The Meltdown (Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 13)

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The Meltdown (Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 13) Page 6

by Jeff Kinney

  forward to walking home in a snowstorm, so I

  came up with an IDEA. Whirley Street isn’t too

  far from OUR neighborhood, so I figured me and

  Rowley could ride on THEIR bus and then WALK

  the rest of the way.


  So after we got dismissed, we headed straight for

  the bus line. And we were so bundled up, nobody

  even NOTICED when we got on board.

  I’ve gotta say, it was kind of WEIRD being on

  the bus with the Whirley Street kids, because

  those guys are our ENEMIES. They used to sled

  on our hill every winter until they discovered the

  13th hole at the golf course.

  The 13th hole is LEGENDARY, and everyone

  knows it’s the best sledding hill in our town.

  But the problem is that the golf course is part

  of the country club, so if you sled there, you’re



  Last year I wanted to see what the fuss over the

  13th hole was all about, so I got Rowley to come

  with me. But Rowley was SUPER nervous about

  the trespassing thing, so he didn’t want to go.

  I had to remind Rowley that he and his family

  are MEMBERS of the country club, so technically

  he WOULDN’T be trespassing.

  But I guess Rowley was worried his family might

  lose their membership if he got caught sledding. So

  to disguise himself, he shook his face really fast,

  and kept that up the whole time we were there.

  I’ve gotta admit, the 13th hole was everything

  people SAID it was.

  It was really STEEP, and someone built up a

  mound of snow near the bottom where kids were

  catching some SERIOUS air.

  We got in a few good runs, but that’s when the

  WHIRLEY Street kids came and kicked everyone

  ELSE off the golf course so they could have it to



  But I was OK with it. As long as those guys

  aren’t causing trouble on OUR street, they can

  have the whole GOLF COURSE for all I care.

  The bus ride with the Whirley Street kids wasn’t a

  lot of fun, but me and Rowley just tried to keep

  a low profile so no one would notice us.

  We were almost to Whirley Street when one of the

  kids in the back did something really DUMB. Some

  fool actually threw a snowball ON THE BUS.


  The second it happened, the driver pulled over.

  She said she wasn’t moving until the person who

  threw the snowball turned themself in.

  Like I said before, there’s a “no snitching” rule in

  middle school, so no one from the back of the bus

  made a PEEP. I wish I knew who did it, because

  I would’ve given them up in a HEARTBEAT.

  I was pretty sure the bus driver was just

  BLUFFING about not moving, and that we’d be

  on our way within a few minutes.

  But then she broke out a BOOK, and started on

  page ONE. So we just sat there and waited for

  an HOUR while she read.

  The worst part about the whole thing was that

  the bus driver turned off the ENGINE, so there

  was no HEAT.

  There was some conversation going on in the back

  of the bus, and I think a few kids were trying

  to get the one who threw the snowball to give

  himself up.

  But I really wish I hadn’t turned around to

  look, because when I DID, some eighth grader

  realized I wasn’t from Whirley Street.


  That was all it took. These guys needed someone

  to take the BLAME for the snowball, and since I

  was an OUTSIDER, it was a no-brainer for them.

  The bus driver said I needed to get off the

  bus IMMEDIATELY. That was fine with ME,

  because now that my cover was blown, I didn’t

  wanna stick around any longer than I HAD to.

  So I got off the bus, and Rowley was two steps

  behind me.


  I was pretty sure we were about a mile from

  Surrey Street. The road we were on didn’t have

  sidewalks, but there weren’t any Safety Patrols

  this far out, so we walked on the street.

  Five minutes later, we heard angry voices. It was

  a bunch of Whirley Street kids, and they were

  coming straight FOR us.

  First, those idiots LIED about me throwing the

  snowball on the bus. Then they BELIEVED their

  lie, and now they were MAD.

  Me and Rowley had to make a choice. We could

  either deal with the mob, or RUN. We decided

  to run, and the only place to go was into the



  Believe me, that was the LAST thing I wanted

  to do. Everyone knows the woods along that road

  are where the GOAT MAN lives, which is why

  nobody ever goes in there.

  Rodrick was the first one to tell me about the

  Goat Man, who he said was a half man, half goat.

  I wasn’t sure if he meant the top half was a

  GOAT and the bottom part was a MAN, or if

  it was the other way around. But either way, the

  Goat Man seemed pretty scary to ME.

  Me and Rowley have argued for YEARS over

  which version is right. Rowley thinks the Goat

  Man is split down the MIDDLE.


  I guess Rowley could be RIGHT, but if you ask

  me, I think his version sounds kind of STUPID.

  It’s kind of fun talking about this stuff when

  we’re on a sleepover and safe in our sleeping

  bags. But now that we were in the woods where

  the Goat Man actually LIVES, it was no

  laughing matter.

  The Whirley Street kids must’ve known about the

  Goat Man, too, because when we went into the

  woods, they didn’t follow us. I figured we’d stay

  in there just long enough for the Whirley Street

  kids to LEAVE, because we didn’t want to be in

  there any longer than we HAD to.


  But those guys must’ve known we were too

  chicken to stay in there for long, and we could

  see them waiting for us on the road at the edge

  of the woods.

  So our only choice was to go deeper in, and

  that’s what we did.

  What was WEIRD was how QUIET it was in

  there. After a while, I realized we couldn’t hear

  the cars on the road, and that’s when I knew we

  went in TOO deep.

  We followed our footsteps back to the road, but

  the sun was going down, and it was getting hard

  to find our tracks.


  We picked up the pace, because we didn’t wanna get

  stuck in the woods in the DARK. But when we came

  across a set of tracks, we FROZE.

  At first we thought it was the GOAT MAN.

  But then we realized there were TWO sets of

  footprints, and they were OURS. That meant

  we’d spent the past ten minutes walking in a

  giant CIRCLE.

  So we turned around and headed in the OTHER

  direction. But then we ran into a CREEK, and

  I knew we were lost.


y was PANICKED, but I wasn’t. I knew

  that if you get lost in the wilderness, as long as

  you have WATER, you’re FINE.

  I saw a movie where these explorers got trapped

  in the mountains, but they found a spring and it

  kept them alive.

  But then I remembered that when they got

  DESPERATE, they had to eat their pack

  animals. I just hoped things didn’t reach that

  point for US.

  I figured if we followed the creek, it might

  LEAD us somewhere, and at least we wouldn’t get

  lost again. But when we came across a beaver dam,

  Rowley started freaking out.


  Rowley said beavers are DANGEROUS, and that

  he saw a show on TV where a beaver attacked a


  But Rowley’s an idiot. The show he was talking

  about was a CARTOON, and I was actually

  WITH him when he watched it.

  Still, I couldn’t convince Rowley to stay near the

  creek, so we had to turn around AGAIN. And by

  now it was REALLY dark. After walking a few

  more minutes, something bright caught my eye. I

  thought maybe it was the headlights from a car,

  and we ran toward it.


  It turned out the light WAS coming from a car,

  but it was just a rusted-out piece of junk in the

  middle of the woods. And what caught my eye was

  the reflection of the MOON on the bumper.

  When my eyes adjusted to the light, I realized

  there were a LOT of abandoned cars and trucks

  all around us.


  I saw something shiny sitting on a stump and I

  picked it up. The thing was cold and metal, and

  when I held it up to my face to take a closer

  look, I knew EXACTLY what it was.

  It was a BELT BUCKLE, and it belonged to


  That meant me and Rowley were smack in the

  middle of the Mingos’ CAMP.

  People in my town have always wondered where the

  Mingos live, and now me and Rowley had stumbled

  into their HEADQUARTERS.


  I thought we were LUCKY, because at least

  there was no one THERE. But when I turned to

  LEAVE, something grabbed my HAND.

  Well, technically, something grabbed Mr. Morsels.

  I thought for SURE it was Meckley Mingo and he

  was gonna KILL me for touching his belt buckle.

  Thankfully, I was WRONG. The puppet was

  snagged on a truck’s door handle, so I tried to

  pull it free.


  That’s when we heard noises coming from INSIDE

  THE TRUCK. I realized I had to choose

  between saving MYSELF and saving a PUPPET,

  and it was no contest.

  Me and Rowley tore out of there. But when we

  were a good distance away from the Mingos’ camp,

  we heard a sound that made my blood run cold.

  I didn’t know if it was the GOAT MAN or the



  All I knew for sure was that if we stopped

  RUNNING, we’d be DEAD.

  I could hear shouting behind us, and it was

  getting CLOSER. But just when it felt like the

  voices were right on TOP of us, we broke through

  the trees and into the open.

  Luckily, Dad was paying ATTENTION, or me

  and Rowley would’ve been ROADKILL.

  But at least it would’ve been over QUICK. Because

  if the MINGOS caught us, I’m sure they would’ve

  taken their TIME.



  When I woke up this morning, I was totally

  EXHAUSTED. My legs felt like rubber from all

  that running yesterday, and I barely got any

  rest because I had a nightmare the Mingos were

  chasing me.

  I was gonna tell Mom I couldn’t go to school

  today, but when I looked out the window, I

  realized I didn’t HAVE to.


  It snowed at least five inches overnight, which

  meant school was CLOSED. So I was looking

  forward to a nice, relaxing day of doing absolutely


  Mom and Dad were already gone, and Manny was

  at daycare. Rodrick usually sleeps past 1:00 p.m.

  on snow days, so I more or less had the whole

  house to MYSELF.

  I went downstairs to make a bowl of cereal and

  turn on the TV. But there was something wrong

  with the REMOTE.

  I noticed it felt a little LIGHT, so I opened

  up the back of the remote to see if there was a

  missing battery.


  It turns out there weren’t ANY batteries inside,

  but there was a note from MOM.

  I really didn’t feel like doing chores on a SNOW

  DAY, so I looked around the house for some

  batteries I could put in the remote. But Mom

  must’ve KNOWN I’d do that, because there

  wasn’t a spare battery ANYWHERE.

  I couldn’t figure out how Mom was gonna know

  I loaded the dishwasher, since she wasn’t even

  HOME. But when I put in the last plate and

  shut the door, I found something.


  It was another NOTE with a BATTERY taped

  to it.

  I didn’t like where this was heading. The TV

  remote takes FOUR batteries, and at this rate I

  was gonna burn through my whole DAY doing chores.

  But then I realized I didn’t HAVE to. The

  remote in Mom and Dad’s bedroom is really

  SKINNY, and I was pretty sure it only took


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