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Forbidden Desires Box Set

Page 87

by Katy Kaylee

  I was stunned to say the fucking least.


  “He actually said that?” Claire said over the phone later that night.

  After I had confronted Dillon in the hallway, I waited until he went to sleep before calling Claire to tell her what happened.

  “He did. I believe his exact words where ‘in a heartbeat’, so,” I answered.

  “That’s great.”

  “How is that great?” I asked.

  “God, you’re such a little sexpot and you don’t even know it.”

  “Claire, focus, please. I don’t know what to do.”

  “Just keep doing what you’re doing, just a little more subtle. You want him to notice you, and what you’re doing, without you shoving your tits in his face.”

  “I would prefer that. My poor heart is not going to survive another rejection,” I snorted. “We were literally a second away from kissing, and he pulled back.”

  “Because he respects you,” Claire pointed out.

  “If he respected me, then he would have fucked me right there on the counter. God, I have needs too you know.”

  “Well, tell him that,” she suggested. “Like an employer slash employee with benefits.”

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  “He is a businessman, Malia. He might go for it,” Claire said, and I could hear her chewing on something.

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “You can do it, you sexy little vixen.”

  Claire’s statement made me laugh and I said, “I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Have a good night,” she sang and I ended the call. I placed my phone on my bedside table and fell down against the pillows, staring into the darkness. My mind wandered as I tried to think about what I needed to do to get Dillon back on track again. I had to tone it down a little, because I knew I went a little too far. I had to keep him interested, but play a little hard to get as well. I wanted him to be the one who begged me, but I wondered if that would happen at all.

  If there was one thing I had learnt about Dillon the past three years, it was that if he made up his mind about something, nothing could change his mind, not even Willow. He stuck by his decisions, which was normally an admirable trait, but definitely not in this case. I feared that if I tarted myself up for him that he would just distance himself from me, because he had made up his mind that getting sexually involved with me was a big mistake.

  At least I knew that he wanted to, he just couldn’t.

  I hated moral dilemmas, and I wished that Dillon would throw caution to the wind and just do what he admitted to me in the hallway.

  I understood why he didn't want to, but I was pretty sure I could somehow convince him that it would just be a one-time thing. Well, I hoped I could.

  I spent another hour mulling over my plan of action, and finally fells asleep, dreaming of waterfalls and earthquakes.

  It was weird.

  The following morning was uneventful as I took Willow to school. Were both quiet, but neither of us asked the other what was wrong. I hoped she didn’t hear our conversation in the hallway, and was too inquisitive to not ask.

  “You’re quiet this morning,” I stated.

  “So are you,” she replied.

  “I couldn’t sleep,” I shrugged.

  “I heard you talking to someone.”

  Oh god. My heart plummeted right down to my feet, but managed to keep my outward composure. “You did?”

  “Yeah. Who were you talking to?”

  “You only heard me?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” she answered with a frown. “You were talking to someone else, weren’t you? Because I saw a show on TV where a woman was taken to an asylum because she talked to herself as well.”

  “No, I wasn’t talking to myself,” I scoffed, and remembered that I spoke to Claire on the phone. “I was talking to my best friend, Claire.”

  “Good, because once you go into that place, you don’t come back out,” Willow said with wide eyes.

  “You shouldn’t watch late night television, you know,” I said in my stern voice. “It’s not for kids.”

  “I’m not a kid, I’m nine. I’ll soon be in my tens.”

  “Ten’s don’t mean a thing, honey,” I said in my best mid-Western accent. “It’s the teens you have to look forward to.”

  “Great, more waiting,” Willow sighed. “Can’t I just be an adult already? All this waiting is infuriating.”

  “If I can give you one piece of advice, don’t wish your life away. Be in the moment and enjoy being a kid. When you’re a teen, enjoy being one. When you’re an adult, enjoy being one, because once you’re there, you realize that it’s not all it’s cracked up to be,” I explained.

  “Being an adult is hard,” she pointed out. “I see what is does to Daddy. He’s exhausted, his head hurts and he’s all alone.”

  I stopped the car at a red light and glanced at her. “He’s not alone, he had you.”

  “That’s not what I mean. He doesn’t have a girlfriend. He’s just by himself. Sometimes he looks really lonely. And stressed out,” Willow said.

  “Maybe we should find him a girlfriend,” I joked.

  “That would be a great idea, if he wasn't so picky.”

  “He’s picky about women?” I asked, pretending to be a bit more oblivious than I was.

  “Yes. He sometimes goes on dates, and they don’t really go anywhere. I’ve never met any of the women he goes out on dates with,” she said.

  “Maybe they weren’t the right kind of woman for him, and he didn't want to bring them to meet you, because he knew that,” I suggested and cringed, “which makes him really picky. You’re right.”

  “I told you,” Willow sighed. “Why don’t you be his girlfriend?”

  “Are you kidding? Your dad is my boss. That’s just unethical,” I chuckled nervously.

  “Yeah, you’re probably right. You’re too young for my dad,” she muttered and glanced out the window.

  I bit down on my bottom lip and narrowed my eyes slightly, trying not to be too offended by what Willow had said. I also couldn’t help thinking that she was right. I was too young for Dillon, too different. It would never work.

  I stopped the car in front of the school and glanced at her. “Have a good day at school.”

  “Thank you. I ‘ll see you later.”

  “Bye, Will.”

  She climbed out and closed the door, waving at me before she headed into the school grounds. I waited for a few seconds before driving back home. I didn’t have any errands to run today, so I could spend some time at home, lounging around the house, wash my hair, and maybe watch a few movies. In fact, anything to keep my mind busy, and off of Dillon.

  I stopped in front of the gate and pressed both the gate and the garage door button on my keychain. The gate opened and I drove in. As the garage door slowly opened, Dillon’s Volvo SUV was parked in the garage, which was weird. I parked my car beside his and went into the house.

  Upon entering the kitchen, I saw him hunched over against the counter, the strong aroma of coffee hanging in the air. I placed my keys on the counter and took a deep breath. I had to pretend like everything was still normal.

  “Good morning,” I said cheerfully.

  Dillon turned to me and my smile disappeared. He looked like he as hit by a train, for real. His eyes were bloodshot, there were dark circles under his eyes, and a five 0’clock shadow graced his chin, jaw and cheeks. His hair wasn’t styled like it would be normally, and he still wore what I could only assume was what he had slept in last night.

  He looked fucking hot, all rough and rugged, but there lacked a certain element of allure in his eyes.

  “Morning,” he muttered, his voice sounding hoarse and raspy.

  “Oh my god. You sound terrible,” I said as I rushed over to him. “Are you okay?”

  “Headache, throat. Everything hurts,” he muttered.

  “You should be in bed then. Do you want me to
call the office?”

  “No, I already did.”

  “Okay. Do you want me to get you anything?” I asked.

  He raked his fingers through his hair and shook his head. “No, I’ll be fine. I don’t want you to go out of your way for me.”

  I studied him for a few seconds and nodded. “Don’t be ridiculous. I was going to fix myself some breakfast anyway, so it’s no trouble. You just go lie down. I’ll bring it up for you.”

  He glanced at me, his eyes dull and nodded gratefully. “Thank you.”

  “Go on,” I urged him and he stood up.

  I watched him hobble out of the kitchen and up the stairs, and felt a little sorry for him. This had been the first time I had seen him sick and it was painful to watch. Willow was right, he was feeling really sorry for himself, and acting like a big baby.

  While I prepared breakfast for the two of us, I took out a few tablets and placed them on a wooden tray. I had a pretty good idea what to dose him with to make him feel back to normal in the shortest possible amount of time.

  A short while later, I walked up the stairs with the tray, a delicious breakfast waiting for him and made my way to his bedroom. The door was slightly ajar and a I stepped inside, the blinds were tightly shut, blocking out any light. He had those blinds especially fitted for when he had a migraine. The darker it was in his room during that time, the more comfortable it was for him.

  He lay in a pile on the bed, covered in his blanket and I approached the bed.

  “Are you awake?”

  “Yes,” I heard from under the covers.

  “Okay, sit up for me, please,” I ordered gently and I was rather surprised that he actually obeyed.

  I placed the tray over his lap and looked at him. “Make sure to drink all three pills I set out. It’ll make you feel better, okay?”

  “I will. Thank you, Malia.”

  “You’re welcome I smiled and turned to the door.

  “Wait,” he said, “would you sit with me?”

  I narrowed my eyes and pouted. “You’re not contagious, are you?”

  “No, what I have is not contagious.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “A stressful work environment,” he answered.

  “Yeah, I don’t have that,” I smirked. “Okay, I’ll bring my breakfast up.”

  “Great,” he said.

  I left his bedroom, feeling a little dizzy, but I fobbed it off. I fetched my food and joined him in his room. He motioned to the empty space beside him on the bed, but I opted for the ottoman at the foot of the bed.

  “I want to talk to you about last night, if that’s okay?” he asked in between bites.

  “What’s there to talk about?” I asked with a shrug.

  “I just feel that there was a lot of feelings that were hurt and I don’t want that to change anything between us. I love how things are right now, how happy this household is. I guess I’m just afraid that…” His voice trailed and I frowned at him.

  “You’re afraid that what?” I asked.

  “I don’t want this to end badly. Willow trusts you, and if you had to leave because things became uncomfortable between us-”

  “Hold on,” I said and shook my head. “What makes you think that things are going to end badly?”

  “They usually do.”

  “I’m a little offended, you know,” I muttered and bit off a piece of toast.

  “I have to be realistic.”

  “Look, to clarify, I wasn’t looking for a relationship with you. I was just looking for a one time thing.”

  “With me?”

  “Yeah,” I answered and bit my bottom lip.

  “How would that work exactly?” he asked, and a dim sparkle started to return to his eyes. “That is, if that was what you still want.”

  “I wouldn’t be sitting here if it wasn't,” I said with a shrug. “The way it would work, is we do it once, just to get it out of our systems and that’ll be that.”

  “Just once?”

  “Yes. We’re not compatible in any other way, right? I’m apparently way too young for you, and we both know we have very little in common, so starting a relationship would be crazy. I’m your daughter’s nanny. If we were to start a relationship, you’ll always be known as the billionaire from Palm Beach who fucked the nanny. I don’t want that for you,” I explained.

  My words seemed to amuse him as the corners of his mouth curled upward and he nodded. “Right. Like that other British actor.”

  “Right. No-one forgave for that, and he hasn’t been seen in too many movies lately either,” I cringed.

  “Can I think about it?”

  “Sure, if you have to,” I said and stood from the ottoman. “Just don’t take too long, and don’t overthink it. You have a tendency to do that.”

  I picked up my tray and headed to the door. “I’ll be back for that. Finish up and get some rest.”

  He’s going to need it.



  My head swam as I watched Malia leave my bedroom and quickly drank down the pills she had set out for me. I had to admit, it was very kind of her to serve me the way she did, and take care of me the way she did. Our conversation, however, was anything but kind. She wanted to have sex with me, a one time thing, and I was oddly okay with that. I only told her that I would think about it so that I can feel better, without a pulsing headache that could fuck up any chances I had.

  I finished my breakfast, already feeling the effects of the pills, and set the tray down on the ottoman at the foot of my bed. I fell down into my bed, wrapped myself up in a blanket cocoon and fell into a dead sleep. I didn't hear Malia reenter the room to clear away the tray, or anything. A bomb could have exploded beside me and I would have slept through it.

  I woke up with a start two hours later, and was surprised that it was still so early. My head felt much better, and I silently thanked Malia for knowing exactly what I needed to cure this godforsaken headache. I’d been suffering from these migraines and headaches for almost five years now, and it was beginning to get old and tedious. I was too old for this shit, and just wanted to be as chilled as I used to be when I was a teenager.

  I climbed out of bed and opened the shutters slightly. The sunlight instantaneously drenched the entire room in warm sunlight and I wasn’t in any kind of pain. I had to ask Malai what those pills were, they were golden. As I glanced down at the pool area, I saw her lounged out on one of the wooden loungers, in a bikini, and I took a deep breath.

  She was doing this on purpose, I just knew it. She was trying to get me to surrender to her every whim by showing off as much of her stunningly, sexy body as she could. It was a fucking good strategy, because it was working.

  I tore my eyes away from her, took a quick shower, and went downstairs. I stepped out through the sliding door and she glanced at me with a coy smile.

  “You’re up,” she beamed.

  In more ways than one.

  “Yeah. That combination of pills you gave me were phenomenal,” I said.

  “I was just doing my job; taking care of the kid,” she pouted.

  I pursed my lips briefly and chuckled. “Right.”

  “I’m glad you’re feeling better,” she said and sat upright. Her breasts pressed together and I took another deep breath.

  She narrowed her eyes at me and cocked her head.

  I glanced over at the pool house and grinned to myself.

  “What’s on your mind, Mr. Marsh?” she asked.

  I approached her slowly and stopped by the footed of the lounger. She glanced up at me and smirked.

  “I’ve been thinking about what you said, and I may have had a really lucid dream about it,” I said with a frown.

  “Oh, really?” she asked, intrigue causing her blue eyes to sparkle. She stood up slowly and stood a few inches away from me. “Was it good?”

  “Very,” I whispered.

  “So what did you decide?” she whispered in return.

/>   “Just a one-time thing, right?” I asked, and she nodded, staring at me intently. I glanced at the pool house again and she followed my gaze.

  “Let’s do this, Mr. Marsh,” she said and brushed past me, causing my body to tingle all over. My erection was already rock hard and I wasn’t sure how I was going to last very long with her. I followed her to to the pool house, making sure that there wasn’t a member of the security staff anywhere in sight.

  Sure, it was my house and I could do whatever I wanted, I didn’t want them to know. I didn’t want anyone to know, especially not Willow.

  The pool house was dimly lit, due to the shutters still being closed, and upon entering it, Malia closed the door behind me.

  “So where do you want to do this, Mr. Marsh?” she asked in an innocent voice.

  I turned to her and straightened my shoulders. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “Come on, down chicken out on me now,” she said and approached me. She slipped her hands under my t-shirt and ran her fingers along my waist.

  “I’m not the kind of man who backs away,” I said, more breathlessly than I thought I would. I didn’t want her to realize that she had me exactly where she wanted me. I had to regain control, and fast.

  “That’s good to know,” she smirked. “You know, I’ve had such horrible luck when it came to dating, but then I realized my problem?”

  “And what was that?”

  “I didn’t date real men. I am so sick of all the boys trying so hard. They always came up very short,” she whispered, biting her lower lip and glanced up at me. “For once I want a real man who can fuck me senseless.”

  I wasn’t sure what came over me at that moment, but my best guess would be my primitive brain took over. I grabbed her wrists and pushed her against the wall. Her blue eyes sparkled, even in the dim lighting and she broke free from my grasp, which was pretty impressive. She pulled up the hem of my t-shirt and slipped it over my shoulders. She leaned in closer to me and her lips pressed up against mine. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pulled her up against me. She parted her lips, allowing me access to her sweet and wet mouth and my tongue did an alluring and seductive dance with hers. I hardened against her thigh and she groaned against my lips. Pressing myself against her, even more than I already was, she pulled her lips from mine, throwing her head back. I kissed the soft skin of her neck and she pressed her fingers into my back while panting heavily. My hands slid down her waist to her hips and down to her bikini bottoms. I slid my one hand under the fabric and felt just how wet she was, which was about enough to push me over the edge. A sexy groan escaped her throat as I slipped a finger inside her. I started off slow, despite the urge to rip off her bikini bottoms and fuck her senseless, as she had said moments before. As I quickened my pace, her moans grew louder and her back arched.


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