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A Legal Affair

Page 25

by Smith, Maureen

  Daniela giggled. “And you actually complied?”

  “I haven’t been myself lately.” He pulled pins from her upsweep until her hair tumbled down to her shoulders. With a masculine sound of approval, he sank his hands into the thick mass and slanted his mouth over hers in heated demand. They couldn’t get enough of each other, couldn’t get close enough.

  A sudden thought penetrated the steamy fog of desire clouding Daniela’s brain. Caleb groaned softly in protest as she drew back and gave him a worried look. “What about your father, Caleb? Doesn’t he hate me?”

  Caleb’s mouth curved in a wry smile. “My father believes you’re his only hope of ever getting any grandchildren. Believe me when I tell you he doesn’t hate you.”

  Daniela grinned. “In that case, I’d better give him plenty of grandchildren. The more, the better.”

  Caleb chuckled, a wicked sound that curled her toes. “In that case,” he drawled, making love to the pulse beating wildly at the base of her throat, “we’d better get started right away.”

  As their hungry mouths fused together, Daniela thought fleetingly of locking the door so that no one could walk in on them by acccident. But then she remembered the scene she’d stumbled upon between Kenneth and Janie, and she decided a little payback wasn’t such a bad thing.

  Caleb lifted his head and looked down at her, all the love in his heart evident in his smoldering gaze. “This is forever,” he told her in a deep, intoxicating voice filled with lasting promise.

  Daniela gazed up at him. “I’m looking forward to it,” she whispered, then closed her eyes as his warm lips reclaimed hers in a kiss that showed her just how exquisite forever could be.

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-0278-8


  Copyright © 2006 by Maureen Smith

  All rights reserved. The reproduction, transmission or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without written permission. For permission please contact Kimani Press, Editorial Office, 233 Broadway, New York, NY 10279 U.S.A.

  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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