Enticed by the Alien Warrior

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Enticed by the Alien Warrior Page 9

by Hope Hart

  More of them died over the next few years, and while I built my own court, I will never be able to trust them the way Rakiz so obviously trusts his men.

  The thought feels like a heavy weight on my shoulders.

  Rakiz focuses on me, leaning back in his seat, and I do the same. He holds the upper hand while having these negotiations in his territory, and unless he is an idiot, he will be wondering exactly why I have not brought more of my men here.

  “We want access to the marketplace,” he says.

  I nod. As I expected. “I want dragon scales.”

  Rakiz stills, and low murmurs sound from a few of his men. He glances at one of them, and the warrior nods, leaving the room.

  Rakiz returns his attention to my face. “Why?”

  “That is none of your concern.”

  I won’t trust my own men with this information, let alone this tribe.

  “Dragon scales are some of the most valuable goods on this planet.”

  “I’m aware. I am also the reason the last dragon on Agron still lives.”

  Rakiz nods. “We thank you for your quick action,” he murmurs. “And the berries you used.” From the gleam in his eye, he would also like to get his hands on some cava berries.


  I turn my head as the door opens, and Dragix steps inside, his female by his side. Charlie, I believe her name is. She is pale, her face slightly green, and from the fierce look on Dragix’s face, he is unwilling to leave her alone.

  Despite the chill that comes from the wind today, the dragon is wearing nothing but a pair of pants, his gold eyes bright as they narrow on my face.

  Rakiz explains what I’m looking for, and Dragix shrugs. “Are your warriors not collecting my scales as they fall?”

  “I would prefer those that have not been discarded,” I say. I cannot risk anything less.

  Charlie narrows her eyes at me. “You want him to pluck his scales from his body and give them to you?”

  I smile. “Has Vivian mentioned the many vendors who cross this galaxy to trade in my marketplace?”

  Dragix glances at his female, and she frowns. They are likely having one of their silent conversations—a useful ability indeed.

  “I don’t want you pulling off your scales,” Charlie says aloud, glowering up at the dragon.

  Dragix leans forward, ignoring the many eyes on him, and his hand rises to Charlie’s hair. He carefully selects one single strand and pulls it from her head, holding it up.

  “Do you miss this, little two-leg?”

  She shakes her head, and he smiles.


  Rakiz shifts, the languid movement drawing everyone’s attention. “You have already given Vivian and Sarissa access to this marketplace,” he reminds me.

  “Yes,” I say. “But they will be leaving Agron.” I ignore the way my hands want to fist at my words. “I am willing to allow you to move within my territory to use this marketplace. A concession I have never made for any other Braxian tribe.”

  Rakiz smiles. “You must want these scales fiercely.”

  I smile back. “You were the one who came to me to provide help against the Dokhalls.”

  The room goes silent at the reminder. The servant squeezes between two large warriors and removes one of the trays of food, replacing it with cooked meat.

  “Uh-oh,” Charlie mutters. She strides to the door and opens it, and the sound of retching meets our ears. The warriors take one look at Dragix’s face and don’t dare jest as Charlie returns, her face gray.

  Dragix pulls her into his arms, no longer amused. Time for an offer of good faith.

  “I have some tea that may help your female,” I murmur to Dragix.

  “Standing right here,” Charlie mutters, and I nod at her.

  “My apologies. The tea is made from cava berries. If you sip a small cup each morning, it should help your stomach.”

  Charlie gives me a tiny smile. “Will it harm the baby?”

  Dragix runs his hand over Charlie’s flat stomach, and something like envy washes over me.

  “No,” I promise. “I have brought one of my healers with me. I can have her speak to your healers if you like.”

  Dragix nods at me, relief clear in his eyes. He turns to Rakiz.

  “I give my permission for you to negotiate on my behalf,” he says. Murmurs sound at this, and I barely control my expression as surprise flashes through me.

  I shouldn’t be surprised though. The quickest way to secure cooperation from these males is through their females.

  I watch Dragix as he leads Charlie from the tashiv, my mind whirling as I adjust my strategy.

  One of the other males was mentioning that his female is pregnant. Perhaps I will start there.

  Rakiz is watching me intently, and I give him a bland smile.

  Then I turn to the warrior at his side. “You said your female has not yet given birth?”

  He tenses, his hand sliding to his sword in warning, and Korzyn growls behind me.

  Rakiz glances at the warrior. “Terex,” he says, and the warrior removes his hand from his sword, although it’s clear he does not appreciate me speaking of his female.

  I resist the urge to roll my eyes. These barbarians are exhausting to deal with.

  “We have a few dried cava berries. They are not as potent as the fresh berries; however, they will last longer. I am willing to leave them with you as a show of good faith for when the time comes.”

  Terex turns to Rakiz. “I saw how they healed Dragix. I don’t care what he wants,” he says hoarsely. “Give it to him.”

  Rakiz sighs, sending me an unfriendly look. “You have researched our tribe well to know exactly where to strike during these negotiations.”

  Korzyn snorts. “It does not require research to see that your warriors are ruled by their—”

  “Korzyn.” I glance over my shoulder, and he clamps his mouth shut. Rakiz’s smile sharpens as he studies my commander.

  “Those who protest the most often fall the hardest,” he says. Then he turns back to me. “You have a deal.”


  “It’s so nice to have you guys back for a while,” Alexis says.

  I smile. “It’s good to be back.” I glance around at the usual clearing we tend to gather in when we’re all together. Someone has thrown a few blankets on the grass, and I feel more relaxed than I have in days.

  Beth bounced in place, clapping her hands, when I told her we’d be staying here for a couple of nights. Then she rushed off to find Zarix so she could let him know their mating could go ahead.

  “Typical Beth.” Ivy grins at me. “She doesn’t care about organizing a feast or dancing; all she cares about is that we’re all together.”

  “I know. Obviously when God was giving out sweetness, he skipped Nevada and gave it all to Beth.”

  Nevada grins at me as she gently sways with Danica in her arms. “That’s okay. The Big Guy gave me a mean right hook.”

  I laugh.

  I’ve pushed aside all thoughts of betraying Arix. Instead, I’m focusing on being in the present moment. Soon we’ll go take a look at the ship, but for now, I’m going to enjoy spending time with Nevada, Ellie, Ivy, and the others. All the other women who I landed here with are going to stay on Agron. They’ve all found their happily ever afters.

  Jealousy wraps itself around my neck and squeezes like a boa constrictor. For a second, I can’t breathe, but I force myself to push it away. Each and every one of my friends fought for her happiness. And I refuse to begrudge them a single joyful moment.

  None of us mention the ship that Sarissa, Alexis, Kate, Clara, and I are about to visit. Instead, we talk about inconsequential things. Danica’s sleep habits. Charlie’s morning sickness. Beth’s mating ceremony. Zoey proudly shows off the ring Tagiz had made for her, blushing as she tells us they’ve decided to combine their mating ceremony with an Earth wedding for something that will be uniquely theirs. Alexis murmurs that she a
nd Dexar are trying for a baby.

  “It makes no sense in the middle of a war, but I know he’ll keep us safe. Life is short, and Dexar insists he wants a bunch of kids.”

  I laugh at that. “And you?”

  She grins. “We’ll see how I deal with the first one.”

  I reach out and squeeze her hand. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “I know. Thank you.”

  Someone brings out a watered-down version of noptri, and anyone who’s not nursing or pregnant has a few cups. Before long, the men join us, bringing more food, and the party continues as day turns into night and tribe members come and go.

  It seems as if the actual negotiations have finished, and the males seem much more relaxed, most of them drinking noptri. And unlike ours, their noptri isn’t watered down. Even Korzyn has a cup in his hand, and some of the tension seems to have disappeared from his face.

  Sarissa stares at him like she’s never seen him before, and he raises his cup as if toasting her, his gaze burning into hers as he takes a sip.

  Arix is silent as he steps closer to where I’m leaning against a tree, watching as someone starts playing some music and Charlie drags her dragon onto the makeshift dance floor. She’s looking much better than she was when I first arrived, the color back in her face. Dragix grins down at her, murmuring something that makes her laugh.

  “This tribe is unusual,” Arix says.

  I glance at him, but he’s staring around the clearing, his expression blank.

  I shrug. “They’re a family.”

  I follow his gaze to where Dexar and Terex are chatting to Rakiz as he holds Danica—who looks smaller than ever in his huge hands.

  Nevada makes kissy sounds at her daughter and holds out her arms. He gently hands over the baby, grinning at them both.

  He looks at them like they’re his whole world and he’ll slaughter anyone who threatens them. It’s a look that’s both tender and a little psychotic, and witnessing it makes my eyes sting.

  Nevada pats Danica’s butt and then steps closer to me.

  “Here,” she says, handing her to me before I can protest. “She hasn’t had nearly enough time with you.”

  All the spit dries up in my mouth as Danica makes a tiny baby sound, kicking one of her legs beneath her blanket.

  “Take her back,” I hiss. “I know nothing about babies.”

  Nevada just laughs. “It’s good practice.”

  “I should’ve known you’d be an asshole parent,” I hiss. “I bet on Earth, you’d be holding up the school drop-off line while you perved on the gym teacher.”

  “Well, duh.”

  The other males go back to discussing whatever it was they were discussing, but I glance away from Danica long enough to meet midnight-blue eyes. Arix grins at me, obviously amused at my fear.

  Nevada nudges me. “You look good with a baby in your arms,” she teases.

  “Ha ha,” I mutter.

  “You do,” Arix says, and the amusement has left his face. We stare at each other in silence for a long moment that’s broken only when Danica raises one of her tiny fists, opening her eyes and peering up at me.

  “Hi,” I say, and she blinks sleepily.

  I sway with her, and she wraps her hand around my finger, her eyes sliding closed again. My heart melts.

  Nevada grins at me. “And another one bites the dust. No one can stand strong against my daughter’s charms.”

  I can’t help but laugh, but I hold out the baby, silently pleading with her mother.

  Nevada rolls her eyes but takes her from me, placing a kiss on Danica’s head.

  I turn to Arix, the noptri making my tongue loose. “Dance with me,” I say, expecting him to refuse.

  His smile is languid, and it makes my thighs clench. From the wicked look in his eyes, he knows exactly what that smile does to me.

  My head spins as he takes my hand and pulls me out to the dance floor. He holds me close, swaying gently as he tucks my head beneath his chin, and I make one last desperate wish.

  Please, just let it stay like this for a little longer.

  Chapter Eleven


  I blink my eyes open as the kradi lightens, a low groan leaving my throat.

  Too much noptri. The rest of the night after my dance with Arix is a blur, but I vaguely remember Ivy deciding the noptri would go down much easier if taken as a shot.

  “Curse that flame-haired vixen and her ability to pound liquor like it’s water,” I mutter. From Arix’s low laugh, he’s feeling just fine.

  I turn, attempting to keep my hungover morning breath away from his face. He ignores that, nibbling at my lips in a way that makes me wish I didn’t have to get up.

  “I clearly remember you challenging Ivy and Sarissa,” he murmurs. “I believe you told them to ‘suck your dick.’”

  I groan, covering my face with the fur, and Arix laughs again, pulling it off and pressing a kiss against the tip of my nose.

  He’s more relaxed than I’ve ever seen him, his smile staying put even as I squirm away from him and reach for my clothes.

  “Where are you going?” he asks.

  I sigh at the grass stains all over my dress. Cauri is going to kill me.

  I glance up at him. “I haven’t had a good look at the ship yet. Alexis wants to take the thruster part to the ship and make sure it fits. Dexar has agreed, and he’s coming with us, along with half his army.” I roll my eyes, and Arix’s smile drops from his face.

  “Be careful.”

  I ignore the warmth that blooms in my chest at his warning. “What will you do today?”

  “We’ll solidify the terms of my agreement with Rakiz’s and Dexar’s tribes.” I suppress the urge to ask him exactly what those terms are. If he wanted me to know, he would’ve told me.

  Fling, V. He doesn’t need to tell you shit.

  I glance back down at the dress and shrug. I’ll change later before Beth’s mating ceremony. Arix watches me through dark eyes as I pull it on, and I run a comb through my hair. My hands still as I realize how much I’ve cut down my morning routine.

  Usually, I’d feel the need to darken my lashes, contour my cheekbones, and stain my lips. But for some reason…the thought hadn’t occurred to me this morning.

  My head spins as I get to my feet, and I gulp down some water, hoping it’ll take care of the headache that’s currently pounding behind my right eye. I groan again as I open the kradi flap and the sun hits my face.

  Arix’s chuckle reaches me, and I scowl over my shoulder at him.

  “You could have some sympathy, you know.”

  “I told you to slow down. You called me a ‘pussy.’”

  I groan again and step out of the kradi, finding Alexis, Kate, Sarissa, and Clara waiting for me.

  Alexis is the only one who looks fresh-faced, while Kate and Sarissa are both squinting into the sun as if it has personally offended them. Clara’s face is so pale that her freckles are stark against her skin.

  At least I’m not the only one who’s hungover like a dog.

  Alexis smirks at me, running her eyes over the other two women. She opens her mouth, and I glower at her.

  “Don’t even start.”

  Her smirk turns into a grin, but she gestures at the guards who’ll be traveling with us, her face turning serious. Dexar is waiting with them, and from the look on his face, he’s not exactly excited about taking us with him.

  His eyes scan the guards, who all straighten under his attention. Finally, he murmurs something to them, and Korzyn steps up next to us.

  “What are you doing here?” Sarissa mutters, holding up her hand in a bid to protect her eyes from the sun.

  “Arix ordered me to go with you.”

  From the scowl on his face, he’s feeling just as terrible as we are, and Sarissa gives me a satisfied grin as we head toward the mishua.

  We’re mostly silent as we travel toward the ship, passing the time with our own thoughts. Kate’s face is gri
m, and I know she’s worried about being responsible for so many lives.

  Finally, the huge ship comes into view, and we all take a moment to stare at it silently.

  It’s a shock to the system, seeing the futuristic silver spaceship in front of us. It’s designed in a V shape, with the bridge and main hull in the point of the V and what Alexis says are hangars at the two ends of it.

  I stare at the rows of windows, imagining myself standing on the ship, looking out at the deep blackness of space.

  Butterflies are wild in my stomach as we leave the men to guard the outside of the ship and walk up the steps. Are we seriously going to be able to fly this thing into space? Where one mistake can cost us our lives?

  Thankfully, I won’t be responsible for keeping everyone else alive. Alexis and Kate are already having an intense conversation about the ship as Clara, Sarissa, and I follow them into the area Alexis referred to as the “bridge.”

  They get to work, pressing a few buttons, murmuring amongst themselves, while I wander the bridge, keeping my hands firmly behind my back as I examine the multitude of bright lights and weird-shaped buttons.

  Sarissa leans against a wall and watches them work with keen eyes. She’ll likely ask to be taught everything Kate knows, just in case Kate is ever out of action.

  Kate flicks a switch, and I gasp as a hologram appears in the flight deck, highlighting various charts, graphs, and numbers. Kate and Alexis mutter some more, still pressing buttons in an order that makes sense only to them.

  Clara moves closer to me and Sarissa. “I wanted to thank you both for what you’re doing.”

  I raise an eyebrow, and she tilts her head, lowering her voice even further. “Sarissa told me you’ve made a deal to help us get a control chip.”

  Fury burns through me, and I can’t even look at my cousin. I can feel her eyes on me, but I refuse to meet her gaze.

  “Please,” I say. “Don’t mention it.”


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