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Nantucket Threads

Page 14

by Pamela M. Kelley

  She signed into the ER and told them why she was there. They checked Emily’s vital signs and then told her to have a seat and they’d call her in shortly. As soon as they sat down, Emily snuggled into her and stopped crying. By the time her name was called, her daughter was sound asleep.

  Izzy put her in her carrier and followed the nurse into an examination room. They waited a bit longer and eventually a doctor came in. He was an older man and had a reassuring manner about him. Izzy felt kind of silly now, with Emily sleeping peacefully, but she told him about the incessant crying.

  “And this never happened before with her?”

  “No, never. She’s been a pretty easy baby, so far.”

  “Okay, let’s have a look.” The doctor lifted Emily and unwrapped her from the blanket. He laid her on the bed and listened to her heart and checked her vital signs again. Her temperature and everything else was normal.

  “Tell me more about tonight. What was different?”

  “Well, I’m not married to her father. We’ve been trying to work things out, and we stayed at his house this weekend for the first time.”

  “The first time your daughter spent there?”

  Izzy nodded. “Yes. First time for both of us since she was born.”

  “Okay. And do you get along well? Was there any tension between you?”

  Izzy thought about that. There definitely was tension, though it was one-sided. Izzy was irritated with Rick’s behavior, and he was completely oblivious.

  “Maybe a little. Do you think that could be a factor?”

  The doctor shrugged. “Hard to say. She’s a baby. But if she was in an unfamiliar setting and she sensed that you were upset, then maybe it was all a little too much for her. Possibly just be over-stimulation from too many new experiences. She seems perfectly healthy. There doesn’t appear to be anything to be concerned about medically.”

  “Okay. I’m sorry to have brought her in. My boyfriend told me I was being ridiculous.”

  “Did he? And you had this conversation in front of the baby?”

  Izzy nodded.

  “Don’t ever feel bad about seeking help for your child. You didn’t know, and what if there had been something wrong? You did the right thing by coming in. Now, if I were you, I’d go home, not back to the boyfriend’s, and I’d try to get a good night’s sleep. Things will be better in the morning.”

  “Thank you.” Izzy felt suddenly lighter, as if a weight had been lifted. She was hugely relieved that Emily was okay and a little annoyed that Rick had been right. Though she thought about what the doctor said and she couldn’t help but wonder if Emily picked up on the shift in energy between Izzy and Rick. And if Izzy’s irritation with Rick upset Emily. It made sense. Izzy looked at her daughter, who was now sleeping peacefully. The last thing she ever wanted to do was to make her daughter feel afraid or uncomfortable because of a situation that Izzy put her in. She was deep in thought when her phone rang, and it was Rick.

  “Hi. We just left the hospital. You were right. She’s fine.”

  “Good. So, I’ll see you shortly, then?”

  “No. I think I’m going to head home. This has been a long night and Emily’s asleep now. I think maybe being in a different setting was part of the problem. I think I just want a good night’s sleep in my own bed. I’ll call you tomorrow and come by to pick up the playpen.”

  Rick was quiet for a moment. “You think she was upset because she was at my house?”

  “I don’t know why she was upset. The doctor said she might have just been confused to be in an unfamiliar environment. Or maybe she just felt like crying. I don’t know.”

  “Right. Babies just cry, like I said earlier. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Izzy.”

  Chapter 26

  Izzy woke the next day feeling unusually refreshed. She’d had a good night’s sleep and when she checked the time, she was surprised to see that she’d slept until almost eight thirty and she woke to the most wonderful sound—silence.

  She slid out of bed and padded into the living room. Mia was on the sofa with Emily sound asleep next to her and Penny keeping a watchful eye on both of them. Penny was in love with Emily and seemed to think she was her personal guard dog. It was cute because Penny was the most non-ferocious dog that Izzy had ever seen.

  Mia looked up when Izzy entered the room.

  “Good morning. Did you sleep well?”

  “I did. Like a log. Thanks for getting up with Emily.”

  “I figured since you both came back late last night that you could use a few extra hours of sleep. I was in bed early and didn’t even hear you guys come in last night. Is everything okay?”

  Izzy told her about the night before and the trip to the ER.

  “That’s interesting. Do you think Emily may have been upset by being at Rick’s or that she picked up on any tension between you?”

  “It’s possible, I don’t really know.” She sighed. “I have to go over there today and pick up her playpen. And I need to have a conversation I’ve been putting off for too long. I hoped I wouldn’t have to have it.”

  Izzy saw the sympathy in Mia’s eyes and was grateful that she didn’t push with any questions. Izzy wasn’t ready to talk about what she’d decided she needed to do. She woke up feeling lighter, for the first time in a long time, and sure of what she needed to say to Rick. But it wasn’t going to be an easy conversation.

  “Why don’t you leave Emily here with me. And take as long as you need. I don’t have any plans today.”

  “Thank you.” Izzy texted Rick and said she’d be by in an hour to get the playpen. She took a shower and stayed in there longer than she usually did, letting the hot water run over her and delaying the inevitable. She changed and dried her hair, bundled up in layers, turtleneck and a heavy wool sweater, fleece lined jeans and her warmest boots. It was cold out and Izzy hated the cold.

  She drove over to Rick’s and sat in his driveway for a minute, dreading what she had to do. After a few long moments, she got out of the car and knocked on his front door. He hollered for her to come in and she opened the door. Rick was in his sweats and sitting at the table, drinking coffee. She glanced around the room and noticed the empty beer cans where Rick had been sitting last night. After she left, he had several more drinks. It was the push she needed to start the conversation.

  “Rick, we need to talk.”

  He nodded. “Do you want a coffee?”

  “No. I’m good.” She sat across from him and took a deep breath. “Rick, this isn’t going to work. I hoped that it could. I really did. But it’s just not. I’m sorry.”

  He was quiet, then took a long sip of coffee and stared out the window. He didn’t say anything for the longest time, which Izzy eventually found unsettling. She got up finally and went to the playpen and folded it up. When she walked toward the door, Rick finally spoke.

  “What is it, really? Is there someone else?”

  Izzy turned and looked at him in surprise. “No, of course not. How can you even say that?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know what to think, Izzy. Nothing I do is good enough for you. She’s my kid, too, you know.”

  “I know.” She thought for a moment, knowing if he fought her in court, he’d be entitled to some kind of custody arrangement. “You could take her one night next weekend, if you like, and we could take it from there. I want to be flexible and work with you on this. But if I do, you have to promise me that you won’t drink at all when you’re with her. You can’t fall asleep on the sofa with her there.”

  He nodded. “So, it’s really over, then? You won’t give us another chance?”

  She shook her head sadly. “We’re just too different, Rick. But, I hope we can be friends, eventually.” She didn’t know if he was capable of that. But she hoped he could at least be civil, for their daughter’s sake.

  “Friends. Okay, Izzy.” He spit the words out sarcastically and she wasn’t sure how to respond so she stood there, saying nothing. Finally,
he sighed dramatically before saying, “I’ll call you during the week about taking her one night next weekend.”

  “Okay. Goodbye, Rick.”

  He didn’t say anything. He just watched her leave. When Izzy reached her car, she put the playpen in the back and drove home, with tears streaming down her face. She really had hoped it would work out. But she’d always worried, deep down, that it wasn’t possible. And that became very clear by the way he’d acted over the weekend. If she stayed with Rick, she’d be forever walking on eggshells, waiting for him to unravel, for something to set him off, and she didn’t need that in her life. It wasn’t fair to her or to her daughter. She really did believe that Emily had picked up on Izzy’s tension with Rick and she couldn’t put her daughter in that situation again.

  Although, she had promised to let Rick take her for a night next weekend, and she hoped that Emily would be okay with that.

  When she got home, everyone was in their same spots as if they hadn’t moved since she left. She laughed when she saw it, and then she started to cry. She set the playpen down and leaned against the wall, and the depths of her crying took her by surprise. Everything that she’d been holding in for so long came rushing out. Penny looked alarmed, and Mia jumped up and ran over to her, while Emily continued to sleep soundly. Mia hugged her tight and said nothing, just hugged her and held her close until Izzy finally caught her breath. When they pulled apart, her sister looked at her with sympathy in her eyes.

  “So, it’s done, then?”

  Izzy nodded.

  “Do you want some ice cream? I stocked up on chocolate chip the other day.”

  “My favorite.” Izzy scooped herself a big bowl and Mia did the same. They settled in their usual spots and Izzy ate her ice cream and stared out the window. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and she felt both full of hope and so sad at the same time.

  “It’s almost like a death, when a relationship ends. I feel like I should wear black and go into mourning for a week, at least,” she joked.

  “It does feel like a death in a way. It’s very sad, when you realize what you thought was possible is gone.”

  “It feels final this time, though. I think I’ll be able to move on now. Though there’s still visitation with Emily.”

  Mia frowned. “How will that work?”

  “I’m not sure. He said he wants to take her one night next weekend. That’s a good start, I suppose. We’ll see how it goes. She is his daughter, so I want to be fair to both of them.”

  “Right. I hope it goes well.”

  “Me, too.”

  Chapter 27

  “I ended things with Rick this weekend, for good.”

  The news made Will’s heart sing and his hopes soar. Izzy announced it matter-of-factly, when the waitress brought their drinks. It was a Tuesday night, and they were at the Rose and Crown for trivia. Mia lifted her glass in a toast.

  “Breakups are always sad, but this is a very good thing. I’m glad you did what you felt was best. And now, let’s have a great night!”

  Will clinked his glass of beer against the glasses of wine and Sam’s beer.

  “I’m sorry, Izzy. But, I’m happy for you too,” he said.

  “Thank you. It was a hard weekend, but I definitely feel good about the decision. I’m ready to move on.”

  They had a fun night and Izzy seemed lighter in mood and laughed more than she had in ages. Luck was with them too, and they came in first place after getting the final question right. That gave them a gift card to use the next time they came for trivia. Mia tucked it in her purse as she was the one that was more organized with things like that.

  As they walked to their cars, Will slowed his step and waited until Mia and Sam were out of earshot.

  “Which night is Rick taking Emily this weekend?”

  “We decided on Saturday night. I’m dropping her off around four.”

  “Do you have any plans for Saturday night?”

  Izzy laughed. “No, no plans. What did you have in mind?”

  “Let’s go on a date. A real date, me and you, somewhere nice for dinner.”

  She hesitated, and he worried that it might be too soon, or worse yet that she just didn’t think of him that way.

  “It’s not that big of a deal. It doesn’t have to be a date if that feels like too much right now. Maybe it’s too soon for you? It could be two good friends going out for a delicious dinner and having a fun night out.”

  Izzy smiled. “That sounds wonderful, Will. I’d love to.”

  She didn’t say what she was agreeing to other than dinner. Was it a date? Or were they just going as friends? For now, Will was just happy that she said yes. When they reached their cars, he said, “I’ll call you on Saturday and we’ll make a plan.”

  “Perfect. Goodnight, Will.”

  “So, what are you going to wear on your date with Will?” Mia stood in the doorway of Izzy’s bedroom and looked amused at the sight of Izzy staring into her closet, trying to decide what to wear. She’d finally lost all of her baby weight and her skinny clothes fit again.

  “I don’t know what to wear. I’m not sure it really is a date.”

  “He told you he wanted it to be a date, right?”

  “Well, yes. But when I was struck speechless for a moment, just caught off guard, he then said we could just be two friends having dinner, no pressure.”

  “Well, that sounds good too. What do you want it to be?”

  “I like Will. I think I always have. But I wasn’t expecting to date anyone so soon after ending things with Rick.”

  “Well, it has been a long time coming. And Will has been very patient. But if you’re not ready to call it a date, just go and have fun. Don’t put a label on it.”

  Izzy relaxed. “Good idea. Now, help me figure out what to wear. The blue sweater or the pink one?” She held up two pretty cashmere sweaters, both long with a flattering v-neck. She’d bought the same sweater in two different colors when she couldn’t decide.”

  “Blue. Looks better with your hair. And I read somewhere that guys always love blue.”

  Izzy laughed. “Okay, blue it is.”

  “How was Rick when you dropped Emily off?”

  “It was weird, but fine. He was civil, and I felt bad, of course. I showed him again how to heat up her bottle and he assured me that he wouldn’t have a drop of alcohol tonight. I reminded him of that, and he promised.”

  “Good. Don’t feel bad, Izzy. You made the right decision. You have to follow your gut. And it’s not like you didn’t try to make it work.”

  “I know. You’re right.”

  “Was Emily okay?”

  “She seemed to be. She was sleeping when I left.”

  “Good. Where are you and Will going?”

  “The Oak Room at The Whitley.”

  Mia whistled. “Wow. He’s taking you to The Whitley? He’s really pulling out all the stops.”

  “Really? Have you been there? What’s it like?”

  “I haven’t gone there as a customer, but I’ve been there for wedding tastings with some of my clients. The food is incredible, and the ambience is pure luxury. It’s really beautiful.”

  “Do I need to dress up more? Should I wear a dress?”

  Mia shook her head. “It’s too cold out for a dress. Wear those dressy black pants you got a while ago. With the flared, wide legs. Those will look perfect with your pale blue sweater.”

  “Okay. I think I’m a little nervous now.”

  “Don’t be. It’s Will. You guys will have a blast.”

  Izzy finished dressing and getting ready and a little before six, there was a knock on the door. Izzy opened it and her eyes widened. She couldn’t remember if she’d ever really seen Will dressed up. He always looked good, but tonight he was in dress pants, a light blue button-down shirt and a deep navy blazer. One she’d never seen before. He was freshly shaved and there was a bit of gel in his hair. His black shoes gleamed as if they’d just been polished. He grinned,
and she noticed a dimple pop out in his left cheek. Tonight, Will took her breath away. He smiled and put her at ease, as usual.

  “You look gorgeous, Izzy. Though you always do.”

  She felt herself blush and somewhere deep inside, butterflies took flight. What was happening to her? She’d never had a reaction this strong to Will before.

  “You clean up good, Will.” Mia came into the living room, followed by Penny, and looked pleased as she saw the two of them standing together. “Have fun, tonight.”

  The Whitley was on the other side of the island, and it took almost twenty minutes to get there. They chatted easily as they drove, and Will sang along when one of his favorite Jimmy Buffett songs came on the radio. Will had a rich voice and sounded good. How had Izzy never noticed that he could sing, before?

  When they reached the Whitley, Will drove down a circular driveway and stopped in front of the valet stand. A tuxedo clad valet driver took Will’s keys and wished them both a good dinner.

  The lobby of the hotel was impressive. There was white marble everywhere on the walls and floors, and the lobby ceiling was at least thirty feet high. Will led the way to the Oak Room, the hotel’s signature restaurant. He gave the hostess his name, and she found the reservation and led them to a lovely table by a window. It was too dark to see anything outside, of course, but the restaurant overlooked the water and Izzy thought that she could hear the ocean ever so faintly in the distance.

  “Have you eaten here before?” she asked Will as they opened their menus.

  “Yes, once or twice over the years. It was Caroline’s favorite restaurant. It’s not the kind of place you come to often, though. But it’s fun once in a while.”

  Izzy looked over the menu and everything sounded amazing. When their server came, Will asked if she wanted to share a bottle of wine.

  “I’d love to. I didn’t know you liked wine?”


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