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Buying Beth_A Dark Romance

Page 22

by Izzy Sweet

  She shakes her head. “No, because that’s his moneymaker. You hit him there and it ruins whatever your plans are.”


  Well, I guess I’ll go the other route for now.

  Motioning to Beth, I say, “Baby, I need to talk to this pile of shit, and you might not want to hear what’s going to be said.”

  “Trust me, nothing will matter to me. This is the last time he’s ever going to see me,” she says as she sticks her chin out.

  Fuck it, it’s her choice.

  Sitting down on the edge of the bed, I snap out a fist at the man’s stomach.

  I don’t punch him with my full strength, considering I still have my brass knuckles on, but it’s enough to make him start heaving and gasping for air.

  Grabbing his messy hair, I throw him off the bed and onto the floor before me.

  “Careful, John. Dude likes being on his knees in front of guys,” James laughs.

  Senator Norton begins to tremble as he lies there in front of me. He looks like he’s about to cry, and it makes me feel so damn warm inside.

  “Let’s get right down to it. We’ve been watching you for a good long while there, Dick… You like the word dick, don’t ya?” I say as I kick my foot out at him, catching him in the leg.

  He doesn’t respond and I look over to James. “You got the video file, buddy?”

  “Dude, why did you guys have to put it on my phone? Even I feel dirty watching it.”

  Shrugging, I point to the Senator. “Show the man his past sins.”

  “See, things are kinda wonky, Dickie boy. All those votes to stop same-sex marriage, to end civil rights and shit… And you like to get it in the ass from big, black men. You’re the classic example of a pile of shit.”

  The video plays, loud sounds of grunting coming from the speakers.

  Beth’s eyes widen as she comes around to look at what’s on the screen. I feel sorry she looks, but what can I do? She wanted to stay.

  “Holy shit. I… He…”

  I nod my head. “Yeah, the guy giving it to him is wearing a superman cape… I have no clue what kind of kink shit this is. But your dad is a one hundred percent hypocrite, man-in-the closet type of fuck.”

  Turning away from the phone, she says, “I think I’m going to wait outside of the room...”

  “Don’t blame ya.”

  “See, tiny dick,” I say as I lean down to watch his face. A face that is showing the pure horror of a man who’s about to lose it all. “We don’t mind what you do in your life, but you sure as fuck wanted to control other people.”

  “What… What do you want?” he asks in a whisper.

  “You in the Governor’s seat within the next two years,” I say. Motioning to James, I order, “Go get his safe and all the electronic shit you can find. I want a copy of anything he wants to hide.”

  “Got it,” he says as he jogs out of the room.

  Looking up at me in astonishment, the Senator asks, “What?”

  “Well, you see you’re in a position ripe for advancement. Where you’re at now isn’t as valuable to my boss as where you can be. We get you there and you keep your life as it is. Minus your daughter. She’s coming with me.”

  “But… but I…”

  “Lucifer wants this for you. I suggest you nod your head right now.”

  The man goes deathly white at the name. He should. Someone like Lucifer holding your life in the balance tends to make people listen up.

  But then he has to go and say, “You can’t take her. I refuse to allow—”

  Fuck the ‘no face’ rule. I backhand him so hard his head slams into the carpeted floor. Standing up from the bed, I pull him by his hair and he screeches.

  “Stand up like a man, pussy,” I growl.

  When I have him finally standing up like a man, I say, “That’s your only warning. You will never get a second warning from my boss. Do you understand? What we say goes from now on. We will ruin you professionally, then in the dead of night, sometime in the future, I’ll take your life.”

  Tears spill down his cheeks as he begins to whimper like some little bitch. “Okay… Okay… Please don’t…”

  “We’ll be in touch with you real soon, Senator Norton,” I say and let go of him. “And for fuck’s sake, stand up like a man.”

  Straightening up slowly, he tries to look like a man, but in his eyes I see the little coward bitch he really is. Fucker hit his daughter like a scumsucking pile of shit.

  Turning my back to him, I start to walk away.

  Wait I forgot.

  Turning around to him, I say, “One more thing.”

  “What is it?” he asks with a sigh.

  Grabbing him by the shoulders, I slam my knee into his balls.

  Air rushes out of his lungs as I say, “Tell your fucking guards on the ground to go home for the night. Do it in the next five minutes or I’ll come back and remind you how much I hate you.”

  Walking out of the room, I grab Beth by the hand. “Let’s get going, baby. I’ve got a surprise for you once we get out of here.”



  I’m free. Truly free. I almost can’t believe it. The day started out like a nightmare and now everything feels like a dream.

  Johnathan came for me. He fucking rescued me and put my father in his place. Thanks to him, I won’t have to spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder, on the run, or trapped in my father’s prison.

  “Are you cold, baby?” Johnathan asks me as he, James, and I step out of the car.

  I shiver as the cold night breeze hits me and smile at him. “Just a little.”

  He shrugs out of his leather jacket and drapes it over my shoulders. His warmth envelopes me and I swallow back a contented moan. Fuck, this man…. This man has done nothing but take care of me and protect me.

  I owe so much to him… and I all have to give in repayment is me.

  “Johnathan…” I say and reach out to touch his arm as he and James start to walk across the gravel parking lot.

  We haven’t had a moment alone, and I still need to apologize and thank him for everything.

  “Yeah?” Johnathan stops and arches a bushy brow at me.

  “Can we talk for a second?” I ask.

  I don’t know where we are or why we’re here. All I know is that Johnathan has some kind of surprise for me. A surprise that lies in what looks like a dark, abandoned warehouse…

  James glances back at us but Johnathan waves him on. James smirks knowingly and nods his head before walking up to the concrete building that lies at the end of the parking lot.

  Johnathan turns to me and I step up to him. I don’t know how to say this. How do I properly thank him for what he just did? How do I properly thank him for changing my life?

  I tip my head back, peering up at his face. In the moonlight he looks so dark and foreboding, but I’m no longer afraid of him.

  For whatever reason, this hard, powerful man has a soft spot for me.

  “I’m sorry I broke my promise to you,” I start and Johnathan scowls. “I fucked up, and I know I shouldn’t have—”

  He grabs me by the hips and pulls me close, causing my words to cut off with an unladylike grunt.

  Even when he’s being gentle, landing against his chest feels like landing against a wall of bricks.

  “Don’t worry about it,” he growls.


  He cuts me off by growling again. “Shit’s in the past.”

  When I open my mouth to argue, he shakes his head. “It’s dead and buried, Beth. Leave it.”

  I want to argue with him. Just letting it go feels too easy. I feel like I should grovel and plead for his forgiveness.

  He stares down at my face and he must be able to read my mind or something. “If it will make you feel better, I can always spank you later for it.”

  I blink up at him, unable to tell if he’s being serious or not…

  And then he grins.

p; Rolling my eyes, I shake my head. “Yeah, I think I’ll have to take a pass on that.”

  His grin takes a devious turn and he gives me a light smack on the ass. I squeak in surprise and end up jerking closer to him. “You sure, baby? I think you’d like it.”

  By the hard bulge in his pants, I can definitely tell he likes it. A warm flush spreads through me and I lock my knees together.

  “How can anyone like that? Being hit like a child?” I ask even as the little slap he gave me makes me very aware of my ass.

  Something flashes in his eyes and he groans. “Fucking hell. Sometimes I forget you’re so damn innocent.”

  I’m feeling playful and rather exuberant after tonight’s accomplishments so I lower my lashes coyly and say, “Innocent? Who, me?”

  “Yes, you,” he growls and his mouth comes crashing down on mine.

  There’s pain at first. My lip is still busted from my father backhanding me, but the ache only seems to add another dynamic to the kiss.

  I need this. I need him.

  Trapped in my room, I was afraid I had lost him forever, and I regretted every second I held myself back from him.

  I regretted all the time I wasted fighting this crazy thing between us.

  I’m tired of living in fear. I’m tired of just existing and waiting for a slim chance of freedom.

  Life is short, too damn short. Tomorrow I could be dead.

  I’m ready to experience everything life has to offer, and I want to experience every crazy moment with Charlie and Johnathan.

  I press closer to him and lift up on my tiptoes, molding my breasts to his chest, my hips to his hips. The jacket he draped over me starts to slide off my shoulders as his hands roam over me.

  I’ll never get enough of this.

  The total chaos of his every kiss. Each time is different but no less passionate than the kiss before it.

  His mouth devours mine. His teeth nipping at me like he wants to eat me. His tongue diving deep.

  And I offer myself up eagerly.

  Somehow I’ve become a willing sacrifice on the altar of Johnathan.

  A low rumble begins in the base of his throat, like thunder off in the distance. It grows louder and louder until he’s tearing his mouth away from mine.

  Breathing harshly, he rasps, “You’re going to be the fucking death of me.”

  He yanks the jacket back up before it meets the gravel, and then grabs me by the back of the head. His fingers lace into my hair as he presses his forehead against mine. I pant and stare into his eyes as I catch my breath.

  “Why did you stop?” I finally ask once I have enough oxygen. “You worn out, old man?”

  His eyes spark with mischief and then I’m rewarded with another slap to my ass.

  I yelp and he laughs. “As much as I want to finish this, we’re expected inside.”

  Now I’m curious. I got completely swept up in the moment and forgot he has a ‘surprise’ waiting for me.

  “What did you get me?” I ask as he draws my arm into his and leads me up the parking lot.

  I can’t decipher the look on his face when he grins this time. His eyes go cold but he looks like a kid about to dive into a mountain of chocolate.


  As we step into the warehouse, every little hair on the back of my neck stands on end. Outside, the night is growing darker and colder, but in here the air is thick and full of something I can’t place.



  Johnathan’s grip on me tightens as he leads me across the dusty floor, weaving me through old industrial-sized machines that probably haven’t been used in ages.

  We finally reach the back of the warehouse and push through a door that leads to what must have once been an office.

  Lucifer is the first person I see. He straightens as we step inside and turns towards us in greeting.

  His lips stretch into a smile. “Ah, so glad you could join us, Johnathan.” His eyes flick towards me and his smile seems to warm a little. “Beth.”

  I nod my head and offer a polite smile in return. I can’t quite thank him for having us here because I’m confused as fuck and don’t know what is about to happen.

  Johnathan just grunts and his eyes scan the room. He’s searching for someone or something.

  “He still alive?” Johnathan asks as his searching gaze narrows in on Lucifer.

  “Of course,” Lucifer says, his bright eyes flashing with humor. “I wouldn’t dare dream of depriving your wife of her wedding gift.”

  My wedding gift? What the fuck? Why would I want some mystery person?

  A pain-filled grunt comes from behind Lucifer.

  Lucifer grins and steps to the side, revealing the rest of the room. “We’ve only… tenderized him a bit for you.”

  I blink at Lucifer, not understanding the hidden meaning, before another grunt draws my attention.

  I look to the center of the room and see Andrew bending over someone seated in a chair. At first, all I can see is their hairy legs, and it strikes me as being strange that they seem to be completely bare. Are they not wearing any pants?

  Andrew straightens and turns. “’Bout fucking time.” He shakes out his right hand as if it’s paining him and then he walks up to Johnathan and gives him a friendly slap on the back with his left hand. “He’s all yours, buddy.”

  “Thanks for keeping him warm for us,” Johnathan grins and once more tugs me forward, but as soon as I see who is sitting in the chair I freeze in shock.

  Sasha, the man who killed Lindsey, groans and slowly, as if he’s in a great deal of pain, lifts his head and his eyes lock on mine.

  I see my own shock reflected in his eyes before they fill with hatred. “You…” he hisses.

  I glance towards Johnathan, my heart fluttering with panic. “Why is he here?”

  Johnathan opens his mouth to answer me, but before he can Sasha yells out, “I knew you would be trouble.”

  Johnathan’s face hardens and he releases his grip on my arm.

  “I should have killed you and all your worthless friends!”

  Johnathan reaches into his pocket and walks up to Sasha in three big steps. Pulling his hand out of his pocket, his knuckles glint in the overhead light before his fist connects with Sasha’s mouth.

  There’s an awful crack and I can’t help but wince.

  “Shut your mouth, you fucking waste of flesh.”

  Sasha moans and as Johnathan pulls away, I can see his mouth is now a bloody mess. Johnathan punches him again, this time in the ribs. Sasha doubles over, all the air whooshing out of him.

  Johnathan looks over his shoulder, towards Lucifer. “You get everything you need out of him?”

  Lucifer nods his head. “Yes, he was surprisingly easy to break. By all means, carry on Johnathan,” he grins.

  Sasha gasps for air and makes all kinds of horrible wheezing noises.

  Lucifer points to a cart covered in a variety of shop tools and medical instruments. “You’re welcome to use my personal collection if you wish.”

  Johnathan glances towards the cart and makes a disgusted face. “I don’t need all that shit when I’ve got my fists.”

  Lucifer smirks and nods his head. “True, but your wife might find something of interest.”

  Both men look at me expectantly, and I feel like the floor was just yanked out from beneath me.

  Do they expect me to torture Sasha? Have I somehow given them the impression I’m capable of such a thing? I know I expressed my hated for the men who hurt my friends and me, but this…

  I don’t know what to do. The world around me is spinning out of control. How could Johnathan possibly think I’d want this? That I’d be okay with this?

  This is evil and sick.

  Johnathan hovers over Sasha as the man tries to breathe.

  After a few minutes, Sasha finally draws in a couple of deep breaths and straightens. I cover my mouth with a gasp as I catch sight of his mangled mouth. His
teeth are broken and he’s bleeding profusely. Steams of saliva and blood drool down his chin.

  Sasha mutters something but it’s a completely unintelligible, slurred Russian mess.

  “What was that?” Johnathan asks.

  Sasha spits out a wad of blood and a couple of teeth before sneering at Johnathan. “I said your wife is a dirty whore.”

  Johnathan punches Sasha again in the stomach. Again, the air seems to go out of him, but he recovers more quickly this time.

  Sucking in a breath, Sasha wheezes out, “So dirty and ugly, even my men wouldn’t touch her.”

  Johnathan takes another swing at Sasha, aiming at his head, but stops at the last second.

  Sasha cringes, expecting the hit, as Johnathan looks back at me. “You want a piece of this, baby?”

  I shake my head slowly back and forth and take a step back.

  No, I don’t want a fucking piece of this. What I want to do is run far, far away from here and pretend it never happened.

  Sasha starts laughing as if he finds this hilarious. His bloodshot eyes lock on me and there’s a manic quality to them. “They wouldn’t fuck your disgusting pussy, but they fucked the shit out of your pretty little brunette friend.”

  Oh my god, is he talking about Amanda?

  “Shut the fuck up,” Johnathan bellows and punches him in the head.

  Sasha’s head goes flying back and for a second I think Johnathan might have broken his neck.

  I hold my breath, wondering if it’s over now.

  But then Sasha’s chin drops back down and he spits out another thick wad of blood and spit.

  Sasha can’t seem to look up when he groans, “They fucked her in her mouth.”

  Johnathan punches him in the gut.

  “Stop,” I hear myself whisper, but the sound is too small.

  Sasha wheezes and it sounds like something inside him is rattling before he chuckles. “They fucked her in her pussy.”

  Johnathan takes another swing, his fist connecting with Sasha’s jaw again. There’s a crack, and this time my voice is louder when I cry out, “Stop!”

  Sasha’s head whips to the side and seems to bounce right back. He groans pitifully and a gush of blood spills from his lips. It takes him several tries before he can successfully spit out more teeth.


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