Daughter of the King

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by Lansky, Sandra

  As we left Uncle Jack to his self-proclaimed poverty and misery, Vince turned to me and said, in mock-wiseguy style, “We have only two choices. Kill him, or kidnap him and torture him until he tells us where the money is. What do you want to do?”

  I laughed. It felt good to laugh, after the months and months of tears. “Screw the money,” I said. “We have each other.” Jake Lansky may not have been crying wolf. Without his brother to guide his life, he died that September 1983. His will left his family vastly better off than Daddy’s, but didn’t come close to solving the three hundred million dollar mystery. Vince, the former private eye, didn’t even want to try. Vince didn’t care about money, and, in the end, which has turned out to be wonderfully happy, neither did I.


  Abbott and Costello, 177

  Abrams, Elizabeth, 216–217

  Abrams, Hy, 28, 216–217

  Adonis, Joe (aka Joe Doto)

  Benny Siegel and, 65

  daughter Maria Doto and, 157

  description of, 6

  exile to Italy, 183

  magazine publication about, 90

  Virginia Hill and, 60, 98


  Dean Martin, 162–166

  Dick Shaw, 169–170

  George DeWitt, 160–162

  Wynne Lassner, 178–179

  Aldrich Stables, 48–49, 68, 88, 125, 159. See also Manhattan Riding Club

  Aleichem, Sholem, 124

  Allen, Charles, 209

  Allen, Steve, 177

  “Almost Like Being in Love” (song), 133

  Alo, Flo, 31, 65–66, 69, 85, 118

  Alo, Vincent “Jimmy Blue Eyes,” 12, 65–66, 85, 200, 228

  Aloi, Sebastian “Buster,” 219

  Anastasia, Albert, 181–182, 203

  Anderson, Chuck, 188

  Andrea Doria (ship), 151

  Angelo’s (restaurant), 149

  Annenberg, Moe, 30

  Annenberg, Walter, 30

  Annie Get Your Gun (Broadway show), 104

  Aristocrat Hotel (New York), 191

  Arkansas, Hot Springs, 13–14. See also Kefauver, Estes

  Arlington Hotel (Hot Springs, Arkansas), 13

  Arrowhead Inn Nightclub (Saratoga Springs, New York), 115

  Asunción, Paraguay, 224

  Atlantic Monthly (magazine), 221

  Attina, Nancy (nanny), 64–67, 84

  Automat (New York), 5

  Avenue X Gang, 213

  Backus, Jim, 179

  Ballston Spa, New York, 116–117, 207

  Bambi (dog), 149

  Bardot, Brigitte, 158

  Barrie, Wendy, 60

  Barrymore, John, 128–129

  Barton, Eileen, 178

  Batista, Fulgencio, 29, 167–168, 183

  Bazookie (horse), 48, 68, 88

  Bellevue Hospital, 32, 63–64

  Bemelmans Bar, 163

  Bennett, Tony, 43

  Benny, Jack, 105, 161

  Beresford (New York apartment), 12, 14, 15, 37–38, 87

  Berlin, Irving, 3

  Berman, Dave, 139

  Berra, Yogi, 194

  Best & Co. (hair salon), 31

  Beverly Hills, Siegel mansion, 9–10

  The Bible (movie), 12

  Biegger, Jeannie, 169

  Biller, Bill, 53

  Birch Wathen (school), 40, 50, 67

  Birnbaum, Lillian, 158

  Blanche, Billy, 117

  Block, Martin, 45

  Bo-Bo (restaurant), 196

  Bogart, Humphrey, 128–129

  Bormann, Martin, 224

  Boston, Massachusetts, 21–23, 27–28

  Boston Blackie (radio show), 45

  Boston’s Children’s Hospital, 22–23 231

  Boxing, 45, 70, 214

  Brasserie (restaurant), 178

  Brewer, Teresa, 53

  Broadway Melody of 1940 (movie), 210

  Broadway shows, 1–3. See also specific shows

  Broward County, Florida, 26, 50, 105, 114

  Bruiser (dog), 220, 226

  Bugs and Meyer Mob, 10

  Burdines (department store), 85

  Burke, Paul, 178

  Café de la Paix, 88

  Cagney, James, 128–129

  Calhoun School (New York), 67–68, 103, 106, 144

  California (Naples restaurant), 148

  Call Me Madam (Broadway show), 104

  Calloway, Cab, 45

  Camp High Point (Ulster County, New York), 79–80

  Cannon, Dyan, 125, 180

  Cantinflas (comedian), 177

  Capone, Al, 60, 225

  Carbo, Frankie, 70, 112

  Carfano, “Little Augie,” 64–65, 188

  Carlyle Hotel (New York), 163, 189

  Carousel (Broadway show), 1–3, 70

  Carpet joints (clubs), 25

  Carruthers (Buddy’s Boston doctor), 23, 28

  Casino gambling

  Atlantic City, New Jersey, 53–54

  beginning of, 25–27

  Havana, Cuba, 28–30, 105, 167–168, 183–185

  Hot Springs, Arkansas, 14

  Las Vegas, Nevada, 59, 200–201

  Saratoga Springs, New York, 115

  Cast a Giant Shadow (movie), 111

  Castro, Fidel, 183–185, 197

  Catena, Jerry, 33

  Cavanagh’s (restaurant), 5

  Chandler, Jeff, 187

  Chess, Esther, 118. See also Lansky, Esther

  Chevalier, Maurice, 133

  Christ Cella (restaurant), 152

  Christian Science Reading Room, 22

  Christmas celebrations, 21

  Cincinnati, Ohio, 25–26

  Citron, Anna (later Lansky). See Lansky, Anna (mother)

  Citron, Julie (uncle), 54, 83, 119–120, 146

  Citron, Moses (grandfather), 23–25, 48, 72–73

  Citron, Sadie (aunt), 27, 31, 61

  Citron, Shelma (grandmother), 23

  Clooney, Rosemary, 43

  Club Boheme (Florida nightclub), 50, 85, 114

  Cobb, Lee J., 124

  Cocoanut Grove (Boston nightclub), 28

  Coffee shops, 51–52

  Cohen, Wolfie, 171

  Cole, Nat King, 138

  Colombo, Joe, 219

  Colonial Inn (Florida nightclub), 50, 60, 64–65, 78, 85, 114

  Colonial School (Miami Beach, Florida), 50

  Colony (restaurant), 178

  Common Sense (Paine), 46–47

  Copa Girls, 127


  Buddy’s introduction to, 43

  children’s Christmas party at, 86

  Jack Entratter and, 201

  last Martin and Lewis show at, 162–163

  Sandra’s avoidance of, 178, 188–189

  Sandra’s exposure to, 85

  sweet sixteen party, 113, 126–127

  Vince Lombardo as bouncer at, 210, 214

  Copley Plaza Hotel (Massachusetts), 217

  Coppola, Francis, 30

  Costello, Frank

  assassination attempt on, 181

  Carlo Gambino and, 203

  at Copacabana, 127, 188, 214

  death of, 228

  description of, 5

  early history with Meyer, 150

  generosity of, 9, 86

  Kefauver Committee hearings, 92–96

  magazine publication about, 90

  as successor of Charlie Luciano, 14

  Cotton Club (Harlem, New York), 13

  Crippled Children’s Hospital (Boston, Massachusetts), 195, 218

  Crosby, Bing, 7, 172–173

  Crosby, Gary, 172–173

  Cuba, Havana. See Havana, Cuba

  Cushing, Richard, 21, 23

  Dalitz, Moe (uncle), 24–25, 139

  Dallas, Texas, 25–26

  d’Amato, Skinny, 161

  Damone, Vic, 177

  Dannemora Prison (New York), 14, 17

  Danny’s Hide-Away, 187–188

; Davey Crockett (television series), 92

  Davis, Sammy, Jr., 7

  Deal, New Jersey (aka Gangster Riviera), 33–34

  Deerfield Academy, 89

  Delicatessens, 51, 171, 202

  Dempsey, Jack, 100, 178

  Depression era, 28–29, 31

  Desert Inn, 139

  Devine, Ida, 201

  Devine, Irving “Niggy,” 200, 201, 228

  Dewey, Tomas, 14, 17–18, 110

  DeWitt, George, 160–162

  Diet pills, 159, 179–180, 187, 218–219

  Dietrich, Marlene, 88

  DiMaggio, Joe, 187


  at home, 41–43

  with uncles, 3–5

  Dinty Moore’s (restaurant)

  description of, 3–4, 6

  Ethel Merman and, 104

  George Wood and, 7

  Sandra’s avoidance of, 178

  Sandra’s meeting with Meyer at, 120, 205

  Tony Salerno and, 154

  Diplomat Hotel (Florida), 165, 166

  Disney, Walt, 92


  Buddy’s, 226

  parent’s, 57–62, 66–67

  Paul’s, 225

  Sandra’s, 153–154, 170

  Siegels’s, 61

  Dockworkers, 17

  Doctors’ Hospital (Florida), 127

  Dog track (Phoenix, Arizona), 28


  Bambi, 149

  Bruiser, 220, 226

  Maria, 144

  Nappy, 144

  Petey, 40–42

  Tiger, 220, 226

  un-named poodle, 122–123

  Dorsey, Tommy, 7

  Doto, Joe (aka Joe Adonis). See Adonis, Joe

  Doto, Maria, 157

  Drake, Allan, 188

  Drake, Janice, 188

  Drugs, use of, 159, 179–180, 187, 218–219

  Eagle, Max, 75, 81, 114, 118, 121, 133

  Earp, Wyatt, 187

  Easter celebrations, 21

  Ed Sullivan Show, 177

  Eden Roc Hotel (Florida), 167, 220

  Edison, Thomas, 34

  Eisenhower’s inauguration, 111

  El Cortez (restaurant), 139

  El Morocco (restaurant), 178, 188

  Electroshock treatments, 59

  Elizabeth Arden (beauty salon), 31

  Ellington, Duke, 45, 178

  Embers (restaurant), 128

  Emby Distributing Company, 52–53

  Engle, Max, 75

  Entratter, Jack, 200, 201

  Erickson, Frank, 8–9

  Europe (honeymoon trip), 146–151

  FAO Schwarz (store), 31

  Fat Tony Salerno, 154, 217

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

  Communist threat meeting, 185

  Eisenhower Republicans and, 180

  Gabby’s involvement with, 199–202, 203, 209–210

  Meyer tailed by, 220

  Fink, Julie, 42–43

  Finland, Helsinki Olympics, 112, 195

  500 Club (Atlantic City, New Jersey), 161

  Flamingo Hotel (Las Vegas), 61, 73–74, 137, 139, 217

  Florentine, George. See DeWitt, George

  Flynn, Errol, 61

  Fontainebleau Hotel (Florida), 84, 167, 169–170, 187

  Ford, Glenn, 210

  Ford, Whitey, 194

  The Forge (steak house), 225

  Freeman, Eddie, 111

  Freeman, Paul, 111

  Fremont casino hotel (Las Vegas), 201

  Froman, Jane, 63

  Fulton Fish Market, 16

  Gallagher’s (restaurant), 5, 152

  Gambino, Carlo, 203, 214


  Buddy’s problem with, 72, 113–114, 166, 226

  casinos (see Casino gambling)

  legalizing, 104–105

  Prohibition era, 18–19, 25–26, 50–51

  racetracks, 25–26, 29

  Sandra and, 169

  Gangster Riviera, 33–34

  Garbo, Greta, 88, 144

  Gardner, Ava, 177

  Genovese, Vito, 181, 203

  “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” (song), 127

  George Brown’s Gymnasium and Health Club (New York), 51, 70

  Gershwin, George, 3

  Giancana, Sam “Mooney,” 187, 198

  Gigante, Vinnie “the Chin,” 181

  Gitlitz (delicatessen), 202

  Gleason, Jackie, 163

  Godfrey, Arthur, 71

  Gooding, Mrs. (household employment agency), 38, 42

  Gophers gang, 13

  Gotti, John, Jr., 30

  Grant, Cary, 125, 180

  Grant, Kathy, 172

  Gray, Seymour, 205, 217, 225

  Grayson, Kathryn, 138

  Graziano, Rocky, 45

  Greenbaum, Gus, 139

  Guggenheim, Peggy, 68

  Haden, Annie Wood, 71

  Haden, George, 71

  Hammerstein, Dorothy, 70–71, 77

  Hammerstein, Oscar, 70–71

  Harlow, Jean, 6, 60

  Hartnett, Edward Patrick “Gabby,” 112–113, 194–210

  Harwyn Club (New York), 188, 193–194

  Havana, Cuba

  Batista and, 29, 167–168, 183

  Castro and, 183–185

  first trip to, 28–30

  Florida gambling and, 105

  last blaze of glory, 219

  Havana Special (train), 49

  Hawaiian Isle Motel (Florida), 226

  Healy, Terry, 47, 72, 76

  Hedren, Tippi, 159, 180

  Helsinki, Olympic games, 112, 195

  Henderson, North Carolina, 140

  Henie, Sonja, 29

  Highland Nature Camp (Naples, Maine), 75–76, 79

  Hill, Virginia, 60, 72–73, 98

  Hoff, Max “Boo Boo,” 41

  Hoffa, Jimmy, 183

  Hogan, Frank, 17

  Holden, William, 177

  Hollywood Dog Track, 169

  Hollywood Ticket Agency, 71–72


  Europe, 146–151

  Las Vegas, 137–139

  Mexico, 134–141

  Miami, 140–141

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 180, 189, 201, 219

  Hope, Bob, 7

  Horace Mann (prep school), 62

  Horseback riding lessons, 48–49, 68


  Bazookie, 48, 68, 88

  Marvin’s gift to himself, 143

  Moonbeam’s Golden Genius, 142

  Rex Lee Fashion, 142

  Time Clock, 88, 125

  Hot Springs, Arkansas, 13–14

  Hotel Nacional (Havana, Cuba), 28, 30

  The House of Prime Ribs (restaurant), 170–171

  “How Much Is That Doggy in the Window?” (song), 122, 160

  Hughes, Howard, 6, 85, 209

  Huston, John, 12

  “I Only Have Eyes for You” (song), 89

  Ice skating, 39

  The Inside (restaurant), 225–226

  Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 200

  International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union (ILGWU), 213

  Irving Fields Trio, 138


  independence (1948), 102, 111

  Law of Return, 222–223

  Italia (ship), 76

  J. P. Morgan Library, 70

  The Jack Benny Show, 172

  Jail time (Meyer Lansky), 115–117

  James, Rian, 4

  Janssen, David, 187

  Jersey Shore, 33–34

  Jewish background, 10–11, 16, 21–36

  Jimmy Blue Eyes. See Alo, Vincent “Jimmy Blue Eyes”

  Jimmy C. (kids’ counselor), 81

  Joe Sonken’s Gold Coast (restaurant), 128

  Joe’s Elbow Room (restaurant), 106

  Joe’s Stone Crab (restaurant), 128

  Joseph’s (restaurant), 217

  Kastel, Dandy Phil, 139

  Kaufman, Murray, 160, 162

/>   Kean Sisters (comedy duo), 127

  Kefauver, Estes, 14, 92, 99–100, 111, 115, 222

  Kefauver Committee hearings, 91–102, 204

  Kelly, Grace, 194

  Kennedy, Joe, 19, 28, 51, 176–177, 180

  Kennedy, John “Jack,” 177, 186, 198, 219

  Kennedy, Robert “Bobby,” 182–183, 219

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 197

  Kidnapping fear, 40, 47

  Klein, Arthur, 86

  Krakower, Esther. See Siegel, Esther Krakower

  Krakower, Whitey, 26

  La Cosa Nostra (LCN), 203

  La Motta, Jake, 45

  “La Vie en Rose” (song), 133

  Labor unions, 92, 182

  Lafayette (ship), 16

  L’Aiglon (restaurant), 5, 181

  Lake Mahopac, New York, 80, 102

  Lansky, Anna (aunt), 121, 185

  Lansky, Anna (mother)

  beauty salons, 26, 31

  birth of grandson D.J., 191–192

  birth of grandson Gary, 146

  Broadway shows, 1

  Buddy’s illness, 21–22, 25

  Central and Riverside Parks, 39

  Christian belief, 23

  clothing, 26

  cockroach incident, 119

  cultural strivings, 38–39

  death of, 228

  depression, 67, 83, 87, 109, 126

  divorce, 57–62, 66–67

  Esther Siegel and, 10, 26, 31, 59–61

  family background, 23–25

  fight with father, 54

  Flo Alo and, 65, 66, 69, 85, 118

  generosity, 32

  kidnapping fears, 40, 47

  marriage, 23–24

  mental breakdown, 54–56, 59, 61, 219

  murder of Benny Siegel and, 73

  news of Meyer’s remarriage, 77–78

  phone conversations, 5, 59, 69

  physical appearance, 26–27

  prescription drugs, 119

  psychiatrists, 61, 72, 90, 106, 119, 193

  reaction to plastic surgery, 118–119

  reaction to Sandra’s divorce, 154

  Sandra’s marriage, 130, 131–132

  shopping, 27, 31

  Lansky, Annette (sister-in-law), 171, 196, 226

  Lansky, Bernard Irving “Buddy” (brother)

  Bellevue Hospital, 32, 63–64

  death, 228

  disabilities, 29, 42–43

  divorce, 226

  dormitory room jukebox, 42–43

  education, 19, 29, 62, 145

  extracurricular interests, 44–46, 60

  father’s remarriage, 77, 79

  gambling problem, 72, 113–114, 166, 226

  George Wood and, 43, 44, 71

  Hollywood Ticket Agency job, 71–72

  illness diagnosis, 22

  at Lansky compound, 169

  marriage, 170–171

  murder of Benny Siegel and, 73–74

  news of Sandra’s second pregnancy, 190–191

  rehabilitation school, 30

  Sandra’s appendicitis and, 127–128

  sleeping pill overdose, 226

  valet for, 42

  Virginia Hill and, 60

  Lansky, Esther (aunt), 50, 118, 154


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