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The Baby Contract

Page 21

by Riley Rollins

  “Turn for me, Grace,” I said, standing only an arm’s length away. She pivoted on her toes.


  I ran a finger down the hollow of her spine, from the back of her neck to the curve of her ass. Her legs were long for her height, with easy, graceful curves. I ran the palm of my hand to the dip behind her knee, dropping a kiss on the small of her back. I felt a delicious shudder run through her and felt my cock surge in response. Her back was beautiful, the skin smooth perfection.

  I walked around her, circling her, absorbing every curve, every shadow. The way the light made the tiny hairs on her arms shine a strawberry blonde color. I lifted the weight of her hair and rolled it in my hands, turning it into a golden rope, watching her face as I did it.

  I stepped closer, our bodies inches apart. I breathed in the scent of her. Warm and soft, with an undertone that affected me, maybe more than I wanted it to.

  “Hold them,” I said, taking her hands in mine and guiding them to her breasts. “Take them in your hands… touch them.” I saw her pupils dilate. “Go on. You’ll obey me without hesitating.”

  I watched as she cupped herself, unsure at first.

  “Look at me, Grace,” I ordered. “Look in my eyes.”

  She looked, her green eyes darkened with the arousal I knew she was experiencing. She cupped her full breasts in her tiny hands and squeezed them. The flesh curved out between her fingers. “Yes, that’s right,” I exhaled. “Feel them in your hands. The warmth, the weight…”

  I saw her squeeze a little harder and lift them. She held them out, high and away from her body. “You’re lovely, sweetheart,” I said, committing every second to memory, wanting to give her courage. “So lovely. So perfect.”

  I guided her thumbs over the tops of her nipples and they stiffened.

  “Tell me how it feels,” I demanded. “Tell me what it feels like.”

  I reached out to stroke her cheek.

  “It feels warm,” she began. “They feel… heavy.” She lifted and squeezed, her focus turning inward and her eyes hazing over. “It’s good. They’re soft... and tender…” She shifted her legs underneath her and I smiled.

  “What do you feel here?” I asked quietly, dipping the tip of a finger down her flat belly and stopping just short of her little mound. She caught her breath.

  “Answer,” I demanded. “Don’t think, just answer.”

  “It feels wet,” she gasped out, her head bobbing forward.

  “It feels… hungry…”



  I was dizzy. From everything. From the auction, from the deal I’d just agreed to. From the unexpectedness of all this…

  From what this man was making me feel. I’d expected a lot of things… but never this… He was so close, so warm, so… intense.

  I held my own breasts, feeling them. Really feeling them for the first time. They were high and full. I’d seen them every day, in the shower, in the bathroom mirror. But I’d never really paid attention to how they felt in my hands. Or the feelings they could create in the rest of my body.

  I could see his body responding as he watched me, and I could hear the lust in his voice. But I hadn’t said the word hungry because I thought I had to. I said it because it was the simple truth.

  “Grace,” he said, taking my hand and guiding it down with his. “I want you to touch yourself for me.” His fingers pressed mine between my legs. “I want you to show me how you like this…” He kissed me hard, pressing our bodies together, trapping my hand against my pussy.

  None of this is what I’d imagined, I thought, as his tongue worked slowly against mine. I thought he’d have fucked me already… and I’d know what it felt like by now…

  But here I was, stroking my own pussy as this huge, gorgeous man stood kissing me. Fully dressed as I stood naked, kissing me like I’d never been kissed, making me want things I’d never really wanted… not the way I did now. My breath was starting to catch as my hand moved faster all on its own. Kaine pulled away and looked down at me. He lifted my chin so he could see my eyes and thrust his erection against my hip. Any other time, any other man, and I’d have died from shame. But as he watched me, my hand went even faster. My clit was so hard and slick. And Kaine hadn’t even touched it yet…

  “That’s it, sweetheart,” he groaned, his eyes swallowing me whole. “Are you wondering if I’m going to touch you like this?” he asked, thrusting again. He felt huge as he rocked his hips. His cock felt bigger than I thought a man could be… I was panting now, in short gasps, and I could feel my climax teasing me…

  “I will, Grace. I’m going to do this to you…” He touched the back of my hand with his fingers. “I’m going to build you up, so close, so good… and so fucking close…”

  My eyes started to close as I felt the first electric spark of orgasm. I held my breath, ready, waiting for it to hit. Suddenly I felt Kaine pull my hand abruptly away and step back, leaving me naked, my pussy pulsing right on the edge. I felt desperate, almost out of control. I could feel my breasts heaving as I struggled. I’d been so damned close…

  It was then that I felt the power of that lost orgasm, running through my entire body. Like every feeling, every sense in my body was somehow being heightened to a level I’d never experienced before. It was terrible… and wonderful. And I felt alive, in a way I never had until this very moment…

  Kaine stood close, not touching me, just watching. Like I was the most fascinating thing he’d ever seen. His own desire was obvious. His cock looked huge. Why the hell doesn’t he just strip down and take me? He wants me… I can see how much he wants me…

  He smiled at me, his eyes dark, his look impossible to read. He reached out to touch my cheek and my whole body jumped in response. My almost-orgasm was still so close…

  “I want you to go downstairs, Grace,” he said easily, stepping back and leaving me standing there, blank and breathing heavily. “I have a few calls to make. Business doesn’t wait, not even here,” he said, with a wry smile.

  He picked up my silk robe from the floor and eased me into it, tying the soft belt tightly so I was well covered. He kissed me deeply and I felt his hands shift to cup my ass and pull my hips to his. I felt his cock throb against me and had that wild, lost feeling again.

  “Go downstairs for an hour, Grace. Be back by nine. Keep yourself covered, and no one is to touch you.” He saw my hesitation. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. No one would dare try. They know you belong to me.”

  He walked me to the door and opened it, kissing me again in that way of his, that made my knees feel like they would buckle underneath me. I was shocked at just how fast his kisses and the feel of his hands had gotten to me. I found myself not wanting to leave. Not this room. Not him.

  “Go to the reception, Grace. I want you to watch what happens there. No one will bother you, and do not touch yourself while you’re there.” He looked at me hard. “You’re only allowed to touch yourself like this when you’re with me,” he said, pressing a hard fingertip to my still pounding clit. “But I want you to watch them, Grace. And then come back to me.”

  I stood, mouth open again, as he smiled and closed the door, leaving me alone in the hallway.

  I headed for the elevator, feeling confused and incredibly aroused. And frustrated. Very frustrated. Nothing was happening the way I thought it would. Two hours after the auction’s end and I was still a virgin.

  It hadn’t ever occurred to me, that I might want to be with the man who bought me. I’d expected to just endure it, to get the money I needed. But here I was, aching for Kaine to take me. There was no point in denying it, especially to myself. Kaine was the most intriguing man I’d ever known. And he was hot, really hot. And this was a game I didn’t understand. I was in over my head and knew it. But I also knew I wasn’t going to walk away. At least not yet.

  I got off the elevator and felt a rush of anxiety. I walked slowly toward the ballroom, images flashing in my head. What the hell was
I going to see now… and why did he want me to see it?

  Clutching my robe around me, very aware of how naked I was under it, I peeked around the doorway. My heart was pounding, partly with fear. Partly with curiosity…

  I stepped inside, all self-consciousness lost as I saw the men and women who filled the room. There were elegant soft-stuffed chairs and sofas scattered around the edges of the room. Many held a single couple. A few held even more…

  They were the sold girls, like me, each with her master… or with a man he’d given her to. Some were with both.

  I looked at the couple closest to me. She was bent over the back of the couch, her legs spread and her ass high. The man behind her was naked from the waist down and thrusting into her hard. I could hear his breathing and the sound of his flesh slapping against hers. No one noticed me as I looked around the room. No one even cared, that nothing they did was private. I cared, but I felt my own moisture making the inside of my thighs slick anyway. I couldn’t help but imagine Kaine doing that to me…

  I stood close to the wall, a little ashamed to be watching, but completely unable to tear my eyes away. It was like nothing I’d ever seen, ever imagined. The room was warm, the color of gold. And I was surrounded by the forbidden. I heard a rough gasp and turned to see a man licking Dalia’s pussy from behind. A drop of clear fluid hung from the tip of his engorged cock. Dalia was bent forward, sucking and stroking the thick cock of the man in front of her. I looked up to see his eyes boring into me. He was the one with black eyes. The same man who had wanted me too…



  He smiled and I felt the hairs stand on the back of my neck. I turned away, clutching my robe, suddenly very aware of being alone. I wanted to be back upstairs. I wanted to be with Kaine.

  I walked past the buffet table, the one with the girls covered in caviar. Sage, the first girl who’d been sold tonight, came up beside me.

  “It’s a shock, isn’t it? At first…,” she asked softly. “No matter how many times I see this room. It’s kind of a shock every time.”

  I looked around me, unable to find words.

  “It’s okay, Eden,” she laughed at me kindly. “Mr. A sends all his girls here once. He likes the effect it has on them.” She poured two drinks and handed me one. I gulped and felt it burn its way down to my stomach.

  “But no one will touch you. They all know who owns you,” she went on casually. “And later you’ll be glad you saw. It makes… other things… a little less shocking,” she said, patting my hand. “You’re lucky to have him, Eden. We all were.”

  I took another swig, wondering why I bristled at her words. We were whores in a whorehouse, for hell’s sake. Maybe an expensive one, but what did that really change? Kaine himself had told me this wasn’t personal.

  Sage’s master startled us both, coming up behind us and taking her jeweled collar. “It’s time,” he said evenly, giving it a tug. He was bare to the waist, his muscles showing under a blanket of fine, dark hair. “Come with me.”

  Sage gave me a little wink and followed after him. She seemed so relaxed, so comfortable in her role. But then she’d been here for a few years and knew the ropes. She’d helped Mrs. Sparr to prepare me for tonight. I guess Sage was the closest thing I had to a friend.

  My eyes strayed to the girls covered in caviar as I finished the scotch in my glass. They were what Mrs. S had called ornaments. They weren’t here for sex. They were here as decoration. Useful decoration.

  I watched a man come up and put his hand on the ass of a beautiful, nude redhead. She was next to the table, as still as a statue. He pushed her toward a low, thickly padded bench and picked up a bottle of brandy. He nodded toward the bench and I heard him speak through his clenched teeth. “I’m thirsty,” he said. His dick was hard, out, and shining wet.

  I watched, dumbfounded, as the girl dropped into position. It was obvious from her practiced movements that she knew exactly what he wanted. She bent down into a curious headstand, cushioned by the padding on the bench, and bent her legs at the hips and knees. Then she smoothly spread her legs wide apart, until her pussy was fully exposed… level with the man’s chest. I wanted to look away. It felt so wrong to look at her this way, but I felt outside myself. Like I no longer controlled my own eyes…

  The man selected a slender silver tube from the tray that held over a dozen. It was about six inches long, the width of a bud vase, with a rim around the top edge. My mouth dropped open as he slipped it into her body. I could see the lips of her pussy spread to take it. Then he poured brandy into it, smiling and working his cock easily with the other hand. He licked the caviar off another girl’s breast as he waited for the redhead’s pussy to warm his brandy. Then he dipped his lips to the silver rim and drank as she wrapped her legs around his shoulders, tilting her hips expertly as she served him.

  A war was raging inside me as I watched, unable to look away, but wanting to run. Back home, away from this place… or back upstairs to Kaine. I was equally appalled and excited by the things I’d seen. And in spite of myself, the climax that had been so close was still ready, just below the surface. My body was waking up to a whole new world of feelings tonight. Feelings that carried needs close behind them.

  I backed away from the man. He’d finished his brandy and was scanning the room for girl he’d bought for the night. I saw her come up behind him and reach around to grip his cock. Seconds later he had her over a chair and was slapping her ass. She gave a shriek and laughed. Then he plunged himself inside her.

  I headed for the door, wanting Kaine, needing him to touch me again. Part of me wanted to get it over with, but an even bigger part of me just wanted it. Sex was what I was here for, after all. And the more I saw, the more my body seemed to scream for it. I was ready for this to happen. I needed it to now. I wanted Kaine to take away this ache I felt deep inside. I wanted his cock buried inside me.

  I was almost to the elevator when I felt a strong hand catch at my arm. For a moment I thought Kaine had come to get me, but then I turned and looked up into black eyes. It was him. Dalia’s master. The one who’d tried to buy me too.

  “What’s your master thinking, letting a sweet little thing like you come here alone?” he asked. His voice was deep. Dark in a way that made me uneasy. “Come back to the reception with me,” he said softly, “if he’s too foolish to keep you upstairs…”

  I pulled my arm away and held the neckline of my robe in one fist. There was something familiar about him, now I saw him so close. But I couldn’t place his face. I took a step back. I was sure… I knew him from somewhere.

  “Kaine told me to come back after an hour,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady. “He’s waiting for me.”

  The man clicked his tongue and I felt goosebumps rise on my arms. “He lets you call him that?” He shook his head. “Not if I’d gotten you tonight,” he whispered. “Like I should have, like I’m still going to. When that asshole’s done playing games, I’ll have you on your knees, you little cunt, calling me Master as I fuck your…”

  I gasped, turning to run for the elevator, the stairs, anything to get away from this man… and stumbled, falling headlong into Kaine’s arms. I realized my hands were gripping his hard biceps. For a minute, I thought the frozen look on his face was my fault. Because I had touched him… But then I saw that his icy stare was locked onto the other man.

  “Go to the room, Grace. Now. I’ll be up shortly.” He gave me a gentle push toward the elevator door. I hit the button over and over, and it opened with a shoosh.

  When it closed and I was suddenly alone, it all came rushing back. Where I’d seen him before… and those black, black eyes. My stomach churned and sweat broke out on my forehead.

  His wife, Claire, had been young and very beautiful, a wealthy blonde he’d married four years ago. And Bastien Cole had sworn he’d see justice done. One way or another. And now he was here at La Laisse…

  I’d been in court with Evelyn when he was there.
More than once. I’d seen him and he’d seen me…

  I shook, feeling colder than I’d ever felt in my life. What if he knew? What the fuck would he do, if he found out I was Evelyn’s daughter? Or did he already know? I felt a drop of sweat trickle between my breasts.

  It was Evelyn, driving drunk, who had been responsible for his wife’s death as she went walking that evening.

  The impact had been so powerful that her head had been found several yards away in a gutter.



  “Mr. Arkaine, lovely purchase you made tonight…”

  I was on him, my face an inch from his. I had the pleasure of looking down. Big as he was, I had three inches on him… and wasn’t turning soft around the middle. I slapped him, hard. A stinging blow that left his cheek red and burning. The bastard wasn’t man enough for a punch.

  “You will never speak to a woman like that again, Cole, not in my presence. And you will leave Eden the fuck alone. She’s mine.”

  “You may have blocked the Trenton deal, for now, but that’s fucking business.” I kept my words quiet as he put his hand to his face, his eyes furious. “But it’s not business here. And you’ll stay the fuck away from us both.”

  I headed back to Grace, leaving Cole behind like the limp little prick that he was. I’d had more than enough of that fucking asshole and I wasn’t about to waste another second of my time on him here. That he’d been systematically blocking my development company from demolishing Rance Street was an issue that would have to wait. But seeing him here had triggered something else in me. Feelings… memories. Ones I wanted to destroy right along with the street I’d grown up on.

  “Are you alright?” I asked, as I opened the thick wooden door to the Citadel. Grace was sitting on the sofa, her knees up under her chin, the thin robe wrapped around them. She nodded, and I picked up a throw from the back of a chair and wrapped it around her.


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