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Nantucket Threads

Page 8

by Pamela M. Kelley

“More shelves definitely, and I was thinking maybe put a divider in the dressing room. It’s bigger than it needs to be, and two rooms would be better than one. And anything else that you would suggest.”

  Will nodded. “That’s an easy fix. I figured you’d want more shelves. I can add a few wooden stands to the display window too, so you can use more of that space.”

  “I love that idea.”

  Will took out his measuring tape, took some measurements and determined the best spot to start the demo. When they headed back to the other side, Izzy paused at her front door.

  “Do you want a coffee? I usually get one around this time and can grab one for you?”

  “Actually, that sounds good. Thanks.”

  While she was getting the coffee, Will got to work. When Izzy returned fifteen minutes later with the coffees, she looked surprised to see that he’d already opened up the wall. He wasn’t anywhere near done yet, but you could see into the other store now and it already made Izzy’s shop look bigger.

  He stopped to take a sip of the coffee.

  “So, I should be able to get this mostly squared away today and then I can start tomorrow on the other side. That should go pretty quickly. I should be able to get it all done tomorrow.”

  “Thank you so much. Can I do anything to help?”

  “No. Like I said, this is a simple job. And it will go quickly. Just stay back so you don’t get hurt by tripping over anything. It might get messy before I’m done.”

  Izzy laughed. “Okay. I have my laptop with me, so I’ll do some work online for a while. If you need anything, let me know.”

  She headed back to the register where she had a chair behind the counter and settled in with her laptop. Will turned his focus back to the project and two hours later, he was satisfied with what he’d done. He’d cut an entrance between the two stores and framed it with polished wood. It looked good, and he called Izzy over to take a look.

  “What do you think?”

  Izzy closed her laptop and came out from behind the counter and got her first look at what he’d done.

  “Will, that looks amazing.” She ran her hand over the wood along the side of the opening. “This is beautiful wood. Thank you so much.”

  He smiled, relieved and happy that she was pleased with what he’d done.

  “I’m glad you like it. How about I come by a little earlier tomorrow, say around one, if that works for you?”

  “That’s fine. What are you up to tonight, doing anything fun?” Izzy asked as Will finished putting his tools away. He stood and lifted the heavy bag.

  “A few of the guys are coming over for a game of cards. Should be a good time. Are you still going out with Rick tonight?” He hated the thought of it and was hoping she’d say she had a change of heart.

  But she nodded. “Yes, Mia and Sam are coming too, so it should be fun, hopefully.”

  Will bit his tongue. He knew that if he didn’t have anything nice to say, it was best to say nothing. “Well, I will see you tomorrow, then.”

  “I’ll walk out with you.”

  Izzy grabbed her purse and laptop and held the door open for him. He grabbed a big trash bag of all the materials he’d removed and put it in the trash outside the building before waving goodbye to Izzy. He watched her walk down the wharf to the condo she shared with her sister. She’d be home in just a few minutes. He hoped, not for the first time, that this date with Rick would be her last.

  Chapter 16

  “Why don’t you tell him to just meet us at The Gaslight,” Mia suggested when Rick texted confirming what time they were going out. “It’s silly for him to come get you if we’re all going to the same place, anyway.”

  “Good point.” Izzy suspected Rick wasn’t going to be happy with the suggestion, but it did make sense. And Izzy actually preferred it, too. She still had mixed feelings about going out with Rick and was glad that Mia and Sam were joining them.

  She was looking forward to going to The Gaslight. It was a great date spot as the food was creative and good, with lots of small plates that were great for sharing and they often had good bands.

  As usual, Izzy had a hard time deciding what to wear. Though everyone said they couldn’t tell she was pregnant, it was because Izzy did a very good job of hiding it. And it was getting a lot harder because her middle seemed to be growing rapidly all of a sudden. She looked and felt extremely bloated, and her waist was non-existent.

  She searched her closet for a sweater she hadn’t worn in ages. It was always a little too big for her, but she’d fallen in love with it when she first saw it and bought it anyway. It always looked good, as a black oversized sweater that was well cut was always a good choice. And now, paired with a pair of deep eggplant-colored leggings and her black boots, it worked perfectly to hide her growing middle.

  She walked into the living room, where Mia was hanging out with Penny. She was already dressed and ready to go. Mia looked pretty in jeans and a soft pink cashmere sweater. She looked up and smiled when she saw Izzy’s outfit.

  “You look amazing. I don’t know how you do it. You still don’t look pregnant.”

  Izzy laughed. “I’m running out of options to hide it, and I’m suddenly bursting out. The whole world will see soon enough. I’m guessing maybe another week or two.”

  “Well, you look fabulous. Are you ready to go?”

  They headed out and picked Mia’s boyfriend, Sam, up along the way. They went inside and said hello to Sam’s girls and his mother, who was watching them for the night. They were cute, already in their pajamas and watching a movie. They came running when they saw Mia and Izzy. The girls adored Mia and were fascinated with Izzy. Sam had brought them into the store over the summer and bought sweatshirts for both girls.

  “I like your shoes,” Becky said.

  “Those aren’t shoes, they’re boots,” her sister said.

  Izzy smiled at both girls. “Thank you. What are you girls watching? Anything good?”

  “Yes, Harry Potter! Have you seen it?”

  “I have, it’s good.”

  “Girls, say goodnight. Your dad needs to go out with his friends now,” his mother said.

  Sam laughed. “Goodnight. I’ll see you later. I don’t think we’ll be out too late.”

  “Take your time. Have fun. I’ll see you when I see you.”

  Izzy watched the girls race back to the sofa to finish watching their movie. They were cute. She wondered if she’d have a girl that she could watch movies with and dress in cute girly clothes, or if she’d have a boy. She didn’t much care either way. For the first time, she was tempted to find out what she was having. It might be fun to start shopping for baby clothes and other things.

  They left Sam’s house and arrived at The Gaslight in less than fifteen minutes. It was one thing Izzy loved about Nantucket—everything was so close, either within walking distance or a short drive. She did not miss the gridlock rush hour traffic in Manhattan.

  Rick was waiting outside the front door of The Gaslight when they walked up. He smiled when he saw Izzy and took a step toward them, pulling her in for a hug when she reached him.

  “You look beautiful,” he said as she breathed him in. He was wearing the cologne she liked. The one she’d given him for his birthday earlier in the year. And the hunter green button-down shirt that she’d always told him looked so good on him.

  “You’re looking handsome too. You wore my favorite shirt.”

  He grinned. “I did. Just for you.”

  “Nice to see you,” Mia said politely. “You remember Sam?” They’d met briefly at one of Will’s cookouts.

  “Nice to see you too. Both of you,” he said.

  A sharp gust of wind blew, tossing Izzy’s hair into her face and making her shiver.

  “Let’s go inside, it’s freezing out here.” Izzy pulled open the front door and headed in. It was busy, but they were quickly seated at one of the few remaining tables, one with a good view of where the band would be playing.

  When their server came with menus, they all put in their drinks order, beers for the guys, red wine for Mia and a soda with lemon for Izzy. It was funny, but as much as she usually enjoyed a glass or two of wine when she went out, she wasn’t missing it as much as she’d expected.

  They decided to order a bunch of appetizers, including grilled shrimp, sesame chicken bites and a few sushi items including raw tuna nachos. Izzy used to love sushi, especially spicy tuna, but the thought of it now made her stomach protest.

  “You all can have the sushi. I think I’m going to get a basic burger,” she said.

  Mia laughed. “Good, more tuna nachos for me.”

  “Have you had any cravings yet?” Rick asked.

  “Yes, I never used to eat much ice cream. Now I crave it every day. And it’s almost always chocolate chip that I want. And red meat too, which I never ate much of before. Crazy, huh?”

  “Sounds pretty good to me, actually.” Rick smiled at her and Izzy felt the pull of attraction again. For a moment, it was like they were alone, sharing a moment.

  Until Sam spoke. “So, everyone knows what they want then?”

  They put their order in and soon after, appetizers started coming out to the table as they were ready.

  Izzy was pleasantly surprised that Rick had everyone laughing throughout dinner. He was in a great mood, and she’d forgotten how charming he could be when he tried. It reminded her of when they first started dating and how they could talk forever and he always knew how to make her laugh.

  When they finished dinner and Rick excused himself to use the restroom, Izzy turned to Mia and Sam. “I think things are going well, don’t you?”

  Mia nodded. “I didn’t know what to expect, but I have to admit, he seems like he’s doing well. I never knew he could be funny.”

  “I haven’t seen that side of him in a long time. It’s nice to see it again.”

  Rick returned a few minutes later, and they all ordered another round of drinks and both Rick and Mia ordered the dessert special, which was a warm flourless cake with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Izzy happily shared Rick’s, and it was delicious.

  “Are you having fun?” he asked as they polished off the dessert.

  “I am, actually.”

  He laughed. “You sound surprised. I’m glad we did this, Izzy. It’s only going to get better from here, you’ll see.” He spoke softly so only she could hear, and she nodded. If things really did keep getting better, maybe there was hope for them, after all.

  The band came on soon after and they stayed for both sets. The music was great and after a while, people were up dancing. Rick had never been much of a dancer, but he surprised Izzy by inviting her to dance. Mia and Sam joined them and they had a blast on the dance floor. They danced for several fast songs in a row before the music slowed a bit and Rick pulled Izzy close and they swayed to the beat. It felt good to be in his arms again, comfortable and familiar.

  “When can I see you again?” Rick asked as they sat back down again. Sam and Mia were a few steps behind them.

  “I don’t know. What did you have in mind?” Izzy didn’t hesitate this time. She was looking forward to their next night out.

  “How about Thursday night?”

  “I can’t Thursday. I’m going to Kate’s baby shower.”

  “Okay, Friday, then? We can go out to dinner, you pick the place.”

  “That sounds great. We’ll see what we’re in the mood for then.”

  “In the mood for what?” Mia asked as she and Sam sat back down.

  “Just where to go for dinner Friday night. Don’t forget, we have Kate’s baby shower on Thursday,” Izzy reminded her and also changed the subject at the same time. Her sister had an expressive face, and she didn’t want her to react to Izzy agreeing to another date with Rick.

  Mia just nodded. “That’s right. I still need to pick up a baby gift and figure out what to make for an appetizer.”

  Izzy laughed. “Just do what you always do, make guacamole. Everyone loves it.”

  “That’s true. And it’s easy enough. What did you decide to make?”

  “I thought I’d make rare roast beef mini-sandwiches with blue cheese mayo and crispy bacon.”

  “That sounds good. I don’t think you’ve made that before for us?” Rick said.

  “No, it’s an experiment I tried recently that worked.” Izzy grinned. “The red meat craving I mentioned earlier.”

  “Izzy, I totally forgot to ask you—how did the work turn out at the shop today?” Mia asked.

  “Will did a great job. The two stores are connected now and the entry way looks awesome. He’s finishing up the work on the other side tomorrow.”

  “Will is doing the work for you?” Rick sounded a bit surprised.

  Izzy nodded. “Yes. He’s doing me a favor and fit it in this weekend. It’s a small job so won’t take too long.”

  “I didn’t realize you were still talking to him?” Rick’s good mood seemed to vanish in an instant.

  As she’d done so many times before, Izzy tried to diffuse the mood change. She put her hand on his arm, so he turned and looked at her. “Will is a just a good friend, of mine and Mia’s. I’m lucky he agreed to help.”

  Rick relaxed a little. “I’d say he’s the lucky one. I’ll have to stop by soon and check out the changes.”

  “I’d give it another week or so. I have a bunch of stuff on order, but until it arrives, that room is pretty bare. I’m going to put up a room divider for now until it’s fully stocked. I don’t want people wandering over there, until then.”

  The band finished their second set a few minutes later, and they all decided to call it a night. It was almost eleven thirty and Sam didn’t want to keep his mother up too late. Izzy was ready to go too, she was tired and fighting a yawn. Normally she was in bed by ten. Rick was a night owl, though.

  “Now I wish I’d picked you up. We could stay out longer.”

  Izzy smiled. “It’s okay. I’m actually fading fast. I get tired more easily now.”

  They paid the bill and walked out. Sam and Mia were ahead of them, and Rick waited until they were out of earshot to give Izzy a quick hug and kiss goodnight.

  “I had a great time with you tonight. I’ll check in end of the week and we can make plans for Friday. Just the two of us this time, though, okay?”

  Izzy smiled. She knew they needed some alone time too, for her to really find out if they had a chance to work things out.

  “Sounds good. I had a fun time tonight too.”

  Chapter 17

  Izzy slept late Sunday morning, finally rolling out of bed around nine thirty instead of her usual six or so. Mia was just coming in the door after taking Penny for a walk.

  “Did you have coffee yet?” Izzy asked as she poured herself a cup. She’d made a whole pot, knowing she’d be going back for more.

  “No, not yet. Thanks.”

  They flipped on the television and watched the news for a bit. After a while, Izzy asked the question she’d avoided asking the night before as they drove home. Mia hadn’t brought it up, so Izzy didn’t either and just wanted to drift off to sleep with happy thoughts. In her opinion, the night had gone well and Rick and Mia got along better than she’d ever seen before. Yet, Mia had stayed silent. Which was a little worrisome.

  “I thought last night went pretty well. What did you think?”

  Mia stirred her coffee, then took a long, slow sip. She glanced out the window at the inch or so of snow on the deck and the icicles hanging from the railing. It looked very cold.

  “I’m not sure what to think, to be honest. He was definitely on his best behavior. It was interesting for me to see how charming he can be, when he tries. I’ve never seen that side of him before.”

  “I have. That’s what it was like in the beginning. It was nice to see him like that again, relaxed and funny.”

  “I never knew he could be funny,” Mia agreed. “So, what are you thinking? What do you want
from him?”

  Izzy sighed. “I’m not sure. In a perfect world, I’d want us to be together and him to be like this, always.”

  “How realistic do you think that is?”

  “That’s the unknown. I don’t know. He swears he’s a changed man and, so far, he seems to be.”

  “So far. How long was he like this when you first met him? When did it change?”

  “About six months, I think. The first few months were a whirlwind. We fell in love so fast, and I moved in with him pretty quickly.”

  “At three months, right?”

  Izzy nodded. “Yes. And it was good for another few months and then it changed.”

  “Do you have any idea why it changed? Did you guys ever talk about it?”

  “He says it was work stress and financial. Rick always had a hard time getting ahead. Every time he saved a little, something would happen—his truck broke down, water heater needed replacing, expensive things that wiped out most of his savings each time.”

  “You don’t think that’s an issue now?”

  “He said his new job is going really well, and he’s been saving, so there’s less financial stress. He also said he’s been working out more too, and that helps reduce stress.”

  “I know you’d really love for this to work out, especially with the baby coming. But I just can’t help but worry, Izzy. Please just don’t rush into a decision you might regret. If you do decide to give him another chance, don’t move back in with him before the baby comes. Wait, like we talked about. See how he deals with being around the baby.”

  Izzy took a deep breath. “You’re right. I don’t have to decide anything anytime soon. And in just a few months, the baby will be here. I’ll see what happens then. For now, I’ll just take things really slow.”

  Izzy stopped at the Corner Table on her way to the shop and picked up coffees for her and Will. She’d just unlocked the door and set her laptop on the counter when she heard footsteps behind her. It was Will with his bag of tools.

  “Good morning! I grabbed you a coffee.”


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