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Forbidden Desires Box Set

Page 66

by Katy Kaylee

  “And you said triple pay, right?”

  “Right. Will you do it?” Veronica pleaded. “Please?”

  Thirty minutes later, I was on my way to the designated rendezvous point. I wasn't sure exactly why I had agreed to this, but for some strange reason, I was okay with it. This woman could turn out to be a stone-cold fox, and hey, who was I to deny her the simple pleasures of life.

  I had a strict rule about not having sex with clients, and Veronica knew that, hence why she begged me to do it, and tripling my nightly rate.

  Some might wonder why I would simply pass up the opportunity to have sex and get paid for it, but to me it was a matte of principle. Now, this came as a surprise to even me, but I realized, probably as I got older and wiser, that being respectful to yourself is just as important as being respectful to other people. It was also important to know my worth, and having sex with random women wasn't going to prove that I was worthy. To them, or to society.

  I was well aware that I wasn't the most morally sound person in the world, but some things were just more important than others. Sure, I’d hook up with women who were not paying customers – that was an entirely different thing. As odd as this may sound, I took pride in my work and wasn't going to bring in the baggage I was already dragging behind me.

  When I took this job I was going through a bit of a hard time, and not in the way most people thought.

  Three years ago I met this amazingly hot and witty woman called Teagan. She had fiery red hair, beautiful green eyes, and she was misunderstood, like me. It wasn't until she had drained my savings that I realized she was just a gold-digging little slut who was just after my money. Not that I had a whole lot to begin with. She never paid for anything, expected things to just go her way all the time, and I had to constantly buy her things until I couldn't anymore. She dumped me as soon as I told her I didn’t have any money left.

  And that was the end of it.

  I tried my hardest to forget about her, and her toxic ways, but it was easier said than done. I knew that she wasn't good for me, but it was hard to accept that after everything we had been through, that she only loved my money, and not me.

  I lost my self-worth, and I had no money, so I needed an extra source of income, hence the escort job. It used it as a means to escape my daily life, and spending time alone on the couch, thinking of all the times when I was so pathetically stupid and blind not to see what she was, really didn't help. I now worked in the evenings, spent time with amazing women who knew exactly what it felt like to have been used for their money.

  It was a bitter pill to swallow, as I blamed myself and my fucked up delusions over what love really was, for it all. After having a deep conversation with Pam, one of my clients, she told me something really important, and to this day it had a major impact on my life.

  “It’s her loss, Zac. You know who you are, and you should never let someone like her take that away from you.”

  Pam was right. I knew who I was, and no-one could take that away from me. Also I wasn't the one to blame for being used, Teagan was, but I was to blame for not noticing it earlier. Sure, I was blinded by love, or what I thought was love, but I refused to allow that to happen again.

  Thanks to Pam, and many nights talking in the back of her Bentley, or at her mansion in Beverly Hills.

  Listening to Pam changed my entire mindset, and she soon became like a mother to me. Of course she would never be able to replace my mom, it was nice to have someone who I could talk to about the things going on in my life, and I knew that I could call her any time of the day or night. She often told me that I was like the son she never had, which was one of the nicest things anyone had ever said to me.

  I parked my car in the empty space in front of the building and climbed out, breathing in the cool summer air before making my way to the high-end cocktail bar. I had been there quite a few times, but it wasn't really my scene. Mostly I’d accompany clients to fancy events, not one-on-one meeting. That was more Colton’s scene anyway, but I was already here, so why not? It would actually be interesting to meet this client, get to know them for a bit, and then go back to their place, or wherever they preferred to have sex.

  I walked through the glass doors and scouted the inside, trying to find my date. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of red and I smiled. She had her back to me and I approached her table on the other side of the cocktail bar. When I came closer though, I stopped dead in my tracks for a moment.


  It couldn't be, could it?

  Sipping on a Cosmo, Liv sat wearing a sexy red dress.

  Was she the client?

  I scanned around the bar, but there was no-one else wearing a red dress, so it had to be. As I approached the table, she glanced up at me and frowned.


  “Hey, Liv,” I said with a smirk. “You look nice.”

  “Thanks,” she stuttered and looked around her. “What are you doing here?”

  “I come here all the time,” I joked.

  “Yeah, sure,” she said with a shrug.

  “Are you meeting someone?” I asked smugly.

  “No, I mean, yeah.”

  I cocked my head at her and crossed my arms.

  “Why are you all dressed up? I’ve never seen you wear something like this, not even to your prom,” she asked.

  “How do you remember what I wore to prom?”

  She narrowed her beautiful eyes at me said, “You can’t answer a question with another question, Zac.”

  “Says who?” I pouted.

  She sighed and lowered her gaze. “Look, I am meeting someone, so can you just go? I don't want him think that you and I...”

  Even though her voice trailed, I knew exactly what she was going to say.

  I chuckled and pulled out the chair, seeing the horror on her face as I sat down opposite her.

  “Zac, what the hell are you doing?” she hissed discreetly.

  “I’m keeping you company until your date arrives,” I answered nonchalantly.

  “No, just go. Please.”

  “Are you seriously chasing me away?”

  “Yes,” she answered curtly.

  “Are you meeting the blind date that Alice wanted you to go on?” I asked.

  “No. I didn't agree to it.”

  “Alice doesn't know you’re here, right?” I asked and leaned in closer to her.

  “If you tell her, I swear to god I will kill you,” she whispered.

  I raised my hands in the air and scoffed. “I won’t tell if you won’t.”


  “Turns out that we’re both keeping secrets from Alice,” I said and sat back against the backrest.

  “What are trying to say?” she asked me.

  I smirked again and said, “I’m your guy.”


  Oh god.

  “What?” I exclaimed.

  “I’m the guy you’re supposed to meet.”

  “No, Zac. That is impossible,” I said to him.

  There was absolutely no way that this could possibly be true. He was probably making a stupid joke and I was not going to fall for it. Zac was known for being an asshole, and for making jokes at other people’s expense, so I didn't trust him at all, regardless of how hot he was.

  “You are so full of shit,” I muttered.

  “Would I lie to you?” he said and gave me a look that made me melt in my chair.

  The intent look on his face bore straight through me and for a split second I wondered what it would be like to have sex with him. He was seriously hot, with his green eyes and strong jaw, but it didn't change the fact that he was a bad boy. There was a reason why guys like him were called bad, because they’re bad for girls like me. All of them were, and I had the experience to prove it.

  His eyebrows raised expectantly, since I hadn't answered him and I lowered my gaze. “I don’t know. Would you?”

  “Look, I know you may find this hard to believe but this is k
ind of what I do,” he said.

  “What?” I asked and glanced at him.

  “I’m an escort.”

  “Are you kidding right now?” I stuttered.

  “No, I’m not. I work for an agency and I accompany women to events and enjoy their company.”

  “And by company, you mean have sex with them?” I asked.

  “No, I don’t have sex with them. It’s against my rules.”

  “So why are you here? Did you know it was going to be me?” I asked, my heart pounding in my chest. Maybe I didn't want to hear the answer to that question, but I had already asked it.

  “I didn't know, I swear. I just got a call and I came,” he answered sincerely.

  Honestly, I believed him.

  What I couldn't believe was that he was an escort. That was the weirdest thing to wrap my head around. Those women sure were desperate to pay money to have someone like him by their side. Okay, okay, I had to admit, it probably wasn't that overreaching, but still.

  “Alice doesn't know about this,” he said to me, “in fact no-one does, and I would like to keep it that way.”

  “Sure, I won’t say a word. This is your business, it has nothing to do with me, and it’s not my place to tell Alice either,” I said.

  “Thanks, Liv,” he said with a sincere and grateful tone.

  “Is this the reason why you suddenly just have to go? You get a call and you leave?” I asked.

  “Pretty much, yes.”

  “How long have you been doing this?” I asked and took a sip of my drink.

  Before he could answer, the waitress approached the table and smiled at Zac, which came as no surprise. He was dressed in a crisp white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a pair of dark blue jeans and he smelled incredible. His light brown hair was styled and his face was smooth and shaved. He reminded me of the Zac I used to dream about in high school, when he was still a football player. I

  I watched him as he interacted with the waitress, always at ease with himself, and she left with a giggle.

  I placed my elbow on the table and rested my chin on my palm.

  “What?” he asked with a grin.

  “How do you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “Act so confidently? Does it run in your family, or something?” I asked.

  Zac chuckled and shook his head. “I don't think so.”

  “Tell me. I would love to know. I’m not the most confident of people, you should know that,” I said.

  “I can’t just tell you to be confident, can I? You have to do it by yourself,” he said.

  “That’s why I’m here, I guess.”

  “And you think having sex with a random guy is going to make you more confident?” he asked, leaning in closer again.

  “It might,” I answered breathless by his closeness. “Besides, you’re not a random guy.”

  “And if it wasn't me?”

  Then that would be a fucking pity, because you’re hot as fuck, I wanted to say but I couldn't. I could never say the things I wanted to say to Zac. Ever. Not only was he my best friend’s brother, which made him totally off-limits to me, but he was also Bad Boy Zac, and knowing from experience, nothing good could come of it.

  The waitress approached the table with our drinks and she winked at Zac, which I found a little disrespectful and forward, but it was also expected. She left our table, but strangely enough, Zac didn't give her a second glance.

  Zac took a sip of his bourbon and glanced at me expectantly. “What if it wasn't me?”

  “Who else would it have been?” I asked quietly and shrugged. “I guess I was just afraid that if I went to a bar and had a one night stand with some bartender or whatever, I might just wake up the next morning, either dead, or in a bathtub filled with ice missing a kidney.”

  Zac stifled a laugh and I shook my head in disapproval. “It’s not funny.”

  “Those things don’t really happen,” he scoffed.

  “I may be naive, but I’m not stupid, you know.”

  To my surprise, Zac reached out to me and touched my chin briefly. “I never said you were.”

  His touch made my skin tingle and my cheeks burnt under all my foundation. I bit my bottom lip briefly and exhaled slowly.

  “So why this?” he asked.


  “Why go to such drastic measures to hook up with a guy, besides the fact that you want to make sure they’re not serial killers, or after your organs?” he asked. “Is it because of Alice?”

  “Yes, and no.”

  “It can’t be both.”

  “Of course it can,” I contended. “I’m doing it because I want to get Alice off my back, and I am doing it for myself. I’ve never had...” My voice failed me and I cleared my throat. “I’ve never had...”

  Zac’s eyebrows lifted and he finished my sentence for me. “You’ve never had sex?”

  “No,” I sighed.

  “Are you serious?” he asked and I nodded. “Wow, that’s surprising.”

  “Why would you say that?”

  He motioned to me and said, “Look at you. You’re hot.”

  I let out a laugh and shook my head. “Stop it.”

  “I’m serious, Liv. You’re not like most women I know, which is a good thing, because the women I usually hang out with are-”

  “Sluts? Whores?” I interjected.

  “I was going to say bitchy and only after one thing, but okay,” he cringed and tapped his fingers on the table. “You’re different.”

  “In which way? I’m not as skinny like a supermodel, or pretty? Am I too smart? Do I read too many books?”

  “That’s not what I meant, Liv, and you know that.”

  “Then why am I different?” I asked.

  Zac sighed and looked at me intently. “You’re not fake, and you’re witty, and smart and you make people around you happy. Like Alice. She would never had been so strong and happy if it wasn't for you being friends with her.”

  I scoffed and shook my head. “Alice doesn't need me to be strong. She’s fearless.”

  “Because of you,” he said simply and took a sip of his drink.

  There were a few moments of silence between us and I had to admit, it wasn't as awkward any more. Sitting in this overpriced cocktail bar on the right side of town with Zac, looking fine as hell, and mot looking to bad myself, something changed inside me. It was weird to explain, though. It almost felt normal, comfortable, and I wasn't sure why.

  Zac had never been the type of guy who went out of his way to make me feel comfortable. He wasn't horrible to me while we were growing up, he was just older, and didn't really care for hanging out with his younger sister and her awkward best friend. I understood that, because I had a brother of my own, and I’d regularly get excluded when his friends were over at our house.

  But sitting here with him, sipping my drink, feeling the alcohol go to my head, I wondered what he was thinking. Was he actually going to have sex with me tonight?

  Was I going to allow it?

  This was the reason why I got all dressed up in my red dress. I wanted to lose my virginity, and Zac was the guy who showed up.

  Would he go through with it?

  He had a strange look on his handsome face, the face I secretly stared at while I was growing up, and something stirred up inside me. It wouldn't be the worse thing in the world if he did want to go through with tonight.

  Honestly, I had always fantasized about what it would be like with him, so it would be like the ultimate fantasy coming true. I was just afraid that once wouldn't be enough.

  Or maybe it would be so incredibly awkward that i’d never want to see him again for the rest of my life.

  Which one would I rather live with?

  I took a sip of my drink and watched him finish his. “What do you say we blow this joint?”

  I raised my eyebrows at his weird accent and cringed. “Where to then?”

  “My place.”

  “Your place,” I

  “Yeah. You didn't think that I was going to allow you to chicken out of tonight, right?” he smirked.

  “I am guessing no?” I said with apprehension.

  “Correct. I take my job very seriously, Liv, and I don’t think that I would ever be able to live with myself if I didn't give you exactly what you paid for.”

  I opened my mouth to say something clever, or witty, but there were no words. I had no idea what to say to him, so I simply drank the rest of my drink and placed the glass on the table.

  The corners of his mouth curled upwards seductively and his green eyes sparkled. “Shall we go?”

  “Sure,” I said and stood from my chair.

  The car ride to his apartment was brief, and quiet, but thankfully it wasn't uncomfortable. I watched as the lights of the city change as we drove into his neighborhood and I cocked my head.

  “I’ve never been to your apartment before,” I said, still staring out the window.

  “That’s not surprising. I’ve never been to yours either.”

  “Do you ever take your dates back to your place?” I asked, glancing at him.

  “No,” he said in a deep and disapproving tone. “I don’t normally have dates you come back to my place. I sometimes go to theirs, but mostly I get dropped off outside my building.”

  “Wow, that’s chivalrous,” I muttered.

  “It’s not what you think, okay. These woman I accompany-”

  “So that’s what you’re calling it? Accompany?”

  “That’s exactly what it is. I’m their date, the person who makes them laugh and feel good about themselves.”

  “Do you like it?” I asked.

  “I do. You might find this hard to believe but those women are great. They’re smart and witty and great company,” he explained.

  “It’s not hard to believe. You have that charming nature, so you can have any woman eating out of the palm of your hand,” I chuckled.

  “Even you?” he asked with a smirk.

  I shrugged and answered, “I don’t think you’re that good, but you’re welcome to try.”

  “I will.”

  What the hell was I thinking? Flirting with him so blatantly? I had to be drunk, there was not other explanation. I had never been able to say more than five words to this guy, and now I was being all sexy and alluring.


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