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Forbidden Desires Box Set

Page 55

by Katy Kaylee

  Yes, yes! I mentally urged him as he guided me backwards. It didn’t take long for me to feel a wall against my back, and then he was pressing me up against it while his mouth continued to plunder mine.

  The kiss was heated, borderline bruising against me, but I loved the demand of it all. It made me feel like he was so desperate for me, for my touch, that he was going mad from the lack of it. It was a heady feeling, powerful and submissive all at once and I wanted to wrap my mind through it and never let it go.

  And the feel of his tall, ripped body against mine was a certified drug. I could feel the muscles of his thigh against my hip, pinning me against the unforgiving confines of the wall. I could feel the evidence of his arousal pressing through his pants and into my soft belly, the hard length leaving no question of just how much of a ‘temptation’ I was.

  He pulled away ever so slightly, his teeth catching my bottom lip and tugging before he eventually released it. We were both breathing raggedly by that point, and he had to tilt my head to look up at him.

  “God, you’re beautiful like this,” he whispered almost reverently as his thumb soothed my slightly irritated lower lip.

  “Only like this?” I teased. It seemed even when I was being kissed utterly senseless that I still had a bit of my normal sass to me.

  “You’re always beautiful,” he countered expertly. “Just especially so like this.”

  “I think you’re biased.”

  He smiled at that and goodness, if I wasn’t having trouble breathing already. “Maybe.”

  And then his mouth was on me again.

  But this time, it was gentler, more leading. Almost like a dance, actually. I let him instruct me with no words, and it was embarrassing how long it took me to realize that we were moving through my apartment against as his tongue begged entrance between my kiss-swollen lips.

  I rolled with it though, not even thinking anything until the back of my legs hit my bed. I faltered for a moment, but still let Mr. Mannon gently push me down until I was sitting.

  My head was even with his belt buckle and I hesitated for what felt like forever but was probably less than a second. When was I ever going to get another chance to jump the bones of someone so clearly out of my league? Also, when had I ever wanted to jump someone’s bones as hard as I did right then?

  That was enough to convince me, and my hands went to his belt. But before I could so much as tug at it, Mr. Mannon’s large fingers gripped my wrist and pulled them away.

  I looked up at him in confusion, wondering if I had done something wrong, but he just shook his head gently. “I’m the one who’s supposed to be apologizing,” he said before kneeling in front of me.

  I was sure I was wearing the most ridiculous look of surprise on my face because he smiled while gently pressing me backwards to lay flat on the mattress. I complied, my heart thundering in my chest, and once I was settled his huge hands slid under my thighs then yanked them down to the end of the mattress.

  Shit. That was hot.

  His hands slid up my legs, big enough to span the tops of my thick thighs. I watched, utterly entranced, as his fingers slid under the waistband of my leggings and quickly pulled them down with enough force to clear them from my sizable bottom -even though I was laying on my back.

  “Fuck,” he breathed, his hot breath sliding across me.

  It was only then that I remembered that I had forgone wearing underwear that morning. It wasn’t something I did often, but laundry day was coming up and I also didn’t want visible panty lines under my leggings.

  “I-” I wasn’t entirely sure what I was going to say. Maybe an excuse about my nudity? Who knew, because then one of his fingers gently brushed over my slit and all of the air left my body.

  Was this real life? Was my boss actually touching me so intimately? I pushed myself up onto my elbows, flushing at both the rolls that made in my stomach and at how he was staring so intensely at me.

  “You’re making me nervous,” I admitted. It was just a vagina. I was sure he’d seen plenty that were perfectly waxed, bleached and anything else that the rich and famous did to set themselves apart from the unclean masses.

  “You’re just such a pretty pink,” he said, looking at me like he wanted to devour me. And hell, if I wasn’t ready to be served up like a meal. “I want to memorize all of this.”

  Once more, I went to respond, but this one of his hands shifted to grip my inner thigh while the other slid against me again.

  “Don’t tease,” I begged, my hips hitching against him of their own accord. How long had it been since anyone touched me this way? It felt like forever. And I was pretty sure that no one ever looked at me like Mr. Mannon was, all fire and primal hunger.

  “I promise I’ll kiss it and make it better,” he practically growled before bending and putting his mouth to her.


  That was the only word my mind could think of for a moment as his tongue slid between my lips, stroking up until it landed right on that sensitive bundle of nerves. He swirled around it at first, warming the area to his touch, building the anticipation, and when he finally touched directly on it, I almost came.

  “Oh my God,” I gasped, hands going down to grip at his sandy blond hair. It wasn’t nearly as long as Samson’s, not even in the same ballpark, but there was still plenty for me to hold onto.

  And I needed to hold on. He played with me until I could feel how sloppy wet I was and then his mouth slid down to my entrance, tongue sliding in and out of there. It was ridiculous that just that had me spinning towards my own end, mounting higher and higher until suddenly, two of his fingers slid into me and crooked upwards.

  “Mr. Mannon!” I cried, back arching off the bed as I orgasmed so hard, I thought my spine popped in several places. I could feel myself break out in a sweat all over my body and my breathing cut off entirely until I slammed back down to Earth.

  I lay there for several moments before Mr. Mannon shifted. Looking down my body, I saw him sit up and wipe his mouth with the back of his hand, his five o’clock shadow still shining from what he did to me.

  Holy crap, that was also unfairly hot. I felt my body gearing up for round two.

  I sat up faster than I probably ever had in my life -it was enough to get my head spinning- and wrapped my arounds around his shoulders. He pulled me into a kiss which was more tongue than lips, a reminder of exactly what he just did to me. I could taste myself on him and I thought that would be gross but… nope, it was definitely doing it for me.

  He ravaged my mouth until I was feeling wanton and conquered and all sorts of great things, but when we finally pulled apart, I saw he looked a bit guilty.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, nerves suddenly settling in and trying real hard to banish all of the great feelings that I had just been having.

  Had he suddenly come to his senses? Had he realized that he had gone down on his fat employee who was way under his league? Was he disgusted? I suddenly was acutely aware of how heavy my breasts hung on my chest, all my cellulite and veins across my pale, splotchy skin.

  “I just, uh, I feel a bit guilty.”

  Crap. Crap, crap, and more crap. Nothing good started with ‘I feel guilty’.

  “Why?” I asked simply, trying not to freak out. Oh well, at least I was good at keeping my frantic wonderings on my insides.

  “It’s just… having you here like this, looking like a goddess all spread out for me, when I’m pretty sure my best friend is into you.”


  I couldn’t help it. I snorted at the idea that Mr. Loto could possibly into be someone like me. Because who else could Mr. Mannon mean? Everyone knew those two were thick as thieves and had a loooong history together.

  “No, he doesn’t,” I said between surprised little giggles. I didn’t know what kind of game Mr. Mannon was playing at, but it certainly wasn’t one I had expected.

  His brows furrowed slightly. “Actually, I’m pretty sure that he does. Samson
had never broken his no-fraternization rule for anyone. He’s actually never even been tempted, as far as I know. And let me tell you, when I walked in on you guys, I could tell he was more than tempted.”

  “Look, I don’t want to contradict you about how you feel about your best friend, but I’m telling you, there is no way he’s into me.”

  Mr. Mannon’s mouth turned into a crooked kind of smile but I could still see the worry etched all across his features. He felt bad, which I would normally internalize into he thought that sleeping with me was bad, but I could tell that this was all about him and his friendship with Mr. Loto. I couldn’t even imagine having a friend like that for so long. I had never really been good at maintaining connections with people my age in my mad dash for success.

  “And how do you know that?”

  “Because the chances that two people like you could ever be attracted to someone like me is ridiculous.”

  Now he was outright frowning, his thick brows furrowed like I told him we weren’t going to hit our goal for the third quarter. “What do you mean, ‘someone like you’?”

  I shrugged. “You know.”

  He brought his hand up, gently stroking my cheek. Despite the fact that his mouth had just been on my womanhood, it felt intensely intimate. Too intimate. Too tender. “No, I don’t. All I see is a beautiful woman who has no idea how wrecked she makes the people around her.”

  I snorted at that. It wasn’t very flattering but how could I not? He was being absolutely silly. I didn’t wreck people. I wasn’t the type of woman that people lusted over.

  When I didn’t answer further than that, Mr. Mannon stood up. My stomach twisted and I felt… disappointed? How could I feel disappointed after just coming from my super-mega hot boss’ mouth?

  “I take it that this was just a hit and run and I shouldn’t expect anything like it again?” My voice was small as I asked that. I had always told myself I would never beg for anyone’s attention, but I found myself desperately wanting his.

  And it wasn’t just about him being hot. It was the intelligence behind his eyes. The ambition. I’d studied him extensively before I joined the company, and the way both he and Samson held themselves in interview, how they ran their business, all of it had attracted me. Success attracted to me.

  And I wouldn’t be entirely honest if I didn’t admit that their brotherhood, their fierce loyalty to each other over all things struck something within me. Maybe jealousy, wishing I had a connection like that. Maybe awe. I didn’t know, but whatever it was, was heady and now that I had a taste of his attention, I wanted to drown in it.”

  “That depends on you,” he said, going to my bedroom door. “And if you talk to Samson or not.”


  I strode into the front doors of the building with more purpose than I had had in goodness knew how long. I had never been filled to the brim with such determination to prove that someone could never have any interest in me, but that was exactly what I was going to do.

  After Mr. Mannon had left, I hadn’t known what to do with myself. I couldn’t lay back on the bed, the memory of what had happened to me on it was still too fresh and I didn’t want to get all keyed up again just to have to settle things with my own hand. Because even though I’d been using it since I was a teen, I was pretty sure my fingers wouldn’t compare to Mr. Mannon’s expert mouth.

  Thinking about my boss made me shiver with delight and more than my fair share of disbelief. I was intensely attracted to him and he had made me feel like I was in heaven when he went down on me. My head was already conjuring how good his actual dick might feel inside of me, how he would look all muscled and naked against my sheets, so if all I had to do to make that happen was to get Samson to say he wasn’t interested in me, then I was all sorts of up for that.

  I set down my purse at my desk and skipped my normal morning cup of coffee. I was already too hopped up on adrenaline to care. Instead I popped a mint into my mouth so I wouldn’t grind my teeth in the elevator and headed towards the hall that would take me there.

  “Hey, Tabs!”

  I was surprised to see Cecily as she came out of the bathroom, rubbing her stomach as if it had been bothering her.

  “Hey lady,” I responded, pausing for her. “How are you feeling?”

  “Pretty good. You look a whole lot better than yesterday.”

  “Yester-” Oh right. She had walked out of work supposedly sick, but only because it wasn’t appropriate to tell the people working under her that she was actually made enough to commit murder. “Yeah, turns out I just needed some serious rest.”

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me? I can’t say I’ve ever seen you slow down.”

  “Slowing down is for people who’ve already gotten where they want to go. I’ve still got a long road ahead of me.”

  She laughed at that. “I wish I had your ambition.”

  “Don’t,” I said waving my hand. “You’re on the path that’s right for you. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone happier than you and the hubs.”

  It was quite pretty to watch her blush all the way to her ears. It would certainly be nice to feel that way about someone… wouldn’t it?

  “Yeah, we are pretty happy.” A beat of silence passed between us, neither of us seeming to know where to take the conversation. “Sorry, did you need to go?”

  “Ah, no. Just heading up to-” Wait, I didn’t need to tell her where I was going. “HR.” I finished lamely.

  “Oh, is something wrong?”

  “No, I just want to change some banking information and honestly, I trust Annette more than I do the automated system.”

  “Hah, she’s really something, isn’t she?”

  “She really is.” I felt bad using the older woman in my lie, but it wasn’t like it would get back to her or anything. “Well, I should be going.”

  “Alright. I’ll see you when you’re down.”

  “That you will.”

  I gave her a little wave then hurried off, anxious not to run into anyone else I knew. Which was a surprisingly small pool of people. Obviously, I was familiar with the folks on my floor, and Annette, and kinda now Stacy, but the only other people I really knew was James the janitor during the day and Shiva, the admin assistant who stocked the cafeteria and all the break rooms on different floors.

  Oh. And Mr. Mannon, of course. Considering where his mouth had been, he could definitely be included in my ‘people I know’ category.

  I felt my panties grow damp as my mind tried to replay that whole scene, but I cut it off for the umpteenth time. I didn’t need thoughts like those when I was going into hunky Mr. Loto’s office to make him confess that I wasn’t remotely his type.

  I gave a sharp wave to Stacey as I exited the lift and if she thought it was strange that I was there, she didn’t say anything about it. Instead she just gave me a professional little nod as I marched right up to Mr. Loto’s office and let myself in.

  He started to ask something about a coffee, but he stopped short when he saw exactly who it was entering his office. It made me feel a bit cocky to see a man who was so obviously in charge of things look wide eyes and uncertain just at my entrance.

  “Ms. McCreedy,” he started, his low voice stuttering for a beat before he covered it by clearing his throat. “What do you-”

  I marched right over to the same chair I had been in last time and sat with authority. “I need you to tell Xavier that you’re not attracted to me.”

  As I expected, he stared at me like I was crazy. And who knew, maybe I was. The jury was still out on that one.

  “Is this some sort of trap?”

  I shook my head. “No. I just need you to tell him you have absolutely no interest in me and I’m not your type.”

  His expression had changed from one of shock and confusion to one of suspicion. I couldn’t help but wonder how many people had tried to con him in all sorts of bizarre ways for him to have such high walls.


  I had hoped to get away without an explanation, but I figured I would have to. It was all well and good anyways. The two were so close that it didn’t make sense to try to keep secrets from one of them about the other.

  “Because he’s convinced that you have feelings for me and won’t pursue anything with me until I convince him otherwise. So here I am, convincing you.” His face grew troubled, stormy, and my confidence slipped a little as more words rushed out of my mouth. “And I know you’re super against fraternization with employees -for good reason- but I can sign an NDA or whatever you need me to do to protect yourself, I don’t mind. I honestly didn’t even believe Mr. Mannon at first, but he can be pretty convincing.”

  “Well, Ms. McCreedy, there’s just one issue with that.”

  Great. He was going to make this difficult. Would it be so hard for him to go to his best friend so I could get laid by the hottest, richest, most successful man I’d ever known? Was that really such a struggle?

  I licked my lips, trying to think of how I could convince the straight-laced and intense Mr. Loto to let me get my kicks in for once. But instead of staying behind his desk, he stood, crossing around the piece of furniture. I almost expected him to exit, leaving me high and dry with what was basically a no, but instead he stopped right in front of my chair before leaning over me, his large hands gripping either armrest, so I was effectively trapped.

  “One issue?” I whispered, trying to push myself harder into the back of the chair. With him so close to me, I could feel the heat from his body and the power behind his muscles. Already by body started to react, heart pounding and not knowing whether to fight or flight.

  “Yes,” he said, dipping even more forward so that his eyes were boring into mine. They were bright and green and made me want to burn from the inside out. “I’d love to tell Xavier that you’re not by type so you can go and have him turn your world upside, however, that’d be a lie because I am most definitely attracted to you.”


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