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Page 11

by Holly S. Roberts

  He tries a different attack. “What do you estimate their numbers at?” He’s watching me closely.

  “I only saw about fifty until they sent a hundred with me.” I shrug. “The longer I was there, they became lax in what they talked about around me. I can’t be absolutely sure, but I’d estimate their total number at around two hundred. They’re worried about an attack from us and no matter how much I reassured them, I don’t think they believed me. But really, what would we want with their island? We have everything we need here.”

  He doesn’t give me time to take more than a breath before he fires off his next question. “And weapons?”

  I look up at the ceiling like I’m counting something before I answer, “Their guns are much older than ours, Russian made, or at least the ones I saw were. I think their guns are in very short supply because most Shadow Warriors didn’t carry them. If you checked the weapons the Warriors brought, you can see they need replacing.” I give him my pleading gaze or at least I hope it is. Ms. Beast’s grumbles are getting out of control. “I told them, as a bargaining chip, that the U.S. would provide them weapons if they helped us. I hope we come through. I don’t want them thinking I outright lied about it.”

  He ignores this. “Did you have sexual relations with King?”

  He asks it so casually like my answer either way would be okay. My cheeks grow warm as Ms. Beast rumbles include a nice kick to my kidneys. I slow down my breathing to compensate and cover my eyes slightly like I’m embarrassed when what I’m really doing is trying not to gasp for air. She needs to help here not make it harder. “King wanted to and I know it was expected of me. I would do anything for my country. Or at least I thought I could.” I lower my voice again. “He’s an animal and I just couldn’t be with him in that way.”

  He gives no sign of compassion whatsoever. “Was he angry?”

  I shrug. “Maybe a little at first. It delayed negotiations for a few weeks. In the end he respected my decision. It actually surprised me that I wasn’t forced.” I grab my arms and rock back and forth. It’s all I can think of to do so I portray feelings of fear and worry that aren’t anywhere in my psyche.

  He tosses out the next question without missing a beat, “What about women?”

  “On the island?” I ask. King and I covered this because we knew they would question me about everything. “I only saw a few and most were old and used as servants. From my analysis, along with things I overheard, there were maybe a hundred humans left on the island when the Shadow Warriors originally landed and those are still there. They never spoke to me and I don’t understand Spanish. I can’t give you much information on them other than to assure you they are not a threat. The Shadow Warriors treated me well, but I don’t think the islanders receive the same treatment.” I shrug again. “That’s just a feeling I have.”

  Charles places his hand on the file folder and thrums it with his fingers. Does he believe me?

  “We may have more questions for you, Marinah. I hope you don’t mind if I call on you again?” Now, he’s decided to be pleasant. It doesn’t sit well and I can’t help wondering if I tipped him off about something.

  “No,” I say and shake my head as I try to keep my expression apprehensive. “I just want to help the Federation. Spending time on that island made me see things differently. I think the Warriors can be trusted to a point. After that, the sooner we take care of the hellhounds the better.”

  Our interview is over. Daniels meets me outside the interrogation room and escorts me back to my room without comment. I don’t relax until my door shuts behind me.

  Chapter Eighteen


  THE COOL NIGHT air rolls over me, the small bite of wind unwelcomed by Beast. I’m sitting by a small fire on a ledge in the hills, looking about thirty feet down from a cliff, with only one thought on my mind.


  The separation has Beast boiling beneath the surface doing everything he can to force my hand. Claws rake my insides and squeeze my internal organs. I crave her like air and must remind myself that we’re doing this for the greater good. That good has weighed on me since Greystone’s death. I never felt I was good enough to take his place, I also knew I was the only one who could do it, so it became my sacrifice. A sacrifice I’m now regretting because of my separation from Marinah.

  Movement in the distance draws my attention and I wait until they’re closer before notifying the men that one of the other teams has arrived. It’s Nokita and his men. They’re tired and hungry having traveled a greater distance than we covered. It’s an hour before the men are situated and I have a chance to talk with Nokita privately. We walk to my fire, sit on the ground and take a few minutes to appreciate its warmth.

  “The countryside to the south is mostly barren,” Nokita finally says.

  “Humans?” I ask.

  “A few. They stayed clear of us, didn’t follow, and caused no trouble. They were unaware we saw them. Federation troops were a bigger problem and they held about twenty human prisoners.”

  “We saw the same thing. The humans are hiding from them and have hellhounds to contend with too.”

  He glances out over the valley his thought obviously troubled. “Yes, that is my view also.”

  We contemplate our discoveries for a few minutes before I catch him up on everything I saw when coming here.

  “They’re killing their own people?” Nokita asks in horror, anger burning in his eyes.

  “If you don’t join their army, death is the only option.”

  After a few contemplative minutes, he changes the subject. “Any word from Beck?”

  “No.” Beck’s team is the farthest out and it could still be days or weeks before they join us.

  “Your mate?”

  “Labyrinth told our man that she’s holding her own. She’s safe for the moment and has Labyrinth for backup if needed.” Beast rumbles at the thought of Labyrinth anywhere near Marinah.

  Nokita watches me closely. “Is it difficult?”

  I meet Nokita’s eyes and hold his gaze because I know exactly what he’s asking. “Nearly impossible.”

  He grunts. Mating is tricky for Shadow Warriors and I’m the first in hundreds of years to mate with one of our kind, so none of us really know what to expect. While Marinah read our history and shared what she learned, I realized the culture we came from on our home planet has little to do with what is happening on Earth. In our history we were never peaceful farmers. Each Warrior, male and female, was born with one purpose and that purpose was to die in war. Finding a balance between what we were before and hundreds of years of passive farming is our only option. Marinah is the key. She’s more human than us and also more Shadow Warrior than we are. We needed time to understand and appreciate the miracle she truly is and I’m resentful that time was cut so short.

  To live in peace with humans we must be part of their civilization. We will not, however, roll over and allow them to treat us like animals and dissect us. We also won’t tolerate the Federation’s corrupt government.

  Nokita’s gaze leaves mine and he uses a stick to draw circles in the dirt. “I wish to mate with Maylin.”

  The man has a death wish. Maylin is the last female I’d choose for any of my Warriors if I had that option. I don’t understand what it is about her that attracts my men. I’m wise enough to let none of this show in my expression. “Will she have you?”

  He looks between his legs and stops moving the stick. “I haven’t asked her. It’s too soon, she’s still in mourning for Boot.”

  I don’t need to ask if he’ll accept her children. To us, children are sacred. “I was never sure if she loved Boot,” I say, choosing my words carefully

  He doesn’t hesitate. “She did.” I can hear something else in his voice too which I’m unsure of.

  I can’t help a small grin. It’s strange seeing a lovesick Nokita. “She would be crazy to pass up an offer from you.”

  He shakes his head and smiles. “I’v
e loved her for a long time. Boot just got to her first.”

  Makes sense for any other woman besides the harpy and it’s my turn to shake my head. “You were dominant to Boot, you should have offered anyway.”

  Now he looks up. “She wanted him.”

  And that says it all. “Take your time and do things right,” I tell him.

  “That’s the plan. I hoped being away from her would make this easier. It hasn’t. My beast grumbles non-stop.”

  Beast troubles abound in us both. “Let’s run. I have the same problem and need to work off some Beast energy.”

  We shift and head into the night ready for anything, craving our mates, and hoping to come across hellhounds to work off some of this damn mating rage.

  Whatever you’re doing Marinah, I’m close. Hold on.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I’M TOLD BY Officer Daniels that I need an escort to visit my friends at my old job. Friends is a loose term. I did my job, went home, and rarely socialized. It was easier that way, though they consistently invited me out. “Out” is anywhere they could find a drink. If I started downing alcohol, I wouldn’t have stopped. It was better to stay away.

  The escort Officer Daniels arranged doesn’t arrive until about an hour before the analyst shift is over. I’m sure it was planned this way. What they don’t know is it could work in my favor. I need my co-workers to invite me out and I’m hoping after my long absence, they will. My guard stays at the door when we enter the small box-like room I called home during working hours. Stark gray desks with writing utensils fill the room. Nothing to adorn the walls and nothing personal scattered around such as pictures or mementos. This is where I worked and socializing as well as decoration of any kind was frowned upon. I never questioned why.

  Thad, in his late thirties and nice-looking if a bit short for my tastes, is in charge of this division. He isn’t one of my favorite people and the other analysts shared my distaste. Thad never goes drinking with them and I’m praying my luck holds. He’s someone I’m uninclined to trust. The rest of my co-workers are wait and see.

  Kara, the ring-leader of the drinking group, notices me first. She’s dressed in military fatigues like Thad and everyone else. I suddenly miss the colors on King’s island. From houses to clothing worn by the Cuban population, I saw little of the putrid green camouflage I’m surrounded by here.

  Though we were not exactly friends, Kara runs across the room and throws herself into my arms, squeezing the air from my lungs and making Ms. Beast growl at her proximity. I guess she doesn’t like being held onto.

  “Marinah, we thought you were dead,” Kara cries, wiping away tears. The tears make me feel bad for using her to get what I need. She’s always been sweet to me even when I ignore her group as much as possible.

  I give her a tentative smile. “I’m alive,” I assure her.

  She seems genuinely pleased to see me and if I’m honest, I’m glad to see her too, even though I still don’t know if I can trust her. I might not have been the most outspoken one working here, far from it actually, but I care for these people. “Where were you? Are you coming back to work?” she asks excitedly.

  This answers the question if they were told about my advancement in the Federation. “I was doing work for the gov and I’ve been promoted.”

  “Do you hear that?” she says and turns to the others in the small room. “Marinah was promoted.” She glances back at me. “Come out with us tonight and tell us all about it.”

  Relief washes over me. “I would love to.”

  “Ms. Church,” my guard says from the doorway with a slight sneer. “I was told to give you one hour with your friends.”

  He receives my secretary of defense glare which I’m only beginning to perfect. “I’ll be going out with my former co-workers. Do what you need to do to make it happen.” No, it’s not the best way to keep the Federation from seeing my newfound confidence. It is, however, the only way I will be able to pump my friends for vital information. The guard looks like he’ll object and make me bring out the big guns. Simply put, I outrank him. He must realize it because he steps back and resumes his guard duties with the sour expression now painted on his face.

  “Jax’s,” Kara shouts and pumps her fist in the air. This receives cheers from the crew. Jax’s is an underground bar that serves the worst hooch in the Federation. We get paid in credits and Jax’s place charges fewer than most out of the disreputable establishments and it’s where you go to get seriously drunk. If no one dies of alcohol poisoning tonight, I’ll consider this visit a success.

  I stay back after Kara’s declaration and let everyone work. Pencils scratch across paper as the analysts determine each scenario the Federation places before them. For the most part, I didn’t hate my job. I just hated living in fear of losing it and putting on a red stripe. Everyone here is a relative of someone working high up in the government. I’m the only one whose relative died. Like me, my co-workers thought my days were numbered. It surprised us all when I was left working here for two years.

  When the small wind-up clock in the room sounds, my five ex-co-workers lean back in their chairs, stretch, and then stand. It may not be hard work, but sitting, writing, and calculating all day is rough on the back and shoulders, and I remember the ache well.

  Landan approaches me. He’s in his twenties like me, tall with kinky red hair, and a freckled face that gives him a sweet, innocent look. He’s never given me any reason to believe otherwise and has always acted the perfect gentleman. “If you’re going out for drinks, you must be awfully bored with the new job.” He grins to show he’s teasing me. His older brother’s in charge of the Federation food stores, so I’ll need to be careful around Landan.

  “Come on,” Kara calls from the door. My guard grimaces at her shout so near his ears. She receives bonus points from me for whatever that’s worth.

  Mila and Skylar join us while grumpy Thad declines the invitation. I was once the grumpy one too and I’m lucky they’ve invited me. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, I guess. A wave of longing rolls over me. I miss King.

  Jax’s Bar is located about a mile from my previous living quarters. The place is smoky with candlelight and a stale smell even the smoke can’t hide. There’s no menu because they serve one drink—hooch. And one item to eat—popcorn. Somehow Jax commandeered, bribed, or stole hundreds of pounds of popcorn kernels and he pops a new batch daily with lots of salt minus butter. It’s a treat and the one other time I came here, I gorged myself on the popcorn to the point I thought my stomach would explode. After that, Kara would hide some in her pockets and bring it back for me to our living quarters, which was quite nice of her. Really, though, there’s only one reason to be in Jax’s and that’s the hooch.

  I tasted it before on my one and only visit. Just thinking about that time burns my throat. After my father died, I wanted nothing more than to drink to the point of stupefaction, which is why I came to Jax’s the first time. It taught me a lesson and I never imbibed again even when the physical weight of loneliness tried to drag me under. My father wouldn’t have approved of my drinking alcohol and he was part of the reason I abstained. I never saw him touch so much as a drop of liquor. Everything he did was to keep me safe and I owed it to him not to kill myself with booze.

  King told me alcohol will have little effect on me, so I’m planning to use that knowledge to my advantage. Landan orders the first round and I slam the glass back and cry out slightly as the liquid spreads heat down my throat and burns my stomach. King should have mentioned the stuff would still taste nasty.

  Kara gives me a few slaps on the back while everyone laughs. “It’ll put hair on your chest,” she jokes.

  It would be hysterical if I shifted right now and showed her what else puts hair on my chest. Of course, I won’t do it.


  Yes, Ms. Beast, I know you want out. I’ll say when.

  My kidney is punched for playing nice.


  She goes quiet and I take a shallow breath as the pain in my kidney fades.

  “Tell us about your new position,” Kara demands playfully after she downs her first drink like a pro and barely grimaces. My guard stays by the door far enough away that he can’t hear. I did not invite him to join us on purpose.

  Very nonchalantly, I spill the beans. “I was promoted to my father’s position.” I grin so they know I’m teasing when I add, “I’m secretary of defense and you should probably call me ma’am.” Kara’s eyes grow so big I swear they’ll pop from her head. Silence surrounds me making me feel like this isn’t going over as I thought it would.

  It’s Landan who speaks first. “You’re one of them now.” He looks into his glass of hooch like a bug has flown into it.

  I try to catch each person’s eyes. No one will look at me. I’m missing something here. “I’ll never be one of them,” I declare, each word succinct so I can hopefully figure out what’s happening quickly.

  Kara rolls her eyes and still doesn’t look at me. “Yeah, right,” she responds. “I should probably be leaving.” She turns to Landan. “Next time we go out, I’ll buy the first round.” She stands and takes a step toward the door.

  “Kara,” I say and grab her sleeve before she takes another step. “I need to talk with all of you. Please sit down.”

  She has no choice but to sit due to my promotion and that pisses her off if the angry look on her face is any indication. “What’s going on?” I ask softly.

  It’s Landan’s turn to look at everyone, though his expression is fierce and meant to keep them quiet.

  “Landan.” He glances at me and I see the disgust in his eyes. “They gave me the title, dressed me like a hooker, and sent me to Cuba to,” I hold my fingers up and give my next word quotes, “‘negotiate’ with the Shadow Warriors. I’m lucky I survived, wasn’t raped, or eaten for a midnight snack. I came to see you, my friends, because things aren’t as they seem and I was hoping someone in this group would be honest with me.” I give them time to review what I said.


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