caterer unexpectedly cancelled, and the new caterer will not be providing desserts. Since you are in need of some positive exposure in town, especially given that tricky little incident with Mr. Butcher, I thought it might be nice if you could provide some desserts for the gala!”

  Meghan stared at Kirsty, her hazel eyes growing large. She took a long, silent breath, considering Kirsty’s proposal.

  “Well?” Kirsty asked, beginning to tap her high heels impatiently on the wooden floor.

  “I don’t know,” Meghan finally answered. “I just took on a major corporate order, and I don’t know if I have the time to make even more brownies with the commitment I just made.”

  Kirsty pursed her lips in a pout and batted her eyelashes at Meghan.

  “Come on,” Kirsty coaxed, sliding her business card across the counter. “Think about your business! This would quiet all of the people still whispering about Truly Sweet, and you would have so many of Sandy Bay’s finest folks sampling your treats at the gala!”

  Meghan placed her hands on her round hips as she mentally calculated the hours she would need to bake enough desserts to take to the gala. She knew that with Lori’s help, she could do it, but for some reason, she felt uneasy about accepting Kirsty’s proposal.

  “Meghan?” Kirsty said sternly. “I need to know if you will help us! It’s for charity. You simply cannot turn down the opportunity to bake for a charity!”

  “Okay,” Meghan answered, folding her hands in front on her. “I’ll do it.”

  “Excellent!” Kirsty said gleefully, snapping her purse closed and stepping back from the counter. “Here’s my card. Give me a call this evening and we’ll work out the details. I think you might even thank me later, Meghan! Toodles!”

  As Kirsty marched out of the bakery, her tall, thin high heels clacking across the floor, Meghan leaned back against the counter.

  “What did she want?” Lori asked as she walked back into the front room. “Kirsty Fisher always wants something; she and her husband run every event and charity in town, and no one can say no to Kirsty Fisher.”

  Meghan shrugged. “We’re baking for the Fisher Fest,” she said to Lori. Lori’s eyes sparkled as she heard the news.

  “The Fisher Fest!” Lori exclaimed. “That’s the fanciest event all year! Kirsty even makes the caterers and workers dress up! We’ll have so much fun, Meghan! This is good news!”

  Meghan looked down at her shoes, her chest feeling tight.

  “Meghan? This is good news! Between the Weeks Group deal and the Fisher Fest, things are looking up for Truly Sweet!”

  Meghan shook her head. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” Meghan said softly. “I just have a bad feeling about this event. For some reason, Fisher Fest has me worried, Lori.”


  “THESE ARE THE BEST BROWNIES I have ever eaten,” said an older gentleman to Meghan as the woman with him nodded in agreement.

  Meghan smiled demurely. It had been a wonderful night; guests had flocked to the little booth Meghan and Lori had hastily constructed for the event, and the girls’ hard work was paying off!

  “What is your name? My wife and I would love to have you bake for our next event,” the man said kindly.

  Meghan grinned. She was thankful that she had ignored her gut instinct and agreed to provide treats for the event. Kirsty Fisher was right; the exposure Meghan and her business were gaining was invaluable, and Meghan had given out nearly every single business card she had brought with her to the event!

  “I’m Meghan Truman,” Meghan said.

  “Meghan,” the man repeated. “It’s been a pleasure! I’m Brian Bishop, and this is my wife, Amy.”

  “It’s a pleasure,” Amy said, smiling sweetly at Meghan.

  “We need to go find our sons now, but mark my words, you will be hearing from us soon!” Brian exclaimed as he led his wife away.

  Meghan smoothed her long, black velvet dress, feeling every bit the successful, revered business woman she now was. She knew she looked lovely; her dark hair was piled atop her head in an elegant chignon, and the long black gloves on her arms made her look sophisticated. Had she not been standing behind the Truly Sweet booth, Meghan could have easily been mistaken for one of the guests at Fisher Fest!

  “Well, look at you, Princess!”

  Meghan heard the familiar voice of Karen Denton, her former neighbor. She turned to find Karen beaming up at her.

  “Karen!” Meghan exclaimed. “I didn’t know you would be here!”

  Karen smiled at Meghan, looking beautiful in a pale yellow gown that made her tiny waist look even smaller. At seventy-two years old, Karen, a retired nurse, was the fittest person Meghan knew, and as Karen’s eyes danced with happiness, she looked not a day older than Meghan!

  “Surprise! I heard that Kirsty Fisher wrangled you into this little shin-dig, and I knew I couldn’t miss it for the world!”

  Meghan stepped out from behind the booth and embraced Karen. The two had first met several years ago back in Los Angeles. Meghan, pursuing a career in acting, had moved into a small apartment next to Karen’s, and once the two had met, they were practically inseparable. Now, as they hugged amidst the glamorous guests of Fisher Fest, Meghan was grateful that Karen had first suggested Meghan explore Sandy Bay, Karen’s hometown.

  “It’s going so well!” Meghan whispered to Karen.

  “I can see that! Everyone is talking about the brownies! I am so excited for you!”

  Meghan grinned. “I wasn’t so sure about saying yes, but I’m glad I did.

  A mischievous look flashed across Karen’s face, and she playfully bumped Meghan’s hip with her own. “I heard a certain fellow stopped by to say hello to you!” Karen said.

  Meghan’s face turned red. In the first hour of the event, just as Meghan’s nerves were settling down, Jack Irvin had stopped by the booth. Meghan had been bent down below the table with a brownie stuffed into her mouth when Jack approached; she had not noticed him coming, and as she kneeled down to quickly consume the brownie, she saw a pair of shining black dress shoes stop and stay beside her booth.

  “Great work tonight,” Meghan heard.

  She swallowed the brownie quickly and stood up to find Jack smiling at her. Her face burned. She had not initially warmed to Jack, but after he had helped her walk home with a sprained ankle a few days ago, she had been harboring a little crush on the handsome police officer.

  “Thanks,” Meghan said. “It’s good to see you, Jack!”

  He grinned, but took a hand to his mouth, exaggerating a brushing motion. Meghan was puzzled, and she could feel her chest pounding as Jack smiled at her.

  “You look so nice!” Meghan said, looking at Jack’s suit. “You clean up nicely!”

  Jack’s eyes moved from Meghan’s and traveled up and down.

  “You look beautiful, Meghan,” Jack replied. Meghan felt her chest swell with excitement as Jack leaned in close over the table.

  “Meghan?” Jack whispered. Meghan closed her eyes in anticipation; was Jack going to kiss her?

  “Yes?” Meghan said breathily, her hazel eyes still closed. She felt a gentle brush of Jack’s hand on her face, and she flew open her eyes in shock.

  “You had something on your face,” Jack said softly. “It looked like brownie crumbs!”

  Meghan was embarrassed, and Lori came to the rescue.

  “Jack!” Lori said pleasantly. “Need to steal Meghan away; we’re too busy for you two to be chatting!”

  Lori quickly whisked Meghan away.

  “That’s the last time I ever eat a dessert!” Meghan said to Lori. Lori smiled graciously, both women knowing this declaration to be untrue.

  Now, as Meghan stood with Karen at the end of the event, she felt herself relax. Besides embarrassing herself in front of Jack, she had enjoyed the event and even networked! It had been a good evening, and Meghan felt the slightest bit of embarrassment at her initial indignation toward Kirsty.

and gentlemen! Yoo-hooo!”

  As if she had conjured her by thinking about her, Meghan saw Kirsty take the stage in the center of the room. Kirsty was dressed in a floor-length purple ball gown, and a handsome man stood next to her, his arm wrapped around Kirsty’s small waist.

  “Who is that man?” Meghan whispered to Karen.

  “That’s Vince, Kirsty’s husband,” Karen replied. “They are fabulously wealthy and fabulously charitable; the Fisher Foundation just built a new center downtown for disadvantaged youth, and the proceeds from tonight will go toward a scholarship fund!”

  Meghan watched as Kirsty appraised the room. Several hundred guests floated about the ballroom, and Kirsty smiled as all chatter hushed.


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