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The Baby Contract

Page 30

by Riley Rollins

  God, she was beautiful.



  Kaine gave me a swat on my bare behind. “I’ll meet you downstairs,” he said, smiling. He looked brighter, younger somehow. I smiled back. “Five minutes… and not a second longer.”

  He closed the door behind him, and I headed for a quick shower. My whole body was alive, racing with excitement. The water hit my skin and I gasped in delicious pleasure. And in the thrill of anticipation. I knew deep inside Kaine would take me. All of me. And soon.

  It was inevitable.

  No more than four and a half minutes later, I was taking my first mouthful of Becca’s pancakes. If I hadn’t been sitting, I’d have fallen. They melted in my mouth, the heady flavor of maple syrup making me bold. I reached out and forked three more pancakes onto the stack on my plate. Becca chuckled and put down a plateful of crisp bacon.

  “I think you can read minds.” Kaine startled us both as he came into the dining room and planted a kiss on her cheek. She looked shocked and pleased all at once.

  “Well, Mr. Kaine… You must have slept just fine,” she said, her eyes moving discreetly from him to me. “You look like a new man.” She put a pitcher of orange juice next to the bacon. “Must have been just what the doctor ordered…” I blushed hard and jammed another forkful of pancake into my mouth. Kaine smiled at me, watching my lips…

  Becca headed back in the direction of the kitchen, calling back over her shoulder. “One of your guests called, Mr. Kaine. Said to expect them around noon. Oh… she said they’re bringing someone else along with them. A man named Carlson.” She stopped in the hall and looked back at us. “She said he’s not really well enough to come, but that she was sure you’d want to see him.”

  Becca disappeared and Kaine and I were left staring at each other. I swallowed too soon and coughed.

  “He’s coming here?” I coughed again. “He’s hurt so badly, and yet he wants to talk to you? He has to know the risk he’s taking…”

  “Yet he’s willing to talk, even at the risk of his own life,” Kaine said, putting his hand over mine. “I was right. I fucking knew it. And Marks has finally had enough.”

  He lifted my hand, pressing it to the side of his face. He turned it over and kissed my palm. His lips were warm and I felt my pussy clench hungrily. I remembered his mouth on me and was suddenly heated again and wet inside. “There may be no need to involve Rose or Dalia after all, if Marks is willing… and able to tell the whole story.”

  “But what if he can’t, Kaine? If he was hurt too badly…”

  “But he’s coming here… I have to believe he’s strong enough. He must want this very badly.”

  “No more than any of us…,” I said, stroking Kaine’s jaw with a finger. It was rough with stubble and my body was responding like crazy. His jaw tensed and I could feel the heat, the current running between us just under the skin. Something inside him was pulling me closer, pulling me in. We were closer than we’d ever been, and I wanted so much more…

  “When this is over, Grace... after Marks and the others have gone… We’re finally going to be alone…,” Kaine began, using his big, warm hands to shift me onto his lap. His cock was huge and ready underneath me and it was all I could do to keep on breathing. I’d had him in my mouth, feeling him, tasting him. He’d climaxed inside me and I wanted more. I needed to feel him buried deep in my pussy, thrusting and swelling, filling me until we both climaxed together. We were made for this. Surely he had to feel it too…

  He teased my mouth with his lips, smiling. He was remembering this morning too. I knew it. “I want you. Tonight… in my bed.” He tugged at my lip with his teeth and I felt my panties dampen. “I trust you, I have trusted you, like I’ve never trusted anyone, Grace.”

  “And I want you, more than I ever thought I could want a woman. You’re all I think about.” He touched his tongue to mine and it shot a straight line to my core. I was panting now.

  “I’m going to have you tonight, Grace. Every fucking inch of you… in every possible way…” His breath was ragged too and our hearts were beating a frantic race. “I want you coming on my cock, sweetheart. I’m going to fill you until the only word you remember is my name. And I want to hear you say it when I’m buried deep inside you.” His hand cupped my sex and squeezed. My hips thrust into him and I felt his erection, hot and needy under me. “Neither of us are going to sleep tonight.” His thumb worked my clit in circles through my jeans. “I’ve waited a decade for this, for you…”

  “I’ve waited a lifetime,” I gasped. I took his face between my hands, his lip between my teeth… biting down until he groaned.

  “I love you, Kaine.”

  I watched his face as he pulled back, knowing I’d crossed another line. But I couldn’t take it back. And I didn’t want to. It was true and he had to know.

  His eyes were grey. Warm and deep, deep grey. He was silent, looking at me. All the way inside. And I was wide open. To everything he was… to whatever his response. I had given him my truth.

  He smiled, wrapping his arms around me. He took a breath to speak, and paused. Then he kissed me softly, quietly. “Tonight, Grace,” he said.


  Kaine left me in the library with my pulse beating hard and fast in my chest, and headed for the shower. How the hell was I going to get through this day? I felt every minute pass like an hour. And knowing Kaine was naked and wet right now wasn’t helping…

  I paced the room, eager for the day ahead to be long behind us. For the chance to clear Evelyn’s name so maybe she could start all over again. For Cole to finally face justice for all the pain he’d caused. For Marks to tell the truth. And for Kaine and me too… to begin to heal all the old scars from the past.

  I sat down at the enormous desk and ran my fingers over the phone. Then I shoved my hesitation aside and dialed before I could talk myself out of it. The phone rang twice before he answered.

  “Mr. Moore? It’s Grace. Grace Clarey. Evelyn Tolman’s daughter.”

  “Of course, of course, Grace. It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve heard from you.” He cleared his throat. “Nothing’s changed, I’m afraid. Trial begins on the thirtieth.”

  “I was wondering… if there’s anything you could do, Mr. Moore. I haven’t talked to her in a while… and I was just wondering… if maybe you could pull a few strings…?”

  “I… of course, Grace. She’s doing surprisingly well, all things considered, but I know she’d want to hear from you.” I heard papers shuffling. “I’ll just make a few calls… Can I reach you at this number?”

  “Yes, sir,” I answered, feeling a wave of anxiety in my belly. “I’m here for the next day or two, I expect…”

  “I’m on it, Grace. I’ll do everything I can.”

  The phone went silent and I sat back in the big chair, remembering the last time I’d seen Evelyn. It was at her preliminary hearing. She’d had dark circles under her eyes and her roots were growing out. The grey made her look older. And tired. She’d looked so tired.

  “I’m so sorry, Gracie,” she’d said, her head in her hands. “I never wanted this life for us, baby. Not for me. Never for you.” She’d looked up, her eyes rimmed with red. “I don’t remember doing this, honey. I was at Bender’s that night, just for a drink before I headed home.” She’d shaken her head, closing her eyes. “I’d met a guy. He was real nice. You know. All dressed in a nice suit. Not the type that place usually draws at all.” She’d taken my hands in hers. At the time, I’d pulled away. I remembered it now, and felt ashamed.

  “He had such good manners, you know? I wanted to stay a little longer, just to see where it could go. We had a couple of drinks… I swear it wasn’t more than that… And I just don’t remember anything after that…”

  At the time, I’d been so angry. I’d shot out something bitter and ugly. After that I’d seen her in court from a distance, but we hadn’t really spoken again.

  I felt something like d
esperation rising to the surface now. There was no way I could tell her about Cole, or Carlson Marks. There were still so many things that could go wrong, and I didn’t dare get her hopes up. But I needed to talk to her. I had to hear her voice. I wanted to tell her…

  The phone rang harshly and I started in my chair. I looked at it, wondering if I should answer. I grabbed it anyway, thinking fast. “Hello? Arkaine residence…”

  “I… I’m sorry… Maybe I dialed the wrong number…”

  “Mom? It’s Grace, Mom. Is that you?” I glanced at the clock. Twenty minutes. Moore was worth his fees.

  “Gracie? The guard said I had a phone call. He said it was my lawyer…”

  “I called him, Mom. I just wanted to talk to you… To see if you’re alright.” It took effort to keep the emotion out of my voice. I couldn’t remember the last time it had felt so good to hear her voice. “Are you sleeping? Do you need anything?”

  “Oh, honey… I’m okay. It’s hard, but I’m doing okay. The counselor comes twice a week, and she’s good people.” I heard her swallow and pause. “What about you, honey? Are you still… at that… place? Are you alright, Grace?”

  “I’m fine, Mom,” My throat felt tight, constricted. “I’m not at La Laisse anymore. I’m staying with a friend… It’s gonna be alright, Mom. We have everything we need now, and it’s going to be alright.”

  It was quiet on the other end of the line. When she finally spoke, I could tell how much effort it took. “I’m going to make it right between us, honey. Somehow… someday, I’m going to make it right. I’m so fucking sorry. For dragging you through this. For everything you gave up for me…”

  I was quiet too then.

  “Gracie,” I heard her say. “I wasn’t ever the mother you needed, the kind of mother you always deserved. But I do love you, Tink. And I want you to know I always will.”

  “I do know, Mom,” I choked out. “And I love you too.”

  I was wiping my eyes when Kaine came to find me. “What, Grace? What’s wrong?” He took me in his arms and I leaned against his strength. He smelled of soap and comfort. I inhaled deeply and ran my arms around his back, pulling him close. The feeling of home, that I’d never had before, was right here. Right in his arms.

  “I’m okay,” I answered back. “It’s all going to be okay now. I know it is.”

  He lifted my face to his, kissing me until the crunching sound of the gravel in the drive pulled us apart.

  This was it, the beginning of the end. And the man who could be holding all our futures in his hands was finally here.



  “Stay here, sweetheart. I’ve got this. You don’t need to deal with any of it, if you’d rather not.”

  Her brilliant eyes shot up to mine. “No, Kaine. I’m coming with you. I need to see this through, no matter what happens. I need to do this for my mother.”

  I looked down at her, so brave, so willing to love and to forgive. For the last ten years, I’d thought it was control that had made me powerful. Control over others. Control over myself…

  But Grace had the kind of power I’d never known, never understood until now. Power that came from far deeper inside than anything I’d ever known.

  I nodded, holding her tight one last time. I wanted this to be over. There was so much I had to share with her tonight, once we were finally safe and alone.

  “Come on,” I said, taking her hand. “Let’s go.”

  We went out to the drive, where Rose and Dalia were leaning into the open back door of the black sedan they’d arrived in. Together, they brought him out and to his feet, each supporting him under his forearms.

  Marks was unsteady on his feet, both his eyes blackened, his face badly swollen. A crust of dark blood smudged the underside of his nose, one arm was in a cast and several of his fingers were wrapped tightly in gauze. But he stood, hunched over, on his own two feet and his eyes were intense as they met mine. Grace and I stepped forward and I put out a hand toward him. We’d never met, yet I felt a rush of warmth and gratitude. That he was willing to put himself at even greater risk, by coming here to help us.

  “Mr. Marks, I can’t thank you enough. For your willingness to speak with us today.” I held Grace close at my side. “We’re grateful, both of us.”

  “Mr. Arkaine,” his voice came out softly, the words breaking slightly. “I’m only doing what I should have done years ago. When Cole first covered up for me.” He dropped his gaze to the ground. “If I had admitted to the things I’d done… before he started to make demands on me… Well, I have a lot to answer for. Claire might even still be alive.” He looked up, his blue eyes watery and bloodshot. “And the Tolman woman would never have been involved at all…”

  In the same second I heard the shot ring out loud, I felt the bullet whistle past my head and saw Marks fall to the ground without taking another breath.


  I had Grace on the ground underneath me, covering her with my body. Rose and Dalia screamed out, scrambling for the house. Marks was dead before us, eyes wide open, surprise on his bruised, beaten face.

  “Fuck, Grace! Tell me you’re not hit.” Her eyes were open too, unblinking. My hands searched her fast. She had to be alive. She fucking had to be.

  “Kaine.” I heard her voice and felt my heart come back to life. “What’s happening? God, what… Marks…?”

  “There’s someone out there, Grace. With a gun. Marks is dead. I need you to stay down and quiet.”

  I lifted her just off the ground and closer to the protection of the car. The house was too far away. I didn’t dare try to get her inside.

  “Stay next to the car, and below the line of sight. He’s out there,” I said quietly, searching the drive and the trees beyond. I wasn’t sure where the shot had come from, but it had been close and the trees were the only cover. “He won’t be able to see you here.” I kissed her hard and fast. “I need you here… and safe.”

  Then I was gone, running for the trees… into cover or into the barrel of a gun. But I had to find him, before he killed again. Cole was out there and I knew it. Waiting. Ready to kill all of us. Everyone who was left alive who knew him for what he really was. A cold-blooded fucking killer…

  I hit the thick trunk of an oak and flattened myself against it, my breath coming hot and fast. The treetops were dense and wide, darkening the ground below. I was still, listening for anything that would give him away. But all I could hear was my own heartbeat.

  “I know you’re there, Cole,” I shouted, breaking the silence. “It’s time for this to end. Here. Now.”

  I listened, straining. “Marks already told us everything,” I bluffed, knowing he was listening. “You can’t kill all of us, Bastien. The truth is out now.” I shifted around the trunk, staying low, waiting for a telltale twig to snap. “We all know it was you who had Claire killed.” I took a big risk, praying it would work. “He’s already gone to the police… Marks told them everything.” I moved silently between the trees, searching, hunting…

  “Don’t make it worse than it has to be. They’ll go easier if you turn yourself in.” I heard a click, faint but clear. I held my breath and scanned the trees and the drive in front of me. It was the sound of a revolver, cocked and ready. But I still couldn’t see…

  “I’m willing to do what I can to help you, Cole. If you end this now.” I shifted close to another tree trunk. “But I need you out in the clear, where I can see you. Don’t make me fire,” I bluffed again. “Just head for the drive and keep your hands where I can see them.” I headed closer to where I’d heard the sound. “This can still end well, Cole. And I’ll help you… if you’ll let me.”

  I caught movement and my head jerked. Then I saw him, his hands out and visible. They were empty, the gun nowhere in sight. But I knew better than to trust him. It was still on him, somewhere. My only hope was to take him down before he could reach it. He was a big man. And powerful. But I was stronger. He might be a man fight
ing for his life, but I was a man fighting for love. I couldn’t help but be more powerful…

  “Just stay where you are, Bastien. Don’t move… just stay where you are.”

  He was turning slowly, close to the car, using it for protection. And he was way too fucking close to Grace. She was just on the other side…

  I stepped out into the open, facing him. I knew he had a gun and I was unarmed, but I had to get him away from her.

  “Gabriel,” he said, letting the word roll out slowly. Anger burned deep inside me at the sound of it.

  “Cole,” I answered back, circling around slowly. “Marks is dead. Just like Claire.” I stopped, every muscle tight and ready. “But there’s no getting away with it this time. Too many people know… there are too many witnesses now.” I stood a few feet away, shoulders squared with his. “It’s time for this to end, Cole. Hell, it’s already over.”

  His eyes glittered darkly and I saw him swallow hard. He was angry, but he was frightened too.

  “It was never just business, between us, was it, Gabriel? I was always in the way, where business was concerned, but it was always much more than that. You could never stand to lose, son. Not to anyone, least of all me.”

  “To the fucking lawyer who defended my father?” I rasped out harshly. “Two fucking years in jail, for what he did to my little brother… to me…”

  I could feel my chest pounding as I moved to within inches of him. I no longer cared about the fucking gun.

  “You knew what he did to us, the way he beat Danny… and what he did to me…,” I ground out. “You saw all the photographs and you fucking knew what he was. And what he’d do to us when they released him.” Rage that had decades to build was finally ready to break free…

  “And you still got his sentence cut down… to two fucking years…” My hands were in fists, my eyes blazing with hatred. “You’re lucky he died before they set him free, Cole. Or you’d have answered for your sins long before now…”


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