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Wolf Pack Chronicles Box Set

Page 37

by Amelia Wilson

  "Wow." Bash's jaw dropped as Alice moved back to the couch and sat down.

  "You're telling me."

  Bash scrunched his brows together studying the herbs. "How does Derek fit into all this? And why did you go after him?"

  "Danielle came out here to study the wolves. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I won't let Derek change her. I know what it did to my mother. She was forced to love my father even though she may not have, otherwise. I can't let that choice be taken away from her. I can't."

  Tears flowed down Alice's cheeks and Bash bolted to her side. He sat down beside her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

  "Let me help. We can find her and save her together."

  "Why would you help me? I am no one. I'm just a lone wolf with no pack of my own and Danielle is the closest thing I have to family."

  "Because, I don't want to find you dead somewhere in the forest. There is something about you that makes me…" Bash didn't finish his sentence. Alice leaned closer to him and pressed her lips to his, silencing him.


  "Are you sure this is okay?" Danielle asked as she clasped her arm tighter around Derek's arm. The sinister glances from the townsfolk had startled Danielle. Every voice in her head screamed for her to run, but Derek only smiled and leaned in to whisper in her ear.

  "It's okay, no one will harm you as long as you are with me."

  "But they don't like me," Danielle said wondering how many people could hear her hushed voice.

  "You're human. They don't like the idea of an outsider coming around, but they won't dare touch you."

  Danielle kept her eyes trained on the three women standing like statues outside a small shop. Their eyes bore into Danielle as she and Derek walked past them. Danielle tried to remain calm, but her nerves were shot and all she could think of was Alice somewhere in the woods.

  "Here," Derek said coming to a stop in front of a single storied brick building. He reached into his pockets and pulled out a set of keys. Danielle listened to them jiggle as he unlocked the door and held it open for her.

  The moment she was inside, relief washed over her. The daggers and spikes thrown at her vanished as she stepped inside. Her eyes widened to find a typical hotel room, fully furnished.

  "You're surprised," Derek laughed. "What did you expect to find?"

  "I don't know," Danielle answered walking further into the room. She brushed her fingers over the dresser wondering if everything she was experiencing was nothing more than a dream.

  "This is all too surreal. Everything is very human here."

  "We are human," Derek said with a bite of pain in his voice.

  "But not just human."

  "No. We are not just human, but it doesn't mean we have to live like savages."

  "What else is more than human?" Danielle asked turning her attention to Derek. Her eyes flashed to his pants as her eyebrows rose. A smile played at the corner of Derek's lips.

  "Are you sure you want to find out?"

  Danielle couldn't help herself. With everything that just happened, she needed something to take her mind off reality. She stepped forward with her fingers at the hem of her shirt and pulled it off. Derek's smile grew as he watched the human strip bare for him.

  "Danielle, you don't have to do this."

  "I want to," she said pressing her bare breasts against Derek's body. Her lips brushed the base of his neck while her fingers traced his spine.

  "Please," she begged. "Bring me back to reality."

  Derek didn't need to be told twice. He wrapped his arms around her back grabbing Danielle by her wrists. Moving with care, he lifted her hands up and clasped both her wrists with one of his hands. With a hunger consuming him, Derek crushed his mouth to Danielle's and parted her lips with his tongue.

  Between Danielle's legs, she felt Derek's fingers graze over her thighs until he found her wet spot and he pushed his fingers into her. She sucked in a shallow breath as he entered her. The pressure of his fingers eased the moment he began pumping them in and out of her.

  "Is this what you wanted?"

  "More," she whimpered with her hands over her head. Derek's hot breath caressed her bare flesh as he released her hands. In one swoop, Derek lifted Danielle off her feet and moved her to the bed, but then he dropped to his knees. With her legs draped over his shoulders, Derek leaned closer.

  Danielle shivered with pleasure to feel Derek's hot breath on her thighs. She closed her eyes and her mind to everything but him. For the time being she wanted nothing more than to melt into him. He was strong and sincere but more importantly, he filled the hole in her heart she hadn't known was there.

  Derek moved with care ensuring his tongue lapped every inch of her thighs. Her tender flower of flesh opened up for him and he dove in with his tongue. Danielle sucked in quick shallow breaths as Derek's tongue lapped over her clit. She reached down and pushed Derek's head closer to her. With two fingers, he peeled back the layers of her flower and pushed them into her.

  "Yes," she hissed with her legs squeezing around his head. "More."

  Chapter 8

  Alice's eyes fluttered open. With an outstretched hand, she felt the cool fabric of the empty sheets next to her. She rose abruptly scanning the room for Bash. Everything was in disarray. Clothes were flung about the floor and the cold sheets were a distinct reminder that she was alone. Her heart sank as thoughts of her previous suitors filled her mind. She thought of James and wondered if he had experienced a similar feeling of rejection when she had left him.

  "So, this is how they felt," she mumbled realizing she was alone in the room—in just a small cabin tucked away in the woods which was filled with silence also. A stab of regret shot through her. She tugged the sheets closer to her, wrapping herself in them and then she slipped her legs over the side of the bed. Although the pain Derek had unleashed on her still jabbed at her ribs, she rose to her feet.

  Her legs wobbled under her weight for just a moment before settling. She scanned the room again with a clear head. A smile pulled up at the corners of her lips when her eyes drifted over to the mirror on the back of the door. A small white sheet of paper was stuck there as a note:

  "Be back soon."

  Alice smiled and with the sheets still wrapped around her body, she made her way through the door and out into the living room. The odor of basil lingered in the house and caused her nose to wrinkle.

  "I need to ask him about that," Alice mumbled walking into the kitchen area. She pulled open the refrigerator and leaned down peaking inside. The shelves were bare, with only a few boxes of take-out and a quart of milk left in a half-gallon container.

  Her stomach grumbled as she closed the door and stood. "What did you expect?" she asked herself moving to the cabinets. As she pulled open the doors, she found even less food on the shelves. "Total bachelor pad," she said glancing around the living room.

  Her clothes were still sitting in a neat folded pile, from earlier. Although Alice had no issues walking around in the nude all day, at some point she was going to need them. She moved carefully, trying not to cause her body to spasm as she snatched her clothes and made her way to the bathroom.

  A smile lifted her spirits when she noticed the same pink tile-lined bathtub, from when she was a child. She sat her clothes down on the sink and dropped the sheet. Reaching down, she twisted the knob that released the water. As steam filled the room, she turned to stare at herself in the mirror.

  Bruises speckled her body from her shoulders to her waist. If she had gone to a hospital, the doctors would have assumed she’d been hit by a bus. But with her keen eyesight, she could still see the remnants of Derek's bite marks on her arm and she grunted.

  "You've looked worse," she said dropping her eyes to inspect her legs. Although there was an angry red blotch where Derek had torn her skin, it was nearly healed. All that was left was for the color to come back.

  Alice stepped away from the sink and climbed over the edge of the tub. Lea
ning down, she flicked up the spout allowing the shower to switch on. The warm water flowed over her body washing away her pain. As she let the heat rise, her mind drifted to Danielle.

  "I don't know how it was before, but hot water doesn't last," Bash's voice startled her. Alice jumped in the shower and pulled the curtain against her.

  "I didn't even hear you."

  "Sorry," he said and his cheeks turned a darker shade of red. " I knew there was nothing in the fridge, so I got us some dinner."

  Alice glanced down to find he was holding two large white plastic bags. "I hope you like Chinese."

  "Thanks," Alice smiled relaxing. "I'll be out in a bit."

  "You can use up the hot water, I don't mind."

  "Or you can join me," Alice hinted winking at Bash. His cheeks flushed and he shook his head.

  "I would love to really, but you kinda wore me out earlier. Hence the food."

  "Food is overrated," Alice teased, throwing back the shower curtain. Bash turned his head away and clenched his jaw.


  "I... I'm sorry about last night."

  "I'm not." Alice smiled wickedly. She moved about the small bathtub trying to tempt him further. But with each advance she made, he kept his back to her.

  "We shouldn't have done that in your condition."

  "If there is one thing I love about being a wolf, it’s how quickly I heal." Alice glanced down at her battered body. "These will be gone by tonight. Then maybe you can rough me up yourself."

  Bash flinched at the thought of hurting Alice. To him, she was an angel sent from heaven and it was his duty to protect her at all costs. He shook his head and stepped out of the bathroom.

  "You finish your shower. The food is here when you want it."

  Alice stood stunned, as Bash disappeared behind the closed door. She turned to glance at herself once more before shame washed over her. She nodded once and turned her attention to the warm water flowing over her body.

  "That's a first," she mumbled soaking her head and clearing out the dirt from her romp in the woods.

  After the last bit of brown water had flowed down the drain and the water had turned cold, Alice twisted the knob and got out. She reached for a towel and dried herself. Her clothes were a bit damp from the moisture in the air, but she didn't mind. Once she was fully dressed and her wet hair was in a bun on top of her head, she stepped out into the living room.

  Bash gave her a weak smile and gestured to the meal he had set up for her.

  "Where did you go?" Alice asked moving to an open chair at the table. She sat down as the aroma of food drifted around her, blocking out the stench of basil, for the mean time.

  "To town."

  "How far away is the town?"

  "A few miles. I didn't expect you to be up when I got back, but I figured you'd be hungry so I left."

  "Thank you. This all smells wonderful." Alice sucked in a deep breath letting the food fill her nose. But as she breathed in the pungent stench of basil slaughtered her once again.

  "What is up with the basil? I smelled it in the office and it’s all over this house."

  "Basil keeps the others away."

  "What others?" Alice asked digging into one of the small containers of food. Bash cocked his eyebrow up staring at Alice as if she should already know the answer. When Alice didn't respond he shrugged and smiled.

  "The other wolves. Derek's pack. It masks my scent from them."

  "How did you figure that out?"

  "Well, I've been here for a while, and none of them have found me yet, to force me to be a part of their little tribe."

  "Doesn't mean that it repels them."

  "Well you don't seem to like the smell of it."

  "I don't," Alice confessed through a mouthful of food. She dropped her eyes.

  "Well then, I don't think they like it either. I’ve got used to it. It used to burn."

  "Did you see Danielle in town?" Alice asked hoping against hope that maybe her friend had gotten help. When Bash didn't answer she glanced up at him. His face was white, and he quickly shoveled food into his mouth.

  "Bash, did you see Danielle?"

  He dropped his eyes concentrating on the food in front of him. Alice waited with her eyes locked on him.

  He pushed the food down his throat before he answered, "Yes."

  "I have to go to her," Alice dropped the container and stood up. Bash was up in a flash also and he reached for her. His fingers curled around her arm restraining her from moving.

  "Let me go," Alice hissed glaring at his hand before casting her eyes up to meet his gaze.

  "Alice, please, listen. Danielle is surrounded by Derek's people. If you go charging into town, they will rip you to shreds."

  "I have to get my friend out of there."

  "I don't think she wants to leave."

  "What do you mean?" Alice pulled her arm out of Bash's grip and stood back.

  "She was with Derek. Her arm around Derek's waist. They seemed like a happy normal couple walking down the street. I don't think he is keeping her against her will. I think she wants to be turned."

  "You can't be serious." Alice plopped down to the chair, defeat crushing her heart. "She doesn't know what she is getting herself into."

  "Maybe she does," Bash said grabbing the container of food. "What if Derek told her everything? And she still wants this life?"

  "She can't have it. I won't let her."

  "You can't make that decision for her."

  "You know what will happen to her! She'll have no free will. Her life will change. Think about it. If you had a choice about becoming this way, would you have made that decision? You had no clue you would change during the new moon. But if you had, would you have done it knowing that each month you would turn into a wolf?"

  Bash paused and stared at his food. He poked at the chicken with his chop stick before looking at Alice.

  "Yes, I would make that choice. It would be better than dying."

  "But she isn't in a life and death situation, so she is choosing wrongly."

  "Actually," Bash chewed on his lower lip trying to find the right words to say.

  "What?" Alice snapped.

  "I heard that Danielle taped him shifting. Her life is in danger. Either she turns into one of us, or she will be killed. Maybe, she knows what she is getting herself into and she wants this life."

  "No. She doesn't. I doubt Derek has told her everything, which is why I need to find her. If she wants to change so badly, then I will bite her myself. But I can't let him do it and I won't let her face this alone."

  "I still have free will and I was bitten," Bash reminded Alice. Alice shook her head.

  "Derek won't leave anything to chance. He will be there when she turns to ensure her loyalty to him."

  "Maybe she has fallen for the guy. I mean from what I saw, they looked like a new couple. She was all over him and he was all over her."

  Alice shook her head and tears began pooling in her eyes. "She can't be with him."

  "Why? What is it about him that you can't stand?"

  Alice whipped her head up, wiping away her tears. "He killed my family. I won't let my best friend be with a murderer."

  Bash leaned back and stared at Alice. His lips pressed into a tight line as her words sank in. "That definitely changes things."

  "I don't care that she wants to be a wolf. It would make my life so much easier not having to hide that side of me when I am around her. But to have him change her—no. I won't allow it."

  "Alice," Bash leaned in and stretched his hand to touch hers. Deep within his eyes, Alice saw nothing but love pouring out of him. "I will help you. But you have to promise me, that if your friend chooses this life, you will give it to her. You can't turn into Derek and take away her free will."

  Alice stared at Bash and nodded. "I promise I will do what she wants, but we have to find her first and get her away from him."

  "I’ll help you. But you are going to have to trust me.

  Before Alice could say another word, Bash was by her side. He cupped his hands around her face and pressed his lips to hers. The kiss was soft and sweet and it filled the void in Alice. With the kiss, all of Alice's fears and worries faded. She knew she could be complete with Bash—that he held the keys to her future. However, a dark voice rose up with in her.

  "You can't trust him," it snickered. "He will betray you just like Derek did. Wolves cannot be trusted."

  Alice pulled away from Bash and with a weak smile she nodded.

  "I do," she whispered.

  "We still have time before we have to do anything. Tomorrow we will go into town and find out where she is."

  "Then what?" Alice asked and her mind raced with different plans of rescuing Danielle.

  "We will talk to her. Find out what she wants and go from there."

  "Or," Alice's had a darker thought. "We kidnap her and take her away from this place."

  She nodded again and puckered her lips to Bash's. The bitter scent of basil filled her nose, and she smiled weakly at him.

  "Tomorrow," she agreed.

  Chapter 9

  "So, what else do I need to know before I become like you?"

  Danielle smiled at Derek. She wrapped her lips around the plastic straw and sucked. Her eyes remained locked on him, pulling him into them greedily. Derek chuckled darkly allowing his eyes to wander about the small restaurant.

  Several eyes glared at them and Derek shifted his head. The bystanders turned their heads and made no further eye contact, once his eyes landed on them. He shifted in his seat and lifted up one hand over the lip of the table and took Danielle's. The heat resonating off him sparked a fire within her. She batted her eyes letting them undress him. A crooked little smile played at the corner of his lip.


  She wiggled herself closer to him, her eyes wide with wonder. Derek's body shifted to meet her. She was like a magnet pulling him in closer. He shook his head fighting the pull and sighed. She traced her fingers over his knuckles sending chills coursing through him.


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