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Hard Candy

Page 23

by Volley, Rue

  If her plan didn't work she needed to accept no man wanted her. With the vials in her hand, she tossed the red pouch and the instructions back in the drawer and went to the conference room.

  Leland's muffled voice echoed through the wall as he spoke on the phone. The Greek food she ordered seemed light enough for any post meal activities. She checked to make sure everything was absolutely right and then she spied what she needed, his iced tea.

  With a shaking hand, she pried the lid off the drink, spilling some of the liquid in the process. She took a breath and flashed through the possible scenarios. What if this didn't work? What if it did? Did she want him in a chemically induced haze or was it means to an end?

  The bang of Leland hanging up the phone vibrated through the wall. "Miss Hollingsworth!'

  She hit the cup, but managed to catch it before she lost any more fluid. "Oh God." What if he caught her? Without any more second-guessing she unscrewed the bottle top and poured it in followed by the powder. Her heartbeat throbbed in her ears, but she remained controlled enough to stir the liquid with the straw and pop the top back on.

  "Miss Hollingsworth." Leland joined her in the conference room. "For once you are right where you should be."

  She slid the empty containers into her jacket pocket, but forgot to add his sweetener. What if he didn't drink the tea or spilled it? "Why are you so concerned about misplacing me?" Her voice trembled with the rest of her body, and she didn't mean for the question to come out the way it sounded.

  "I would call that an obvious question." He took slow, deliberate steps around the gleaming mahogany conference table that housed ten chairs lined up on each side. A huge window at the head of the table overlooked the city, and a brown leather couch stood in the back of the room. She was never sure why they had a couch in there unless Leland wanted an audience while he created his own brand of mayhem with any of his opponents who dared venture here.

  She didn't look at him, trying to figure out a way to will the sweetener in the drink. What if her potion made the drink taste different and he tossed it? She put her hand on her forehead.

  "Headache?" He made it around to her side. His question sounded more like an accusation.

  "It's a little warm in here." She pretended to fan herself. Maybe the mention of heat would make him thirsty.

  "Yes." He pointed at the Styrofoam cup. "Is this mine?"

  He took three packets of yellow sweetener for a cup this size. No doubt he would notice. She nodded and stared straight ahead.

  He lifted the cup, tore the lid off and took a gulp. "This is different."

  She didn't move. Out of the corner of her eye she watched him hold the cup out and assess it.

  "Did they do something to this?"

  Maybe she should have taken more classes on cross-examination, but unfortunately they only taught how to interrogate, not how to lie. "Maybe it’s a different brew?"

  "It's delicious."

  She turned to him.

  He gulped the rest down, leaning the cup back as if to get every last drop. "Let's get to work." He put the cup down and sat down at the head of the table.

  She took her place next to him and glanced at her watch. In thirty to sixty minutes she would have her answer.

  "Are you on a time constraint?" He rubbed his chin.

  "No, I'm fine." She grabbed a note pad.

  "Good. I hate feeling like I'm being rushed." He tilted his neck to the left, then to the right and squirmed in the chair as if he were having an issue getting comfortable.

  "Are you all right?" She never saw him fidget, or maybe she was looking for anything out of the ordinary.

  "Do we have any more of that tea?"

  She purposely chose soda as to not mix up their beverages. "I'm sorry you always only like one."

  "And you ask why I always want to know where you are?" He smiled.

  Except for the time in the courtroom when he forced an inventor to admit he stole the design for one of his parts, she'd never seen him smile. Unlike that closed-mouth, one-sided smile, this smile took over his face, up to his eyes which seemed to sparkle.

  She reached for her drink.

  He didn't take his eyes off her as she put the straw to her lips and sucked up some of the icy beverage.

  "I suppose we need to work." His gaze traveled across her face and he straightened his tie.

  For the first time in her presence, he touched his tie.

  She put her cup down and waited.

  Chapter Three

  "You graduated number three in your class and you never took any loans out for law school." Leland made some notations on a legal pad. "That was very smart of you."

  "Thank you." She stared at him. Something was different. Rather than plowing through files or standing over her while she researching items on the Internet, he’d insisted they eat like humans. Though he opened a folder, he recited every fact he knew about her. She wouldn't deny how much she enjoyed his attention.

  "You know, Miss Hollingsworth, I don't have any loans either." He raised his eyebrows and loosened his tie. "Do you think it's warm in here?"

  "I'm fine." She bit her lip, wondering how things would progress. They'd just hit the 30-minute mark.

  "No, you're not." Without warning, he stood, took hold of the chair next to hers, yanked it out and sat.

  "I'm not?" She studied his face. He appeared a bit flushed. Maybe whatever strange brew she dumped in his drink wasn't working, instead it was making him ill.

  "No." He put his hand on her shoulder. "You are always cold."

  Though not chilly, she shivered at the way his fingers toyed with the fabric of her jacket.

  "It's because you are very fragile." His gaze washed over her.

  Her stomach tightened at the intensity in his eyes.

  "Fragile and beautiful." His voice lowered as if he were talking to himself.

  "What?" She breathed the word.

  "I shouldn't talk like this." He inched one finger down her sleeve.

  "Please." She needed him to continue.

  "Every day you come to work in your suit and your hair back and all proper, but do you know what I see?"

  The heat he complained about earlier took over her body, starting right between her thighs and radiating outward. "What do you see?"

  "A woman who arrives at work every day to torment me with the way the buttons on her jacket want to reveal all they contain. A woman who pulls her long dark hair back so I can't really tell where it falls on her back. Instead I must settle for into staring into the most amazing brown eyes, not to mention those lips." His finger stopped at the back of her hand.

  She held her breath. Did he really think these things?

  He jerked his hand away, held it back as if it were about to get bitten, and stood. "I apologize Miss Hollingsworth. This is not appropriate."

  For sure he must be aware of some of his actions and it wasn't only the potion, was it? No matter the case, she couldn't let him leave when they were moving forward. Like the woman said, she needed to leave her shyness behind.

  She inhaled. "Why do you call me that?"

  He turned his back to her. "I made an error in judgment. I should have let you have tonight off."

  His words gave her strength to prod him into further action. She stood. "Why do you call me Miss Hollingsworth? You call everyone else by their first names, but me."

  "When you're Miss Hollingsworth you are my Senior Associate who is an expert at finding every detail. With Miss Hollingsworth I never have to worry when I step before a judge because I know everything I need will be right where you put it."

  She took his arm, drawing him back toward her. "What about when I'm not Miss Hollingsworth?"

  He paused.

  She knew this trick. He sometimes forgot they possessed the same degree, took the same classes, knew the same strategies. Though she didn't perform in the courtroom as he did, she could still play in his sandbox and she kept her focus affixed on his face, not backin
g down one iota.

  "Why don't you tell me why I call you that? You always have the answers before I do." He puffed out his chest.

  No way would she be diverted and she shook her head. "Tell me the real answer."

  "Because when you're Emma, all I want to do is this." He grabbed her shoulders, pulled her into him and crushed his lips to hers.

  In a flash she knew exactly what it would be like to be on the opposing side of one of his arguments.

  She didn't have a chance.

  His kiss possessed power and purpose. He took over her completely, wrapping his arms around her, bending her back and opening his mouth. Though he wasted no time tangling their tongues together, he paused giving her time to catch up and take a breath before he assaulted her mouth once again. His taste matched his appearance, strong and solid with an undertone of sweetness.

  More times than she cared to admit, she'd dreamed about his kisses, his touches. How she had longed for the moment where Leland would want her, see her as someone more than his fact finder and nitpicker. She finally got it when he broke their kiss, and without taking his eyes from hers, pulled the pins and elastic band out of her hair.

  "Past your shoulders." He combed his fingers down the length of her hair. "Past your shoulders and gorgeous."

  Her stomach dropped at his tone, low and full of need and she tried to push away the small detail that his attention was premeditated on her part.

  He snaked his hand around the back of her neck, and lowered his face, stopping just short of her mouth. "Emma."

  His lips grazed her as he spoke, and she flooded with unfulfilled need, aching for something more than a kiss. "Yes."

  He moved his free hand down her shoulder, to her waist and finally to the buttons of her suit jacket. "I have a question to ask you." His fingers circled one of the buttons as if waiting for permission.

  Maybe after tonight, after the potion dissipated, after he made love to her, he would want her. "Ask me." Strength found her and she connected their lips once more.

  A moan escaped his throat and though he attempted to work the buttons he ended up tearing them away, each one releasing with a satisfying pop.

  In turn she grabbed his tie, yanked it out of his suit and forced her fingers in the twists of the secure Windsor knot.

  His mouth overtook hers, while his hands traveled over her neck, her shoulders, exposing every inch of her. Everywhere he touched or tasted tingled. She copied his actions, pulling his tie out of his collar and forcing the buttons of his shirt open and rubbing his chest. The suits he wore told no lie. He was broad and muscular, and the bit of hair only added to his masculinity. The bulging erection tenting his dress pants provided evidence that whatever she put in his drink worked.

  He cupped her breasts, his thumbs taunting her hard nipples through her conservative beige bra, and she squirmed. Maybe the magic liquid gave her a contact high. Need never consumed her in such a way before. "I thought you had a question."

  "Emma." He stood, taking her with him and pressing against her.

  "Leland." Sweat covered his skin. She moved his hair away from his face. "What was the question?"

  He glanced down at her, his eyes glazed over. "If I continue are you going to stop me?"

  She stared at him. No shyness. "No."

  "I can't wait." With one arm around her, he swiped the other across the table. Papers, pens and food scattered everywhere.

  The computer slid to the edge and she lunged to save it, catching the machine before it landed with the rice and her files on the dark wood floor. "Leland!"

  "Leave it." He lifted her on to the table as if she didn't weigh an ounce. "I don't know what came over me, but I have to have you now."

  Every trial she ever participated in possessed one specific moment when the audience in the courtroom collectively held their breath, waiting for the final outcome. Time both stopped and sped. It could be over in a blink or last an eternity.

  That universal second was upon them. Time had no meaning, only sensation, arousal and yearning made sense.

  Her lovemaking to date had always been perfunctory, lackluster. With Leland it took all she could do to keep up with him as his actions sped by her. Before she could wrap her mind around the events of the night, he had her bra pulled over her breasts and her skirt hiked up to her waist.

  While his lips and hands stoked her into a frenzy, she set out on her own set of explorations, running her fingers across his chest, down his flat stomach and at last to his belt buckle.

  He moved her hand down to his erection, groaning when she rubbed the outside of his pants. "Like that." He unfastened his belt.

  He nuzzled her breasts, first teasing each nipple by grazing the hard nubs with his teeth and then alternating with soothing licks.

  She wasn't a woman who had sex on a whim with any man, especially on a long mahogany table, but almost out of nowhere, they were tearing at their respective clothing with only one end in mind.

  In a haze of desire, she sneaked her hand into his pants, unveiling what she wanted. His thick erection weighed heavy, hot flesh demanding relief. For once she was getting to a man, and it happened to be the man she wanted.

  His fingers inched under her panties opening her up and making her want more. "You are soaking wet."

  Free for the first time, she didn't have to hold back. "You are never this quick to act."

  He lifted his head. "I never said I was quick, I would use a more specific word." With eyes staring into hers, he slid his finger in and out of her before adding a second.

  She bit her bottom lip and twisted on the table.

  "Answer me." His thumb pressed down on her most sensitive spot, and he treated her to slow circular massage where she needed it most.

  "Impulsive." She forced the word out.

  "What, counselor? Explain yourself." He stopped, leaving her hanging with no outlet.

  "Impulsive!" She bucked her hips. "I never pictured you to be the type to make love to a woman on a table."

  "Well, now I'll give you all the proof you need." His fingers left her and he retrieved his wallet from his back pocket. "Maybe you don't know everything there is to know about me, even though you think you do."

  To keep calm and focused, she inhaled. He removed a condom and she tingled with anticipation of winning her case. "I know you, Leland."

  "Oh yeah." He opened the condom wrapper. "Prove it."

  "Graduate, top of your class, double emphasis patents and intellectual property." She took the condom from him.

  "Keep going." He knelt, his erection pointing right at her.

  Before continuing, she gave him a soft kiss on the head of his cock and glanced up at him. "You bill the most hours of any of the Senior Partners, and you are the most expensive."

  He tangled his hands in her hair. "Anything else?"

  Still looking up at him she twirled her tongue around him and then took as much of his length as she could into her mouth, relishing in the taste only a real man could produce.

  With a long moan, he pushed her back.

  "You hate golfing and you have a thing for silent movies." She gave in and lay back on the table. "Probably because they don't talk back."

  "You're missing something." He plucked the condom from her fingers, rolled it on and moved her panties aside.

  "What would that be?" She didn't resist as he spread her legs apart.

  "That I can't wait any longer." In one smooth motion he sank into her.

  She welcomed the invasion and adjusted to his size and shape.

  "You are as tight as I thought." For a moment he didn't move.

  She touched his face, his skin hot yet damp. "Leland?"

  . "I need this." He located her lips and kissed her. "I need you."

  She found his rhythm and moved with him.

  In a strange way the potion liberated her even though she hadn’t ingested the liquid. With no inhibitions she moved with him, helped him set the pace. Her center vibrated with
pent up and growing urgency.

  He pushed up and looked down where their bodies joined. On instinct she raised her hips and leaned up to watch his erection disappear inside her.

  "That's amazing." He touched her face. "You fit me perfectly."

  At his words she kissed him. If he meant what he said, the little wish she slipped in his drink served its purpose.

  Their bodies spoke, undulating together bringing them closer to their end.

  Desire, need, lust finally consumed her, and her body tightened with her impending orgasm.

  "Emma." He pushed her legs further apart, lunging deeper.

  "Leland." Each thrust inched toward her climax. The need to explode surprised her. She couldn't remember the last time she came with a man. "Leland."

  "I need to come." His erection swelled and lengthened, he shook as if holding back. "Are you there?"

  "Please." She only needed these last few strokes and she would succumb. "Almost."

  "I can't hold back." He propelled into her. "Come now."

  Her concentration only on Leland and the way he filled her and tried to hold back, she held her breath and closed her eyes. Tiptoeing at the top, all she wanted was to fall. "More."

  "Now." Once again he withdrew and slammed into her with such strength that they both slid several inches on the table. It tipped her over that incredible apex. "Yes!"

  Her orgasm rippled out through her body. Oscillating pulses of paradise radiating throughout gave her the gratification she wanted but seldom attained.

  Leland lowered his body to hers. "You're right, I did act on impulse."

  She kept hold of him, deciding not to divulge that she manipulated his impulse in the first place.

  Chapter Four

  The delightful contractions subsided, but better than her orgasm was the way Leland held her and continued to kiss her neck. Maybe the potion wore off once it did its job and these were his true actions coming into play. Could it be the aphrodisiac was only meant to speed things along, get things moving in the right direction? Maybe they should talk and figure out how to deal with a romance between a Senior Partner and Senior Associate.


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