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Page 4

by Susan Bliler

  “You’ve kept me from claiming what’s mine for six months?”

  Jenny knew she was no match for Bishop’s strength. She’d have to try other tactics. “Please Bishop,” her voice trembled with the plea. “You need to understand.”

  “NO!” he barked, “You need to understand. No one keeps me from what is mine.”

  He released the hand that had been clamped at her throat, and Jenny’s hand instantly took its place, massaging her tender flesh. Her hand stilled though, eyes growing wide as she felt Bishop’s hand sliding up her thigh.

  She cursed the short skirt she’d chosen to wear even as her hand snaked down and tried to wrap around his wrist. She couldn’t keep him from forcing his hand up her skirt and over the mound of one hip. She gasped and began to struggle when she heard and then felt the whisper of lace that was her panties being ripped from her body. Her eyes flew to his. “Bishop, no!”

  She heard the buckle of his belt as it was being unfastened then heard the unmistakable sound of his zipper. She bucked against him and writhed under his weight. “Please, Bishop! Don’t do this!”

  His hard hand went back to her hip, forcing her body to the table. When his eyes met hers they were fully black now, his inner beasts overtaking the man.

  “It’s happening. I’m claiming what you’ve kept from me, what you’ve tried to hide from me…what you tried to take from me.”

  She trembled under his hands, but it wasn’t in fear. She wasn’t afraid of the claiming. She was afraid of what it meant. She wasn’t even afraid of him. What terrified her was the knowledge that he would be bound to her and she to him forever, no say, no choice in the matter, and it’d be forced. She’d pushed him to this. Consensual, non-consensual, he was claiming her one way or the other. It had been what she’d been trying to avoid all along, the lack of choice.

  Jenny was angry with herself because she needed to fight him, fend him off, but in her heart, she knew that she no longer wanted to. The beasts within her howled, begging for her to allow Bishop to claim her. Her instincts cried out for her to surrender to her mate. She met his eyes. He was waiting. Although he wouldn’t force her, he barely restrained himself as he waited. She had to make a choice, and she had to make it now. Even the slightest hint of acceptance from her and he would take her. He leaned into her, so the head of his cock was pushing for entrance, but he stopped just short of slipping inside of her. It wouldn’t have been hard to do. She was so wet, so ready for him.

  Whether it was her or her beasts, Jenny didn’t know, but she stared at him for long silent minutes and then her head rolled back against the med bed exposing her satiny throat. Submission.

  She heard Bishop growl before he thrust into her.

  He filled her so fully and so suddenly that she cried out. His hands gripped more tightly to her hips like he was afraid she’d try to fight him. She wouldn’t. She couldn’t. She wanted him just as badly as he wanted her.

  There was no hesitation, no slowly working himself into her. In one languid thrust, he was fully seated inside of her. Hips bumped up against her, his quickening pants hitched on a breath that he held as his eyes drifted closed. He took one deep inhalation like everything was right in his world and then his eyes snapped open, a renewed menace flickering in the depths. He glanced at her face only once before lowering his eyes to watch with a feral intensity as he slowly withdrew from the sheath of her body before slamming back in. Jenny gasped even as an animalistic sound left Bishop’s parted lips.

  “You took from me,” he snarled as his hips set a punishing pace.

  His hands left her hips to rip open the front of her dress. He made equally quick haste of shredding her bra and then she was bare. Legs spread around him, goosebumps rising all along her exposed flesh, Jenny felt the buds of her nipples tighten as his calloused hands found her breasts and squeezed.

  Jenny arched, eyes pinching shut at the maelstrom of sensation sweeping through her. Her mate, her Bishop, was taking what was rightfully his. Even as she enjoyed having him inside her, his hands all over her, she felt a wave of humiliation wash over her. She’d forced him to claim her like this. He would hold her down until his seed spilled deep inside her, and it was her fault. She didn’t blame him. She’d deceived him, tried to keep him from knowing what they were to each other. She’d forced his inner beasts to assert their dominance.

  His hips slapped against hers, the sounds of wet sex and her ragged gasps filled the small exam room even as Bishop snarled and released her breasts to grip her hips, his hands tightening almost to the point of pain.

  She knew what he was doing. He was showing her that he was stronger, faster, and more dominant. He was taking his position as her Alpha, her mate. He was asserting his dominance and showing her that he’d no longer be denied.

  She didn’t want to deny him. Jenny knew she shouldn’t be enjoying this, but how could she not. For six long months, she’d obsessed over Bishop Arkinson. Every waking minute was consumed with thoughts of him and the need to have him doing just what he was doing now. Yes, he was taking her in anger, in a desperation that she’d caused, and while she hated it, something about it felt right. She was being claimed by her One and even lacking soft words and murmured promises, a part of her felt whole.

  Bishop’s eyes lifted to hers, and he didn’t take his eyes from her as he thrust deep and hard. He pounded into her so fiercely that with each thrust, the damn exam table slid until it was butted up against the wall. Bishop was leaving no question of the claiming.

  Unable to stop herself, Jenny lifted a hand and clamped onto his arm as she arched her back and parted her lips. Her breasts jiggled with each driving thrust of his hips, his cock impaling her at an incredible pace.

  For the briefest moment, Bishop’s expression softened, but then darkened just as quickly with feral intent. The sight of him above her, the feel of him inside her had a warmth filling Jenny as she realized the ache that had plagued her for the past six months had finally subsided. The connection between them had so many emotions flooding her, but the greatest was need. She needed him like she needed her next fucking breath and the thickness of him as he took her had her muscles already fluttering with impending release.

  Unsure whether it was the human’s need for her man or her inner beast’s understanding of being claimed, Jenny’s world felt more right in this one imperfect moment than it ever had in her whole life.

  Leaning over her, Bishop pushed the collar of her lab coat to the side and sunk his wicked incisors into her shoulder. He didn’t draw blood, the bite was only meant to hold her down, to cement his dominance. It worked.

  Orgasm ripped through her and had her crying out, “BISHOP!”

  He spilled his seed deep inside of her, his body convulsing with each aftershock until he was emptied. He wasn’t finished though. His hand clamped around the halo at his neck as his eyes collided with hers. The coldness she found there had a tear slipping out of the corner of her eye as Jenny lifted a hand to cup his cheek. “Bishop…”

  He jerked away from her touch, roughly tearing his halo free before he thrust it toward her, stopping just shy of her throat.

  Jenny watched as it trembled in his hand. Her eyes lifted to his face and her heart wrenched at the mask of anguished uncertainty she found there.

  He was still buried inside of her, the act done. She breathed a watery, “I’m so sorry, Bishop. I never meant for it to be like this.”

  Swallowing hard, he pulled out of her and tore his body away from hers before dropping to his knees. Halo still fisted in his hands, he threw his head back and unleashed an agonized roar.

  Chapter 7

  Bishop paced the forest, hands fisting his hair and chest heaving in equal measure from both the exertion of his run and the panic over his actions. Turning he faced the direction he’d just come from, the direction of the cabin, the place where he had his Angel tied up and held hostage.

  Fuck! He didn’t know what he was doing. Worse, he was pretty sure
that his choices up to this point had been all wrong. Kidnapping Jenny wasn’t going to solve anything. Worse, she was the Chief of Medical back at StoneCrow, and he knew they needed her back. Turning in a slow circle, he lifted his nose and scented the air half expecting to discover Sentries nearby. He wouldn’t put it past Monroe to come after Jenny, and it was grating. He’d accused Jen of having her sights set on a more worthy Walker, Monroe StoneCrow to be exact. Now, his gut curdled with the uncertainty of whether or not his accusation held any truth. If that wasn’t problem enough, Jenny was a Skin Walker too. It meant that she was inclined to fight back, to defend herself. She hadn’t in the infirmary, but it was still a real concern for him because she could be seriously injured. Not that he’d hurt her, but he didn’t want her making some rash decision and acting on instinct or out of worry that he’d actually harm her. He wouldn’t. He couldn’t. She was his Angel and the only thing he felt toward her, aside from still angry, was possessive, protective, and aroused. Even now, his erection strained against the zipper of his jeans and shamed him. His actions in the infirmary were a hideous revelation into his own character. He thought he knew himself better than that. He’d always believed he was a good guy. Apparently, he’d been wrong.

  Thoughts stalling on his self-loathing, they slid to Jenny. He didn’t know her, not a single thing about her aside from her name, her position, and the fact that her body fit his like she’d been created for him.

  Dropping onto his haunches, he eyed the forest with hardened eyes, lips thinned into a grim line. He’d really fucked things up and had no idea what to do now. Did he go back to the cabin, waltz right in and hold out his hand to introduce himself properly to his Angel as if nothing had happened? Did he try to act civilized to a woman who was currently tied up on the bed and probably worried that he’d attack her again like he’d done in the infirmary?

  Rising to his full height, he hissed and fisted his hands, wishing he had someone he could talk to, someone he could seek out for advice.

  As if conjured by his thoughts, he felt a mental nudge indicating another Skin Walker was attempting to contact him through their telepathic means of communication called the mist.

  He permitted the contact with a snarled, “What!”

  He recognized Monroe’s voice instantly. “You have something that belongs to me.”

  The declaration had his hackles rising and a growl wrenching its way up his throat. “Belongs to you?” He had to know. “You got something going on with my Angel, Monroe?”

  Monroe’s next words shocked him to his core. “Yes.”

  A pregnant pause hung between them before Monroe offered in a bored tone, “It’s called employment. She may be yours, but she works for me. I expect her back, and I expect her unharmed.”

  “Like I’d hurt her!”

  “Don’t make me come find her, Bishop. That cabin you’ve been running to the past few months isn’t my idea of a vacation destination, and if I have to come out there, you won’t like it.”

  “She owes me an explanation.”

  “Agreed. But she’s a doctor, a scientist, and a Walker on top of all that. She’s rare and valuable. I can’t replace her, so…”

  “So you thought you’d make contact and threaten me into keeping my hands off her.”

  A smug, “Yes” was Monroe’s reply. “Delighted you understand. Bring her home, Sentry.”

  Their connection severed before Bishop could respond. Fucker! It wasn’t lost on Bishop that Monroe had addressed him as Sentry. It was a reminder that he too was under Monroe’s employ.

  Bishop reluctantly headed back toward the cabin thinking on Monroe’s words. He might be Monroe’s employee, but that didn’t mean he’d blindly do his Dominant’s bidding. No. Where Jenny was concerned, he’d take direction from no man.

  Chapter 8

  Back at the cabin, Bishop walked slowly up the stairs thinking on what he was going to say. When he entered the bedroom, Jenny was lying on her side facing him, her big gray eyes locked on him immediately and his gut clenched at the sight of her. Pale skin surrounded by cascading waves of hair so dark they rivaled a raven’s wing. Blush pink lips parted, and he held up a hand. He didn’t want to hear any more of her apologies. He crossed to her in a few strides and knelt to untie her feet before he reached for her hands and untied them too.

  “Wh-what are you doing?”

  Standing, he fisted the ropes but couldn’t meet Jenny’s eyes. “I’m not keeping you here like this, Jen. You stay of your own accord or…” He huffed a breath before jerking his chin toward the door. “Or you’re free to go.” Finally, he felt brave enough to meet her eyes. “I did this,” he lifted the ropes slightly, “because I knew you were a flight risk. But,” he shook his head. “I wasn’t listening. You wanted a choice. I took it away a second time. I’m not doing it again. If you don’t want to be here, go. Take the Humvee. Keys are in it.”

  He was halfway to the door when Jenny’s voice stopped him.

  “And…and if I don’t want to go? If I want to stay? What then?”

  He stayed facing the door for long minutes until he knew triumphant relief wouldn’t show on his features. He warned himself against getting his hopes too high over small victories, but he couldn’t help the sadistic gleam in his eyes when he finally turned to look at her. Dropping the ropes. He crossed thick arms over his equally impressive chest as he pressed his back into the wall. “Then you strip.”

  He didn’t know what he was doing. This hadn’t been the plan. He’d meant to come up here, untie Jen, apologize, and then get her back to StoneCrow. But, that’d all been before she’d called his bluff.

  He watched as she swallowed hard and glanced down at the floor. She had a notorious reputation for being a control freak. He intended on shredding that control because some sadistic part of him wanted to see her suffer the way he’d suffered. He wasn’t a total monster though. He’d only push as far as Jenny let him.

  Jenny lifted her head, her gray eyes catching the soft lamplight as she studied him. When they went hard with determination, he knew he was in it now.

  Pushing off the wall, he stalked toward her slowly. He didn’t speak. He didn’t want to. Something about the way he’d taken her before prevented it. He needed her to understand and acquiesce. When Jenny stood and ripped her shirt over her head, his blood thundered through his veins.


  Jenny’s fingers trembled as she dropped her shirt onto the bed. Her clothes and hair were still damp from her trek in the rain and a shiver coursed through her body. She didn’t know if it was from the cold or not. She didn’t care.

  Bishop’s lips twisted into a grin of approval, but it didn’t match the severity in his eyes. The look had an eerie feeling pressing against Jenny’s skin that she tried her best to ignore.

  Bishop’s eyes dipped to her jeans, and she understood the silent command. He wanted it all off. Because her jeans were damp, it was a bit of a struggle to get out of them, but when she was finally on her knees on the bed wearing only her matching black lace bra and panty set, her confidence took a dive. She wasn’t sure if she liked this. Yes, she wanted Bishop, and yes, she felt she owed it to him to right what had happened between them before, but the lack of emotion in his eyes had unease knotting in her belly. When Bishop made an angry sound deep in his throat, a tingling sensation drifted over her skin and incited her to action. Eyes pinned to his, she reached behind her and unfastened her bra. She tossed it on the floor. Her nipples were puckered with the cold, straining straight out and demanding attention. It was an attention that Bishop gave.

  While his eyes were preoccupied with her breasts, she shimmied out of her panties and reclaimed her posture on her knees on top of the soft mattress. Legs partly spread; she knew that when Bishop’s eyes drifted lower, he’d see the proof of her desire glistening there beneath the cap of black curls covering her pussy.

  Bishop’s body tensed, his greedy eyes devouring her in a way that made it feel like he w
as touching her with his hands instead of just his eyes.

  “Lay down.”

  His gravelly voice had liquid heat pooling low in her belly. She complied, going flat on her back.

  “Bend your legs.”

  She did.

  “Now spread ‘em. I want to see that pussy.”

  A wave of insecurity crashed over her, and she hesitated. Looking at Bishop, she saw his eyes narrow as they suddenly went cold. His body stiffened, and his lips thinned into a grim line like he just realized he wasn’t supposed to be enjoying this. He was closing down on her, intentionally keeping her out and it felt like a betrayal.


  He cut her off. “I said spread your legs and show me your pussy.”

  Against her better judgment, Jenny cast him a fiery glance and then did as he commanded. She let her legs fall open and felt the cool air press against her wet slit. Bishop’s eyes immediately dipped to her exposed pussy, and a rolling grumble rattled up from his chest and filled the room. His eyes were pitch black now and when his lip curled back in a snarl, Jenny’s insides flooded with dread.

  “How can something so beautiful be so damn treacherous?”

  His words had something undeniably heartbreaking pressing heavily on her chest.

  “Touch yourself,” he commanded, but when his gaze lifted and locked with hers the look he wore told her he didn’t expect her to comply.

  Whether just to be defiant or simply to give him what he wanted, Jenny lifted a shaky hand and cupped one breast, massaging it as she stared at him.

  “Not there, Jen.” His eyes sharpened and dropped between her legs “There.”

  Holy hell! The sexual tension in the room ratcheted up by a million degrees. Jenny released her breast and slid her hand down her abdomen. Bishop’s eyes tracked her movements like a lion ready to pounce.

  Jenny’s fingers and palm brushed over the curls between her legs and then she was touching herself, surprised at how wet she was. She couldn’t help the startled gasp that left her. She’d been aching for Bishop for so damn long that even though he wasn’t touching her, it sure felt like it with his eyes glued to her the way they were.


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