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Fight It Out Series Box Set

Page 41

by T M Kelly

  “Can we talk?” He was holding his phone in one hand and leaning on the door frame with his other.

  “You do know it’s seven a.m., right?”

  “Yeah, and we’ve practiced this early.”

  I stepped back to let him in. “So you decided I always get up early?”

  “Maybe.” He only took two steps in and stopped. “I—”

  Tyler was the one who had the ability to look calm even when under pressure. At the moment, he looked like he was about to crack at the seams. I lightly touched his arm only because I needed the contact. “Want some coffee?”

  “Um, sure.”

  This visit went from awkward to weird in just a matter of seconds. Right as I was about to say something, Sammy meowed and batted at Tyler’s leg as he passed by. “Right, sorry about him. He’s just mad because you interrupted our morning scratch session.”

  “Should I plan to come later next time?”

  “Or call,” I said over my shoulder and reached in the cupboard to grab the coffee filters. “Need it extra strong?”

  “Is there any other way?” he teased and sat down in the chair next to the kitchen island.

  I stayed silent as I prepared the coffee. It had been five days since that night at the club with Stephen and Tyler. Five very long days that required several cold showers and extra training sessions on the mat. During those five days, I never once saw Tyler. Actually, not running into the man on my mind was on purpose. I checked the schedule and found when Tyler would most likely be at the gym. Julian had no clue I had planned our training times around his brother’s schedule.

  Right as I reached up to grab a coffee mug, Tyler’s hand wrapped around my bicep. He probably had enough of my silent treatment. I let out a heavy sigh and rested my hands on the counter. My eyes were facing the coffee pot because I knew the moment I looked up into his eyes that would be it. “Ty, why are you at my place at seven in the morning?”

  “Why have you been avoiding me?” He removed his hand and leaned his hip against the counter.


  Finally I gave in to my need and looked up at him. I watched as he rolled his eyes. “Your schedule has been opposite mine. I know you’re avoiding me.”

  “Did you ever think this situation wasn’t about you? I have a new puppy and other things going on. The times set for training worked for me personally.” He had to know I was lying. I knew my face was red. My body was on fire with the little distance between the two of us.

  He reached his hand forward and lifted my chin. “You suck at lying just like Lily and Charlie.”

  I struggled to hold in my laugh. He was right; my friends really did suck at lying. Normally I was the best secret keeper, but today something was different. “Maybe.”

  “Five days is a long time.”

  I sucked in a breath at his words. “Tyler, what do you want from me?”

  Right at the moment he would normally get the opportunity to answer, my phone let off this horrible buzzing. I ran over to the kitchen table to retrieve the annoying device and noticed an incoming alert. After the death of Lucky’s veterinarian, I set my phone to receive all notifications from the local news app. I was probably overreacting or maybe just way too curious.

  The message flashed Missing Person and shared the man’s name. “You know this person?” I turned my phone screen so Tyler could see the alert.

  “No. Should I?”

  “Just curious. This is the second person who has gone missing. The first one was found dead.” I glanced his way and noticed he was scowling. “No, I didn’t suddenly become an investigator. I met the woman they found dead. That’s all.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said and sounded genuinely concerned. “You know what, I need to go.”

  Now it was my turn to grab his arm. “Why the rush?” I lifted the coffee pot now full of happy liquid. “Have some with me.”

  He seemed to be strategizing his next move. “Fine. One cup.”

  I poured us each a mugful and handed his over. “Cream? Sugar?”

  “Black is fine.”

  When I first arrived in Las Vegas, the city overwhelmed me. I was from a small town and had never experienced the feeling that a big city offered. I had read about the gym Fight It Out and knew I planned to work out there. The gym gave me the confidence to plow through the uncomfortable emotions, and it also gave me that family I craved. Tyler never offered any comfort but everyone else at the gym was amazing.

  Now this same man who avoided me, yelled at me, and so perfectly distanced himself, now he wanted to talk. He seemed different, too. I noticed how his voice was gentle and his words were kind. What happened the other night at the bar that possibly changed this man? This new Tyler I could get used to.

  “So, you never answered my question. What do you want from me?”

  He shook his head and took a sip of his coffee. “Getting right down to business, eh?” I didn’t respond. “Right, well.” It was funny to see how uncomfortable he looked. He ran his hand through his hair and started to mess with a crumb on the counter. “I’m sorry.”

  Okay, if you would have told me two years ago that Tyler would apologize for being such an asshole, honest to God, I would have burst out laughing. Of course, I had no plans to laugh at the moment. His face looked solemn as he spoke, so I stayed neutral.

  It took me a moment to process and a few more moments to get the words out. “Ty, why are you really here? What is it about me that has you shifting gears?”

  “I’ve been watching you at the nightclub.”

  “That’s called stalking. You know that, right?” I was kidding of course. “No, seriously, that doesn’t make sense.”

  He let out a heavy sigh. “I’m trying to say it.”

  “Say what?” Now I was completely confused.

  “Zoe, you don’t just hit on males, I also see you with females.”

  “Yeah, because I’m bi-sexual.” As the words fell from my lips I’m sure my eyes went wide at the same time. “Wait, let me see if I have this right. You treated me like shit because you didn’t know my sexual preference? That seems ridiculous.” I stood up and walked over to the coffee pot to refill my mug. “Help me understand. Fill in the gaps here.”

  “My family doesn’t know.” Then he stopped talking. I could tell what he wanted to say was difficult so I gave him time. “Can you image if the other fighters found out I liked men, too?”

  “I’m still not seeing how I fit into this picture.”

  “I’ve cared about you since the moment you walked through the gym doors.”

  “And so you decided being a dick was a good idea. Way to woo a woman.” Now I laughed.

  He chuckled, too. “I couldn’t just be with you, Zoe.”

  Then the other night flooded through my mind. I remembered his words and repeated them. “Because you need more than just me in your life.”


  “But you didn’t know my sexual preference?”


  I plopped down in the chair next to him. “Well shit, Ty, you could’ve just asked.” I placed my hand over his. “Just ask my family, I’m a damn open book.” We locked our hands together. “My parents have known about my personal life since I was twelve.”

  He lifted my hand to his lips and kissed each knuckle. “I didn’t realize what I wanted until the gym. So I found an outlet at the nightclub.”

  “Could you ever tell your parents or your brothers?”

  “No,” he said a little too quickly and stood up. “Can I trust that you won’t say anything?”

  “You’re asking me that now?” I had a smile on my face as I said the words in hopes he would know I was joking.

  “Fuck, I don’t know what I was thinking coming here.” He stormed out of the room and down the hall toward the front door.

  “Tyler, wait,” I said, trying to catch up to him. “Ty, stop.” He had his hand on the door handle, ready to turn. “Ty.” I turned his body t
o face me. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t joke like that.” He dropped his head, and that was the first time I noticed the real Tyler. The man who was hidden by the world. Afraid to be himself. Angry instead of happy. “Hey”—I smiled and turned my body to be eye-to-eye—“you can trust me. I promise.”

  I felt him relax and a single tear fell from the corner of his eye. This fighter, someone who was supposed to be strong, was cracking right before my eyes.

  He trusted me with his secret.

  I planned to keep it hidden for as long as he needed.



  “So now you want to work with him?” Julian said and leaned back in his chair. “Tyler has not been focused lately. Are you sure you want that added into your workout schedule?”

  “Yeah, he talked to me. It’s fine,” I said and made my way to the door to leave his office. “I started this shit with him, so he deserves consistency from me.”

  The morning Tyler stopped by my house was still replaying in my mind. He didn’t stay long. I tried to encourage him to have breakfast and play fetch with Lucky. He seemed hesitant, almost like he wanted to stay but the inner voice was winning. Before he turned to leave he did something my body was still feeling the effects of. He pulled me close and kissed me. Not just a simple kiss either. This was a kiss that caused me to feel like I was floating six inches off the ground. I knew that was impossible, but his kiss truly took my breath away.

  “Zoe, is that okay?” Julian stepped into my personal space.

  “What? Oh, yeah.”

  “And you know what I just said, right?”

  I rolled my eyes, trying to look innocent. “Yeah, of course.”

  He seemed happy by my answer. “Go have a good workout and don’t forget what I said.”

  “Sure.” I pulled the door open and stepped out into the gym at the same moment Tyler came into view. “Oh, hey.”

  “Just the man we were discussing,” Julian yelled from inside his office.

  Tyler scowled at me. “I was telling Julian we worked out our differences and planned to train together again.”

  “I’m concerned but gave my blessing.” Julian was still in the middle of the conversation.

  I closed the office door. “Is that okay?” My question was directed at Tyler. When I woke up this morning, I wanted to train with him. Instead of calling and asking how he felt, I just went to Julian and basically fired him.

  “Um, yeah. It’s fine.” He was staring at me. I didn’t think anyone else would have caught it, but I noticed a slight smile emerge on the corner of his mouth. “You sure you want that?”

  Of course I did. I took the time to talk to Julian. “Yeah, why would you ask?”

  He turned to head over to the ring. “No reason.”

  “Ty, don’t sound so cryptic. Why would you say that? Was I wrong in assuming?” I felt like I was asking twenty questions. He stepped up into the ring and waited until I was standing directly in front of him. “So, you plan to answer any of my questions?” He didn’t, though. My body was lifted off the mat and thrown down to the ground so fast. “Fuck me.” I felt like the wind had been kicked out of me.

  “Someday soon,” he said beside my ear.

  I turned my head and found myself nose to nose with him. His words caught me by surprise. My body started to deceive me. I didn’t know what came over me, but I got the giggles. I dropped my forehead to his chest and shook my head.

  “What’s so funny?”

  I lifted my head up. “Us. You. This.”

  “Hey, get a room,” Charlie yelled from the outside of the ring.

  It was weird; I don’t know why I reacted, but I jumped up and stepped away from Tyler. “He’s just training me.”

  Charlie hopped up and stepped closer. “That’s not what I saw.” She winked and patted my back. “So, ditched Julian already?”

  “Yeah, I, um—”

  “We figured out our disconnect and worked through it,” Tyler said and pointed to a spot directly in front of him. “You ready? We need to get some extra sessions in. You need to catch me up on what I missed for your training.”

  Charlie was still standing a few feet away. “Tyler,” Charlie said and hopped down from the ring. “Be good.” Then she walked away.

  Tyler let out an exasperated sigh. “Yeah, yeah.”

  “Hey, Ty,” I whispered, and his head turned toward me. “Fuck being good.” Now it was his turn to burst out laughing.

  I trained for two hours straight. My body was screaming to stop and my stomach was begging to be fed. I grabbed my towel to wrap it around my neck and headed toward the locker room.

  “Zoe,” Tyler said from behind me.

  “Yeah?” My hand was on the door handle. I didn’t turn around, maybe because after two hours grappling, I wanted to say fuck it to food and rest. Instead, I wanted him and not in a vanilla sort of a way.

  “Look at me.”

  I hesitated and then turned around. “What’s up?”

  “You’re going to the nightclub tonight, right?”

  “I don’t know.” That was the truth. I wasn’t sure how I felt about opening my heart to two men. Tyler made it clear he wanted me but only if I was willing to be with him and Stephen together. I had read about ménage romances, but always believed they only happened in fiction books. Three was too odd of a number. Someone was bound to get hurt.

  “I’ll come to you if you don’t show.”

  “Is that a threat?” My body lit up at his words. I was not a submissive and never would be, but for some reason Tyler barking demands made me excited.

  He stepped closer so only I could hear his words. “No, it’s a promise.” Then he surprised me by wrapping his hand around my waist and tugging me flush with his body. “I left the other day because I knew it was the right thing do. I don’t plan on leaving next time.” Then he bent his head and captured my lips.

  When he stepped away, my body stumbled back until I was leaning against the wall. What the fuck just happened? I placed my fingers where his lips just touched and let out a heavy sigh. This was a distraction. He was a distraction. I had a fight I needed to win.

  “You okay?” Lily leaned against the wall beside me.

  “Never better.” I wasn’t lying.

  “So you and Ty patched things up?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Lily raised her eyebrows. “You were training with him. Why do you sound so guilty?”

  “I’m not.” I pushed off the wall and grabbed the handle to go into the locker room. “I fired your man this morning.”

  “That’s what I hear.”

  “He’s not mad, is he?”

  Lily followed behind as I made my way to my locker. “Zo, I’m happy for you. You know that, right?”


  She lightly laughed. “No but included. I am happy and so is Julian.”

  “It’s weird.”

  “Getting along with Ty finally?”

  “Yeah, we hashed it all out and now—” I could feel my cheeks flush.

  “Oh,” Lily said, sounding surprised. “Wait, there’s more to this.”

  “Yeah, I think there is, but I’m just as surprised as you are.”

  I sat down on the bench beside her and clasped my fingers together. “Can you not say anything?”

  “This is all you. It’s not my thing to start rumors.”

  “Thanks, Lils. We have only talked, but I think we both want more.” I stood and finished throwing my clothes in my gym bag. “Maybe I’m crazy. This is all crazy. Another reason to keep things quiet.”

  “Tyler is pretty private. I promise this is just our thing.”

  I leaned over and hugged Lily. “Thank you.” I wrapped the strap of my bag over my shoulder and headed out. “See you tomorrow,” I said and raised my hand to wave goodbye. As I left the locker room, I expected to run into Tyler, but I didn’t.

  I was almost to my car when I heard his voice behind me. “Leave you
r car.”

  Turning on my heel, I found myself face to face with him yet again. “Excuse me.”

  “Leave it. I want to take you somewhere.”

  “What if I have plans?”

  “Cancel them.”

  I placed my hand on my hip. “Tyler, being bossy is going to piss me off.”

  “Is it?” he whispered and moved closer.

  “Yes.” He placed his one hand behind my back and brought me close to his body. Then his other hand slid down over my core. “Ty.” I inhaled deeply, surprised by the contact.

  “So you’ll leave your car?”

  “If you ask me nicely.”

  He continued to rub his hand slowly over my most intimate spot. At the same time, he bent his head and peppered light kisses along my jawline and behind my ear. “Zoe, will you please for the love of God leave your car. I want to take you someplace very special.”

  “I’m a mess. I didn’t take a shower yet.”

  “We can shower there.”

  “Tyler.” I noticed how my breathing had increased.

  “Is that a yes?”

  “Yes.” I didn’t hesitate this time. I knew what I wanted.



  “Where are you taking me?” I was sitting beside Tyler. He begged me to ignore the laws and leave the seatbelt alone.

  “You’ll see.” He was sliding his hand back and forth on my inner thigh.

  “If you keep that up, I may make you stop the vehicle and finish what you’re starting.”

  Tyler gave this sideways glance that was hard to read. I was kidding when I said to stop and finish what he started. Then I felt the vehicle slow down. He obviously didn’t think I was joking.

  “What’re you doing?”

  “You told me to stop.”

  “Tyler,” I said and leaned back. “You really want this to be our first time?”

  “First time doing this.” Then he unbuckled his seat belt and turned to face me. “Take your pants off.”

  “Again with the bossy.”




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