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Casino King: A Dark Mafia Romance (Carfano Crime Family Book 1)

Page 4

by Rebecca Gannon

  “How are you feeling?” His voice is as smooth as the whiskey sliding down my throat, and pools just as warmly in my stomach, loosening the knot that formed the moment he walked out the door earlier. I knew he was going to pay the man who attacked me a visit. I felt his anger rolling off of him when he saw my bruised face. And while taking comfort in knowing he hurt him right back for me should make me feel like a bad person, it doesn’t.

  If he’s not taught a lesson now, what’s to stop him from going after another girl the next night he’s drunk? And that woman most definitely won’t have a secret bodyguard like I did to rescue her from the fate I narrowly escaped from.

  “What’s your name?” I ask him for the second time, needing to know that more than anything right now. I want to call him something other than my mystery man. I need something to grab onto right now when everything about him is so carefully veiled.

  Draping his suit jacket over the chair beside me, he walks over to the bar and pours himself his own glass of whiskey before taking the seat beside me. The sleeves of his crisp white dress shirt are rolled up to his elbows, exposing his tanned muscular forearms that I’m having visions of seeing flexing on either side of my head as he thrusts into me.

  Looking away, I clear my throat and shift where I sit. He’s a lot to take in. He has too much of a presence for me to relax.

  “Alec Carfano,” he says, and I repeat the name in my head, letting it roll around in there, and loving the way it feels. It’s sexy. It’s strong.

  I look back up at him, his dark eyes pulling mine to his. “Alec Carfano. It suits you,” I tell him, and immediately wonder why I said that. But his lip twitches, almost like he wants to smile but doesn’t remember how.

  “You think so?” Leaning back in his chair, he eyes me speculatively over the rim of his glass as he takes a long drink, my eyes drawn to his throat as he swallows.

  “Yes,” I whisper, my eyes meeting his again. “Why am I here?”

  “Because I want you to be.”

  “Why did you have me followed?”

  “Because you needed protection.”

  “From what?”

  “I think tonight speaks for itself.”

  “And I’m grateful, but it still doesn’t answer my question.”

  He stares at me for a long, silent moment. Using it, I’m sure, to contemplate whether or not to answer me honestly.

  “I wanted to make sure you were safe.”

  “Why? From what?”

  “Just accept the answer, Tessa. That’s all you’re getting tonight.”

  Well, then. Placing my half-full glass on the coffee table, I stand. “Fine, then I want to go home. Enzo?” I look over to him by the door, but he just looks at Alec.

  “You’re not leaving,” Alec says in a matter-of-fact tone, his voice dropping just a little lower. Enough to send a shiver down my spine and make my legs give out so I’m sitting again.

  “Why not? I’m fine, and I want to go back to my apartment.”

  “You can stay in one of my guest rooms tonight. I want you safe.”

  “I’m plenty safe at my apartment. I’m not anticipating another incident as I’m sure you took care of him in the basement when you left before.” Alec’s eyes momentarily dart over to Enzo, giving him a sharp glare at the mention of the basement like I was never supposed to know about it.

  “What did you do to him?” I ask softly.

  “Don’t ask a question you’re not ready to hear the answer to, bella,” he says, and a chill runs through me. I think he did more than just rough him up.

  Darting my eyes away, I try and decide how I feel about that. But Alec doesn’t give me time to, because he places a finger under my chin and lifts my gaze back to his, all thoughts leaving my brain. “Stay tonight. I don’t want you alone.”

  “I have work tomorrow.”

  “That has nothing to do with tonight.”

  His eyes are dark, pulling me in like two black holes until I feel like I’m free-falling into them, not knowing where I’ll end up.

  “Okay.” The word is spoken as if he reached inside of me and pulled it out himself.

  “Good. Are you hungry?” He leans back in his chair and breaks eye contact, allowing me to blink out of my hypnotized state.

  “No. I’m just tired.”

  “I’ll show you where you can sleep.” Standing, he takes a sip of his whiskey and then holds his hand out for me. I stare at it for a second too long, contemplating how touching him would feel, before I tentatively place my smaller one in his.

  His warmth immediately envelopes me and I feel a current travel up my arm, straight to my chest.

  I don’t know this feeling. I’m both scared and excited. Calm and wound up. I’m unsure of everything aside from my desire to stay the night.

  Walking down the hallway, we pass a few closed doors before he opens one on the right.

  Silently, I step inside before him and look around, clenching my jaw to keep it from dropping to the floor.

  It’s amazing.

  Floor to ceiling windows line the exterior wall, giving me a view of the opposite side of the city and ocean from the living room’s windows. I have the urge to go over to them to take it all in, but his hand surrounding mine anchors me to where I stand.

  “The sun is bright in the morning, so you might want to close the curtains,” he says as I look at the large, king-sized bed that looks like heaven waiting for me.

  “Okay,” I say softly, the quiet of the room loud to my ears.

  “My sister stays with me when she’s in town, so you should have whatever you need in the closet and bathroom, which is right through there.” He lifts his chin to the door off to the right. “Use whatever you need. Wear whatever you want. She’ll never know it’s gone.”

  “Okay,” I repeat. I don’t know what else to say. I’m feeling overwhelmed at being out of my element in a place like this, and my exhaustion isn’t helping either.

  “I’m in the next room over, so if you need anything, just knock.” His eyes turn a shade darker, and I have to look away with all the images I’m starting to have of us in this big bed after telling him exactly what I need.

  “Okay,” I whisper, feeling like an idiot that that’s all I can come up with to say for the third time.

  Releasing my hand, I feel the loss immediately as his eyes slowly roam over me before silently leaving the room. The click of the door closing makes me physically relax now that I’m alone.

  Why am I here?

  Why did I agree to stay?

  Not that I had much say in the matter, but still. I could have had more of a backbone and insisted that I leave. Although I wouldn’t have been able to use the elevator without either him or Enzo anyhow, so I’m essentially imprisoned here until Alec says I can go. Well, imprisoned is a strong word considering I caved rather quickly to his demand that I stay the night by simply looking into his eyes.

  I liked the idea of him wanting me to be safe too much to put up much of a fight. I haven’t had that in a very long time – someone looking out for my safety. Not since my brother.

  A pang in my chest at the thought of James has me rubbing the spot over my heart absentmindedly. It’s been six years, and I still see that day play out in my head as if it were yesterday.

  Shoving it back down, not willing to go there tonight, I walk through to the bathroom and my eyes widen. It’s huge, with marble everywhere I look. The floors, tub, shower, countertops. Everything in here screams money and elegance, and I’m way out of my element. But even so, I fully intend on allowing myself to enjoy every minute of tonight because I don’t know when I’ll ever get the chance to take a bath in a marble tub again.

  Filling the tub with hot water, I look under the sink and find an assortment of bubble bath powders, soaps, shampoos, and conditioners. I can definitely tell this is a woman’s bathroom, and one with expensive taste.

  I find that surprisingly sweet that he lets his sister stay with him when
she visits. I wonder where she normally lives and if he has any other siblings.

  Sprinkling in lavender powder, I sink into the hot water and sigh, my sore muscles from all the extra practicing I’ve been doing feeling relief on contact.

  I may be out of my element with all of this lavishness, but I know I could get used it pretty quickly. Leaning my head back against the edge of the tub, I close my eyes, letting all my worries and unanswered questions dissolve into the hot water.

  I don’t know how much time passes, but when the water cools, I reluctantly move to the shower to wash my hair with products that smell like honeysuckle and amber, and I relax all over again.

  Wrapping myself in a fluffy robe that’s folded neatly on a shelf by the sink, I look at myself in the mirror for the first time since being hit, and tears immediately pool in my eyes.

  Turning the light off in a rush, I quickly walk out of the bathroom and pad across the bedroom carpet to the walk-in closet.

  “Oh, wow,” I breathe.

  I’m surprised Alec’s sister doesn’t live here full-time with how packed it is of everything – clothes, shoes, coats, bags, accessories.

  It feels weird to pick out pajamas from someone else’s closet, but that soon passes when my fingers brush over a pretty pink silk pajama set, loving the way it feels against my skin. Pulling it out, I notice it still has the tags on it, and catching a peek of the price, my eyes bug out. Who spends that much on pajamas?

  I hesitate on whether or not I should put them back and choose something else, but the material is unlike anything else I’ve ever worn and so I give in, telling myself that it’s okay for tonight. It’s not like I’ll keep them.

  Crawling into bed, I turn and look out the windows. It’s comforting knowing the world continues to move down below.

  At this time of night, whoever is still in the casinos are either trying to win back their losses or cash out their day’s winnings. Those who have drank too much are stumbling back to their rooms with whoever they chose to keep their bed warm for the night. Or, if a woman is lucky, she has a steady man by her side, holding her up as she tries to walk in a straight line in her heels without falling on her face.

  I love living in a city that never sleeps. Like a mini Las Vegas. Not that I would feel safe walking around at night. Clearly, by what happened tonight. But I like knowing I could, and knowing the other lost souls are awake with me.

  We’re alone together.

  I wonder if Alec feels the same about living here. And with the thought of him, and the reminder of where I am, my mind starts racing, no longer tired. He said he’s in the next room over, which brings along with it images of him sleeping naked with the sheets tangled around his hips, and suddenly I feel too hot for the coves. Throwing them off, I start pacing the room.

  I want to know everything about him. But most of all, I want to know, why me?

  Walking into the closet, I put on the matching silk robe I find and then peek my head out the door, needing a glass of water or something to calm my nerves. I don’t see or hear anything, so I tiptoe down the hall towards the kitchen, but practically jump out of my skin when I see Alec sitting in one of the chairs on the library side of the fireplace.

  He’s still dressed in his suit pants and white button-down, with a drink in one hand and a stack of papers in the other.

  “Oh, um, I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d be out here. I’ll just go back–”

  “No,” he says, cutting me off. Looking me up and down, his eyes rake over my body like a slow caress, making me feel as if I were naked by the way his gaze feels against my skin. My body immediately reacts with a heated flush and a pounding pulse that settles between my thighs.

  “Do you need something?” His eyes finally meet mine, and I wrap my arms around my waist to keep from melting on the spot.

  “I was just going to get some water. I couldn’t sleep.”

  “Have a seat.” He nods at the chair beside him. “I’ll get it for you.”

  Doing as he says, my thighs come in contact with the cold leather of the chair and a shiver runs through me. Returning, he hands me a cold bottle of water and places a plate of cheese and grapes between us.

  “If you’re hungry. I know you didn’t eat.”

  “Thank you.” I twist off the cap on the bottle and let the water slide down my throat, cooling my suddenly hot body from being so close to him.

  “You couldn’t sleep. Is the bed not comfortable? Would you rather I–”

  “No,” I say, cutting him off. “No, it’s the most comfortable bed I’ve ever laid in. I even had a relaxing bath and shower. My mind just won’t turn off.”

  “I know the feeling. What’s keeping your mind awake?”

  “Just…things.” I pop a grape in my mouth, avoiding his gaze. It’s too penetrating. I’m afraid he’ll see every dirty thought I’ve had about him that’s kept me from sleeping.

  “Care to elaborate?”

  “Care to tell me why I’m here?”

  “My place is the safest in the city.”

  “That’s not really an answer,” I counter, sipping my water. He doesn’t say anything, and his stretched silence makes me rethink my response. “Never mind. I’ll let you get back to your work.” I go to stand, but he reaches out, placing a large hand on my forearm to stop me.

  “Stay. I’ve worked enough for tonight.”

  My eyes swing to his, and I lean back in the chair again when I see the sincerity in them, tucking one of my feet up under me while he places his stack of papers to the side.

  “What kind of work do you do?”

  He flashes me a little smirk and rubs his jaw. “I own The Aces.”

  My eyes widen. “You own this hotel/casino?” No wonder he has the penthouse.

  “Yes. The Carfano name owns many businesses. This one is mine.” He swirls the glass in his hand and keeps his eyes on me as if he’s watching to see how I’ll react to what he just told me.

  “What other businesses do you own?”

  “This and that.”

  “Okay. You’re just adding more questions to the pile.” I eat a little slice of cheddar cheese and a couple of grapes and lean my head back, closing my eyes briefly.

  “I can answer a few of them for you. Maybe not all right now.”

  Rolling my head to the side, I give him a small smile. “Which would you like to answer first?”

  Alec takes a sip of his whiskey. “I never go to shows in my casino,” he starts, “but I needed something to distract myself for a while where no one would bother me. That’s when I saw you.” His dark eyes hold mine captive, and a chill runs down my spine. “So beautiful. I’ve never seen anyone like you. The way you move…” He rubs his bottom lip with his thumb. “I couldn’t go near you, though. I still know I should stay away. But after tonight, I don’t think I can anymore.”

  “Why would you stay away?” I whisper, my throat tight.

  Swirling his whiskey, he takes another sip. “For many reasons.” Pausing, he captures my gaze once again and my breathing quickens. No matter how much I want to look away, I can’t. “You want to know why I bought you those gifts?”

  I give him a slight nod, knowing my voice would give away my nerves at having his full attention.

  “Because I wanted to see you in them. I knew you’d look even more beautiful. And when you wore them for me with that sexy little smile”–he smirks–“I knew right then and there I’d buy you every fucking diamond in the world if you’d wear them for me like that.”

  Leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, his dark eyes hold mine with unwavering attentiveness, making my stomach twist in knots and my core clench with need. “I chose black roses because I see the darkness in you that you try and hide from the world. It’s what drives you to dance. It’s what keeps you at a distance from everyone around you. You’re a black rose blooming on stage, but you close up again once that final curtain falls.”

  “How?” I breathe, unable to fin
ish the question. How does he know all of that about me?

  “Reading people is what I do. I’d be dead by now if I couldn’t.”

  “Why was Enzo following me?”

  “For reasons such as tonight. He’ll have to deal with what’s coming for letting anyone touch you.”

  “Please don’t,” I say quickly, my pulse quickening. “He saved me. He was keeping his distance like I’m sure you told him to so I’d never know he was there. That’s why he didn’t get to me right away.”

  “Enzo has to be punished. I can’t have my men thinking I’m any less than the man I am.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Staying quiet, Alec just takes another sip of his drink as his eyes move to take in the darkening bruise around my eye. I lift my hand to it and turn away.

  “You don’t have to hide it from me, Tessa,” he says, his voice strained from concealed anger. “You’re fucking beautiful, bruise or not.”

  A blush spreads up my neck and I keep my eyes on my lap.

  “Look at me, mia bella rosa.” The term of endearment rolls off his tongue in perfect Italian, making my heart beat a little faster and my body flood with heat.

  I risk a look back over at him and see his eyes have softened, making him look a little less like he’s ready to kill at any given moment.

  “You don’t ever have to hide from me.”

  Biting my lower lip, I give him a small nod and keep my head raised, not letting myself shy away from him. I want to be the blooming black rose he sees on stage right now, not the closed off Tessa I am every other minute of the day.

  He rewards me with the slightest of smiles. Just the lift of the corner of his lips, but it’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. Mix that with the way his eyes seem to see into the deepest parts of me I don’t let anyone into, and my chest tightens. I feel my nipples harden, the thin satin fabric doing nothing to hide my reaction to him.

  His eyes dart down, and the little smirk on his sexy lips grows by a fraction while his dark eyes swim with desire.

  I’ve never had a man look at me like this, like I’m every fantasy come to life and he wants to devour me whole. The longer he stares, the heavier my chest feels, and the more the silk starts to feel like it’s too tight. Too suffocating. He could rip it from my body right now and I wouldn’t protest. I should, but I wouldn’t.


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