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Shifted (The Oblivion Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Barb Shuler

  Feeling the pain from today's training in every part of my body, I take a seat under a large tree and let the cold of the snow ease my body. The cold does not really bother me, as my temp seems to run hotter than those around me, but it does help relax me. My head falls back against the tree and I close my eyes. It isn’t long before I’m drifting off into a fitful sleep.

  I’d been playing out in the dirt with Joshua when the cabin door to Ramport’s place flung itself open. Both Joshua and I jumped up and watched as our fathers came out. They exchanged a few heated words before Daddy came over to me. He got down on his knee and hugged me tight before pushing me back so that I had to look up to see his face.

  “I have to leave you here, my Natalia. Ram and Sheri, they will care for you until-” he paused as I shook my head.

  No, he couldn’t leave me here. I needed to be with him.

  “Be safe, Princess. I love you,” he’d said before bolting across the yard and into the trees.

  Ramport moved to my side, but I pushed his hand away and took off running after my daddy. I crashed through the low bushes and made my way to the path we used to get here. My feet carried me after him as fast as I could make them move.

  Running along the path I called out to Daddy. He couldn’t leave me. He wouldn’t do that to me. Would he? No! I wouldn’t believe it. He was coming back. I screamed out to him again and again, stumbling over my own feet. I had not mastered the running and talking thing just yet. The fall hurt. My knee was bleeding and I sat on my butt, my head back, screaming for my daddy.

  “Talia, oh, my dear girl. It’s going to be okay,” Sheri had said as she scooped me up. I clung to her neck as she sat on a felled tree and brushed the hair from my face. I met her gaze as she sang one of her songs to me. Her voice was so quiet, it was like a soft whisper. My tears slowed. The warmth that filled me sent a shiver through me.

  “D-da-ddy l-left m-m-me… he-he d-do-don't w-want m-me no m-m-more...” my words stammered out as she shook her head.

  “Hush now, child. Your father loves you with all his heart,” she said, her fingers massaging my temples. The calm she emitted seemed to soothe me even more. I took a shuddering breath in and let it back out.

  “He-e le-ft,” I hiccupped.

  “I know, sweetheart. Your father... he is broken. He needs to put his pieces back together, if he can,” she said it like she was unsure of her own words.

  I sniffled and wiped at my face. She was telling me a story. He wasn’t broken. My daddy was the strongest vampire I knew. He was big and could punch through solid walls. I had seen him do that more than once in the heat of anger. I leaned into her and sighed.

  “Don’t say that. He is a strong man, but.. He isn’t strong for me. He’s not broken!” I said.

  My face nuzzled into her shoulder and I cried again. I dare not move. I didn’t know how to react to what had just happened.

  My father had abandoned me…

  At the sound of my name I jerked upright, my hands flying out to protect myself, only to be captured in a vice grip. Joshua’s musky pine scent engulfed me and I stopped struggling.

  “Talia. My love, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. Are you okay?”

  “Y-yes,” I sputtered out my word.

  My heart felt like it was leaping out of my chest the same way the trout do in the river. I took in a controlled breath and let it out slowly to further calm myself.

  “I should have let you rest, but I was afraid to move you until you knew it was me. I do not care to have my hide ripped off tonight,” he said, a grin playing at his lips.

  “Thank you. I’d feel awful if I hurt you,” I said holding my hands up as he stood.

  He pulled me up effortlessly and I leaned into his neck, breathing in his scent. A slow rumble built in my chest as his arms went around me, holding me close to him.

  “You did well today,” He said rubbing circles on my back. “Come. You must eat and rest. Tomorrow will be filled with more training,” he said with a smile on his lips.

  I leaned up on my tiptoes and pressed a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth.

  “Thank you,” I said, smiling. I went to step around so I could walk with him. He moved faster than I and scooped me up into his arms. My back end was wet from the snow and a shiver ran through me as the warmth of his body seeped into my body. I relaxed completely as he carried me back to the cabin in silence.

  I had to be roused again when we made it inside. I shivered and sighed as my feet were placed on the floor.

  “I must change first. Please, give me a moment to collect myself,” I said softly, before I scurried off towards my room.

  In the bath I looked myself over in the mirror as I took my vest and boots off. I quickly stripped out of my wet clothes and wiped off the dirt that covered my face and hands. It took me mere moments to get cleaned and redressed. I padded back to the dining room where the family sat. I thanked Joshua for pulling my chair out and pushing me back in before he took his seat.

  Sheri moved to pull lids off of cast iron pots and the smell of her rabbit stew filled my nose. There were multiple grumbles of approval for this feast. My stomach growled and I hid a smile. Joshua helped to load my plate down as always. Once all plates were set, a blessing was said, and we began to eat.

  “This is so good,” I growled around a spoonful of the delicious rabbit.

  “Thank you, my child. Eat up, everyone. You've all been working so hard,” Sheri said before digging into her own plate.

  The rest of dinner was consumed in silence. Stew, bread and drink was taken into our bellies and by the last spoonful I was ready to pop. I let out a long breath as I stood, leaning back to stretch out my back muscles. My nails pricked and I pushed my animal back. She wanted to run now that her belly had been filled.

  “Care to take a walk with me, love?” Joshua said as his warmth wrapped around me. My chest rumbles and I lean back against him.

  “That would be lovely. Please lead the way,” I said, smiling up at him. As he took my hand I saw his eyes flicker, the deep brown changed to gold then back to brown. My cheeks heated as he tugged me along with him.

  It was not long until we were at a patch of woodland area that was dry of snow and covered with leaves as if a pallet had been made. He gave me a cheeky grin and I simply shook my head. He was impossible. I moved to the trees with him and let him pull me to his lap. A small contented sigh escaped me as his hand ran up my back. The roughness of his callused hands elicited a shiver from me when he massaged his fingers into the nape of my neck.

  “You've worked your muscles too much the last few days, love,” he said. is fingers pushed harder into my neck. I groaned, my head fell forward more.

  “It's needed. I must be able to fight, not only for myself and my father, but for you and our family as well,” I said softly. If he kept this up I would be no better off than a limp noodle in his hands.

  “There is no need for you to fight for any of us. We are more than capable of doing such things. You should, however, know such things to keep yourself from harm,” his words were punctuated with the tips of his fingers moving down to that tense spot between my shoulders. I moaned as a rush of heat washed through me.

  His fingers were pure magic.

  He shifted under me and, after he growled, I sensed why he was having such difficulty concentrating. His fingers fumbled through their ministrations when another shudder ran through me.

  “Talia,” he said. The sound of my name falling from his lips was no more than a whisper. I lifted my head and his lips met mine as I turned to straddle his lap. His hard body under mine felt perfect, right.

  He'd won my heart when we were kids, and the first night we had spent together had been the best night of my life. I nipped at his bottom lip as his hands gripped my hips, pulling me against his hard body. The bulge in his briefs rubbed against me in just the right place. I gasped as he flipped me onto my back. I landed in his arms, his body atop mine and his lips ski
mming along my neck.

  “Mine,” he growled. I arched my back, desire and need coursing through me as his teeth grazed the juncture where my neck and shoulder meet. The spot he once marked. The spot that made me his for eternity.

  “Always,” I growled out as his teeth pinched my skin there. My body was shaking as he teased and drew my need out more.

  His body shifted above me and, in a move so fast I missed it, he stripped my pants off of me. I laid back, watching as he stripped himself of his own clothing. My fingers ran along his bare chest, teasing the dark hair there as he moved back to me. My shirt had followed my pants so that we now lay skin to skin, my gaze on his.

  “I love you,” he whispers before capturing my lips with his. My body molds into his as he slowly rocks his hips against me, filling me with his long hard cock.

  “Oh...” I said, the word panted out as my nails scrape along his back. My words come out in a growl, “I love you, too.”

  As his body moves, mine rises to meet his. Each growl, kiss and scrape of my nails causes his body to go taut. He slams his hips against mine and I lose all mental functions. It's like being wrapped in his soul. As one we move and bring our bodies to a higher peak of pleasure. I can feel the muscles in my stomach tightening as his lips move along my neck.

  “Mine,” he grunts as he slams into me again. My back burns as the leaves and foliage under me dig into my skin - adding to my pleasure.

  “Yours,” I cry out as he buries his cock deeper inside me, his teeth penetrating my neck at the same time. My body convulses under him as my orgasm hits. Shaking, I hold onto him, my legs wrapped around him, my body pulling him deeper into me. His neck tilts to the side and I know what he wants. My canines sink into his soft flesh and with one last pump of his hips he's growling out my name.

  My tongue draws a line down his neck as a droplet of blood escapes. With heavy breaths pouring from both of us he collapses atop me. I welcome his weight as I run a hand through the now wet hair at the nape of his neck. I growl softly as he nuzzles into my neck further. I could stay like this forever, but I know that cannot happen. We will have to rejoin the group soon, because we are not safe out here alone for too long.

  None of that matters at this moment, though. For right now, my Joshua is consuming my thoughts. Being here so close to him my only concern.



  It's taken weeks, but at this point, my love is ready for battle. I fear this battle will not be one my people and I are truly ready for. It's taken many hours, days even, and many more prayers to reach the road we are at now.

  I watch Talia practice, learning how to make her catlike reflexes meld with her vampire speed. She truly is a sight to watch. The warrior inside her has blossomed into the vision before me. As she arches to strike, the muscles in her back ripple. Her bones and muscles shift to accommodate her newest abilities. I smile as she knocks over yet another man who outweighs her by at least two hundred pounds. I hold up my hands and call this match a draw.

  “That shall be all for today, my love,” I say as my hand goes out for the wooden baton in her hand. She grins and lays it on my open palm.

  She whispers to me, “I believe this means I can use a real sword one day soon. I’d like to try my hand with the real thing, though not against a living opponent just yet.”

  I returned her whispered statement by saying, “we shall see what the new day brings.”

  “Your Highness,” one of the men calls out. Anton, too, says a greeting as he bows his head. I turn to acknowledge both my father and Trenton.

  “I believe my daughter has yet again improved in her battle style. That is, on two legs, on four she is a sight to see,” Trenton says, a fond smile on his face.

  I nod.

  “Yes, Your Highness, she has improved, as has her willingness to take orders.”

  I smile at the sound of indignation that immediately follows my statement. She knows I speak the truth. As with myself, she hates taking orders from anyone. It's the Alpha feline in her.

  “Now, I am confident we should all be prepared for any unwelcomed problems,” Trenton says as he surveys the lands around us.

  “Is it time to move on?” Father asks.

  “Not yet, I do not feel danger is close at this time. But, we should not stay much longer. We need to find our other allies.”

  “Yes, Your Highness,” Father says, again addressing Trenton formally. I bow my head at them both, grip Talia’s hand in mine and walk away from where they stand.

  “Where are we going?” She asks, with a knowing grin.

  I wink at her as I pull her along. We must get cleaned up and ready for dinner. It would save time and water if we both took a shower at the same time. One thing Mother will not adhere to is tardiness for meal times, even with the times as they are, she would throttle anyone not in line as she sees they should be, so this makes our choice to shower together much easier.

  As the evening meal progresses I notice a slight change in Talia. I could attribute her behavior to her body just feeling overworked, with our long tryst in the shower after the long afternoon of battle training, but I sense something else is amiss.

  I catch both my father and hers eying her carefully. Her head is bowed, and her breathing is slightly faster than it was moments before. I move to kneel beside her. The energy building within her sends a shock of electricity through me. I grip her arm tighter as I force her to look at me.

  “Talia. Love, look at me,” I order.

  Her eyes flutter open, then close. Her lips part slightly as words escape. I have to strain to hear them.

  “She is mine.”

  The words hold menace to them. Talia’s body jerks slightly. I growl as I force her face closer to mine. When her eyes open I lock gazes with her.

  “She is mine!” I snarl. “Mine. You can not have what’s mine.” My body shakes slightly as I try to force back the change. I'd be no help to her on four legs. I needed her to hear my voice.

  “What is it?” Mother’s voice rings out as Javi moves to stand on Talia’s other side. I growl softly. He immediately holds a hand up to me, showing his submission to stop my protests. Talia’s body jerks hard as a scream tears from her lips. I quickly move and pull her against my chest.

  This is not happening. Not here. Not now!


  As I ate, I watched the men and women around the table. The men spoke of today’s matches. How my fighting had taken a few of them out so quickly. There may have been a few sullen voices in that mix as well.

  I was smiling, at first. Then something happened.

  A tingle ran through me, almost stealing my breath entirely. I could feel the darkness building around me. It had been weeks since the last time this had happened, and I had hoped it would not happen again.

  The moment Joshua touched my arm, a zing of electricity scored through me. I spoke, but it was not me speaking. Another voice came out my mouth. I pushed against the darkness. I felt my eyes flare blue. It was something I had control over now. I could tell when the magic inside me or the animal were taking over.

  I gritted my teeth as I pushed everything in me against the darkness. Pain lit up my insides and I screamed.

  “What is happening?!” Sheri called out.

  I heard my father’s panic riddled voice roll across me as he answered her. I tried to focus on the sound of his voice, but it slipped away from me. It was Joshua’s gaze that held me where I was. I tried to get the words out, but it was as if my mind was holding them back. If he was taking control of me like this, he had to be close.

  I stood up and looked with my eyes towards the door. Joshua gave a slight nod. When he released me I ran for the door. I followed the power trail. The wooded area around the cabin was like my second home. I moved through the thicket of trees and brush until I came to what looked like a dry river bed. The man was standing there, his back to me. He was chanting something I didn't understand. He turned abruptly when a loud crash of me
n and wolves burst through the bushes.

  My entire body tingled. My fingers began to burn. I shook them, trying to relieve the sensation and turned my focus back on the man before us all. He looked nervous, both his hands go up, palms out to us.

  “Rixon? What say you?” My father’s booming voice fills the small clearing. I felt a pull towards the woods.

  More magic?

  “Tren- Your Highness. It is not I. I-I am here to stop them,” he said, his voice breaking on the last word. I believed him.

  “How am I to believe that?” Father asked.

  “Please. I’ve never been anything other than good to you. I've kept them away from her for many years, now.”

  My eyes scanned the surrounding area before looking at the ground. It was like invisible wire tugged at me. I shook my head, then my body trembled as the tingles billowed through me once more. No! This was not going to happen. The pull was not coming from the man before me, this Rixon person.

  A growl rumbled from me as two men, tall and cloaked, shifted their stance in the trees. No one else seemed to see them, but I had. I took off running at my full speed. I shifted mid-jump and slammed into the men as they let out shouts of surprise. The chanting they'd been doing stopped instantly as they scrambled to get back to their feet.

  Did they stand and fight? Oh no! That would have been brave.

  They took the coward’s way out. They took off running, and I gave chase. I pounced! My powerful body slamming into the man closest to me. I pulled my animal back slightly as I slammed his head into the ground. It was only a short moment before I was surrounded by wolves, Ramport, and my father. Ram gripped the scruff of my neck.

  I hissed a final warning to the man under me before letting Ram pull me back.

  “Easy, Talia, easy. Let's not kill him yet. Your father has plans for him,” he said, a smirk playing at his lips.

  I bared my teeth at the man who was now trying to get up. I pulled from Ram’s side and as I did, I shifted back to my human form. My limbs tingling from the change.


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