Target (An erotic romantic novella)

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Target (An erotic romantic novella) Page 5

by Rosie L

  “Will he testify?” Rick asked.

  “I don’t think so Sir, he is too scared.”

  “Damn it. Okay, good work.”

  “Sir, someone has been asking questions about you, about what you are doing, where you are staying. I think you should be careful,” the voice told him.

  “Did anyone say where I was,” Rick asked. The line went quiet. “Andy - Andy…” Rick frowned he could hear someone listening. “Who is there? Where is Andy?” The line went dead. Fuck, he growled. He bit is lower lip and looked across at Sarah. Dialling his phone, he waited.

  “Sir,” the voice answered, and Rick breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Mark is everything okay, is the girl okay?” he rushed.

  “Yes Sir, we should land in an hour, we have an ambulance ready to take us to the hospital,” he confirmed.

  “Good. Mark I lost contact with Andy, something is wrong. I think he knows, I think he was there.”

  “Damn,” the voice said quietly.

  “I don’t know how much, Andy may have talked. I am going to make a call to Beckenham, see if we can get her in there. The hospital and ambulance could be compromised, I will give them a code word, um ….” he stuttered, he could not think. He glanced at Sarah. “Marriage,” he said. Then he frowned, marriage? What a stupid fucking word.

  “Marriage Sir?” Mark said, bewildered.

  “Yes, marriage, no one will think of that,” he rushed. “Do not get into the ambulance unless they give you the code word, okay. I will ring you straight back.”

  Sarah kicked at a stone as she waited. He quickly walked over to her.

  “Sorry, look, go up I am going to be a few minutes, I have to make a call.”

  “Okay,” she said, giving him a smile. He grabbed her arm and she glanced back at him.

  “Sorry, five minutes.”

  “Five minutes,” she repeated and then headed inside. Rick dialled a number

  “Staff nurse Gregor,” the voice answered.

  “Ellen, it’s Rick Hemmingway,” he said.

  “Mr Hemmingway, how lovely to hear from you, how are you?” she asked.

  “I am fine, but I need a favour,” he requested.

  “For you anything,” she said.

  “I have a woman arriving at city airport shortly in my private jet, she is in a coma. Normally I would send her to city, but her life is in danger and she needs protecting. I want you to put her in G wing.” She went quiet.

  “G wing Mr Hemmingway,” she repeated a little startled.

  “Yes Ellen,” he insisted.

  “Okay, if you are sure. What is her name?”

  “Skye, and will you send an ambulance, they must give Mark the pass word, Marriage.”

  “Marriage,” she repeated.

  “Yes Ellen, Marriage, it is important please, no one is allowed in to see her; I will try to come up Sunday, okay. Ellen, this is serious.”

  “Yes Mr Hemmingway, no problem.”

  “Thank you.” He hung up. He would tell her tomorrow, he would tell her and take her to see her sister. He dialled again.

  “Sir,” the voice answered.

  “It is all sorted they will give you the pass code and take her to Beckenham okay.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Rick ran his hand across his face, and stuck his phone in his back pocket. He was getting so close, and it was getting dangerous. He hoped Andy was okay. He glanced at the wing and up to her room; the light was on. He looked across at the main house. Jogging quickly he headed across the drive and around to the front of the house. Pulling a key from his rucksack, he opened the door.

  “Mary, Mary,” he yelled, as he scooted through the house, looking in the many rooms as he made his way to the kitchen.

  “Hello darling,” she said, when she saw him. He dropped the picnic basket on the floor, kissed her cheek, and gave her hug.

  “Thank you for the picnic, it was wonderful,” he said smiling.

  “You’re welcome, how is she?”

  “Good,” he said, holding on to a secret smile.

  “Rick what have you done?” she asked.

  “Done? What do you mean?” he asked, grinning at her. She shook her head at him, and then hugged him.

  “Is she special?” she asked, knowing he had not had a relationship for years.

  “Yes Mary she is, very special.”

  “I am happy for you darling. Does she know yet?” she asked. He shook his head.

  “No, I will tell her tomorrow, I promise.” Then his face drew serious. “Mary we are getting close, the plane crash was no accident.” The old woman drew a hand to her mouth.

  “You were right all along,” she said, and he nodded.

  “Look, please make sure you lock up properly, do not leave anything unlocked day or night, I have a feeling he may turn up here, looking for me and Sarah.”

  “Rick, are you sure this is worth the risk, it has been seventeen years?” she said. He took a breath.

  “Mary, if it were not for you he would have taken me and I would not have had such a wonderful childhood. You have been like a mother to me, you know that, but I cannot let it go. That man murdered my parents, and he murdered Sarah’s parents and nearly killed her sister.”

  “She is not dead?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “No, we found her today, but she is in a coma, I am flying her back and sending her to Beckenham.” He sighed, and then hugged her again. “It will be over soon Mary, I promise.”

  “Please Rick be careful, I don’t want to lose you, you are as my son and I love you darling.”

  He smiled at her old wrinkled face.

  “I love you too, now remember lock up properly, and tell Fred as well, not to let any strangers in and be ready to leave if I say, okay.” She nodded, watching him as he darted back out the front door, slamming it hard behind him.

  Mary had been his nanny since the day he had been born, and after his mother died, she took him away from that bastard of a stepfather, and raised him as her own, in his country estate. His stepfather did not care he did not want him, all he wanted was the money.

  Sarah sat on her bed, and she smiled as she thought of him. She had known him one day, and she loved him, she was sure, even if the whole idea was ridiculous. Jumping up she hung her towel and bikini over the rail in the bathroom to dry and stuck her wet knickers in a washing bin. She wanted a shower, her hair was full of salt from the sea, but she wanted to wait until Rick came back up. She did not want to miss him, by being in shower. Walking back out, she looked out the window, it was getting dark and the security light shone over the car park, but she could not see him. Perhaps he was on his way back up.

  There was a knock on the door.

  “Sorry,” Rick apologised as she opened the door to him.

  “That’s okay,” she replied.

  “Do you want to come down to the kitchen and grab a coffee?” he asked. She nodded, taking the key out from the inside of the door, she shut it, locked it, and put the key in her pocket, a shower could wait.

  They walked down the stairs, through the double doors and along the corridor. They passed the mess hall and entered the kitchen.

  “How many times have you been here?” she asked, as she watched him switch the kettle on and rummage in the cupboard for some coffee. He glanced over his shoulder, he did not want to lie to her, but he could not tell her the truth, yet.

  “Oh feels like hundreds,” he said, nonchalantly. “Coffee - yes?” he asked.

  “Yes, please.” She leant against the worktop and watched him.

  “Do you own lots of properties?” she asked. He frowned before turning around.

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “Your property business in London, do you just do them up and sell them, or do you rent them out?” He sighed, relieved.

  “Oh I see. I rent them, mostly. It depends where it is.”

  “I don’t suppose you have a cheap bedsit anywhere,” she asked wit
h a laugh. He shook his head, as he poured the milk in their coffee.

  “No sorry, I have an apartment in Mayfair.”

  “Really, jeez,” she said, thinking that must be worth a few million.

  “You can stay there, if you like?” he offered and she laughed, taking the coffee from him. “No seriously, I mean it. It’s my place, I have a spare room.” She looked at him, eyes wide. “Or - you could just sleep in my room,” he suggested, as he moved in close to her. She hooked a piece of hair behind her ear, as his deep dark eyes gazed at her.

  “Maybe,” she shrugged coyly. “Let’s see how these six weeks go.” Putting his coffee on the side, he lifted a hand to her face.

  “I really mean it Sarah, you can stay with me, if you want,” he whispered, his mouth moving closer to hers. She felt herself trembling, and she closed her eyes as he kissed her, softly, gently, lovingly.

  “Any more of that and I might be tempted,” she whispered back, as she brushed her cheek against his and inhaled him. It was a shame really that on Saturday inundated with kids, both of them would have to work.

  “Rick, tomorrow can we spend the day together?” she asked. He drew back and looked at her.

  “I had already assumed we would,” he said, his eyes smiling at her. “Besides, I think I said I would buy you an ice cream once we got to Devon?” She laughed.

  “Yes you did.”

  “Come on,” he said, offering her his hand. “Let’s go and watch a movie.”

  “A movie, where?” she asked.

  “In the common room, it’s got sky.” He put his arm around her. “We can snuggle up on the sofa, how about it?”

  “Love too,” she said, letting him lead her out of the kitchen. He stopped and removing his arm, he lifted a finger.

  “No sex, right. We wait until tomorrow.” She laughed and nodded, pushing him to the common room.

  Chapter Three

  Sarah groaned as the alarm clock provided for her shrilled loudly. She whacked it and stuck her head back under the pillow, groaning again, it was eight o’clock. They had stayed up late, until three in the morning. Finally emerging from the pillow, she yawned, and scratched her head. Yuk, her hair felt disgusting, it was still full of salt from the sea. Throwing the duvet back, she stretched and made her way to the window.

  It was so nice sleeping in a clean bed again, she had slept at the shelter quite regularly, but it was like being in a dormitory, a long line of uncomfortable beds, full of other stinking women. The last week she had slept outside, hidden in the back of Tesco’s car park. She looked back at the bed. She was so grateful to have a clean bed and a full stomach, it rumbled. Well, almost full, she smiled to herself as she opened the curtains. It was already bright, and it looked like another warm, sunny day and she wondered where Rick would take her.

  Pulling off her black chemise, she wandered into the bathroom and switched on the shower. Taking her shampoo, she opened it and inhaled, it smelt of summer flowers. She grabbed a towel and hung it over the rail, testing the water with her fingers she stepped in. Letting it pound over her, she washed her hair, and conditioned it. Taking her new shower gel, she began to wash her body, singing happily to herself as she did.

  Rick knocked on the door, but she did not answer.

  “Sarah,” he called, knocking louder. Still she did not answer. A little worried, he tried the handle and it opened, she had forgotten to lock it. “Sarah,” he called again as he walked in the room. He heard the shower running. Quietly he walked to the bathroom, and gently pushed the door open. He saw her showering, her body glistening with water, and covered in foam from the shower gel.

  “Oh dear god,” he mumbled to himself. He took a breath – he had to wait. He walked over to the window and look out – he had never felt like this about anyone before, not even close. He heard the shower stop. He sat on her bed and waited.

  Climbing out of the shower, Sarah wrapped her hair up in a buddle and tied a towel around herself. She walked into the bedroom.

  “Rick!” she said, almost jumping out of her skin.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you,” he said with a smile.

  “God, I didn’t hear you come in,” she said, as she towel dried her hair. “So where are we going?” she asked, slipping on her knickers.

  “I thought we’d hit the beach and the arcades this morning,” he replied watching her.

  “That sounds fun,” she replied, as she put her bra on. Rick came up behind her he put his hands on both her shoulders and turned her around to face him. His dark eyes gazed into hers, and her heart shook.

  “Then,” he said, his finger edging the cup of her bra. “I’ll take you somewhere nice, for lunch.” She closed her eyes as he kissed her; hardly able to believe this was all happening.

  He sat back on the bed, and waited as she dressed and did her hair and make-up. He would tell her tonight, he had decided. He would tell her he loved her first, and then everything else after. She had to know he loved her, and that this was not all some pre-arranged scenario. It had happened the way it had, and he could not change it, he could not change who he had been. He hoped desperately with all of his heart that she would understand.

  She pulled on her dress, she was going to wear her shorts, but then thought she would look better in a dress. It was blue, with tiny delicate flowers dotted all over it, low cut and it had thin straps so it showed off her shoulders.

  She slipped on her trainers.

  “You need sandals,” he announced. She looked down at her feet.

  “These will do,” she said. He stood up and shook his head.

  “No they are fine for running, and walking, but you have such great legs, and that dress….” he shook his head, as he admired her shapely figure. “You need sandals.”

  “Rick I can’t spend anymore or I will not have enough to get a bedsit,” she said, following him to the door. He stopped and turned to her, lifting a hand to her cheek he swooped her long dark hair behind her shoulders.

  “I told you, you can stay with me.” He was not going to let her go back to that way of life, if fact, he was not going to let her go, period. Her eyes wandered over his face and then settled on his eyes.

  “Rick,” she said. He shook his head, not wanting to hear her say no.

  “Come on, let’s go, we’ll get breakfast out.” He took up her hand, and without another word, they made their way back down to his Landrover.

  As they wound down the country lanes, with their windows down Sarah inhaled, the air was so clean and sweet. She put on her sunglasses; Rick was already wearing his.

  “God it’s so beautiful here,” she said, admiring the view as they drove along the coastal road.

  “Yeah I know, I love it here, I mean I like London, but it’s always great to come back to the peace and quiet of the country.” She glanced at him and gave him a smile, he placed a hand on her knee, and she covered it with her own, and then looked back out the window.

  She would tell the man she could not do it, and then she frowned worried. If she did not do what he wanted, would that mean they would send someone else? Should she tell Rick, should she warn him? She did not want to lose him; he might hate her for even thinking about doing it.

  “Are you okay Sarah?” he asked, as he pulled his hand back from her knee, and lifted it to her face. She turned to him.

  “Yes fine, why?” He shrugged.

  “You just looked a little sad then,” he said.

  She smiled, “No I am fine, just thinking of Skye,” she lied, and then she felt guilty, she had not actually thought of Skye since yesterday. Rick’s eyes returned to the road, he would tell her tonight, he wanted to enjoy today and forget everything.

  Twenty minutes later, they were parking up.

  “We’ll head down the front,” he said, taking up her hand. She let him lead her into town. It was already warm and the sky was a clear deep blue.

  “Oh rats,” he said, looking at the closed arcades. “I forgot they don�
�t open until eleven.” He looked at his watch it was only nine thirty.

  “So what now?” she asked.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.

  “No not really,” she replied, her earlier hung pangs having dissipated.

  “Come on we’ll go for a walk, up to the top, you never know we might see some dolphins.”

  “Dolphins, really?” he nodded. Following the winding path, it took them half an hour to reach the viewpoint.

  “Wow,” she remarked as they reached the top, she did not see any dolphins but it was still spectacular. She leant against the wall and stared out into the sea. “It beautiful Rick,” she said, glancing to him as he placed his arms around her and snuggled into her neck.

  “It sure is,” he replied, as they both gazed out to the sea.

  “No loitering on the sea front,” a deep voice boomed from behind them. Startled, Rick and Sarah spun around. Sarah looked at the two policemen with a little concern.

  “Dave, how are you,” Rick said, cheerily, holding out his hand.

  “Good Rick, you?” he asked, shaking it.

  “Yes thanks. Oh Sorry, this is Sarah, she is a friend of mine,” he introduced. “Sarah, this is Dave, he’s an old school friend.”

  “Hi,” she said, holding out her hand, he shook it.

  “This is Steve,” Dave said, thumbing to the other policeman. They nodded to each other.

  “So staying back at the Manor?” Dave asked. Rick nodded, hoping that he would not say anymore.

  “Yes for a few weeks,” Rick replied.

  “Another kids group?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” Rick confirmed.

  “Cool, give me a call if you want me to pop over and give a talk, and if you get time, maybe we could go for a pint?” he asked.

  “Sure that would great Dave,” Rick agreed.

  “Okay, better be off, catch you later. Nice to meet you Sarah,” he said, tipping his head to her.

  “You too,” she replied.

  “Rick,” he said, and raising an eyebrow towards Sarah, he grinned. Rick grinned back catching his meaning.

  “See you later, Dave,” he replied. Sarah gazed at him thoughtfully; he really did have a policeman friend.


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