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Wolf Pack Chronicles Box Set

Page 31

by Amelia Wilson

  “Alright, Ms. Oracle. Let’s not forget that you couldn’t even read your tarot cards in front of me without freezing,” he said as they sprawled out on the covers. Krista relished these moments the most, the quiet ones in her loft while she meditated in between clients coming into her shop.

  “I found another artifact,” Krista said proudly.

  “What is it? A sword? Another dagger? We finally displayed that cursed ring that you found the other day.”

  "Actually, I think it may be some kind of shroud. It belongs to another one of those dead kings that are seeking their revenge, blah, blah, blah. The usual spooky stuff. But, we should probably pick it up soon. The oracle said it's been undisturbed, but you know how it is once someone gets their hands on an ancient artifact before we do."

  “Well, where is it, then?”


  “Great, where the vampires live?”

  “That’s Transylvania.”

  "No, I'm pretty sure there are vampires all over that side of Europe…"

  "Then we're going to need some more backup this time."

  A bell rang as someone entered the shop. “Duty calls,” Krista said as she sprang from the bed. “Have Tristan get our passports sorted out, won’t you? I’ve always wanted to go to Europe!”

  She leaned over and kissed him, relishing the peace and comfort that Ryland's lips brought her. As she sauntered away, Ryland pinched at her butt. "Anything in the cards about us going out to dinner, sometime soon?" He asked. Krista looked over her shoulder at him. "Hmm, is that sushi I'm starting to see? And maybe, if my vision comes true, I'll do a special spread just for you. You know, a private reading."

  Ryland bit his lip and sighed heavily, as Krista walked down the stairs to meet her client. When she reached the bottom step, she grabbed her black scarf that was hanging on a nearby hook and wrapped it around her head.

  She had come a long way and became an oracle. She had traversed the shifter world and brought back her very own alpha as a mate. As she took her seat and shuffled her tarot cards, she smiled at the power flowing through her, her own intuition.

  "Now," she told her customer. "What would you like to ask the cards today?"

  Secrets of the Alpha

  The Reign of the Alpha Series


  Amelia Wilson



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19



  A soft breeze filtered through the trees, moving the leaves together in the canopy high above Danielle's head. She giggled and remained still, letting the wind play with the loose strands of her hair. It was only here in the depths of the forest that she allowed herself to be free. The sounds of nature filled her ears like a gentle lullaby putting her at ease.

  She glanced up to stare at the golden rays of light dancing about the boughs. The branches swayed and rocked, causing the light to bend and shift. She sighed at the sight, with a smile on her face. Her eyes remained fixed on the golden-yellow rays shining through the emerald-green leaves.

  With the smile still playing at the corner of her lips, she moved through the forest as if it were her home. Every step she took was delicate and soft. She moved smoothly over the roots and rocks. The deeper she went into the forest, the more the stress of the city faded away.

  "I have missed this place," she sighed stopping to study the wild yellow flowers springing up at base of a tree.

  Ever since she was a child, Danielle was more at home in the forest, surrounded by nature, than she ever was in the concrete city. She moved over the roots, ducking under the branches hanging close to the ground. Squirrels jumped from branch to branch following her. Danielle reached into her backpack and pulled out a paper bag. She kept her eyes locked on the little creatures as she shoved her hand into the bag and pulled out a handful of nuts. She tossed the nuts in their direction and smiled as the furry animals scrambled to get them, before returning the bag of food to her backpack.

  This forest had become a second home to Danielle and she spent more time here than she did in her apartment back in Seattle. Of course her roommate didn't mind her absence, despite her objections about coming here. Danielle pushed the thoughts of her city life out of her mind and focused on the rough bark that scraped against her fingertips.

  As the trees opened up into a clearing, Danielle reached for the camera hanging around her neck. Through the tiny lens she scanned the meadow, ready to snap the perfect image. The sun's rays danced through the long golden grass, swaying in the breeze, and kissing each flower as it moved. She snapped the shudder of the camera capturing the scene. She pulled the camera away from her face and flipped through the images ensuring she had captured the right picture, before moving on.

  She whipped her head up when a flock of birds took to the sky. A flash of cold air stole the warmth from her blood. Her eyes scanned the shadows before turning to the birds that were leaving the safety of the canopy in a wave of panic. Danielle's heart beat faster, and her eyes scanned the meadow frantically as well as the shadows, searching for a predator coming her way. Her mind raced through several scenarios as her heart drummed frantically in her chest. All she could envision is the park rangers hovering over her dead body. She pulled in sharp frantic breaths trying to steady her nerves as her eyes widened with awe.

  Seven -large gray wolves emerged from the shadows of the trees. With a shaking hand, Danielle raised her camera to her eye and began snapping pictures. Her heart thundered in her ears as she moved carefully around the trees trying to capture the best picture she possibly could.

  On her fifth snap, Danielle's eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. The gray wolves shuddered as if a cold breeze had chilled them to their bones. But as each wolf shivered, Danielle's eyes widened ever more, as their gray coats dropped to the ground. Slowly, each rose as man from the golden grass stark naked and unconcerned at their nudity.

  "I knew it," Danielle whispered as her finger continued to press down on the shutter release to capture the images. A chill stole the warmth of her blood as one of the men paused to stare in her direction.

  Danielle's heart sank, and she was thrown back to memories of grade school and of blushing at the pitcher of her high school baseball team. His eyes were as dark as he wisps of his hair that floated around his face. To Danielle he was the most stunning man she had ever seen in her whole life. From the way his thick shoulders rested to his branch-like arms, Danielle found herself daydreaming of all the things he could do to her.

  She shook her head and rubbed her eyes panting with excitement.

  "No way." Danielle blinked trying to focus. Her heart sputtered as she stared at the man in the clearing. He was gorgeous, and she was certain she was lost in a dream.

  "Don't wake up" she mumbled squeezing her eyes shut. She sucked in a deep breath and she paused to peak through her eyelids. Sure enough, the dark-skinned man with the chiseled chest and hanging assets was still there in the meadow, his eyes locked on her.

  She wanted to reach out to him, she wanted him to know she was there, but as she started to move, her inner voice screamed at her.

  "Don't move. Don't say a word," it whispered and Danielle dropped the camera. For the first time in the forest, Danielle felt the sting of fear. The man stood with his eyes locked on her and she wondered if the shadows were enough to mask her from his view. For a single heartbeat, Danielle remained frozen to the side of the tree. Deep down she wanted to be caught, but the inner voice screamed loude
r than before. Run! Now!

  Danielle ripped her pack off her back and took off into the woods. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the shadows shifting. The men took off in her direction moving faster than humanly possible. Danielle sprinted through the trees trying to outrun them. She twisted her head to look over her shoulder. They were moving like the wind racing through the forest. Danielle pushed on forcing her body to move faster. Despair filled her as the thought of being captured entered her mind.

  "You can't escape us," they yelled closing the gap.

  The forest may have been her second home, but she didn't have the skills these men possessed. Fear stabbed her as she tried to find an escape. Danielle's eyes darted about as the men grew closer. She paused trying to regain her breath. With nowhere else to run, her eyes shifted to the trees and the branches high above her head. Her only hope was a thick branch hanging above her head. Immediately she jumped and pulled herself up. Her knees scrapped the bark as she continued to climbed higher and higher into the tree.

  "Come down from there, now" one of the men ordered. Danielle pulled herself up to a higher branch, hugging the tree refusing to move.

  "We won't hurt you. We just want to talk."

  Danielle glanced down before turning her head towards the sky. The branches of the other trees moaned and scrapped against the one she clung to. For a moment she wondered if she would be able to jump to the next tree. With a trembling hand she stretched out, trying to reach the adjacent branch. The crunching of the limb under her weight caused her to pause. Fear stabbed her. She wrapped her arms around the trunk and hugged it, holding her position.

  "Get her."

  Without hesitation, three men took to the tree and scrambled up to where Danielle had planted herself. She squeezed the tree holding on to it tighter than ever. The men unwound her arms with ease and pried her from it. A gush of wind blew up through her hair and for a moment Danielle was flying. But when the thud of feet hit the ground she opened her eyes.

  The tall tanned figure stood before her glaring at her. Danielle tried to resist glancing at his crotch, but her desire and curiosity won out over her fear. Her eyes flickered down for a moment before they dropped to the earth at her feet.

  "What are you doing here?" The dark-skinned man asked towering over her.

  "Pictures," Danielle stuttered as she kept her eyes averted from his gaze. "For work." Danielle tried to keep her eyes down, but she couldn't resist stealing another glance at the man before her. Suddenly, several hands were on her ripping the camera from her neck.

  "Hey, that's mine." Danielle protested reaching for her camera.

  "Not anymore," he said as he fiddled with the camera before finally smashing it on the ground. Danielle's heart broke as she watched the lens of the camera shatter into pieces at her feet.

  "You didn't need to break my camera."

  "Yes, I did. Now who else is with you?"

  "No one." Danielle stared up at the man and straightened her back. Despite his size and his beauty, she stared at him defiantly.

  "Is that so?"

  Danielle didn't budge. She stood straight trying to keep her nerves under control. He nodded once. From the corner of her eye she noticed the men scattering like ants.

  "What is your name?" he demanded.

  Danielle crossed her arms and pressed her lips into a tight defiant line.

  "Tell me yours first," she demanded in the same commanding tone. The man's eyes sparkled with interest as he gazed down at her.

  "Derek. Now, yours." Danielle paused wondering why he was being so straightforward with her. For a moment she debated about whether to give him her real name. Something about the way his eyes pierced her soul caused her to shiver.

  "Alice," she lied. "Alice Bane."

  Derek's eyes drew in tightly as he leaned in closer to her. Danielle paused, trying not to let him intimidate her as he sniffed around her.

  "You are not Alice." His eyes narrowed forcing Danielle to step back. "How do you know that name?"

  Danielle's mind raced about trying to concoct a lie. But words failed her as her heart pounded in her chest. She exhaled and straightened her shoulders.

  "Why?" Danielle challenged. She held her ground as Derek circled her.

  "Tell me how you know Alice and I might let you live."

  "Tell me how you know her and I might let you live." Danielle huffed crossing her arms. Although Derek was three times her size, she refused to give him the satisfaction of killing her without a fight.

  "Tell me your name first, and I might tell you how I know Alice," Derek argued realizing his only option was to cooperate. He glared at Danielle mimicking her body language.

  Danielle forced the fear down her ragged throat as she tried to speak, "My name is Danielle, and Alice happens to be my roommate. Now, how do you know Alice?"

  Derek's eyes widened. His lips twitched at the corners fighting a smile. "Is she now?"

  "Yes, and? So, how do you know her?"

  "Alice and I go back a long time."

  "That is hard to believe, Alice is an orphan."

  "Is that what she told you?"


  "Well, Danielle, I am afraid Alice has been lying to you."

  "Maybe you have the wrong Alice."

  Derek leaned in closer and took a long whiff of Danielle before pulling away. He shook his head as a gleam of victory settled in his eyes.

  "I don't think so," he said while the others quickly returned. Danielle didn't flinch as they closed in around her.

  "Well?" Derek asked glancing at the younger man standing behind Danielle.

  "She's alone."

  "Well, it looks like you’ll be coming with us, after all."

  "Derek! You know the laws." The men protested. Derek raised his hand silencing them.

  "What laws?" Danielle asked glancing around the group. Her heart sank into her stomach. She was outnumbered and in the middle of nowhere. No one would hear her if she screamed. No one knew where she was, except for Alice.

  Hope filled Danielle as she thought of her roommate. If Danielle didn't come home, Alice would come looking for her. Maybe find her before... Danielle pushed the idea of dying out of her mind as she glanced at Derek.

  "You took something that didn't belong to you," Derek started to say as he stole a closer step. She tried to step back but the heat from the man behind her held her in place.

  "You have two choices, now," Derek leaned in closer. Danielle could feel the warmth of his breath on her face as he spoke.

  "I can kill you now and put you out of your misery, or you can get on the phone with Alice and bring her here."

  "Alice won't come here, she hates the forest," Danielle said trying not to let her urge to kiss him overpower her common sense.

  "Does she now?"

  Danielle nodded trying to hold herself together as Derek's musky scent of pine washed away her fear. She breathed in deep allowing herself to hold on to his scent and filing into her memory.

  "She does," Danielle whispered trying to keep her voice from cracking.

  "Why don't you call her and find out if she would come here to help you?"

  "She said she would never come here. That if something happens to me here, she won't come."

  "You leave me no other option then, but to kill you." Derek raised his hand up. Danielle sucked in a deep breath and closed her eyes waiting for the blow. If she was going to die, she couldn't think of a better way. She waited for the strike that would end her life.

  The chirping of Danielle's phone caused Derek to pause. He lowered his arm and slipped his hand into Danielle's pocket. Danielle exhaled and opened her eyes praying Alice wasn't on the other end of the line. As the phone continued to ring, Danielle could feel Derek's gaze on her.

  "Hello," Derek's voice was tender and soft, easing Danielle's fears a little. She sucked in a deep breath and strained her ears to hear to who was on the phone.

  "Why yes, Danielle is right here. Would you lik
e to speak to her?"

  The pause in the conversation told Danielle all she needed. Danielle didn't have to call Alice, she was calling for her daily checkup. All Danielle's lies went up in smoke as Derek glared at her. Derek put the phone up to Danielle's ears. She paused before she answered.

  "Hey," Danielle cringed, waiting for the sound of Alice's voice.

  "So, who answered your phone? You didn't tell me you were dating anyone." Danielle exhaled letting relief wash over her.

  "Carrie, now isn't a good time."

  "Well, you haven't called me in a while, so I thought I'd call you."

  "Carrie, seriously. I will have to talk to you later." Danielle nodded at Derek, who snapped the phone closed before Danielle's friend could say another word.

  "It would be a pity if you didn't follow through with that promise."

  "I don't understand," Danielle said, her heart sinking to her stomach. Thoughts of never seeing her friends again filled her mind.

  "Call Alice, get her here, and you can see your friend again."

  "Why do you want Alice here?" Danielle asked as her decision shifted.

  "Let's say she and I have some unfinished business," Derek's words lingered on the air. Danielle chewed on her lower lip and held out her hand for the phone. With a wicked smile of victory plastered on his face, Derek dropped the phone into her hand.

  "I doubt she will answer," Danielle said as she dialed the number.

  "Let's hope for your sake, she does." Derek's eyes darted to his companions who snickered triumphantly. Danielle's eyes flickered about the group wondering which one would be the one to take her out.

  The phone rang and rang and Danielle waited. She knew Alice would never answer on the first call. She snapped the phone closed and stared at Derek.

  "Pity." Derek raised his hand once again and Danielle lifted hers.

  "Alice never answers the first call. She will answer if you let me call her again. It's kinda our thing. Sort of a code we use. One means I'm fine, but the second call, she will answer." Danielle's eyes widened with hope. Derek nodded giving her a second chance.


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