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Page 15

by Christina Phillips

  Antonia was in his arms, smiling up at him and driving him out of his senses with lust. It should be enough. With any other woman, it would be enough. But with Antonia he wanted more. He did not want her to blithely mention the short duration of their affair. A few weeks? Was that all she was willing to give him?

  Savagely he flung her hair pins onto the floor and tugged her ringlets over her shoulders. Now she looked untamed, unregimented. Un-Roman. But it didn’t matter how she looked. Because her blood was still the blood of patricians and she belonged to the empire.

  “Perhaps I will engrave your name on the inside of my torque.” He offered her a sardonic grin. “Then I will never risk forgetting our enjoyable encounters.”

  For a moment, her lips trembled as though his words wounded. But perhaps it was a trick of the lamp light. Perhaps he had merely imagined it. Because her smile now was more blinding than ever.

  “Do you engrave the names of all your conquests on your torque?” She traced her finger over the images of Lugus but her gaze did not waver from his. He almost told her yes, he did, but somehow he could not.

  “The torque of my forefathers is sacred. I would never desecrate it in such a manner.”

  Her finger slipped to his bare throat. Her light touch burned his flesh. “Have you ever been in love, Gawain?” Her voice was soft, persuasive, but anger flared that she dared to ask him such a personal question. Then he looked into her eyes and instead of idle curiosity, he saw those elusive, haunting shadows, and his anger fell to ash.

  “Once.” More than two turns of the wheel ago and yet it felt like another lifetime.

  “Was she of Cambria?”

  He unclasped the brooch that held Antonia’s gown at the shoulder. “She was a warrior.”

  The tip of her tongue moistened her lips. “Of course.”

  He studied the precious gems encrusted in the brooch as it lay in the palm of his hand. He could not fathom why, but Antonia’s response speared through his chest. And the pain was not for the loss of Morwyn.

  Antonia’s gown pooled at her feet, leaving her clad in only a knee-length tunic. She looked oddly vulnerable, alone, as if the slightest harsh word from him would send her crumbling into dust.

  Three things Morwyn had never looked in her life.

  “She saved my life.” The words thudded in the air between them, shocking him. He had never spoken them before. Not even to Carys, and she and Morwyn had been the best of friends.

  “Yes.” Antonia’s voice was faint and she was no longer holding his gaze. Instead she stared at his chest as her fingers unlaced his shirt.

  He realized she did not understand. He tossed her brooch onto the end of the bed and covered her hand, stilling her fingers.

  “No.” He wasn’t sure why it was important she understood. Only that it was. “The last time we saw each other she gave me a warning. That treachery awaited in the land of the Brigantes. If she had not, if I had ignored her words, I would’ve been cut down by those I considered my allies.”

  Antonia swallowed. “Then I owe her a great debt of gratitude. Because of her foresight you are here with me now.”

  Whatever he had imagined she might say it hadn’t been that. Incredibly, a laugh huffed from his throat and he cradled her face. She was so fragile, not only physically but also in the way she had so little control over her life. The knowledge seared him and a wave of raw protectiveness surged through him. A sensation he had never once experienced while he had been with Morwyn. “You are so different from her.”

  Her smile seemed strained. “Alas, it was thought more prudent for me to learn Greek than how to wield a dagger.”

  “There you have me.” He began to slide her tunic off her shoulders. “I do not know a word of Greek. Perhaps you should teach me.”

  She shrugged free of her tunic and stood before him in all her naked glory. His cock thickened with anticipation. She was the most fuckable vision he had ever seen in his life.

  “I cannot imagine why you would wish to learn Greek.” She tugged ineffectively at his shirt and he obliged her by ripping it over his head and dropping it to the floor. “How do you speak Latin so well?”

  Other Romans had asked him that. He had always been aware of the incredulity behind the question, as though they distrusted the fact he spoke their language so fluently. But there was no such undercurrent in Antonia’s words.

  “There was a Gaul in our clan who spoke perfect Latin. He taught us all.” No need to explain that the Gaul had also been a Druid with Roman blood in his veins.

  “Hmm.” She appeared distracted by his torso and he flexed his muscles for her viewing pleasure. The breathy sigh she emitted stoked his male pride to new heights. She was always so appreciative. “I could speak Greek to you now, if you wish.”

  He buried his fingers in her glorious hair as she began to strip him with tantalizing concentration. “I would rather know what you say to me in the throes of passion, Antonia.”

  She gave a breathless laugh as she sank to her knees, exposing him to her avid gaze. He gritted his teeth, forced his fingers to relax against her head. His fantasy of Antonia sucking his cock into her wet mouth would remain only that—a fantasy.

  It didn’t stop the tortured groan from escaping, though.

  Her hands slid along his thighs, down the back of his calves. Her uneven breath teased his flesh and his erection throbbed with unfulfilled need. She was so cursed close. He imagined the tip of her tongue sliding across his wet slit, imagined her lips wrapping around his swollen glans.

  Involuntarily he tightened his grip on her head and battled the primal urge to jerk her forward. To force his shaft between her parted lips and take her as she knelt before him. Did she think he was made of stone? Did she deliberately tantalize him with every ragged breath she took, every teasing stroke of her fingers?

  “Stand up.” His command was guttural and he emphasized the urgency by tugging on her hair. She looked up at him, a vision of feminine innocence and earthly desire. A combination that should be impossible, that should never exist. Yet Antonia embodied it all without a trace of artifice or manipulation.

  Then she smiled. It wasn’t a smile of triumph that she could drive him so easily to the edge of his endurance. It was a smile that speared through his chest, paralyzed his lungs and hypnotized his enslaved gaze.

  He had never seen such a smile before. It illuminated her face in the glow of the lamps and in that moment, it would be easy to believe she possessed immortal blood. Surely no mere human could look so bewitching?

  “Your body enthralls me.” Her seductive whisper weaved through the heated air as she slowly, sensuously rose from her knees. “I want to worship every glorious inch of it.”

  A tortured laugh escaped and he sculpted her shoulders, the dip of her waist and irresistible flare of her hips. “Another night, my lady.” In the back of his lust-fueled mind, the leering face of the praetor lurked, mocking him with the knowledge that, sooner or later, Antonia would belong to him.

  His banked rage once again surged through his veins, pounded against his skull. Antonia was his. He would give her pleasure such as she had never before imagined. Would give her a memory that seared her senses forever; a memory that would never fade by the passage of time or become lost in the demands of a new husband.

  He cupped her delectable arse, felt a delicious tremor claim her body. He leaned in close, her nipples hard against his chest, and breathed against her ear. “Tonight, sweet Antonia, I will make good on my promise and take your virginity.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Gawain watched Antonia’s eyes darken with desire, anticipation—apprehension. But not fear. She didn’t pull away but instead mimicked his stance, her hands splayed over his arse, and seductively meshed her body against his.

  “I am ready.” Her whisper was breathless and stoked his ravening need.

  “No.” He molded her smooth, rounded buttocks and she trembled in his embrace. “But you will be.”
  She rose onto her toes and dusted her lips across his in a barely there kiss. Yet the softness of her mouth, the fleeting probe of her tongue, scorched an erotic tattoo through his chest and groin and wrapped around his balls in a thunderous embrace.

  Her tender touch would be the death of him.

  He took her hand and led her toward the bed. While he had waited for her to return home, Elpis had shown him Antonia’s vast selection of scented oils. He’d picked one that reminded him of sunshine and spring and it waited beside the bed for easy access.

  “How do you want me?” She glanced at him and the blush on her cheeks enchanted him. “I’m not familiar with…the right position.” Her blush deepened but she did not break eye contact.

  Despite the rock-hard agony of his cock, he couldn’t help a twisted smile. He knew she was not familiar with what they were about to do. It was the reason why she would always remember it.

  Why she would always remember him.

  “Lie flat on the bed on your stomach. First I am going to seduce you until you can barely recall your own name.”

  “I can barely recall it already.” She flashed him a smile that constricted his chest, but obediently did as he’d commanded. With her head cushioned on her folded arms she continued to gaze at him with a look on her face he could not decipher.

  She looked at him as though she looked at one of her heathen gods. As if he were her world.

  He expelled a jagged breath and straddled her hips. When had he started to care how she looked at him? When had he ever cared how a woman looked at him?

  In the past he’d only cared about Morwyn. And she had never looked at him in the way Antonia did.

  He brushed her hair from her shoulder. A golden chain was around her neck and she hadn’t removed any of her bracelets. The lamp light gave her skin an ethereal, golden glow and for a moment he merely stared, mesmerized, at the smooth perfection of her back. Gently he trailed one finger along the length of her spine and a delicate shudder rippled over her. He leaned over her and kissed her sleek shoulder, savoring the scented haven of her skin and the way she quivered beneath his touch.

  His cock throbbed in exquisite agony against the small of her back and her constricted wriggles and uneven gasps were the most erotic sensations of foreplay he’d ever experienced. He captured her earlobe between his teeth and then nibbled kisses along the shell of her ear. “I imagined doing this while you sat so sedately at the praetor’s table.”

  “I’m thankful you had the willpower to restrain yourself.” Her breathless response and the way her lush lips curved in a smile caused him to almost lose what little restraint he retained. “Although I wondered if you had even noticed me. You scarcely looked at me all night.”

  He branded her flushed cheek and aristocratic jaw with hard, possessive kisses, bracing his weight on one forearm so he wouldn’t crush her. But gods, the silken warmth of her back and curve of her buttocks as their bodies melded all but incinerated his reason.

  Not noticed her? She had filled his vision the entire night. “If I had looked at you, your father and the praetor would be in no doubt as to exactly what my intentions were toward you.” He scraped his teeth and the tip of his tongue along the fragrant flesh of her throat and a delicious tremor claimed her. “Your reputation would be in tatters, and I would be hanging from a tree.”

  She stiffened. “Don’t say such things, Gawain. Even in jest.”

  He grinned against the curve of her shoulder and trailed his finger along her finely defined biceps. “Do not fear, sweet Antonia. I would never do anything to besmirch your good name.”

  She twisted futilely beneath him and finally gave up, but the glare she arrowed his way was still filled with dark alarm. “It’s not my reputation that I fear losing.”

  His grin faded and an odd pain filled his chest. “Then you have nothing to worry about. I have no intention of ending my days in such a manner.”

  Her rigid muscles relaxed and she sighed as she once again rested her head on her arms.

  “I shall worry, regardless.” She whispered the words into her pillow, as though they were not for his ears. Her concern touched him in a way he couldn’t explain, didn’t fully understand, but again the overpowering, primal urge to protect her surged through his blood.

  He raked his fingers through her hair, pulling her curls over her head and exposing the vulnerable nape of her neck. He kissed her there and she gave a delicate shiver, and his fist tightened in her hair.

  The knowledge pounded in his mind, no matter how he tried to deny it. Even when their affair ended, he would retain this insane urge to protect her. It wasn’t something superficial he could cast off at will. It was bone-deep, insidious, and had permeated the fabric of his existence without him even realizing.

  He relinquished his grip on her hair and forced himself upright. She lay before him, his virgin sacrifice, and the thought hammered through his mind. Taking a virgin had never interested him before but when it came to Antonia, the knowledge did something primitive to his reason.

  With slow deliberation, he reached for the oil and saw Antonia raise her head to watch him. He poured the oil onto his hands and the delicate spring fragrance drifted in the heated air. It was not an exotic concoction from the mystic East or a feted aphrodisiac from the dawn of creation. But as he massaged Antonia’s shoulders, the innocent notes of the scent enveloped them in a sensual cocoon.

  He worked her tense muscles, the sensation of oil and silky smooth skin an erotic combination. She sighed and melted, and he moved down her body, lavishing the same concentrated care over her back.

  “Your talents are many and wondrous.” Her voice was languorous, her eyes closed and a blissful smile curved her lips.

  He shifted position, moving farther down her body, so that her luscious arse was displayed to view. He dripped oil from the bottle onto her rounded buttocks and she smothered a giggle and wriggled her behind. Fascinated, he watched the oil slowly trickle over her flesh and slide into her exposed crack.

  His mouth dried and cock jerked with desperate need. How easy it would be to give in to the lust thudding through his blood. With torturous effort, he tore his gaze away and began to massage her thighs. He had promised her a night to remember. He would ensure it would be a night she would remember with pleasure and nostalgia and without the faintest trace of regret or unwarranted pain.

  He would take her only when she was incoherent with lust, boneless with need and mindless with primal desire. Gods give him strength to survive that long.

  “Gawain.” Her breathy voice lingered over his name, stretching it out, making it sound unimaginably seductive. He gritted his teeth and glided his fingers along the inside of her taut thigh. “You have forgotten to tend to my bottom.” She wiggled her bottom as if she imagined he might need reminding as to where it resided. All he could see was her delectable behind. It was all he could think about. He dragged his hypnotized gaze from her taunting arse and redoubled his efforts at sculpting her perfect calves.

  “I have forgotten nothing.” His voice was raw. Still she mocked his self-restraint by swaying her buttocks in his face. He palmed one teasing cheek and forced her flat on the bed. “We’re doing this my way, Antonia.”

  She gave another of her seductive sighs and continued to shift beneath his restraining hand.

  “But I’m ready for you now, Gawain. You are teasing me beyond endurance.”

  Although fire consumed his groin and licked through his veins, he laughed and squeezed her buttock in a possessive grip. She hitched in a shocked breath and shot him a startled look over her shoulder.

  “You can endure more, Antonia.” He rubbed her abused cheek with the palm of his hand and caught tantalizing glimpses of the dark entrance to her untouched tunnel. The thundering desire to take her now scorched his mind. Only the force of his Druidic will enabled him to unpeel his fingers from her tempting arse.

  His lust would not rule him this night.

onia squirmed in helpless delight as Gawain massaged first one calf and then the other, his fingers sure and firm. The scented oil heightened every magical touch and her skin tingled from his torturous ministrations.

  He grasped one ankle and lavished as much care and attention on her heel and toes as if they were the most enticing part of her body. She thrust her knuckles into her mouth to prevent her moans escaping, but they escaped regardless. His body shook with silent laughter as he released her foot and began on the other.

  She pulled her knuckles from her mouth. “You’re killing me with eroticism.” Her words were jerky, inelegant, and she could not stop her fingers from flexing in a futile attempt at release.

  “Not quite my intention.” His voice was gravelly and insanely arousing. She groaned and wriggled her bottom again. Perhaps he would grip her the way he had just now. It had been unexpected, but the look on his face as he had gazed on her captured arse had been riveting.

  Instead, he straightened and loomed over her. The lamps cast shadows that defined the sculpted perfection of his biceps and shoulders, and his earring and torque glinted with mystical allure.

  Quivers spiraled between her thighs. Damp heat bloomed inside her pussy. She forgot how to breathe as anticipation constricted her chest and closed her throat. Would he take her now?

  “On your hands and knees.” It was a harsh demand and her pampered limbs trembled as she attempted to comply. He wrapped one strong arm around her waist and held her steady, his wide chest an erotic wall of living muscle against her back.

  “Don’t tremble.” His raw whisper against her ear caused another delicious quiver to claim her body. “This night is for your pleasure, sweet Antonia. I’ll take it as slow as you need.”

  She wasn’t sure slow was what she wanted. “I’m not afraid.”

  Still holding her around her waist, his other hand cupped her mound. She sighed and ground herself against him. Needing the pressure. Needing him inside her. His finger teased her sensitive bud and liquid warmth trickled from her pussy.


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