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Page 14

by Holly S. Roberts

  I nailed it. Poor Daniels wants to be secretary of defense. I straighten taller in my chair. “You forget who my father was. When the battle takes place, I’ll be there.”

  His face goes from mottled red to a deep burgundy that does absolute justice to his complexion. “Your father was one step away from treason.” Something must show in my expression because he laughs. “Didn’t know that about your old man, did you? He loved those animals more than his own troops. If he hadn’t died when he did, he would have been arrested and hung. You show the same sentiment and it will be me who pulls the trap door beneath your feet when the time comes. You don’t fool me with your sweet act. You are poison.” This last leaves a splash of spittle on the table in front of him. “The sooner you and those animals are destroyed, the better.”

  I sit back in my chair, crossing my arms and allowing my gaze to slide over his body before returning to his eyes. Yeah, it’s me who finds him disgusting and I hope every bit of it shows in my gaze. “Tell me how you really feel, Daniels,” I say pleasantly while rolling my eyes. “For some reason you think I give a crap about you. My father had more honor in his pinky finger than you have in your entire body. If you could learn to keep your mouth shut, the nasty expression off your face, and to follow orders, you could actually go places. Working on your daddy issue would help too.”

  “You bitch,” he says lifting his hand.

  I don’t cringe or back away from the blow. If I wanted, I could break his hand, arm, and shoulder in one move. The slap is with an open palm, the sissy. The entire room goes silent and Daniels doesn’t seem to care. Something has happened internally within the Federation that I’m unaware of or he wouldn’t be so brazen. Slowly I raise my hand to my reddened cheek. In a soft, clear voice, I calmly give him my ultimatum. “Get out of my sight or I’ll kill you.”

  He pushes away from the table and stands with a spiteful grin plastered to his ugly veneer. “You have things backwards, Marinah, and your time has run out.” He walks away and leaves me to finish another cup of coffee alone. The people in the cafeteria ignore me and things return to normal even though nothing is normal about this situation. There’s a reason Daniels threw his tantrum and I need to discover what it is.

  If he won’t take me to the president, I’ll find another way. First, I need to check with Labyrinth to see if he has intel that will give us a clue about what’s happening. He will also be able to get word to King that we need to take action or get out. I bypass my room and walk the mile to the Warrior’s quarters. When I turn the corner to the last hallway before entering, there are no guards. I call this a clue and I’m not disappointed. The Shadow Warrior quarters are silent and empty.

  They’re gone.

  With the hair on the back of my neck standing on end, I check drawers and cabinets hoping Labyrinth was able to leave a message or something. I find nothing—no note and zero of their personal belongings. It’s like they were never here.

  There’s only one person who can provide answers and it’s time for me and the president to have a long talk. If he’s harmed a single Shadow Warrior, he’ll be the first dead Federation president in office.

  I know where his main work quarters are and that’s where I head. I pass only two people on the first half of my journey, which is odd. I pass no one when I get closer to the president’s office, which is stranger still.

  “Miss Church. We need you to come with us,” says an unknown man wearing military attire followed by four soldiers. The “Miss Church” is telling. I could handle all five of them in Warrior form, but now is not the time.

  “Sure,” I say with much more calmness than I feel. “I was looking for President Barnes’s office hoping to schedule an appointment.” I’m so sick of the weaselly pathetic tone I’ve been using. It looks like my whiny gig is up when the soldiers crowd me. They make it clear I’m being taken somewhere and not escorted. My hands itch to form claws.




  Ms. Beast understands that things have changed and she wants to fight. I physically push the K-5 back and send her a message she might listen to. Soon.

  We enter a section of the underground I haven’t seen before. The guards crowd me even further. My palms actually sweat as I fight Ms. Beast’s dislike of their close proximity. She’s ready to explode and now is definitely not the time. I need to understand the game first and then we can play.

  Soon, I remind her again.

  The room they lead me to is much like the interview room I was in for my debriefing, though not as nice. Manacles attached to the top of the table make it apparent this is no simple questioning.

  I scent blood, urine, and feces, which has Ms. Beast going deceptively quiet. I’m unsurprised when General Smyth walks through the door. His eyes shine with victory, which doesn’t give me warm fuzzies inside. The opposite happens, and this time I don’t need to fight Ms. Beast, just delay her.

  “Miss Church,” he says with relish. I’m surprised he isn’t rubbing his hands together.

  I push against the heat rising in my chest. “Mr. Smyth.”

  He doesn’t like me not using his title, but like any good interrogator, he doesn’t take the bait. His purpose is to hook me, reel me in, and not get caught in the line. He clears his throat and even that sounds cocky to my ears. “We’re rather disturbed by rumors and wanted to clear a few things up with you.”

  I’m so tired of the silly, scared female routine even though I have no choice. “Officer Daniels hasn’t liked me since I arrived,” I say hoarsely and blink a few times to make my eyes water. “It’s disheartening really. He and I have a lot in common. I don’t understand why he’s so mean to me.”

  Smyth takes a pen from his pocket and taps it against the table. “What exactly do you have in common?” he asks after a few seconds, switching from his rumor suggestion just as I wanted him to. I have every intention of controlling this interview and discovering what’s going on. The hours spent with King and Axel grilling me will not go to waste.

  “Our fathers,” I say and push a stray hair from my eyes. “His is alive of course, but we both understand what it’s like to have a father who sacrifices everything for the Federation.” I give Smyth the most beseeching eyes I can muster. “I’m useless in this capacity. I’m willing to give up the secretary of defense title and allow Daniels to have it. You must agree he would do a better job.”

  Tap, tap, tap goes the pen. I don’t think this interview is going how he thought it would. He changes the subject. “Why don’t you tell me about your visit to Cuba with the Shadow Warriors. You were there for months.”

  I switch gears easily. “Eighty-nine days to be exact. I was terrified.” I wrap my arms around myself. “They treated me well and never gave me reason to be alarmed around them.” I hold Smyth’s gaze and do my best to exhibit fear, something so easy just a few months ago. “It never stopped me from longing for home. They’re little more than animals and I just couldn’t take it.” I shiver for good measure. “Still, I can’t help worrying for them. It distressed me greatly that they weren’t in their barracks.”

  The corners of his mouth turn up and then return to their pinched state. “Would you like to explain why a hundred Shadow Warriors are camped outside our walls with plans to invade the Federation?”

  This is what I’ve been waiting for. I needed to see his cards and they’re a doozy. The good side is there are actually closer to two hundred and fifty Warriors alongside King, which means it was one of my friends from analytics who betrayed me. “You think they’re going to attack?” I look around for a way out of the room to show how afraid I am.

  It doesn’t work.

  “Why don’t you cut the bullshit. We have Commander Michaels in custody on charges of treason.” I give him a blank stare while keeping my breathing steady. “You are friends with his wife, Skylar, I believe.”


  “Yes, I’m friends with Skylar. What does she have to do with t

  “Commander Michaels will die for the treasonous acts he’s committed against his country. He was, however, gracious enough to protect his wife by giving us everything he knew.” His eyes burn into mine. “As I said before, it’s time to cut the bullshit.”

  Oh goodie. I’m so done with the scared little girl routine. Slowly, I place my palms flat on the table, fingers splayed, and my eyes hard. I know they’ve gone darker and I no longer care. Ms. Beast is doing tactical maneuvers throughout my stomach, using sharp knives. “Then why am I sitting here and not in a jail cell?”

  His smirk grows. “You will tell us everything we want to know and then you and a jail cell will become very well-acquainted. At least until you’re hung.”

  He thinks he scares me and a full-throated laugh bursts from my lips. “You’re giving me no incentive to cooperate if death is waiting for me anyway,” I say as I hold my smile in place even if it doesn’t reach my eyes.

  His lips press firmly together and his hands form fists. “I believe your friends Landan and Mila would disagree. They’re being questioned too. They watched when we tortured Kara and they’re writing their statements now. She’s dead, by the way. Kara, I mean. She didn’t want to betray you and that’s what it got her.”

  I scream inside without letting him see how devastated I am and somehow manage a smile. “You’ve made this easy for me. Whether I talk or remain silent the outcome is the same. I’ll just zip my lips.” I lift my hand and pull an imaginary zipper across my mouth. I receive the desired response when the general’s fist slams against the table and he comes out of his chair.

  “You will tell me everything or your death and the days preceding it will be your worst nightmare.”

  My satisfied grin remains. “Death is never pretty and it shouldn’t be. You should try that again and work on your delivery. Your fists slamming into the table needs help.”

  I should have been prepared for the punch to my jaw. Smyth isn’t the sissy Daniels is and his closed fist sends me out of my chair to the floor. It also hurts like the devil. I flick my tongue inside my mouth to be sure my teeth are intact as blood trickles from my lips. Ms. Beast stays surprisingly calm. She must understand the danger we’re in. Wait, I tell her to stay on the safe side.

  Smyth looms over me. “Like father like daughter,” he laughs.

  Holding my jaw, I squint up at him. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  The kick to my side sends air rushing from my chest like a five-hundred-pound weight is pushing against it. I fight the need to breathe to avoid further pain to the area knowing the ability to breathe will return shortly.

  Smyth goes down to his knees beside me. “Pull yourself out of this mess and live. There are no rules here and I can do anything, including kill you. I can also save your life. You’re a traitor to your country and no one will care that you’re gone. They’ll care even less when they discover you joined forces with animals to overthrow us. They might not be loyal to the Federation, but they appreciate that smelly filth even less.”

  He’s telling me he’s aware the people are ready to rise against the government. Spitting blood and watching it splatter across his face is the last thing I remember before blinding pain.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  OUR SENTRIES PICK up movement around two in the morning. More than five hundred Federation red stripes are headed our way. My worry for Marinah doubles. We’re on the move within fifteen minutes, running in beast form and putting miles between us and the soldiers.

  By the time the sun rises, we’re sure they’re tracking us.

  Nokita approaches and gives me the latest update. “They are heavily armed and have three tanks with them. We can win this battle if that’s what you want.”

  Marinah and Labyrinth are compromised and yes, we can win this battle. The cost will be high to our Warriors, though. I also know many of the Federations soldiers are fighting under duress and killing them can only be used as a last resort. “Send five groups of five to disrupt Federation stragglers and make them nervous. I’ll lead the remainder of our forces closer to Washington. Keep their soldiers busy for as long as you can and don’t kill if possible. But our Warriors come first. If you need to kill red stripes, don’t hesitate.”

  Four hours later we’re a mile from the city wall where I found Marinah.

  She’s not far, I can feel her.


  Yes, and we’ll find her.

  Yesterday, a few hours before the soldiers were spotted, Oscar, the Cuban man who’s been living with other humans inside the walled city, informed me Labyrinth and the Warriors were removed from their quarters by heavily armed guards. After I received this news, I had the men gather their gear. This allowed us to move quickly when the Federation troops were spotted.

  With Beast busting up my insides to make me find Marinah, we hunker down in the semi-demolished building and wait and time slows to a crawl.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I WAKE UP on the floor in a small cell. There’s only a floor drain to keep my pounding head company—no bed, blanket, or chairs. A red haze covers my eyes and I check my arm for the signature dark hair that means I’ve shifted. Of course, I already ran my hand over my jaw when I first woke. I didn’t feel the bristles then. The red haze and fog in my head makes it difficult to process things quickly. The lack of arm hair solidifies my human state and triggers my brain that our secret could still be safe. Once I’m able to think with a bit more clarity, I find that my clothes aren’t shredded, which assures me I didn’t shift and then shift back. I sit up and lean against the wall to gain my bearings. A smile touches my lips when I remember General Smyth’s face speckled with blood. It was a good color on him and I plan to see he wears more of it.

  Kara’s dead. She did nothing to hurt anyone. General Smyth will pay and his will be the slowest, most painful death imaginable.

  When I’m able, I stand and circle the room examining everything. No windows and only one door that’s locked from the outside. Good thing Shadow Warriors can see in the dark. At the sound of jingling keys outside the door, I walk to the far wall and sit down with my back against it.

  When the door opens, Daniels walks in, his gloating smile sending tendrils of hate through me. “You think you’re so smart just like your dear old dad.” He’s so smug. “The day your father died, he simply got in the way. We set everything up to take out Greystone. Your father’s death was quite the fortunate outcome if not the desired result.” His laugh sizzles my already frayed patience.

  I pull my legs in closer to my body and keep my head buried in my knees. The red haze pulses with my blood and it takes everything I have to keep from shifting.

  Kill, whispers through my head and for the first time, I’m ready.


  Daniels walks closer. “Did you screw one of those monsters? I bet you did. You and your father were probably both screwing them.” He kicks my legs, wanting me to look at him. Right now I’m doing everything I can to hold Ms. Beast in check. If I meet Daniels’s eyes, I’ll lose it.

  I peek through my hands, glancing past him, and see the open door. Why the heck am I bothering to hold Ms. Beast back? I’m so tired of wimpy Marinah. I’m no longer that person.

  My shift is more of an explosion. The intense pain is over so quickly I barely notice. Hands and feet become claws, my six-feet plus height grows to over nine, and my pretty face becomes a killing machine with razor-sharp teeth. Clothes tear and fall around me. The rage I’ve carried for weeks drives all nine feet of me off the floor.

  Daniels’s expression is one of pure terror and his high-pitched scream is music to my ears. I wrap my claws around his throat and enjoy the horrified look in his eyes. His face turns purple and the scream dies instantly as I cut off his oxygen supply.

  “No,” he gargles.

  “Oh, yes,” I say through extended fangs and snap them an inch from his face.

; Ms. Beast, I whisper inside her head, it’s not nice to play with your food.

  The sweet tang of blood fills my mouth. Human blood. Different than when I attack hellhounds. Ms. Beast drops Daniels to the floor, half his throat torn away, and I’m entirely grateful she didn’t eat him.

  Door, I tell her. We check outside and find an empty hallway. This is the military holding area. I count eight cells. “Landan, Mila, Skylar,” I call out. My Warrior voice is gruffer than Marinah’s and I’m not sure they’ll answer. I try again.

  “Marinah?” Mila shouts from the cell across from where I’m standing.

  These doors are locked using keys instead of security bars. I walk back to Daniels, his blood making a beautiful van Gough piece of art on the gray cement. No, we do not play in blood, I make clear when our nose goes into the air and Ms. Beast licks her lips at the tang. Her sharp growl echoes off the walls. Keys, I remind her. The keys are in Daniels’s dead fist. It takes some work to make my claws cooperate and remove the keys without ripping off the hand. With a last look at the blood pooled around him, I head back into the hall. Sorry, Ms. Beast, we don’t eat humans.

  Her soft chuckle goes clear to my toes. She’s playing with me and I don’t have time to see where this takes us right now. Removing keys from a dead hand is much easier than juggling them and trying to unlock Mila’s door. I curse my claws as Ms. Beast’s laughter continues.

  You know what this means, I say after trying to unlock the door again and managing only to drop the keys. We’re finally in tune to each other and she doesn’t fight me. My transformation to human is seamless. Unfortunately, it leaves me nearly naked from the waist up. I open the door and Mila throws herself into my arms not caring that I’m also covered in blood.


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