Daughter of the King

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Daughter of the King Page 26

by Lansky, Sandra

  Lansky, Jacob “Jack” (uncle)

  brought into Meyer’s business, 27

  in Cuba, 184–186

  daughter’s wedding, 198

  death, 229

  description of, 15–16

  in Las Vegas, 200

  Meyer’s money and, 229

  in Miami, 121

  at Sandra’s wedding, 132, 217

  Lansky, Lena (aunt), 35

  Lansky, Linda (cousin), 121, 198

  Lansky, Max (grandfather), 12, 23, 27

  Lansky, Meyer (father)

  American pride, 12, 16, 46, 110–111, 203

  birth, 5, 12

  birth of grandson D. J., 192

  birth of grandson Gary, 146

  bootlegging days, 15

  Buddy’s illness, 22–23

  business, as family, 11–12

  clothing style, 2

  deal for Lucky Luciano, 17–18

  death, 227

  divorce, 57–62, 66–67

  education, 19, 38

  as epicurean, 42, 51–52

  Estes Kefauver meeting, 100–102

  exile to Israel, 222–223

  health club workouts, 51

  health problems, 117, 185–186, 224–227

  home library, 37, 46

  jail time, 115–117

  low-key style of, 2

  marriage to Anna, 23–24

  marriage to Teddy, 76–77

  Miami drug charges, 221

  Molaska, Inc., 24–25

  Murder Incorporated, 3

  naked sighting of, 57–58

  news of Sandra’s hospitalization, 191

  phone conversations, 5, 109

  racetracks, 25–26, 29

  start of new life in Florida, 220

  World War II, 15–18, 62

  Lansky, Meyer Lansky II (nephew), 165

  Lansky, Paul (brother)

  birth, 22

  divorce, 225

  education, 29–30, 32, 62, 78, 86–87, 195

  gym workouts with father, 51

  idealistic attitude, 176

  marriage, 165

  military school, 30, 32–33

  news of Meyer’s remarriage, 78

  pilot training, 79, 143

  reaction to D.J. episode, 195

  Sandra’s marriage and, 130

  serious personality, 44

  son, Meyer Lansky II, 165

  Vietnam War, 195

  West Point Military Academy, 86–87, 109–110, 130, 142–143

  Lansky, Rose (aunt), 35, 213

  Lansky, Sandra

  appendicitis, 127–128

  birth, 21

  birth of son, D.J., 190–192

  birth of son, Gary, 145–146

  Boston home, 21–23

  breeding Italian greyhounds, 220

  brothers, as friends, 44–46

  buck teeth, 45, 74

  cab accident, 158

  Christmas vacation in Miami, 83–85

  Cuba trip, 28–30

  divorce, 153–154, 170

  doll collection, 31–32, 56

  drugs, use of, 159, 179–180, 187, 218–219

  education, 19, 40, 50, 67–68, 120–121

  engagement ring, 129

  father’s remarriage, 76–79

  fight with Teddy over father’s health, 186

  first air flight alone, 83–84

  first kiss, 81

  gambling, 169

  homemaking skills, 141, 143–144

  honeymoon, 134–141

  Israel trip, 223

  Jewish background, 10–11, 16, 21–36

  lessons, ballet, piano, skating, 39

  lessons, boxing, 45

  lessons, horseback riding, 48–49, 68

  marriage to Marvin Rapoport, 127–134

  marriage to Vince Lombardo, 216–217

  Marvin’s proposal, 127

  menstrual period, 57–58

  modeling experience, 158

  money and, 46

  naked sighting of father, 57–58

  nannies, 21, 28, 33, 64–67

  in Naples, Italy, 14

  nursery school, 33

  pet dogs, 40–42, 122–123, 144, 149

  Phoenix trip, 28

  plastic surgery, 114–115, 118

  pregnancies, 136, 143, 190

  school dropout, 128

  sinus headaches, 75

  summer camp, 75, 79–80

  summers in New Jersey, 33–34

  sweet sixteen party, 113, 126–127

  uncles and, 1–19

  Vince’s proposal, 216

  wedding trousseau, 130–131

  winters in Miami, 49–50

  working at Saks, 155, 157–158

  World War II, 15, 16

  Lansky, Thelma “Teddy” (stepmother)

  in Cuba, 169, 184

  death, 228

  early history of, 77–78

  fight over Meyer’s health, 186

  help with plastic surgery, 118

  marriage to Meyer Lansky, 76–77

  ‘Paul’s reaction to, 83

  strains of living with, 121–123

  visit in Miami with, 83–85, 120–123

  while Meyer in jail, 117–118

  Lansky, Yetta (grandmother)

  arrival in New York, 12

  as best friend, 35, 122

  Buddy’s wedding, 171

  family background, 27, 35–36

  home at Lansky compound, 169

  home in Brooklyn, 35

  Sandra’s appendicitis and, 127

  Lanza, Joseph “Socks,” 16–17

  Larry Mathews Salon, 159–160

  Larsen, Don, 194

  Las Vegas, Nevada, 59, 137–139, 200–201

  Lassner, Wynne “Brownie,” 178–179

  Lastfogel, Abe, 162–163

  Lastfogel, Barbara, 162–163, 178, 179

  Latin Quarter (New York nightclub), 40

  Law of Return (Israel), 222–223

  LCN (La Cosa Nostra), 203

  Le Pavilion (restaurant), 178

  Leigh, Dorian, 158

  Leron, (store), 31

  Levine, Red, 15

  Levinson, Edward, 200, 201

  Lewis, Jerry, 7, 104, 106, 162

  Lewis, Joe E., 70

  Liberace, 180

  Lighthouse (restaurant), 65, 79

  Lincoln, Abraham, 12

  Lincoln, Robert, 34

  Lindy’s (restaurant), 3

  Liquor business, 18–19, 24–25

  The Living Room (New York nightclub), 188

  Lombardo, Anthony (uncle), 212

  Lombardo, Davide (stepson), 220

  Lombardo, Gilda (mother-in-law), 213, 216

  Lombardo, Rocco (uncle), 212, 213

  Lombardo, Vince (husband)

  bouncer at Copacabana, 210, 214

  Eden Roc job, 220

  family background, 212–213

  father’s death, 213

  first date with Sandra, 211–212

  first marriage, 215

  first meeting with Sandra, 210–211

  gang membership, 213–214

  Mafia and, 214

  marriage to Sandra, 217–218

  Meyer Lansky and, 214–218

  mother’s remarriage, 214

  prizefighter, 214

  proposal to Sandra, 216

  reunited with Sandra, 220

  school bullying, 212–213

  separation from Sandra, 218–220

  Long Branch, New Jersey, 33

  Long Island Jewish Hospital, 190

  Longchamps (restaurant), 5, 103

  Longshoremen, 17

  Lou Waters, 40

  Louis, Joe, 45

  Luciano, Charlie “Lucky”

  Benny Siegel and, 73

  Dannemora prison, 14–15

  death, 228

  exile in Italy, 76

  Frank Costello and, 14

  Joe Adonis and, 183

  Meyer’s deal for, 1

  Moses Polakoff and, 100

  Tomas Dewey and, 110

  MacArthur, Douglas, 62, 110

  MacRae, Gordon, 88–89

  Mad Dog Coll, 14

  Madame Alexander, 31–32

  Madden, Owney, 13, 14, 115


  FBI and, 203

  Golda Meir’s reaction to, 223

  Pete Mazzarino and, 214

  Rocco Lombardo and, 212

  Sandra’s drug addiction and, 219

  Teriaca’s father and, 225

  Vince’s promise to Meyer and, 216

  Mafia Roadshow, 92

  Majestic Apartments (New York), 14, 22, 181, 228

  Majestic Theatre (New York), 1

  Make Believe Ballroom (radio show), 44

  “Mama Will Bark” (song), 104

  Manganaro’s (grocery store), 212

  Manhattan Riding Club, 88, 159, 197. See also Aldrich Stables

  Mantle, Mickey, 194

  Marcus, David “Mickey,” 110–111, 222

  Marden, Ben, 53

  Maria (dog), 144

  Marlo, Micki (Moskowitz), 162, 171


  Buddy’s, 170–171

  Mazzarino’s, 214

  Meyer’s to Teddy, 76–77

  parent’s, 23–24

  Paul’s, 165

  Sandra’s, 127–134, 216–217

  Siegel’s, 26

  Vince’s first, 215

  Marsh, Joan, 152

  Marsh, Joe, 152, 170

  Martin, Billy, 194

  Martin, Dean

  Riviera Supper Club and, 7

  Sandra’s affair with, 162–166, 187

  Sands Hotel in Las Vegas and, 201

  Swifty Morgan and, 70

  Willie Moretti and, 104, 106

  Martin, Gina, 166

  Martin, Jeannie, 166

  Mason, Jackie, 157

  Mason, James, 142

  Mathews, Larry, 159–160

  Mayo Clinic, 226

  Mazzarino, Pete, 214

  McClellan Committee, 182

  Meir, Golda, 222, 223

  Memorial Hospital (Hollywood, Florida), 185

  Mengele, Joseph, 224

  Mental hospitals, 54–56, 59, 61, 219

  Merman, Ethel, 104, 127

  Mexican Hayride (Broadway show), 1

  Mexico (honeymoon trip), 134–141

  Miami, Florida

  after parent’s divorce, 83–85, 120–123

  honeymoon, 140–141

  Lansky compound, 167

  winter home, 49–50, 64–65

  Military Academy. See West Point Military Academy

  Military school, 30, 32–33

  Miller, Glenn, 43

  Miller, John, 181, 188

  Miss Rheingold beauty contest, 71

  Modeling experience, 158

  Molaska, Inc., 24–25

  Monroe, Marilyn, 159–160

  Montgomery, Robert, 99, 204

  Moonbeam’s Golden Genius (horse), 142

  Moore, Willie (aka Willie Moretti). See Moretti, Willie

  Moretti, Willie (aka Willie Moore)

  Deal, New Jersey, 33

  death, 104–107, 181, 183, 203

  description of, 6

  Frank Sinatra and, 7

  Kefauver Hearings, 98

  Riviera Supper Club, 53

  Morgan, Swifty, 69, 70

  Moskowitz, Micki, 162

  Mr. Lucky (movie), 40

  Mt. Nebo Cemetery (Miami), 228

  Mt. Sinai Hospital (Miami), 224, 227

  Mullins, Minnie (nanny), 21, 28, 33

  Muni, Paul, 124

  Murder, of Benny Siegel, 72–74, 181, 203

  Murder Incorporated, 3, 26

  My Friend Flicka (book), 48

  ‘Name That Tune (television show), 160

  Nannies, 21, 28, 33, 64–67, 84

  Naples, Italy, 14, 148–150

  Nappy (dog), 144

  National Enquirer (tabloid), 181

  National Horse Show, Madison Square Garden, 123

  National Velvet (movie), 48

  New England Baptist Hospital (Boston, Massachusetts), 21

  New Orleans, Louisiana, 26

  New York Military Academy, 30, 62

  New York Strip steaks, 152

  Nightclubs, 25–26, 50. See also specific nightclubs

  Nimitz, Chester, 62

  Nixon, Donald, 221

  Nixon, Richard, 221–222

  Nixon administration, 222–225

  Noonan, Connie, 155, 157

  Normandie (ship), 16

  North Shores Dog Tracks, 217

  Notorious (movie), 204–205

  Nursery school, 33

  O’Brien, Hugh, 187

  O’Dwyer, William, 91, 96, 98–99, 102

  Oklahoma (Broadway show), 1

  “An Old Fashioned Wedding” (song), 133

  Olympics (Helsinki, Finland), 112, 195

  On the Town (Broadway show), 1

  Organized crime, 92

  Oriental Park Racetrack (Havana, Cuba), 29

  Ortiz, Jaime, 111

  Ortiz, Manny, 45

  Page, Patti, 97–98

  Paine, Thomas, 46–47

  Paraguay, 224

  Park Sheraton Hotel (New York), 181

  Parker, Suzy, 158

  Peerce, Jan, 80

  Pep, Willie, 45

  Perillo Tours, 135, 146

  Perona, Edwin, 188

  Pet Heaven cemetery (Miami), 226

  Petey (dog), 40–42

  Phelps (Buddy’s Maryland doctor), 30

  Phoenix, Arizona, 25–26, 28

  Piaf, Edith, 133

  Pickin’ Chicken (Miami Beach roadhouse), 49, 65, 79

  Pine Crest School (Fort Lauderdale), 121

  Piping Rock Club (Saratoga Springs), 115

  Pisano, Augie, 203

  P.J. Clarke’s (bar), 179

  Plantation Yacht Harbor (Florida Keys), 114

  Plastic surgery, 114–115, 118

  Podell, Julie, 127

  Polakoff, Moses, 17, 100, 102, 115, 117

  Police Athletic League, 214

  Pope, Gene, Jr., 181

  Powell, Eleanor, 210

  Prohibition era, 18–19, 25–26, 50–51

  Prostitution, 18

  Psychiatrists, 61, 72, 90, 106, 193

  Public school, 67–68, 120–121

  Racetracks, 25–26, 29

  Radio shows, 44–45

  Raft, George, 13, 61

  Rainier, Prince of Monaco, 194

  Rapoport, Anna (mother-in-law), 129, 135, 141

  Rapoport, David Jay “D.J.” (son), 190–192, 195, 217–218

  Rapoport, Evelyn (sister-in-law), 143

  Rapoport, Gary Van (son), 145–146

  Rapoport, Harry (father-in-law), 129, 141

  Rapoport, Marvin (first husband)

  bullfights, 143

  divorce, 153–154

  first meeting, 68–69

  as fortune hunter, 153

  gambling, 138

  gay friends, 142, 153

  home in Long Beach, 128–129

  marriage to Sandra, 127–134

  at National Horse Show, 124–125

  relationship after divorce, 180, 190, 192

  restaurant business, 151–152

  sweet sixteen party, 126–127

  Rapoport, Raymond (brother-in-law), 124

  Rapoport’s Dairy Restaurant, 124, 133

  Rascal House (delicatessen), 171, 220

  Readers Digest (magazine), 221

  Rebozo, Bebe, 221

  Rego Park pharmacy, 219, 220

  Restaurants, meeting with uncles at, 3–5. See also specific restaurants

  Revson, Charles, 189–190

  Rex Lee Fashion (horse), 142

  Rheingold Brewery, 71

  Rights of Man (Paine), 46–47

  Riviera (Cuba), 177–178, 184

  Riviera Supper Club (New Jersey) />
  casino gambling and, 53–54

  Frank Sinatra and, 7–8, 25

  George DeWitt and, 161

  Joe Marsh and, 152, 170

  Sandra’s exposure to, 85

  Robinson, Edward G., 124

  Robinson, Sugar Ray, 45

  Roma di Notte (restaurant), 160

  Roney Plaza Hotel (Florida), 49, 64, 84, 141

  Roosevelt administration, 51

  Rosen, Dan, 75

  Rosen, Jackie, 73–74, 139

  Rosen, Morris, 73, 74, 139

  Rosen, “Nig” (aka Harry Stromberg), 41, 228

  Rosenstiel, Lewis, 50–51

  Roth, Emery, 88

  Rothstein, Arnold, 182

  Rumpelmayer’s (ice cream parlor), 88, 89, 103

  Rusk (Buddy’s New York doctor), 63

  St. Clare’s Hospital, 118

  St. Moritz Hotel (New York), 87–88, 102

  St. Patrick’s Cathedral, 39


  children’s shop, 31

  of Miami, 85

  Sandra working at, 155, 157–158

  Salerno, Tony, 154, 217

  Salvation Army, 9, 86

  Salvatore. See Luciano, Charlie “Lucky”

  Sands, Stafford, 209

  Sands Hotel (Las Vegas), 201, 217

  Sanitarium, 54–56, 59, 61, 219

  Saratoga Springs, New York, 25–26, 115–116

  Sardi’s (restaurant), 3

  Scheer (plastic surgeon), 114, 118

  Schenley Whiskey, 50–51

  Schrafft’s (restaurant), 103

  Schultz, Dutch, 105–106

  Schwab House (New York apartment building), 87, 102, 103

  Schwartz, Richard, 225–226

  Schwartz, Thelma “Teddy.” See Lansky, Thelma “Teddy”

  Seafood workers’ union, 16

  Seagull Kosher Hotel (Florida), 141

  Sedway, Moey, 139

  Segal, Champ, 69–70, 112

  Seinfeld, Jerry, 37

  Shaw, Artie, 43

  Shaw, Dick, 169–170, 187

  Sheridan, Eileen, 48–49, 72

  Shook, Edna, 165

  Siegel, Barbara, 10, 72–73

  Siegel, Benny “Bugsy”

  Beverly Hills mansion, 9–10

  clothing style, 65

  divorce, 61

  early history with Meyer, 149–150

  at Jersey Shore, 33

  marriage, 26

  mistress, 59, 60

  murder of, 72–74, 181, 203

  Siegel, Esther Krakower

  as Anna’s best girlfriend, 10, 26, 31

  Anna’s parallel life and, 59–61

  Beverly Hills and, 9–10

  divorce, 61

  family background, 26

  marriage, 26

  murder of Benny, 73

  Siegel, Hymie, 220

  Siegel, Millicent, 10, 72–74, 139

  Sigelbaum, Benjamin, 200, 201, 227–228

  Sinatra, Frank

  Buddy fan of, 43

  George DeWitt and, 161

  Joe E. Lewis and, 70

  low point in career, 104

  Nancy Attina and, 64, 66

  spilled ice on Sandra, 25, 53, 106

  Swifty Morgan and, 70

  Willie Moretti and, 7

  The $64,000 Question (television show), 189

  Smith, Lou, 29

  Solomon, Charlie, 27–28

  South Broward High School, 121


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