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Lucas Ryan Versus: The Hive (The Lucas Ryan Versus Series)

Page 4

by Madison Daniel

One of the biggest games of the year was this weekend and the entire school, community and state of Arizona would be watching his every move. The team practices after school had become like a pep rally on steroids. More than half the students were here.

  “Luc!” Taylor called to me from the field. He trotted up to me with a bottle of water in his big strong hand.

  “Hey, T. It looks like half the school’s here this afternoon.”

  He shrugged, “Oh well, whatcha gonna do?”

  “Sorry, I’m a little late...I was...”

  “It’s fine.” He took a long drink from his bottle. From over his shoulder I could see Roland and Morgan off in the distance. Roland was tapping away on his black laptop, trying to block the afternoon sun from its screen. He wasn’t having much luck with it. Morgan stood still, watching Taylor and I with giant doe eyes. She softly shifted her weight to one side and waved our way.

  “I hope you didn’t get in too much trouble today.” Taylor looked at me worried. He was always looking out for me. The big brother I never had.

  “Nothing I couldn’t handle,” I joked. My mind raced back to earlier as I stood in the school hallway, staring into my open locker and my hand locked inside of it. My smile faded. From behind us, a crowd of smitten girls approached us. They squealed with nervous excitement.

  “Good,” Taylor smiled, with relief. As he did, he was surrounded by the infatuated group of girls. They were all attractive and willing to flaunt that fact in front of him. He was used to the behavior by now, but still found the attention uncomfortable. He’s spent the last few years dealing with the perks of his celebrity, and it didn’t hurt that he was so freaking good looking.

  “Ahh...Big Country! You look like you’re ready for the big game Friday night,” one of the more obvious girls announced, with a wicked smile. The rest of them giggled on cue. Taylor tensed over, instantly. He secretly hated his fame.

  “Yeah, I guess,” he mumbled. His head lowered a little and he quickly stole a glance over toward Roland and Morgan. The twins sat in the grass watching every detail unfold. Roland had a silly grin on his face. Obviously, he enjoyed Taylor’s celebrity, even if it was only from the outside. Morgan on the other hand, looked like someone had punched her in the stomach. She hated Taylor’s popularity with the girls of the school. She hated his reputation as a ladies-man, but the thing she despised the most was, she was 110% head over heels, in love with him.

  “What are you doing after the game, Country?” another girl flirted. The nickname returned and so did Taylor’s emotional wall. He put on a large, but fake smile. I sighed watching his ever growing nervousness. The crazy thing was, everyone had tagged him with this reputation of the ultimate player, heartbreaker extraordinaire, but nothing could be further from the truth. Sure, he had his fair share of dates and temporary girlfriends, but he treated every last one of them with absolute respect. He was a complete gentlemen. Chivalries last remaining soldier. I respected him, completely.

  “Well, Country, what’s your plans for the weekend?” I prodded, with a mocking tone. His steel eyes looked at me with contempt. He never liked when I used his nickname in public. I smiled bigger knowing I was pushing his buttons a little. His face filled with a wry smile.

  “Call me,” he winked, and handed his phone number to a girl. I don’t think he even knew which girl he handed it to. He was just showing off. Proving that he was in the ‘big leagues’ while I spun my wheels chasing after a girl that barely knew I existed.

  “!” The girl grabbed the paper with a scream, and the group of girls ran off delighted.

  “Show off,” I said, and punched his arm. He laughed, lightly.

  We both made our way towards the familiar patch of grass where Roland and Morgan waited. I figured I’d share the exciting news of my day...well, some of the news.

  “So, you’re not going to believe what happened,” I bragged.

  “What?” Taylor asked, with his eyebrow raised.

  “I did it. I talked to her.”

  “Olivia?” he gasped.


  “You finally found your nerve?” he laughed, aloud. “It only took you four years!”

  “Shut up!” I turned red. “Her band is playing tonight. We’re all going,” I insisted.

  “We are?” he asked, testing me. The twins walked up, Roland with a smile and Morgan wearing a pout. I pulled from my back pocket the folded up flier and handed it to Roland. I followed it up with a confidant wink.

  He snatched up the paper with a loud cheer. “Unbelievable! You did it! You finally did it!”

  “It was amazing, Ro, we bumped into each other in the auditorium. She even knew my name!” I said. Morgan’s eyes rolled around in her head just long enough to look away from Taylor and find my goofy grin.

  “See, I told you, Luc. You could do it. You just needed the right push,” Morgan said, as fact.

  “Thanks, Mo,” I smiled.

  “No biggie. After all, she’s just a girl,” she said, and then found Taylor’s eyes again.

  “Just a girl?” I mocked.

  “Uh oh,” Taylor mumbled.

  “And a strange one at that,” Roland added. I knew he was just giving me a hard time, but it still hurt a little. Why were the Saint twins ganging up on me? And before I could stand up for myself, Morgan came to my rescue.

  “Be nice, little brother. He can’t help it,” Morgan warned, softly. “I know how that feels...” she mumbled, even softer. I think I was the only one who heard her. Her yearning eyes found Taylor’s again. He returned her glance, puzzled. She blushed.

  “Don’t get me wrong,” Roland continued. “She’s absolutely gorgeous, but what’s with the dark and gloomy vibe?” Roland motioned with his hand and pointed across the football field. I turned to find Olivia exiting the school, guitar in hand and a sulk in her step. My mouth fell open.

  “She’s an artist, Ro. She has a deep soul. She’s real...” I drifted off. Roland and his sister shared a goofy smile with each other. They had been witness to my crush for too long. I ignored them and took a tiny step toward her, ready to call out her name across the grass. She was much too far away to hear me, but I didn’t care. My right hand began to tingle and I glanced down to see the spinning fireflies under my skin again. Quickly, I shoved both of my hands in my back pockets. Roland watched me as if I was insane.

  “Lucas, I love you like a brother, but’re strange,” he laughed.

  I smiled, “So I have been told.”

  Olivia walked across the parking lot as a bundle of questions entered my mind. Did I really make an impression on her today? Did she find me annoying? A thousand what ifs haunted me. She paced back and forth, circling the parking lot. Whoever she was waiting on was obviously running late. Even from this distance, I could tell she was not happy about it. Maybe I should call out to her...maybe just a wave.

  “Earth to Lucas. Hey brother, can you hear me?” Taylor snapped his fingers in front of my face.

  “He’s lost, Tay. We’ll never get him back. Not today. Especially not tonight,” Roland joked, from behind me.

  “Be nice you two,” Morgan warned, politely.

  With a loud screech of its tires, a weathered sports car slid into the parking lot. It was dark gray and idling loudly. Whoever was behind the wheel honked the horn twice. BEEP! BEEP! Olivia looked annoyed with the driver, but slowly reached out for the car door. I stepped forward, forgetting my friends completely. If only she would look my way, turn around and see me. Just for a tiny second, so I could wave to her. I closed my eyes and wished that she’d at least give me one last look. A quick gust of wind brought the smell of the football fields freshly cut grass into my nose. A calmness settled inside my chest. When I opened my eyes she was staring directly at me. She was easily 150 yards away, but there she was, eyes wide open. Locked onto me like laser beams.

  I mouthed one single word, silently, “Hi.” My right hand began to vibrate as if I was still gra
sping the magical stone from my locker. She cocked her head and pulled out the two sticks that were holding her long hair in a messy bun. Dark brown hair fell all around her shoulders and back. She was a dream. Her hand raised up and offered me a slight wave just before she entered the car. I stood mesmerized. The rumbling car spun its tires again and sped out of the parking lot.

  “I’ll pick you up at 6:30, Romeo,” Taylor said, walking up to me. I barely heard him.

  “Okay,” I blinked. My hand tingled with static.

  “Swift! Get your golden boy muscles over here!” Coach Kitna bellowed. He stood tall in the middle of the field, with a whistle in one hand, and a clipboard in the other. Taylor watched me for another moment before tossing his water bottle to Morgan. She scooped it up with an awkward smile born of embarrassment. Taylor ran off in the direction of his team and Morgan’s eyes followed. He turned around, running backwards with ease.

  “Proud of you, Luc!” he called out. It filled me with pride. Only Taylor could make me feel that way. One of his many hidden superpowers, I guess.

  I pointed at him with a dizzy smile across my face. “Bring the thunder, Thor!”

  LEVEL 06: Crushcrushcrush

  Walking up to the school entrance and hearing the first hint of music pouring from the doors, almost made me forgive Taylor for being late. Football practice had run long and he barely had time to cleanup before tonights concert. I raced through the front doors, heading straight for my locker, trying to shake off the last few hours of my day.

  “Pick me up,” I said, under my breath.

  After football practice I made my way home with my head in a fog. I was still on a high from my run in with Olivia, but I couldn’t shake the feeling of having my hand stuck to that mysterious rock earlier. I spent two hours pacing my bedroom. My neighbors, the Anderson’s, spent two hours watching me with expensive binoculars, pace my bedroom. I didn’t care though, I was too haunted by my secret. What was it? What did it want with me?

  “Wait! Where are you going, Luc? The auditorium is the other way!” Roland called down the school halls. His warning only made me run faster.

  “Lucas?” he called out, again. Morgan watched me worried, but never relinquished her position by the side of Taylor and his freakishly well-defined arm.

  “I’ll just be a minute!” I yelled over my shoulder, in a full sprint.

  Taylor pulled the twins toward the music. “Come on you two. He’s a big boy. He’s just nervous about tonight.”

  “I guess,” Roland shrugged.

  “Tickets are on me,” Taylor smiled. He marched for the auditorium doors. Morgan melted and followed without hesitation. Roland slowly did the same.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  With three quick spins of the dial on my locker’s combination lock, I frantically opened its door. I wasn’t ready for what I saw. The stone was now the size of a brick, and had sunk almost the entire way through the bottom of my locker. It was darker now, beyond black. Thin silver ridges were cut like lightning all over it. These new ridges were moving in a serpent like motion, just under its glossy surface. Their movement was creepy and unnatural. The lines swam through the blackness slow and beautiful. I rubbed my eyes, trying to focus harder on this strange jewel.

  “What are you?” I whispered.

  ~ Pick me up. ~

  “I can’t.”

  ~ Pick me up. ~

  “Am I going mad?” I was losing it. I couldn’t afford to do that though. Not tonight. Not her night. From down the hallway the auditorium doors flew open, unleashing the rumble of drums and music. My chest filled with a heavy urgency as Olivia and her bandmates called to me.

  My hand gripped tightly around the edge of my locker door. “I have to go.”

  ~ Pick me up. ~

  “I can’t. I need to see her.” Great, I was pleading with a piece of science fiction in my high school locker. Yup, I was crazy. Straightjacket time. No one would ever believe this. Not even Roland, and he was the biggest sci-fi geek in the Southwest. Would anyone understand?

  ~ She will. ~

  “What?” I whispered. This impossible thing was talking to me. Not aloud, but in my head. Oh God...I was going nuts. I leaned my head just inside the locker opening.

  “What did you say?” I asked, again. My voice was soft and shaking.

  ~ Olivia will understand. ~

  I froze with fear. “What are you?”

  ~ Pick me up. ~

  I began to shake.

  ~ Tell Olivia. ~


  ~ Trust no one else. ~

  “Okay.” I slammed the locker closed with a metallic crash. My heart was beating at twice its normal rate and picking up speed. I ran down the hall in a half crazed panic. I almost ran back out the front doors of the school, but forced my sneakers toward the auditorium entrance. With a lump in my throat, I slowly reached out for the door handle.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” a familiar voice cursed. Reality slammed back into me as I recognized the voice in a matter of seconds. I let a long, annoyed breath escape my lips and rested my shoulder against the faded wood of the door.

  “You can’t go in there!” Felicity cursed.

  “Felicity, not tonight...please. I can’t do this tonight,” I warned, in a forceful whisper.

  “I don’t care. You’re not allowed in there!” she said, way too loud. I turned to find her hateful eyes staring at me.

  “Why not?” I asked.

  “You didn’t pay!” she shouted, and stuck her bony little finger out. It pointed at a giant jar that was halfway full with money. In thick red ink were the words, Science Club - $2.50 a ticket. I forgot that this after hours concert was a benefit for the school’s Science classes and wouldn’t you know it, little Miss-Know-It-All just happened to be the Science Club president. My eyes rolled around their sockets as I took a step closer.

  “Well?” she cursed again, with her hand outstretched in my direction. I looked at her long and hard as I imagined a runaway bus smashing through the front of the school, and parking itself on top of her dizzy head of blonde curls.

  A crooked smile settled along her lips, “If you want to see your girlfriend, you have to pay.”

  “Evilicity...” I grumbled, to myself. From behind me came the crunch of Olivia’s guitar and I caved in. I handed Felicity a twenty dollar bill, “Here.”

  She smiled politely and slowly counted out my change. She took longer than she needed too. Anything to get under my skin. How I loathed thee!

  “Thank you for your support,” she said, smugly. I tried my best to ignore her when the door flew open behind me. Taylor stood tall with a surprised look on his face.

  “There you are, Romeo! Come on, I already paid for your ticket,” he said, with a smile. He placed his hand on my shoulder and pulled me through the doorway.

  “Evil!” I yelled, as my eyes caught Felicity’s. She waved at me with a wicked smirk and a giggle. Where was that bus when you needed it? I disappeared into the auditorium as the door promptly closed. I didn’t have much time to sulk over Felicity’s dirty little trick because the moment the first wave of music hit me, I was hypnotized.

  The auditorium was awash in a sea of colored lights that flew around the room and filled my eyes with anticipation. I could feel the rhythm of the music building in my chest. It tickled with each pulsating beat. Two hundred kids bounced up and down with every crash of the drums. Hands reaching for the ceiling and heads twisting above their shoulders. The twins, Roland and Morgan ran up to Taylor and I with big wide smiles.

  “Lucas! About time!” Roland tried to holler over the building roar of the crowd.

  “Yeah, I had to check on something,” I said, stressed. Morgan sensed the stress in my voice and slid her long hair behind her ears. Taylor watched closely as she leaned into me.

  “Luc, she sounds amazing tonight. Relax. Just have fun. Be the Lucas we know and love,” she said, proudly. The sentiment surprised me. She looked up at Taylor who tr
ied to act as if he wasn’t listening to her every word. Taylor nodded in agreement and pulled his eyes from Morgan. I shrugged, nervously.

  “Really?” I gulped. That’s when I caught my first glimpse of Olivia on stage. Her hair was slicked back with purple streaks running along the sides. Her guitar hugged her body loosely, over an outfit that had been ripped and torn in all the best places. She strummed the guitar strings with aggression and stomped her booted foot with the pounding beat of the bass drum. She looked like a rock-n-roll dream.

  “Be yourself,” Morgan stated, again. She pushed me forward with a laugh. I stumbled down the isle, trying to avoid each bouncing body in front of me. Olivia started singing and I became paralyzed. I couldn’t move an inch as her eyes scanned the crowd. Her voice sang through the speakers with ferocity. I stood still, caught in the web of her pout, and that’s when it happened. Her stare found mine, and she smiled. I looked behind me to be sure I wasn’t getting things mixed up. When I turned back to her face, she smiled even bigger and nodded my way. Holy crap...did I just dream that? She smiled! At me!

  “Be yourself,” I said like a robot, and waved to her slowly. From the stage she turned her body in my direction, never letting go of my stare. Her right arm shot out, pointing above her head toward the roof and with a flick of her wrist, the rest of the band stopped playing. All of the music halted, except the throbbing beat of the drums. She wrapped both her hands around the microphone, staring deeply into me.




  LET’S BE MORE THAN...THIS!” she sang, with her sultry voice.

  She sang to me...ME! My head pounded with excitement. I felt like throwing my hands in the air and screaming in victory. If only it had lasted.


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