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Pretty Kings

Page 22

by T. Styles

  “Bambi, who is your connect?” he asks me again wiping the blade down my breasts and my belly.

  I maintain my silence and it’s killing them.

  “In my country at one time there was a secret sect called Skoptsy,” Arkadi says to me. “And in sect, castration was done on men, and mastectomies on women to keep in line with teachings on forbidden lust.” He runs the blade over my nipples and for the first time I shiver. “It was considered wrong to lust after anything and anyone if you were a member of sect.” He turns my chin, and looks into my eyes. “And you lust after many things, your husband’s cousin, money and even power. Don’t you, Bambi?”

  I’m as strong as ever until he pushes my thighs apart and eases the blade across my clit. It betrays me and hardens under the touch of the blade. I know now what they are about to do. Instead of cutting off my breasts, they are going to remove my clit, making me half a woman.

  I am a woman. A strong woman. I could live without breasts knowing that I could replace them in an instant. I can even live without my natural long hair. But, I could never walk the earth, without being able to satisfy the feeling of being aroused by a man.

  When Iakov splashes the vodka into the gashes of my sliced face and it burns, I know it’s time to speak. I swallow and say, “I can provide you with the purest cocaine in the world,” I look back and forth at them. “The type of product that’s as pure as a baby’s pussy.” I pause. “In turn you can offer this product to your clients or step on it five times and it will still be the best. I’m able to do that for you,” I assure them. “But if you do what your eyes tell me you want to,” I swallow, “and, castrate me…even if you released me I would kill myself.” I look into their eyes harder. “But no matter what you do to me, I will never…ever…give you the connect. That product belongs to my family and me. Respect that and I can make you both rich men. Buck the system and you can kill me now. It doesn’t make me any difference anymore. I’m ready to die.”


  Six months passed and the summer was relentless. Money, drugs, and mayhem flooded the DC streets and the Pretty Kings controlled it all. Just as Bambi’s dream predicted they were the reining kings of the drug industry. Under ruthless Bambi’s watch, and with The Russians in her pocket, they doubled the amount of money they were making. Men and women threw themselves at the women just to be a part of their world.

  Bambi was in her old house folding clothes on her bed. When she walked to the mirror, her scarred face reminded her of the monster she’d become. Although the Pretty Kings had a new home, and stayed in it every so often, they decided to maintain Bunny’s mansion too. Besides, her twins liked it there, and agreed to go to college if they were allowed to stay.

  Race had become a totally different person. Her sex appeal was on blast at all times, and she finally knew who she was. She kept a gun in one hand and Carey’s ass in the other. By all accounts, she was muscle to the Pretty Kings Empire. But it was Sarge and his platoon mates who molded her, and shifted her way of thinking. Men and women were scared of her. Sarge decided to work for Bambi to protect her properly, and it was nothing he wouldn’t do for the woman he secretly loved.

  Just recently Bambi dispatched Race to put in work. Two of their employees stepped out of line and Race put them and their families out of their misery. She was ruthless. On the outside Race was good, but inside she was still unhappy. She was in love with Carey and couldn’t share it with her sisters. Sure Carey was taken care of better than she ever was when Ramirez was alive. And, yes Race spent three nights out of the week in Carey’s bed. But, not being able to realize their relationship fully made Race feel like a liar.

  Although originally mad at her family, Denim bought a new house for her mother. She didn’t want to, but she also allowed Grainger to move in it. But, Denim made it clear that if Grainger didn’t do her job, by taking care of Sarah, she would throw her jealous ass out on the streets.

  Unlike one of her sisters, Denim couldn’t date just yet. Her heart still belonged to Bradley, and she was good with forever being in love with him, and him alone. Besides she was all about Jasmine, the drug empire and her money. Anything else was for everybody else.

  Scarlett’s eight-month old pregnant belly didn’t stop her from meeting another man. Although she couldn’t be sure if he was with her for her money or her heart, she welcomed the company. Ngozi was African and his chocolate skin was darker than Camp’s. He was also more violent. But he accepted her for who she was, and even admired the bullet wound that ran along the side of her neck. Which, she got when enemies fired into the house.

  At first Scarlett welcomed being slapped and kicked around, but when he tried to beat the baby out of her belly, she knew she had a problem on her hands. It got so bad that she even threatened to tell the Pretty Kings about the abuse. Until he said he would leave the house, wait to catch her alone and slice the white baby out of her body and sell it in the black market. She contemplated telling Denim, since they got closer after the meeting with the Russians, but she was truly afraid of her new boyfriend.

  Ngozi moved himself into the house, used her money like it was his, and fucked her every which way but lose. Ngozi’s sex was the stuff of legends, and that was what roped her originally. But, a storm was coming her way, and she could feel it.

  The sun was shining brightly when Bambi moved toward the window to look out of it. She was thinking about her life, and what was to come. When she saw a white box van pull up into the driveway, her eyes widened, and she went into attack mode. Bambi reached for her .45. But, just like the soldier that Race was now, she was already outside with an AK-47 aimed at the vehicle, and ready to protect the family.

  Not feeling like waiting on the elevator, Bambi rushed downstairs and outside of the house. Now both Scarlett with her pregnant belly, and Denim were also outside pointing their weapons at the vehicle. But, when the door of the van slid open, and out popped Ramirez, Camp and Bradley, followed by Kevin, the girls were in a state of shock.

  They all dropped their guns and rushed to the men to embrace them. They were alive. They were actually alive. Bambi on the other hand, wasn’t so excited. What could their return mean for everything she rebuilt? Suddenly she felt lightheaded, and couldn’t stand on her feet. And, when Kevin looked into Bambi’s eyes with pure anger, she passed out cold.



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