Enticed by the Alien Warrior

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Enticed by the Alien Warrior Page 10

by Hope Hart

  Clara’s brow creases in confusion. “I know it must be difficult over there, so far from your friends, but I wanted to let you know how much I and the other women appreciate it.” Her eyes turn sad. “I was supposed to graduate college the day after I was taken.”

  My mouth tastes like ash. “What were you studying?”

  “Political science. I was the first in my family to go to college. My parents were so proud. Now they probably think I’m dead.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  Clara shrugs. “We all have our stories. None of them are good. That’s why I’m looking forward to getting off this planet. Maybe we’ll be able to find a way to contact Earth. At the very least, we might be able to give our families some hope.”

  My stomach swims, and I take a deep breath as I finally meet Sarissa’s knowing gaze. This is what we’re fighting for. These women who’ve had everything taken from them.

  Kate lets out a triumphant sound and hits a blue button, and we all jump as a smooth female voice sounds, speaking a strange language.

  “My translator isn’t picking that up,” Alexis frowns. “Is anyone else’s?”

  I open my mouth, but the voice cuts me off.

  “Language detected. Human. English. Please insert control chip for full access to flight capabilities.”

  Kate frowns, and Sarissa snorts. “You mean the control chip we don’t have?”

  “Please repeat your question.”

  We all freeze, and Alexis clears her throat.

  “Computer, access last known flight path.”

  “Access denied. You may not access any functions in that category. Please insert control chip.”

  I can practically hear Alexis grinding her teeth. Kate grins at her.

  “Access weapons systems,” Kate says.

  “Access denied. You may not access any functions in that category. Please insert control chip.”

  “Access flight systems,” Alexis tries.

  “Access denied. You may not access any functions in that category. Please insert control chip.”

  “Access startup systems,” Kate mutters.

  “Accessing…please hold…systems accessed.”

  My heart flutters in my chest.

  “Access primary controls,” Alexis says.

  “Access denied. You may not access any functions in that category. Please insert control chip.”

  “For fuck’s sake,” Sarissa murmurs. “What can we do?”

  “You may access environmental systems.”

  Alexis lets out a long-suffering sigh. “Display environmental systems.”

  “Environmental systems displayed. Please select your preferred temperature.”

  Is it just me, or does the computer sound…smug?

  “Great. We can change the fucking temperature,” Kate mutters, and Alexis laughs.

  Alexis and Kate study the holo-screens in front of them, and I sidle close enough to examine them. They’re now in English, yet I still have no idea what they actually mean.

  Alexis frowns. “Computer, please list current accessible functions.”

  “Functions not available. Please state your desired action.”

  “Access fuel systems.”

  “Fuel systems displayed.”

  “Well, we can also see how much fuel we have. That’s something,” Alexis mutters.

  “Explain this to us like you’re explaining it to a six-year-old,” Sarissa orders.

  Kate glances over her shoulder.

  “It’s not great,” she says. “We may be able to get off the ground with the secondary systems, but we can’t use any of the ship’s weapons, which would make us sitting ducks in space. I’ll need to spend at least a few hours in here to understand exactly what we can use, but…”

  “We’d be taking a massive risk.”

  Alexis snorts. “Getting on this ship with the control chip is a massive risk. You have no idea what you’re going to find out there. Using it without full access to the systems? It’s suicide.”

  I swallow. “Well, that’s depressing.”

  Alexis shrugs. “You know what else is depressing? Getting off Agron only to end up being blown to pieces or lost in space.”

  “She has a point,” Sarissa mutters, and I sigh.

  We’re even quieter on the way back, all of us deep in thought. The guards are tense, and Korzyn insists on going ahead a few times so he can check for any potential ambushes.

  The fresh air seems to help clear my head, and I feel slightly more alert when we get back to camp, although I’d give almost anything for a nonfat vanilla latte. We head straight to Nevada’s tashiv, where the guys have been kicked out and most of the women are congregating.

  Beth smiles as we walk in. “Viv, I have a favor to ask. Will you—”

  “Help you get ready?” I finish with a grin. “Of course.”

  Sarissa frowns slightly at that, and I realize she hasn’t been here for any of the other mating ceremonies. Ivy grins from where she’s sitting in one of the low chairs near the fire, a cup of noptri in her hand.

  “Hair of the dog,” she says at my raised eyebrow, and I laugh. She turns to Sarissa. “Vivian is our unofficial makeup artist and hair stylist. She works miracles.”

  Sarissa nods, a weird look crossing her face, and I slump into one of the empty chairs by the fire, opening my mouth to ask her what’s up. Nevada takes the opportunity to hand Danica to me, laughing as I freeze in place.

  “You’re looking at a baby, not a firing squad. Relax.”

  I glower at her, but I lean back in the chair, sniffing at Danica’s head.

  Ivy leans closer, and we both inhale. “That new baby smell is addictive. Better make sure you’re being careful with that hot king.”

  I groan as the other women crack up. The door opens, and Ellie waddles in, a deep scowl on her face.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, and she gives me a half hug in greeting, wrapping her arm around my shoulder as she coos at Danica.

  “I’m still pregnant! That’s what’s wrong!” she wails, and Nevada laughs.

  “It’ll happen.”

  “It feels like I’m going to be this big forever!”

  “How many women do you know who’ve just stayed pregnant for the rest of their lives?”

  Ellie scowls. “I don’t need your logic, Miss I Have a Cute Little Bowling-Ball Belly, and I’m Going to Have My Baby Early So She Doesn’t Ruin My Vagina!”

  Nevada simply grins, raising her eyebrow. “That name has a certain ring to it. You know I didn’t exactly plan any of that, right?”

  “I’m the size of a house!”

  I kiss the top of Danica’s tiny head, hiding my smile. Ellie is short, and right now, she’s all belly.

  “I’d be pissed too,” I say. “You got pregnant before Nevada. Trust her to beat you to the push.”

  Nevada smirks at me. “I can’t help biology.” She turns to Ellie. “Maybe you need to relax. You know, light some candles, hang out in your kradi…bow chicka wow wow.”

  Ellie stares at her. “Yeah. Because I feel so sexy right now.”

  We crack up as Charlie walks in. She obviously overheard Ellie, because she’s also grinning. “Are you seriously telling me Terex wouldn’t jump you if you raised an eyebrow his way? He looks at you the way I used to look at candy.”

  Ellie blushes at that. “It’s hard to feel sexy when you’re so large you could have your own zip code.”

  “Well there are no zip codes on Agron,” Nevada says. “And Terex has made it clear he can’t get enough of you. Sex can bring on labor—everyone knows that. Have a few orgasms, eat some spicy food, and the baby will be here before you know it.”

  Ellie sits down, looking a little more relaxed. “I’m sorry, you guys. I know I’m being ridiculous.”

  Nevada snorts. “Don’t let Zoey hear you say that.”

  “Too late,” a voice says, and I glance over my shoulder as Zoey walks in.

  “You know, that’s be
coming a habit,” I murmur.

  I glance at Ellie, and she blushes again.

  “A few weeks ago, I had a meltdown. There were rumors going around that human women weren’t large enough to birth Braxian babies. I was convinced I was going to die. Don’t worry,” she says at the look on my face. “I feel much better now.”

  I scowl. “And who exactly started these rumors?”

  Because I’ll make them pay.

  Nevada grins at me, leaning over to check on her daughter as she gurgles. “I like where your mind’s at, but Zoey already gave them a verbal beatdown.”

  I glance at Zoey, who turns an even darker shade of red. “Seriously?”

  Ellie’s lips twitch. “Yup. I heard it was something to see. And hear. She alluded to the fact she’s in charge of poisons, so people shouldn’t piss her off. Apparently, it was glorious.”

  Zoey smiles as we all stare at her. “Oh, it was.”

  “Wow, I’ve missed a lot.” My heart pangs.

  But I wouldn’t take my time with Arix back for anything.

  “Right.” I turn to Beth. “Let’s get you ready so you can blow your man’s mind.”


  Vivian looks like a queen.

  I know I should be looking at Beth, the female who is currently walking toward her mate, her joy almost blinding. Zarix stares at her as if it takes all his willpower to not stride across the large clearing and pull her into his arms.

  But my gaze is continually drawn to the female next to me, her hair falling below her shoulders in soft waves. She has done something to darken her eyes, and they practically glow as she swipes away a tear, laughing as Zarix forces his hands behind his back in an obvious effort to prevent himself from dragging his mate to him.

  Beth’s smile widens, and she steps onto tiptoe, pressing a kiss to Zarix’s chin. Vivian sighs, and I force my attention away from her, glancing around the large clearing instead.

  Beth isn’t a member of this tribe, but she and Zarix are obviously well liked. Not only have tribe members traveled from Dexar’s tribe to be here, but most of this tribe are squeezed shoulder to shoulder in what previously seemed like a huge space.

  Dexar grins at the couple, his gaze lifting to where his own mate stands close by. She winks at him, and that grin widens, filled with promise.

  The fire burns behind them, and within moments, Dexar has thrown Beth over the fire and into her mate’s arms.

  What would it be like to have a female of my own? I reach for Vivian’s hand before I can stop myself, and she glances at me, her eyes widening slightly in surprise before she smiles at me and returns her attention to the mating ceremony.

  I have long known that I must eventually take a mate. But unlike my parents with their love match, I have no desire to risk losing a true mate to the traitors that are aiming for my throne. My mate would be targeted by those who would never want to risk another heir in line for the throne, and any match must be with a female who will be willing to take that risk and be rewarded accordingly.

  Likely one of the sycophants in my court who will be happy to sit on the throne, even if it means it’s the last thing they do.

  I have no illusions about my ability to protect a female. My parents thought they were well protected, and my father trusted his guards to keep my mother and me safe.

  Vivian squeezes my hand, and I glance at her. She’s frowning slightly, and I realize I’ve tightened my hand on hers.

  I raise it, pressing my lips to her wrist in apology.

  Javir, the boy the couple treat as a son, stands next to Zarix, his shoulders straight. He hands two gold bands to Zarix, who takes them, his words loud and clear as he keeps his gaze on Beth’s face.

  “My brave female. I have made these bands to represent our bond. Strong, true, and never to be broken. Will you accept them?”

  “I will.”

  Beth repeats the words, and I raise my eyebrows as she ties her own bands onto Zarix’s wrists.

  Zarix doesn’t hesitate. Within moments, Beth is in his arms, his mouth on hers.

  The rest of the night passes in a blur of food, music, and noptri. Vivian is quiet, something obviously on her mind, but I don’t ask what she is thinking.

  I’m not sure I want to know.


  I wake to warm hands on my body, and I stretch languidly, a sound almost like a purr leaving my throat.

  My eyes open and meet dark, fathomless blue. My breath catches in my throat, and I raise my hands, burying them in Arix’s dark hair.

  Beautiful man.

  He smiles down at me, but the smile is sad. For whatever reason, it hurts something in my chest to see sadness on his face, and I grin up at him mischievously.

  “Well, Your Majesty, you have me right where you want me. Now what are you going to do with me?”

  His grin is a dark promise, and I shiver.

  Deft fingers begin undoing the dress I fell asleep in, and I sigh as one of his hands moves down to my breast, playing with my nipple until it’s hard and aching.

  I let out a strangled moan, and he pushes the furs away, his eyes burning as he helps me out of my dress. When my chest is bared for him, he lowers his mouth, closing it over my nipple, lightly running his teeth over it until I’m squirming against him.

  He laughs and moves to my other beast, sucking at my nipple until it’s throbbing and I’m pleading with him between breathless gasps.

  I hold his head against me, and he growls as I pull at his hair. His mouth is hot as he kisses his way up my neck until it finally slants over mine, his lips demanding, his need clear.

  I open my mouth, moaning at the taste of him. This man, who was always supposed to be a casual fling, tastes like sin and hope.

  He reaches down and pushes my legs apart impatiently, and I run my hands over his bare chest, enjoying the way he tenses against me. My fingers dance over the bumps and ridges of his abdomen, his muscles flexing as I move my hand lower.

  He catches my wrist with a laugh. “I don’t think so.”

  His mouth moves lower again, and my thighs clench as his tongue is suddenly probing me, licking, sucking, and tormenting me.

  This man enjoys making me go out of my mind with lust, and a strangled sob leaves my throat as one hand moves beneath my butt, lifting me so he can bury his tongue even deeper. He moves up, flicking at my clit, and his finger joins the party, thrusting into me as he nibbles at my clit.

  I dissolve around him, my hands scrambling across his shoulders, nails digging into his skin. His low growl tells me he enjoys that, and I arch with desperate need as he finally moves between my legs, his mouth covering mine.

  I moan against his lips as he thrusts into me, my nails raking down his back. He moves deeper, angling my hips until he hits that spot that drives me wild.

  I clench around him. “Faster.”

  His grin is wicked as he slows down instead, grinding against my clit with every thrust. He pulls back until he almost leaves me completely but then slams into me, making me shudder in bliss.

  My eyes drift closed, and I force them open, finding his gaze on my face.

  “Again,” I order him, and he smiles, but I can see from the tension on his face that he’s barely holding on to his control.

  “You’re not in charge here, lovely.”

  I scowl, but he does something with his hips that makes me gasp and clench around him. That makes him growl, so I do it again, and again.

  He moves then. Long, deep strokes that drive me insane while he gazes down at me, his eyes shuttered.

  Even now, we can’t be honest with each other, and I slam my own eyes closed.

  He nuzzles my ear, and I moan as his new position ensures his pubic bone is hitting my clit with each thrust.

  “Open your eyes,” he murmurs, and I do, finding his blazing with male challenge. I lift my hips, wrapping my legs around his waist, and his jaw tightens.

  He strums his fingers over my clit, and I cry out as I’m sudden
ly engulfed in overwhelming pleasure.

  He murmurs something I can’t hear, burying his face against my neck as he shudders against me.

  I raise my hands to his head, clutching tight. Since his uncle’s death, Arix has left immediately each time we slept together, and I half expect him to get up and find his pants. But instead, he rolls onto his back, dragging me with him.

  “Alexis managed to connect the fixed part of the thruster to the thruster itself, and it’s now in working order,” I murmur. “I know I’ve said it before, but thank you.”

  He shrugs, but I mentally curse myself for bringing up the subject as his body tenses against mine, his brow lowering. I slide one hand along his chest, scratching my fingernails across his nipple.

  “Wicked female.”

  I laugh at that, and some of the strain leaves his face.

  “So what do you think of Rakiz’s tribe?” I ask lightly.

  He’s quiet for a long moment, his hand stroking my hair. “I’ve…enjoyed my time here. The relationship he has with his warriors reminds me of the way my father interacted with his guards and advisers when he was still alive.” His voice doesn’t change, but his eyes are dark when he speaks of his dad.

  “You seem to be close to your warriors.”

  He shakes his head. “There can be no true relationship without trust,” he murmurs. “My parents’ murders taught me that. They were kind, fair rulers who trusted those around them. And that trust killed them. Rakiz should be careful that the same doesn’t happen to him.”

  I can’t imagine anyone betraying Rakiz. But as Alexis found out when one of Dexar’s guards handed her over to his enemy, no king is exempt from betrayal.

  “You said your mom loved her gardens. What did your father love?”

  He smiles. “My mother. He doted on her every whim. Rumors were constantly flying about how he would do anything for his queen. It was seen as a weakness, but he didn’t care.” His smile disappears. “He should have.”

  “It sounds like they were happy.”

  He nods. “Watching my father love my mother was illuminating. He was devoted to her. Some say that devotion made him shortsighted. He wasn’t as careful as he should’ve been when it came to his guards.”


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