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Enticed by the Alien Warrior

Page 16

by Hope Hart

  He bends his knees, and I’m suddenly in his arms as he stalks back toward his rooms.

  “I was waiting for you before I knew you existed,” he murmurs, and I lean up, winding my arms around his neck.

  “You truly love me?”

  “I would let no other female even think about betraying me. I imagined it was just the way we tumbled, or perhaps the thrill of someone new. But when I thought you’d never wake up, I wanted to lie down next to you and not move for the rest of my life.”

  He pushes open the door to his rooms, and I wipe my wet face against his shirt. He lets out a low laugh. “No more of that.”

  My tears continue to fall, and he gently places me on the ground before kissing the tears from my face.

  I sniff. “I always thought I was the fuckup. I thought I’d never amount to anything, so I never tried to be more than they said I could be. I sat and let them take photos of me, and I smiled, and I moved my arms and my legs and tilted my head, and I grew up and did it all again. And then I came here. And you taught me I was more than a puppet.”

  “Shh,” Arix soothes me. “You are many things, but you’re no one’s puppet.”

  I give him a shaky smile, and he cups my face with his huge hand, leaning down to brush his lips against mine. The kiss is slow, gentle, and so tender that tears fill my eyes once more.

  My stomach flutters at the feel of his hands on me. It seems like it’s been years since he touched me like this, and I moan, pulling him closer.

  He refuses to deepen our kiss, and I let out a growl that makes him chuckle against my mouth.

  “More,” I demand.

  “Shh. Gently.”

  He keeps his mouth on mine as he lifts me, carrying me to the bed, where he follows me down until I’m lying on my back and he’s leaning over me.

  My hands clutch at his shoulders, and then I’m attempting to pull off his shirt as he lets out a slightly strangled laugh.

  “No, lovely. You’re not yet healed enough for that.”

  I growl. “Are you kidding me?”

  “Let me make you feel good.”

  I open my mouth to give him explicit instructions detailing exactly how he can do that, but he shuts me up with another kiss, his hands moving to the ties on my dress. He loosens them, letting out a low groan as my breasts pop free.

  Within moments, I’m naked, staring up at the man who has always made my heart beat faster.

  “This is more like it.”

  He grins at that, but I pout as I realize he’s still not taking off his clothes. Instead, he kisses me again, our tongues twining together intimately as I slide my legs around him, rubbing against him.

  He turns his attention to my breasts, kissing his way across them before taking one of my nipples in his mouth. I sigh as he sucks and plays, driving me crazy with anticipation.

  He kisses along the white scar above my breast, his brow lowering. Then he slowly makes his way down, until he’s staring at the red scar near my right hip. He shudders, pressing his lips against it for a long moment.

  I sigh, burying my fingers in his hair as he moves on, brushing the scruff of his cheek against my lower belly in a way that makes me giggle.

  He does it again, grinning up at me. “I love your laugh.”

  I can feel his need for me as he moves lower again, his tongue probing me as I let out a moan. He continues to suck and lick, driving me crazy until I’m shattering in his arms.

  He simply slides his hands beneath my butt, lifting me closer to his mouth. “I’m not done.”

  I gasp as he buries his tongue deeper before moving up to my clit, where he strokes, driving me out of my mind. He slides one of his hands free and enters me with one large finger, letting out a rough laugh as I clamp down around him, my muscles turning languid with ecstasy.

  He makes me come three more times, until I’m exhausted, trembling in his arms.

  “Now you,” I slur as he lies down, lifting me until I’m curled against his chest.

  He laughs. “We have plenty of time, my love. Go to sleep.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  “Are you sure you want to go through with this?” Sarissa asks me, a smile playing around her mouth.

  I laugh, giddy with happiness. “I’m surer than I’ve ever been of anything in my life.”

  Cauri shoots Sarissa a look, and I hide a smile. There’s still no love lost between them. I wish my friends could have been here for this, but unlike Beth, I’m not willing to wait to make things official. And even if I were, my alien king wouldn’t hear of it.

  Mating ceremonies are different on this side of the water. First, there’s no fire. Second, this will be my coronation as well. Even without the threat of the Dokhalls and the Zintas, I wouldn’t have expected the other women to make the journey. Ellie still hasn’t had her baby, and I know I’m not the only one who is starting to get worried.

  At least Sarissa is here. And while she jokes about me being a runaway bride, I know she’s happy for me.

  I’ve never imagined getting married on Earth. I’d never met anyone who made me even remotely close to imagining wearing a big white dress and walking down an aisle. Maybe that’s why I’ve gone with pure, unrelenting black.

  I gaze at my reflection in the mirror, and even I have to admit I look great. The material of my dress is so fine that it almost reminds me of cobwebs, draped over a silky underlayer. Tiny jewels catch the light when I move, and the dress hugs every inch of my body without being at all lewd.

  Arix added to my new jewelry collection while I was still recovering. The jewels are jet black, an obsidian so dark that I wanted to stroke them while murmuring “my precious.” Each jewel is wrapped in a fine silver nest, allowing hints of onyx to peek out each time it hits the light.

  He murmured in my ear, calling me his dark queen as he fastened the necklace around my throat, handing me the earrings to try on. I smile. I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he sees me in this getup.

  I blow out a nervous breath and glance over my shoulder at Sarissa. She’s wearing crimson red, some of her long blonde hair pinned slightly back off her face, the rest a sheet of silk down her back. I sent a message to Rakiz’s camp, explaining we have the chip, but Dragix still isn’t back from his hunting trip. My cousin is getting impatient, and I know damn well if Dragix doesn’t appear soon, she’s going to take the trip across the water by herself.

  I offered to send her with a group of guards, but she refused, saying that even if she did trust Arix’s guards after everything we’ve been through, traveling in a group would attract too much attention. I have to admit she’s got a point. That doesn’t mean I’m going to let her go alone though. She narrows her eyes at me as if reading my mind.

  “You’re becoming a queen today, V. Let’s focus on that.”

  I frown. “I just don’t get why you can’t get Dragix to pick you up so you can deliver the chip to Alexis.”

  She laughs. “Well, the dragon may have been acting as a flying taxi when everyone thought you’d die, but he’s actually kind of an important asset in this war.”

  I stare at her, and she sighs. “He’s tracking a group of Zintas who decided to take their chances with the Dokhalls. Arix gave him their scents, and he’s going to take them out.”

  It makes sense. The Dokhalls’ weapons make them more of a threat, but the Zintas know this planet. They know who’s allied with who, where the Dokhalls are most likely to be in danger, and how to evade Dragix’s excellent nose. Spoiler alert: it involves covering themselves with dirt and poop.

  Keeping the Zintas from allying with the Dokhalls could be critical in winning this war.

  Sarissa leans against the wall. “We said we’d talk about this later, Viv. This is your mating ceremony. You need to focus on yourself.”

  I open my mouth, but Cauri tuts, sliding one last jeweled pin into my hair. Unlike the usual complicated updo, this style is relatively simple by design. After all, I
need to leave enough room for my crown. My stomach flutters at the thought, and all I can hear is my mother’s voice in my head.

  She didn’t even think I was smart enough to go to college; what would she say if she knew I was about to help rule a kingdom? And I will be ruling. Arix made it clear I will be more than just a figurehead.

  “I would be an idiot if I didn’t use your conniving, brilliant, resourceful brain,” he told me. “And I am many things, but I am not an idiot.” I may not have much faith in myself, but apparently, Arix has enough faith for both of us.

  Cauri steps away, pronouncing me ready. I get to my feet, and Sarissa gives me a shaky smile. “You look beautiful,” she says. “You’re gonna be one hell of a queen, cuz.”

  I blink back tears, and she laughs, wrapping me in a bear hug. “I’m going to go take my place downstairs,” she says. “Unless you need me to help you make a quick getaway?” She raises her eyebrow, her eyes laughing at me, and I shake my head.

  “Thanks for being so good about this.”

  “Hey, you want to rule a kingdom on an alien planet? Who am I to get in your way?” She winks at me and then saunters out the door, likely about to make every man waiting in the ballroom downstairs swallow his tongue. Well, every man except one, I hope.

  I take one last glance in the mirror and nod. Cauri smiles at me, and her hard face is suddenly beautiful. “I was the queen’s maid, you know,” she murmurs. “She loved her mate and her son more than anything. She never treated me like just a maid. We were close friends, and when she died, I swore I’d help protect her boy. Kilza would like you. She also had a quick wit and a smart mouth, although not many people got to see it. She was brave too. She’d be so proud of both of you.”

  This time, a tear escapes my eye, and Cauri shakes her head in mock disapproval before wiping it away. “Your king is waiting for you,” she says, and I nod.

  “I’m ready.”

  She smiles at me again, and I feel a little like I’m in the twilight zone. I’m tempted to ask her if she’s drunk, but ever since I nearly died and she saw exactly what it did to Arix, she’s been surprisingly nice. In fact, she hasn’t called me a trollop once. The last time my contraceptive tonic arrived, she remarked that I surely wouldn’t need it for much longer.

  It’s more than a little weird.

  I make my way downstairs, feeling like I’m floating on air. While the dinner, dancing, and general festivities will take place in the grand ballroom, the first part of the ceremony will be in the throne room.

  I suck in a breath as I arrive, and the guards on either side of the doors throw them open, revealing the room itself, which is packed with more people than I could’ve imagined.

  But my gaze goes past them to Arix. He’s dressed formally, wearing a black crown, and his midnight-blue eyes are burning into mine as if I’m the only thing he sees.

  The feeling is mutual.

  Our eyes stay locked together as I walk toward him. I may have been nervous until I saw him, but now I’m consumed with joy and delight.

  I feel as if every single moment of my life has been leading to this one. Korzyn stands on Arix’s left, and my mind flashes back to the first time I saw Arix, in this very room. I was so nervous, wondering if we could trust him, and yet I was intrigued and hopelessly attracted despite myself.

  I come to a stop in front of him, and we share a grin. I don’t know about him, but I feel as if we’ve gotten away with something. After all, neither of us is dead, and instead, we get our very own happily ever after.

  The commander steps close, turning to a guard who presents him with a cushion. My stomach flushes at the sight of the crown on that cushion, and I catch Sarissa’s eye. She grins at me, giving me a tiny thumbs-up, and I almost laugh.

  The commander takes the crown, and I bow my head. Arix’s voice washes over me. Somehow still low and intimate even as it carries over the crowd. “Do you, Vivian, swear to give your life to your king, your people, and your crown?”

  “I swear.” The crown is heavier than I ever imagined, but I manage to lift my head without it falling off, and I count that as a win as the crowd cheers.

  I meet Arix’s gaze, and I blink back tears at the joy I see there. After everything he’s been through, he deserves whatever happiness he can find, and I’m the lucky girl who gets to give it to him.

  He leans down and takes my mouth, and from the gasps that sound, I’m guessing this is rather unusual.

  And from the way his hands cup my face, I’m guessing he doesn’t care.

  I laugh against his mouth, and he pulls back, grinning at me. “Congratulations, Your Majesty.”

  I blink at the title, and he offers me his hand, leading me from the throne room.

  And to the beginning of the rest of our lives.



  I give the man sitting in the corner of the room my most flirtatious smile, tilting my head so more of my hair falls over my naked breast.

  I’ve been planning this surprise since before everything went down at the banquet. When I told my cousin what I was going to do, she high-fived me, saying I was sly as a fox and obviously, I’d found my lady balls.

  Come to think of it, that could mean this is a really bad idea.

  It’s too late to even check in with Sarissa now. She left to take the chip to Alexis a few days ago, Korzyn by her side.

  “You’re frowning again.”


  I had to lock Cauri out, since I know damn well she’d lose her mind if she found out exactly what I’m up to in here.

  Arix is away, negotiating with another tribe king. Since he’ll only be gone for the day, I told him I’d stay here. He narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously, knowing I don’t like to be left behind ever.

  FOMO is real.

  But this is the perfect opportunity to get this taken care of, before my possessive king comes back.

  The door slams open, and Arix walks in.

  He takes one look at my undressed state and the male sitting in the corner of the room, and a roar leaves his throat.


  I jump to my feet, wrapping the blanket around me as he advances on the painter.

  His guards burst through the door, and he whirls on them.


  My mouth goes dry. “Arix, I can explain.”

  “Explain what, lovely? How I open up to you and find you mostly naked and alone in my rooms with another male?”

  “You were supposed to be away this afternoon!”

  He growls. Then he turns from me, advancing toward the artist, who is currently cowering in the corner.

  I jump in front of him. “This was a surprise for you, you giant asshole!”

  He stares at me. “Consider me surprised.”

  I roll my eyes. Men. I move toward the easel, but Arix catches my arm.

  “No closer.”

  I break his hold the way Hewex once taught me. “We’ve been working on this for days! We were almost done, and now you’ve ruined it.”

  “Days?” He gapes at me, and then his eyes turn to ice as he returns his attention to the artist in the corner.

  I stalk toward the easel, avoiding the hand Arix shoots out toward me. I turn it, revealing the painting.

  “You said you wanted one of my ‘photographs.’ This is the closest I could manage. You’re fucking welcome.”

  I turn to stride away, but Arix clamps his arm around my waist, holding me to him and ignoring my struggles as he examines the painting.

  “For me?”

  “Of course it’s for you!”

  He glances at the artist, who is currently attempting to mold his body into the stone wall behind him.

  “This is incredible.”

  “Th-thank you, Your Majesty.”

  He’s right. The artist has captured the dark red of the blanket I hold in front of me, barely covering one breast. My hair is thrown over my shoulder, covering the other. One of my legs
is bare on the bed, the other hidden by the blanket mounded between my legs. I’m wearing the jewelry Arix gave me and nothing else. Just as he wanted.

  The arm clamped around my waist softens slightly but not enough for me to escape.

  “For me?” he asks again, and some of the fury leaves me at the wonder in his voice. This king can afford anything he wants. But when was the last time someone gave him a gift? Something tells me it was probably back when his parents were alive.


  He glances down at me, and I almost flinch at the emotion in his eyes. He gently brushes his mouth against mine and then turns to the artist, who still looks as if he’s worried he might be dragged away in chains at any moment.

  “This is amazing. Thank you, and I apologize for my reaction.”

  I blink. Arix is apologizing? People must be ice skating in hell.

  “You’re…welcome, Your Majesty.”

  “How much longer until this is finished?”

  “One more sitting, Your Majesty. The finishing touches I can do alone.”

  Arix nods. “You will be rewarded handsomely for this. I will ensure it. Please return tomorrow for the last sitting.”

  The artist smiles, leaving his paints where they are and scurrying toward the door.

  Arix watches him go. Then he examines the painting some more, ignoring me as I wiggle against him.

  “This is an incredible gift,” he says. “While I don’t appreciate another male seeing you like this, I will hang this in front of my bed, where I can appreciate it.” He drags his gaze away from the painting and brushes my hair off my face. “Thank you.”

  I frown at him, still unwilling to let him off the hook after that reaction. “What exactly did you think was going on here?”

  “I didn’t think,” he admits. “I saw you looking like all my fantasies come to life, with another male staring at you intently. And I lost my mind. I’m sorry.”

  Two apologies in one day. Wow.

  I sigh. “I guess I understand. I should’ve told you about it, but I wanted it to be a surprise.”


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