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Marked for Love 2

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by Jamie Lake

  Marked By Love: Book 2

  by: Jamie Lake

  Note: This is Book 2 in the Marked for Love Series. This is a short book with a cliff-hanger at the end.

  To read the first book in the Marked for Love series, click here

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  There was a sliver of fright in his eyes as Buck turned toward me: something I hadn’t ever seen before. His shoulder-length dark hair shifted, resting on his broad shoulders. “No, Nathan. They want to fuck you. All of them. They want a gang bang. Tonight.”

  A cold shiver went up my spine. What was I going to do? Although I tried to control my fright, he could see my slender shoulders shake in the pale moonlight. Streaks of the silver light shone through the window, broken up by tree branches, which cast their shadows in his bedroom like bad omens. It was getting even more frosty in his room than before. Wearing nothing, I was suddenly feeling even more exposed.

  Buck came over to me. Looking into my eyes, he said, “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you. I have a plan.”

  He put one hand on my bare shoulder, kneading some of my tension away. His other hand smoothed down my sweat-tousled hair. I struggled in my ropes, suddenly aware of how much shorter and lighter I was than him. Though his touch was comforting, it wasn’t enough to make me forget what he said.

  They were coming: that I knew for sure. But as I lay there in bed, my hands bound above my head with a coarse rope, I didn’t feel as secure and safe with Buck protecting me as I had moments before.

  Why I was bound with the very rope I had carried in with his bag just hours before, I didn’t know. That was before Buck had taken control of me. Before he’d revealed that he’d secretly been protecting me, guiding me, and defending me for all these years. Now, though, even knowing he’d been my ghostly guardian in the shadows, wasn’t enough to quell my fears.

  Buck rose from his kneeled position. He gazed out through the drapes and then out the window, and he seemed even more anxious. I could tell that he, too, was doing his best to control himself. Nevertheless, it was impossible not to notice how handsome he looked: even the mortal shivers of fear couldn’t stop me from admiring him.

  He stood by the window, light shining on his sculpted abs and chest. Naked and barefoot, every inch of him was taut and ready to spring into action. Each time he moved, the muscles in his firm ass swayed back and forth, clenching and unclenching. It was driving me wild. I found myself lost in memories of our time together during the last few hours. I remembered him pumping and sweating, gripping me, biting and sucking in all the right places. I wanted to do nothing else but forget about everything he’d said about the dangers coming, and to have him join me in bed again. I hungered for his thick meat between my cheeks, and I found myself getting lost in the moment.

  I’d never been with a werewolf before, but I’d quickly learned a few things about him. Now that I’d had a taste of his “black fur,” I didn’t want to go back. Buck knew how to control me, how to dominate me. He had made me plead and beg for it, while whimpering in ecstasy. He utterly controlled me, wielding my body with the confidence and control of a man who really knew what he was doing.

  Yet I knew the realities and the dangers of the situation. There I was, naked and vulnerable to a very real threat, and his body had distracted me from the danger again. His green eyes scanned over me pensively. I knew he was weighing what was best for me, best for us, and I melted under his gaze. He was beautiful: there was no other word to describe him: beautiful in mind, beautiful in heart, and perfect in body.

  But now his fingernails were growing into claws by the second. He paced in front of the window and tapped on the ridge of the window sill, scraping at the glass frame as if he were a diamond cutter. The paint peeled away under his nails. I looked around again, and noticed things that I hadn’t last night. After all, there wasn’t much I could do while I waited for him to speak, what with being tied up and everything.

  The furniture was solid and sturdy, but aging. His bed was thick, dark oak, and he had a nightstand and dresser to match. There was a tightly packed bookcase backed into the far corner. Moonlight was all that brightened the room, so I couldn’t see the titles. I wondered if Buck would be able to read them from here with his canine eyes.

  Buck had left the door to the bathroom open. Inside, the tile reflected the faint light. The house and the neighborhood were much older than usual for Portland, Oregon. I considered for a moment how odd it was for the houses to be so far off the main road, tucked away along the Willamette River.

  Buck’s hands gripped each side of the window sill as he gazed out, staring more intensely at something. I craned my neck to get a better view and wiggled up. His room was on the second floor, overlooking the front yard. It was wide and deep, at least 50 yards from the little dirt road that brought us here.

  I doubted any of the intruders could see us up here. We had no light on, and Buck was standing at an angle. I was tucked into the bed, so someone would have to be right up to the glass to see me. I wondered how good werewolves were at climbing. That tree might be exactly what they needed to get inside.

  There were shadows moving across the perfect lawn. They moved uniformly, in a perfect 'V' configuration, trailing after the Alpha wolf who was leading them. The larger werewolf at the front looked to be about the same size as Buck.

  Even from where I lay, I could see that he absolutely commanded the others. Not a single one got excited and ran ahead: they took their cues from him, ignoring the deer and rabbits fleeing from their inexorable path. We were deep enough in the woods that it wasn’t odd to see deer or rabbits moving through Buck’s yard. Not now, though. All the other animals had scattered in terror.

  Their heavy paws were kicking up clumps of grass and dirt with each stride. For some reason, that angered me more than anything. What right do they think they have to be here? Still, damage to the house and the lawn would be the least of my worries if Buck couldn’t fend them off. What could he do with that many of them? There had to be at least ten of them coming, each bigger than the next. He was only one man - or werewolf - and with that big of a pack, they were sure to have their way with me, whether I wanted it or not. A delicious shiver pounded through my body at the thought. Even in my terror, it almost sounded like it wouldn’t be so bad. Then again, ten big, strong werewolves…

  I tried to fully sit up, but Buck had tied me too well. My hands were held above my head, tied together and then tied to the headboard. Under other circumstances, this would have given Buck the perfect position to do whatever he wanted to me, and I would have loved it. He had even put a pillow under my head to keep me comfortable. I struggled and the sheet billowed around me. The pillows, sheets, and blanket were pure white and very soft; so in spite of my struggling, I was pretty comfortable.

  I started to panic under the restraints. The more I twisted and tried to get free, the more the rope dug into me. The headboard was the same sturdy wood as the frame, and gave no indication of yielding to me any time soon. The rope knot Buck used seemed designed to dissuade victims from making too much of a fuss. My cock hardened at the thought of what Buck had planned to do to me. I wriggled, savoring the way the rope almost cut into my skin, but worried about my safety.

  “Why did you tie me up like this anyway?” I asked, pulling on them with no avail.

  A small, sexy smile spread across Buck’s lips. “I thought we might have a little fun.”

  “Well, fun can come later. Get me out of this,” I demanded. There was a time and a place for mischief, but awaiting the ravages of a hoard of sex-crazed werewolves wasn’t it.

  “There’s no time,” Buck said, peeking behind the drapes again. “And it won’t help.” I di
dn’t argue with him, haplessly compelled. I had no choice but to trust him.

  Buck moved away from the bed back to the window. He looked out at the converging shadows and grimaced. I could see the silhouettes of the wolves racing towards us. They leapt over the fence around the lawn. The full moon was hanging low under the whispers of clouds, and it gleamed on their fur.

  They were no longer moving slowly, like zombies rising out of a fog. Their hairy bodies were growing, changing, becoming naked. I imagined their eyes—mercifully hidden—were shining with bloodlust. They seemed to shift impossibly in the moonlight, blurring the line between man and wolf, and it seemed that sometimes they raced on two legs, sometimes on four.

  They howled up at the moon, each one with a different but eerie pitch. I convulsed in fear. My wrists were raw, and again I longed for the chance to be tied up in that rope under better circumstances.

  Instinctively, I rubbed the scar Buck had given me, seeking comfort. Just last night, Buck had admitted that he was the one who saved me from a ravaging pack of wolves more than five years ago. I had been camping somewhere around here with my dad and brother when I got separated from them. I was lost for hours, terrified and wandering around. Then, above the chirping of the crickets and the mating sounds of frogs, I heard several bodies rustling through the leaves. The leader of a pack of wolves broke through the clearing I was in, only 30 feet away from me. I froze in panic. I would have been devoured for sure - maybe in ways that I didn’t know about at the time - if another wolf hadn’t jumped in front of me.

  That was Buck, saving me for the first time. Now the same wolves were coming into the neighborhood at a feverish pace. I had the feeling it wasn’t to come over and borrow some brown sugar either. I felt like one of the three little pigs—a delicious morsel for them to gobble up.

  “Are you thirsty?” he asked, eyeing the open bottle of beer on the nightstand next to me.

  I nodded and he lifted the bottle to my lips. I sipped it, allowing the bubbly sensation to quench my thirst.

  “Are you sure they want a gangbang?” I asked, wondering if I’d heard that right the first time Buck said it.

  Buck nodded, placing the beer bottle back on the nightstand. He walked back over to the window. His fingernail scraped against it as he turned around. “You’re mine. You stay here. Don’t move. I’ll protect you.”

  “I’m not just going to sit here like a sitting duck, Buck. I’ve got to get out of here,” I told him. “What about you? There’s so many.”

  “You’ll do what you’re told,” he said, pointing at me. “Trust me, this is the safest place for you. They’ll smell your scent wherever you go, and they’ll track and hunt you down, I promise. And besides, nothing can hurt me.” He gave me a smoldering wink.

  Before I could protest, Buck shut and locked the door behind him. I remembered the fierce eyes and rugged features that had scared me about Buck in the first place. When he had picked me up out of the rain last night, I was both grateful and terrified. He was powerful: you could tell that by just looking at him, and I couldn’t help but obey him. Out of generosity, he had brought me back to his house for the night. And oh, what a night it had been. I desperately wanted more, but at the moment, that seemed like wishful thinking at best. We’d be lucky to get out with our lives.

  My cheeks burned at the memory of Max ditching me at the gas station. In a way, this was his fault. I had come out of the restroom around the back, the only patron there. Max had driven off, stranding me. At first, I wanted to believe that there was no way he was going to leave me there. He’d just slept with me the night before, and he told me that he’d give me a ride into the city so I could look for work. Certainly, he had more compassion than to strand me with nothing more than the clothes on my back, in the middle of the woods at a last-stop gas station twenty miles outside of Portland. Or at least, I’d thought he did.

  My mind raced as I waited, hyper-alert and aware.

  I heard the tree rustling outside Buck’s bedroom window. It creaked and swayed, its branches casting more and more shadows across the room. Were the wolves climbing up the tree? Could they do that? I was answered by a shadow emerging from the tree. It was a man: he was teetering on the branch closest to my window. His weight caused the tree to sway back and forth. He came in close to the window one more time, and then he jumped, landing right on the sill. I was surprised that the sill outside could hold his weight.

  My heart stopped as I looked up at the ceiling and saw his massive silhouette. This was the lead wolf, I was sure of it. He was stocky and had the neck and waist of a body builder. He cupped his hands over his eyes, scanning the room. I prayed that the sturdy window frame could keep him out. Then I caught him staring through the window right at me. Now I could clearly see his red eyes and thick features. He had a square face, his chin was thick and sculpted, and his hair was buzzed short. It was obvious by his stance that he took pride in his build.

  Terror and a whisper of arousal sang through my veins. He was transforming and taking on more and more features of a wolf. His legs contracted, shrinking to a wolf’s powerful haunches, and a thick coat of hair bloomed over his body. The harder he panted, excited to see me in bed, the more hair that he grew. It weeded its way from his skin, thick and bushy. I could see his cock, and it was growing too. He was salivating over the thought of catching me helpless. Deep within me, I felt a pulse of perverse pleasure, and was alarmed to feel myself harden slightly.

  Another wolf tried to make the same leap that this one had, but he struck the animal down. It plummeted out of sight. I heard it thud against the ground and whimper from the pain. I wondered if a wolf could survive that kind of fall. The tree was still swaying and creaking under other wolves’ bodies, but none of them tried to join this one. Apparently, he got first pickings.

  I swallowed hard, beads of sweat forming on my forehead and all over my body. I knew they weren’t coming in for the wild, passionate sex Buck and I had just had only a few hours ago. I shook, quivering with fear, and sensed that I was prey. I felt like a rabbit in a thicket, just waiting for them to pounce and tear me apart.

  I did my best to squeeze out of the ropes, but Buck had bound me like an expert hunter. I wondered what fun he’d had in mind before we were interrupted.

  The other wolves were jumping from the branches up onto the roof. I could see the other silhouette leaping and landing out of sight. I knew it wouldn’t take long before they had the place surrounded.

  The creature against the glass let his warm breath span out over the glass. Each puff of hot breath misted the glass. And through that same glass, I could hear his guttural moans and howls. He was thrilled that his pretty was right in front of him, almost within reach.

  Bang! The reverberating sound above me made my heart jump out of my chest, and I knew one of them had somehow gotten onto the roof. Shit. What was I going to do? One was at the window, and more were on the roof. Buck was just one guy, and he hadn’t even attacked them yet.

  Just as the high-pitched sound of the creature’s nails breaking through my window began, I saw Buck come up behind him and yank him away, his teeth in the back of the Alpha’s neck. They toppled down the front of the house and landed with a reverberating thud on the ground. I struggled up to watch them. The other wolves fell down. Buck and the Alpha tangled, teeth and claws flashing, as they whirled and wrestled each other for control. I saw Buck slash the Alpha’s fur, their furious howls echoing up to me.

  My hero—but if he didn’t survive, that heroism would be a waste.


  I leaned over. In spite of the thick glass, there was a small crack and an opening. Because of the missing chunk, I could just hear them; and to my surprise, the fighting had stopped for the moment. Outside, Buck’s chest was heaving up and down: his fully canine chest, that is. He was more wolf than man, and it sent a delicious, forbidden thrill through my whole body. The cool breeze ruffled his fur. He was shaggier than most of them, and just a li
ttle taller and more wide-shouldered than his attacker.

  Standing in front of him was the same huge werewolf I’d seen before, tensed and ready to strike.

  “What are you doing here, Japheth?” Buck growled.

  Japheth crouched in a fighting stance. The other werewolves had come down from the tree and were making their way towards Buck. They surrounded him, ready to tear him apart at a signal.

  “Why are you keeping him here with you? He’s mine,” Japheth spat, rabid foam forming on his mouth. His fur was the same color as Buck’s, and it glistened in the moonlight. His face caught the moonlight, and I saw that he was both deadly and gorgeous. As a wolf, he was graceful too, a marvel as well as a monster. His thick claws caught the moonlight. I knew how sharp they were, and shuddered at the thought of his heavy paws on me. His eyes were square on Buck. The rest of the pack started to circle him again.

  “He’s not yours. He belongs to me now. He has my mark.”

  “That mark means nothing. He wasn’t even bitten in the proper place, nor has he marked you back. That means he’s fair game.”

  “He will mark me; that I know for sure. He doesn’t know about any of our customs.”

  “Oh, but not before I take a taste,” Japheth growled.

  Buck growled back, taking a swipe at Japheth, but he dodged out of the way. “You touch a hair on his head, and I swear...”

  “You swear what?” Japheth challenged. “You have no authority over the pack. I’m the Alpha.”

  “Only by cheat. You know our father intended me to be the one.” Buck started to circle, trying to keep Japheth closer to the house so he had less room to maneuver.

  “Our father was a fool, just like you. Only the strongest can survive. It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there. You expect us to respect you? You abandoned your birthright when you left the pack,” Japheth said. He matched Buck’s moves, but dodged, stepping back.


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