Target (An erotic romantic novella)

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Target (An erotic romantic novella) Page 6

by Rosie L

“Did you go to school around here then?” she asked, as they began walking back down the hill.

  “Yes, well boarding school for a while, Dave was a day pupil.”

  “You went to boarding school?” she said surprised.

  “My father was big in the city Sarah, it was what they did, people in his circle. They sent their kids to boarding school. I went home during the holidays.” She looked at him; so much about him fascinated her and she wanted to find out more about him.

  “I grew up in London, my father was a Lord,” she told him.

  “Really, so does that make you a Lady?” he asked, with a smile. She shook her head.

  “No that title was my mother’s. I went to a private school too, but it was a day school. My father refused to send us away, I was a bit of a daddy’s girl I am afraid, he used to spoil me rotten.”

  “I can understand that Sarah, if you were mine, I would spoil you rotten too,” he said, his eyes lingering on her; she felt herself blush. As far she was concerned, she was his, for as long as he wanted her.

  “When my mother was pregnant with Skye, I really was quite jealous; I did not want to share my father with a new baby. I think I was pretty horrible to my mother, a spoiled little brat springs to mind.”

  “I could never imagine that of you Sarah,” he said, stopping beside an ice-cream van.

  “Rick, believe me I can be a nasty bitch when I want to be. I got over it though, when Skye was born. She was so sweet, so tiny and I loved her from the moment I saw in my mother’s arm. As it turned out she was more of a mummy’s girl, so I never did have to share father with her in that way, I was still his special girl, right up until the day he died.” He pulled an arm around her, and kissed the top of his head.

  “How about that ice-cream I owe you?” he asked. She smiled up at him, and nodded.

  “Yes please.”

  “What flavour?” Sarah perused the list of different flavours.

  “Chocolate chip please,” she said.

  “One mint chip and one chocolate chip please,” he said, placing a fiver on the counter.

  “Thank you,” she said, taking it from him. They wandered to a bench and sat down, looking out onto the harbour.

  “God it’s so nice here,” she again, licking her ice cream. Rick slung and arm around her shoulder and she snuggled into him, his scent sending happy shivers through her body.

  “Hey, look that boat is called Hemmingway, how funny,” she remarked, pointing to a rather luxurious looking speedboat tied up in the harbour. Rick swallowed, and took a bite of his ice cream.

  “Yes, how funny,” he agreed, knowing full well, that it was his. It was okay, he was going to tell her tonight. Just this one day, it was all he wanted, one full day of her thinking he was someone else. Maybe, he hoped she had fallen in love with him and then when he told her, she would not care, what or who, he used to be.

  “Rick, thank you, for everything,” she said, sighing happily.

  “Sarah you don’t have to keep thanking me.” She leaned back from him and he removed his arm.

  “Rick I do, you don’t understand. My life was hell, not worth living. The night before you found me at the river, I almost had sex with a man for money. I now, it’s disgusting but I was so hungry.” She felt tears well up in her eyes. “When he touched me I wanted to throw up, and I knew I could not do it, I knew I would rather die than have sex with that man, so I ran, I just ran and ran.” He pulled her to his chest and held her.

  “I am sorry Sarah that I did not find you sooner,” he whispered.

  “Rick, how could you have, it was by chance you saw me in town and I am so glad you did, really truly I am,” she said, looking up into his deep dark eyes. I love you Rick, she wanted to tell him, but she was scared he would push her away; she was scared to tell him what she was supposed to do.

  “Come on,” he announced, pulling her to her feet. “Today we forget the past and we have some fun, agreed.” She nodded, wiping her tears with the back of her hand.

  “Agreed,” she said. Lifting a finger to her chin, he added.

  “And, you have to let me spoil you, without any mention of paying me back, agreed?” She went to protest, but he held a finger to her lips.

  “Sarah please, I can afford it and I want too.” She laughed and nodded.

  “Agreed,” she said, leaning into him as he wrapped his arm around her.

  “Okay, amusement arcade next,” he announced, walking her towards the flashing lights ahead of them. Approaching the kiosk Rick slapped a hundred quid in front of the teller.

  “Change please,” he said. The man lifted an eyebrow as he counted Rick’s cash. Then he smiled.

  “There you are Sir,” he said, pushing a ton of change towards him. “Have a good day.”

  “We will,” Rick replied, grabbing the cash and shoving it into his pockets. He turned to give some to Sarah.

  “I don’t have a pocket or a bag Rick,” she said.

  “Seriously, a woman without a handbag.” He shook his head, and rammed his pockets with the rest of the change until they were bulging. “We will have to do something about that later,” he announced, walking her over to a fruit machine.

  An hour or so later, they emerged, Rick was a hundred pounds lighter, and clutched tight to Sarah’s chest, was a teddy bear with a bright red bow. Sarah had never laughed so much in her life. The amount of money he had pumped into that machine insisting on winning her a prize, he might have well have gone to a toy shop and brought her half a dozen. But he did not care, he wanted to win her a prize and finally after much yelling, laughing and cussing at the grabbing machine, he succeed.

  “Okay town next,” he said, swinging her hand in his. He had never felt happier in his life; it was as if he had found his soul mate in Sarah. She was funny and she had the most wicked sense of humour, she was smart and well educated, so they had had some serious discussions about art, artists and the property market. They just got along so well, and he wanted to spoil her.

  “In here,” he said, leading her into a small boutique.

  A woman in her fifties glanced up from the counter, a smiled beamed across her face as she saw him.

  “Rick Hemmingway, what a lovely surprise, are you back for long?” she asked, moving towards him.

  “For a while Mrs Crocker,” he said, giving her, a respectful kiss to each of her cheeks.

  “And who is this beautiful young lady may I ask?” she enquired, smiling at Sarah.

  “This is Sarah, a special friend of mine.” He introduced.

  “Hello,” Sarah said, giving the woman a smile back.

  “Now what can I do for you?” she asked.

  “Sarah needs some sandals and a bag,” he said. Sarah went to protest but Rick lifted a finger.

  “We agreed,” he said in a whisper. She twitched a smile back at him, but then nodded.

  “This way, now heeled or flats?” she asked.

  “A little heel please,” she replied, following her over to a selection of sandals. Rick perused the rack of shoes and sandals.

  “These are nice,” he said, lifting out a pair of white ones, with a dash of colour across the toe bar. He passed them to her. Sarah hooked her long hair behind her ear and took them from him.

  “Those are gorgeous,” she agreed.

  “Do you have her size?” he asked.

  “Six,” Sarah told the woman.

  “Yes, we do, I’ll just pop back and get them for you.” Sarah turned them over and then gasped at the price.

  “Rick they are a hundred and eight five pounds,” she said in horror.

  “Does not matter,” he said.


  “Sarah you agreed.”

  “I know, but a hundred eighty five pounds,” she said turning to him, and as she caught the smile in his eyes, her mouth ached to kiss him. For a moment they gazed at each other, the look in both their eyes was hunger, not for food but for each other.

  “There you go, try th
ese on for size,” Mrs Crocker said, interrupting their moment. She passed them to her. Sarah sat down on a stool and took off her trainers. As soon as she slipped them on, she could feel the designer quality. She had not worn designer shoes since she and Skye had run away from home, and left everything behind them, including their designer wardrobes.

  “Sarah they look amazing,” Rick, said, they made her long legs look even longer. “Do they feel comfortable?” he asked, watching her as she walked up and down the shop.

  “They feel fantastic, but …”

  “We’ll have them,” Rick interrupted before she had the chance to say they were too expensive.

  “Rick,” she implored.

  “Sarah,” he replied, grinning at her. She gave in, who wouldn’t, with that puppy face looking at them.

  “Would you like to wear them now?” Mrs Crocker asked. Sarah glanced at Rick and he nodded.

  “Yes please, thank you.” She grabbed her trainers and Mrs Crocker popped them into a paper bag with the shops logo on the front. Sarah put her winning ted into the bag, leaving its face looking out over the top.

  “Now a handbag was next I believe?” Mrs Crocker asked, looking at Rick. He nodded.

  “And a purse,” he added, ushering Sarah towards the designer handbags. Sarah looked at them; they were even dearer than the shoes!

  One handbag, and matching purse later, Rick kissed Mrs Crocker good-bye on her cheek, and they left the store.

  “Rick, thank you,” she said as they stood outside, she would not insult him by complaining about how much it cost. He swept her hair away from her shoulders.

  “You are welcome, now are you hungry, fancy a spot of lunch?” Without a word, she leaned forward and kissed him, startled by her move, he pulled her closer to him returning the kiss even deeper.

  “Yes I am hungry,” she whispered, as they broke breathless, and not just for lunch, she thought. He was like a drug to her, addictive, and she wanted more, so much more.

  “Where are we going?” Sarah asked, back in his Landrover and heading down the coastal road.

  “I thought we would go somewhere a little quieter, it’s a little pub I know down on a cove. They do a great lunch there, if that is okay with you?”

  “Sounds lovely Rick,” she said, her arm leaning out of the window, she felt the heat from the sun warming her. It was another hot and gloriously sunny day.

  “Have you ever thought about buying a place down here?” she asked, glancing at him.

  “Yes, quite often, but I never seem to get around to it,” he replied, not looking at her. She looked back out of the window.

  “I can’t believe I have never been here before, I would definitely come back one day, and have a proper holiday. You know, not a working holiday like this one.” She looked out across the bay at the stunning view. “A painting holiday, imagine how much I could paint out here, it is so inspiring, two weeks would not be enough, you would need years.”

  “You could move here and open a gallery,” he remarked and she laughed.

  “That would be amazing, could you imagine it?” she asked, glancing at him at catching his eyes. “Painting at the weekends, sat out here, then selling them during the week.” She laughed. “That Rick Hemmingway is what dreams are for.”

  “Well, you never know,” he said, with a smile.

  “No, you never know,” she repeated in a whisper.

  They stopped outside a small Devonshire country pub. Rick got out and took Sarah’s hand as she jumped down from her seat.

  “Rick this is so pretty,” she said, admiring the quaint thatched building, as he led her inside. Despite a being a bright sunny day, the pub was dark inside. It was full of wooden beams and horse brasses, and pictures hung on the wall of how the pub looked a hundred years ago, not much different, Sarah concluded.

  “Inside or outside,” he asked. “Oh just so you know outside has a view to the sea.”

  “Outside, definitely,” she replied. Rick headed out the back door and found them a table with an amazing view over the sea.

  “Just look at that view,” she purred happily.

  “Mr Hemmingway, are you here for lunch,” a young girl asked, standing next to their table, in her hand she held two menus.

  “Yes please Jane thanks,” he said, taking the menus from her.

  “I’ll give you a few minutes; can I get you a drink?”

  “Sarah?” he asked, glancing to her.

  “Southern comfort and lemonade, please,” she replied, smiling at the girl.

  “I’ll have a shandy, thanks,” he said.

  “Is there anyone who does not know you?” she asked, lifting an eyebrow. Rick laughed and double raised his eyebrows at her, if only she knew – and she would tonight.

  “What can I say, it’s a good pub. When you find a good one, keep it, that’s my motto,” he said slyly, but she did not cotton to what he was saying, she was busy reading the menu.

  “So what will you have,” Rick asked, she glanced up at him, her eyes lingering on his.

  “Lasagne, and salad, thanks.”

  “Mmm,” he said, looking at menu. “Good choice, I think I’ll have the same.”

  Rick ordered and discretely asked the girl to stick it all on his tab. She gave him a smile and a nod, and headed to the kitchen.

  Sarah looked at Rick as she ate, and she knew she had fallen, head of heels in love with him. It was ridiculous she knew, but she could not help it, he was so gorgeous, and she was wishing the afternoon away so that they would have their little rendezvous in the woods. She swallowed, and felt her body tingling at just the thought of it. When it came to sex she had never really gone beyond the standard, kiss, cuddle and sex on a bed, but with Rick she had already done it in a cave, on a beach, and tonight, in the woods. Hell, she would do it anyway with him.

  He smiled at her.

  “Nice,” he asked, indicating to her lunch.

  “Delicious, yours?” she asked. He nodded, his eyes catching hers. He wondered whether to ask her to wear the red Basque and stockings tonight, he did not want to frighten her into thinking he was some crazed sex monster, but just the thought of her wearing it made his cock suddenly harden. He shifted on his seat and took a long gulp of his shandy.

  “That was really nice, thank you Rick,” she said, pushing her plate away from her.

  “You’re welcome,” he replied, still pondering whether to ask her.

  “Sarah, you know what we have planned for tonight,” he said, a little apprehensively. She smiled, and felt herself flush.

  “Yes Rick.”

  “Well I was just wondering, and if you don’t want to that’s fine,” he said, taking hold of her hand. “I don’t want to rush you or anything,” he added.

  “Rick, what is it,” she laughed, seeing the embarrassment in his eyes.

  “Well, you know yesterday when we were in that lingerie shop.”


  “Well, I kind of brought something for you, and I was wondering if you would wear it, tonight.” Her eyes opened wider, and she ran her tongue over her lip as she thought, it was a respectable lingerie shop and she did not remember seeing anything too kinky in there.

  “Okay, what is it?” she asked.

  “It’s a red Basque and black stockings, I asked the assistant and she said it would be your size.” Sarah looked at him for a moment, her chest rising at the thought. She could almost smell the hunger on him for her, and the thought of wearing it for him turned her on too.

  “Of course I will, with the red shoes?” she asked, seductively.

  “Oh god yes,” he said, smiling at her.

  After lunch, Rick took her to another seaside town and they wandered in and out of the shops, had another ice cream and later a cream tea.

  “Rick if we keep eating like this I am going to get fat,” she complained as they drove into the main town.

  “Don’t worry,” he said, giving her a wink. “You can work it off later.” She glance
d at him coyly and smiled. They had decided to go and see a movie and kill a couple of hours. It did not get dark until ten, and their plan was to have sex in the woods, in the dark. Rick knew if he took her back to the Manor to early, he would not be able to wait until tonight.

  Sat in the darkness in the back row, Sarah laughed at the film. Rick watched her, she was beautiful, her laugh was beautiful, and in fact, everything about her was beautiful. He slipped an arm around her shoulder.

  “Hey,” she said, leaning into him. “I don’t think that’s allowed in the back row anymore,” she chuckled.

  “Really, now that is a shame,” he said, slipping his hand inside her dress.

  “Rick!” she gasped, quickly looking to see if anyone had noticed, but as they were alone in the back, and the cinema was not that packed, no one could see them. She moved a little nearer, and his hand traced the edge of her bra and then he pulled the cup down, so her breast popped out, taking handful of her breast, he gave a little groan as he fondled her, his thumb rubbing on her hardened nipple.

  “Rick, I feel like a teenager,” she said, her hand slipping down to his trousers.

  “Me too,” he laughed. “Oh god, Sarah,” he then added, as she moved her hand inside his shorts and stroked him up and down slowly. He leaned into her ear.

  “I can’t wait for tonight,” he whispered.

  “Me neither,” she replied.

  “Shush,” an older woman said, turning to them. Sarah smiled at her.

  “Sorry,” she whispered, and then laughed quietly into Rick’s shoulder, enjoying the feeling of naughtiness as he continued twiddling with her nipple.

  “Good film this,” he whispered, turning his head to her.

  “Mmm,” she replied, taking his tongue into her mouth.

  Chapter Four

  He led her to a shelter, right in the middle of the woods, it was open to the elements, but did have a roof. It was almost completely dark by now, so he built a small fire, and laid out a blanket.

  “Give me a minute,” she said, taking her bag and disappearing behind the shelter. Stripping off, she changed.

  He waited for her; already he could feel his cock hardening at just the thought of it. Hungrily her eyes met his as she stood in front of him.


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