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Midnight Promises (Midnight series)

Page 20

by Lisa Marie Rice

  He cupped her breast, rubbing his thumb over her hard little nipple and she shivered again. Pleasure, oh yeah.

  He nipped her a little harder and growled against her ear. “This isn’t so bad, is it?”

  She had goose bumps on her forearms. He only had one huge goose bump and it was poking her in the back.

  “No, not bad at all.”

  He pulled her even closer to him, and slid his hand down between her legs. Yup, still wet, still soft. He pulled her leg up, hooked it over his and oh God, she was open to him. Completely open. He drew in a deep shuddering breath as he slid his fingers around her opening, sliding in and out. She felt like heaven, so incredibly soft. Her breathing sped up and she put her hand over his.

  With his mouth on her neck, Metal got a good look down her body and it was hands down the most erotic thing he’d ever seen. Her slender pale torso intersected by his tanned forearm, his hand disappearing between her legs and her artist’s long-fingered hand on his. His big hairy thigh between hers. Man.

  He stroked deep inside her, soft and hot, and circled his thumb over her clitoris. Against the inside of his arm he could feel her stomach muscles pull just as she clenched around his finger. Again. Again. Again.

  The leg thrown over his trembled.

  It was time. He bit down a little on her earlobe, not enough to hurt, just enough for her to feel it. Sliding another finger into her he separated his fingers, holding her open, and fit himself against her. “Okay?” he whispered right against her ear and she nodded. He slid just a little inside. “More?”

  “More.” It was like a whispered moan, as if she didn’t have the strength to say more.

  He wanted her to feel everything. Reversing their hands, he put her hand down to where he was entering her, just barely inside, and pressed her hand against him.

  He was torturing himself. The stimulus was almost too much. The soft heat of her where he penetrated and her hand around him where he was still outside.

  She was shaking all over, her thigh over his, her hand under his. She clenched around him and softly exhaled. Holding her hand against him, Metal tightened his buttocks and slid all the way inside her, exhaling heavily when he was solidly in.

  He was shaking a little too. It was like sliding his dick into an electricial socket, this incredibly exquisite painless shock. Metal held her hips still as he pulled slowly out, slid slowly back in. Felicity gave a little cry and he stopped, shocked.

  “Did I hurt you?” He’d been careful not to touch the gauze or even near the wound. But in holding her hips had he pulled the stitches? Fuck. He started pulling out when she slapped her hands over his.


  Metal froze, barely breathing. “No?”

  She turned her head, kissed him on the cheek. “Don’t stop, please.” She shifted, pushed herself against him, pressing him deeper inside her. “Don’t stop,” she repeated.

  Fuck no. He wasn’t going to stop. If he wasn’t hurting her, if she was getting one-billionth the pleasure out of this as he was...he couldn’t stop even if a gun was held to his head.

  He was covered in sweat, a trickle ran down his shoulders onto his bed. “Honey...”

  He stopped. She’d clenched around him at the word and a pulse of blood ran through his dick.

  “Honey, I don’t think I can go slow. Not this time.” Maybe after the hundredth time, but not now. “I’m going to have to go fast but I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She twisted her face so she could see him and smiled. She was flushed, blue eyes impossibly bright, mouth soft and red. He had a flash of that mouth on him, his dick pumping into her mouth and the image made him groan and swell even further. He pushed forward with his hips helplessly and it set her off.

  “Oh!” She made a low, pleased sound.

  “That’s it, honey,” he said, holding tightly. “Let go.”

  Her eyes closed, her head tilted back against his shoulder and she started coming, clenching convulsively around him, hips undulating against him. He didn’t even dare move, holding his breath as he watched her, watched his beautiful woman take pleasure from him. She shook, mouth open, tightening around his dick in powerful convulsions, twining her fingers around his, as if needing him to ground her.

  He held himself still, letting her grind herself against him until she slowed, relaxed, glowing in his arms.

  Now. Now it was his turn. Metal gripped her as hard as he dared, pulled almost all the way out, then slid back in, hard. Her breathing changed, sped up again. He wasn’t hurting her, she was rocking back against him, moving in rhythm with him, small sounds of pleasure coming from her.

  Metal thrust hard, thrust hard again and started coming when he felt her convulse around him. He was known for his stamina but he simply lost all control when he felt her trembling on the edge and then falling back into orgasm, making soft panting sounds.

  Too much. It was simply too much and he held her tightly against him as it all came roaring out of him in huge spurts so hard he hoped he wouldn’t punch through the condom. He was jerking and sweating, completely out of control, the relief of the orgasm nearly electric in its intensity.

  He came and came, hips circling as he stayed inside her until finally the storm abated. His muscles relaxed and he embraced her, instead of holding on to her. He crossed his arms beneath her breasts, pulling his thighs up under hers until she was almost completely enfolded in his embrace.

  He could feel her rapid heartbeat against his chest and knew she could probably feel his. Their hearts slowed at the same rate, as if they were an organism with one heart.

  “Whoa,” she finally said.

  “I don’t have the energy to look at you,” he grumbled. “I hope that was whoa in the good sense.”

  “Oh yeah.” Felicity folded her arms over his and settled even more deeply against him. God, it felt good. Not as good as the sex, but a real close second.

  “Good,” he said and nudged her with his hips. “Let’s do it again.”

  Her hair made a little rasping noise against the pillow as she shook her head. “I am so wiped out.”

  Shit. He was still hopefully semierect inside her and with any kind of encouragement he’d be ready for Round Two in about five minutes. It didn’t feel like he was a thirty-two-year-old man. It felt like he was sixteen again. He remembered sixteen. The notion of “too much sex” had been utterly foreign in his teens.

  He sighed and she laughed. He liked that feeling. Her laughing in his arms. He liked it a lot. He hooked his chin on her shoulder and kissed the side of her face. She smiled and looked at him over her shoulder. That was a very special kind of smile. He’d never actually seen it on her face. He liked that too. He liked just about everything that was happening.

  His cell rang, spoiling the moment. He reached down, scrabbled and pulled his cell out. He wasn’t answering unless it was Jacko or Midnight or Senior with news.

  It wasn’t. It was a poker buddy looking to set something up for their regular last weekend of the month game. He cut off the ringing. He didn’t want to talk to anyone except Felicity or someone who had news about her situation.

  “Gosh!” Felicity sat bolt upright in the bed, blankets around her waist. Metal’s hand itched to cup that perfect little breast. He reached out but was too late. She’d slid out of bed, grabbing one of his T-shirts. It floated down onto her, hiding more or less everything he was interested in at the moment. “I forgot about my cell! I took the battery out two days ago.”

  Metal frowned. “You can’t answer your cell. If this Lagoshin has any computer skills he’ll trace it.”

  Felicity tugged on his T-shirt until it covered her thighs and smiled gently at him. “This won’t be traced, guaranteed. But first I think I want to wash up. And before we, um—” She turned bright pink, which was fast becoming Metal’
s favorite color. “Before. There was talk of food. Was that true or were you blowing smoke?”

  “True, scout’s honor. And yes, I was a scout.” Metal rose up on his elbow, full of hope. “Do you need help washing? Because I can give a hand, absolutely.”

  She glanced at his groin where his dick was lengthening. “I think you want to give more than a hand. And thanks, but no. I’m good.”

  She certainly was.

  She disappeared into the bathroom, grabbing some clothes from the carry-on Lauren had brought on the way.

  Well, looked like sex was off the table, for now. But not for long. Metal contemplated a future in which the kind of sex he’d just had would be available, always. Wow. Days with Felicity, maybe working in the same office, seeing her. A lot. Nights with Felicity doing what they’d just done, only without the bandage getting in the way.

  Honing his computer skills with her. Cooking for her. Maybe teaching her how to shoot. Watching TV together, going out together. Just being together.

  Maybe that was in his future, in their future. It felt so good that the very idea of a Felicity-less future seemed like a cold, dark place. He couldn’t even contemplate it.

  Having Felicity around made him feel...complete. Whole, in a way he hadn’t felt since that day in September when the world stopped and then broke. Being in the navy, serving in the SEALs teams had helped. They’d become a surrogate family for him but it was a limited kind of family. Being with Felicity felt like something else entirely. He felt whole with her, a man with something close to him to defend.

  He shook his head. Instead of philosophizing, he needed to start cooking. He got out of bed, dressed and made his way to the kitchen. He pulled some focaccia out of the freezer, washed some lettuce and left it to drain while making a ham-and-cheese omelet. He made really good omelets. He’d just flipped his—pretty spectacularly too, even if he did say so himself—when a disturbance in the Force made him turn around.

  She was smiling at him, leaning against the door frame, barefoot, unspeakably beautiful, dressed in another sweater and another set of yoga pants that would be easy to pull down. He’d buy her a hundred pairs of yoga pants and they’d have sex everywhere.

  That was his dick talking, which was what he usually listened to.

  But something in his chest thumped hard when he saw her standing there, watching him with a half smile on her face. She was incredibly beautiful, yes. But intelligence shone out of her eyes, and humor too.

  She didn’t have any of the complex ego issues beautiful women had. She wasn’t coy or vain and she didn’t play those female games he hated. It was incredibly easy being around her. She’d been wounded and hurt and she hadn’t complained, not once.

  She was a keeper, definitely.

  She pushed off from the doorjamb and walked toward him. His clinical medic’s eyes noticed the high color in her face, the clear white of her eyes, her easy gait. His dick noticed the soft high breasts under the sweater—was she wearing a bra? God, if she wasn’t wearing a bra he was a dead man because touching her breasts was really easy if the only thing he had to do was reach under the sweater. His dick also noticed the long slender legs under the loose material of the pants. His dick was really glad to see her.

  He was glad to see her.

  Sizzling and the smell of something burning... He turned the gas off just in time. Another few seconds and the omelet would be burned beyond eating.

  Felicity smiled up at him. “A sex god and he cooks.”

  A grin spread across his face. What his teammates would undoubtedly call a shit-eating grin. “I have other tricks too.”

  “That’s good to know.”

  “Didn’t you want to check your phone?”

  “Email too. I’ve got a little app for that.” She moved past him and started setting the table. “But first food. I’m starving and can’t think straight when I’m this hungry. And the food in this place is fantastic.”

  “Glad you think so.” Metal slid the omelet onto a serving plate and dressed the salad. “Are you sure you can do that safely? Check your phone?”

  She smiled secretively. “Yes. And I’ll teach you how to do it too.”

  “Sounds good.” More than good. Being able to check cell messages untraceably would be very useful. She probably used some kind of a mask, but those sometimes leaked.

  She wasn’t joking when she said she was hungry. She ate elegantly but fast. Metal ate less elegantly but fast too.

  Felicity put down her fork. “I want to help clean up but right now I want to check my messages. I’ve been out of touch for days. I’ve never done that before.”

  They moved into the living room where she set up her laptop. It was completely unlike any laptop Metal had ever seen. He had a MacBook Air, brushed aluminum, lightweight. Hers was heavier, dark, with a dull matte finish, a super clear screen and barely raised letters on the keyboard. He didn’t recognize anything when she powered it up. No familiar programs, no familiar chimes as programs came on. The screen was black then was lit with with brilliant icons he didn’t recognize, going from black to HD icons in less than a second.

  “I’ve never seen a laptop like that before? What make is it?”

  She was typing faster than he’d ever seen anyone type. The shallow keys allowed her fingers to float over the keyboard rather than keying in the letters.

  “Not a make,” she said absently, totally absorbed. The bright colors of the screen reflected off her pale skin. “It’s a prototype, still in beta. There are probably around a hundred of them in existence. Right now the market price would be about fifty thousand dollars. Okay.” She sat back. “I have several of my own domain email addresses. One is the one I used with Lauren. It’s been a quiet few days, nothing particular. My work email—” Her fingers blurred on the keyboard. “Hmm. four hundred messages.”

  Metal paused with two mugs of coffee in his hand. “What? Four hundred messages?”

  She shrugged, scrolling down fast. “I’m a freelancer. I get a lot of offers of work. But I’m selective. They have to be interesting or pay well. Preferably both. Okay. Nothing that can’t wait. Now I have to check my cell.”

  Alarmed, Metal stood behind her. If the bad guy was looking, and presumably he would be, her cell would ping somewhere where he could triangulate. Felicity knew what she was doing, but still.

  But Felicity didn’t put the battery back in her cell. As a matter of fact she didn’t pull out her phone at all. Her fingers blurred again and then a list appeared.

  “What did you just do?” Metal asked. If she’d replied called the cell phone fairies he wouldn’t have been surprised.

  “I, um, accessed the cell phone service provider’s servers.”

  “You mean hacked?”

  “Okay, if you want to get technical. Hacked.” She shrugged.

  Man, she’d hacked into one of the nation’s largest cell phone providers in less time that it took him to take a sip of coffee. She was scary good. “Remind me to treat you extra special well.”

  She smiled then frowned.

  “What?” Metal leaned forward.

  She swiveled in her chair to face him. “Several phone calls from Kay Hudson. She rarely calls. She called eight times in a couple of hours.” Her face pulled tight. “I hope nothing has happened to Al.”


  “Al Goodkind. Special Agent Al Goodkind before he retired from the FBI. I guess you could call him my mentor. I’m not too sure what the timeline is but I think he handled my father’s case before the Marshals took over. Whatever. He and my dad were friends, or as much friends as they could be considering the circumstances. He was like an uncle to me growing up. A very distant uncle, but still. He’s the one who offered me the Felicity Ward name so I could start with a clean slate.”

  “Are you in touch
with him a lot?”

  “I guess. We email or Skype a couple of times a month. Why would his granddaughter be calling me? We’ve spoken just a few times and I’ve never actually met her.”

  “Do you want to call from my cell? Or we can go buy a burner phone,” Metal offered.

  “No.” Her fingers were blurring over the keyboard again. “Never go out when you can do something in the comfort of your own home. My motto.”

  She pressed Enter and a phone started ringing. “VoIP. Untraceable. And to make sure, I ran it through Untrakr.”

  Metal understood about half of that sentence, but he trusted Felicity.

  “Hello?” a female voice said.

  Felicity straightened in her seat. “Kay? This is Felicity.”

  They heard a sigh of relief. “Felicity! I’ve been calling and calling!”

  “I’ve, uh, been out of town,” Felicity said. “Am still out of town. Sorry not to return your calls. Is something up? Something wrong with Al? Listen, does your cell have a video function?”

  “Yes, it does,” the woman said. An image blossomed on Felicity’s super sharp screen. A very pretty redhead in an airport terminal. In the background a robotic woman’s voice announced a flight to St. Louis, departure immediate. “There. Is it working?”

  “I see you.” Felicity pressed a button. “Do you see me? Are you at an airport?”

  “Yeah, JFK.” She frowned. “Listen, Felicity, I’ve been trying to call Grandpa and he’s not answering his cell. We had a Skype date last night and he missed it. He has never done that. He’s never been out of touch like this before. I know it’s early to be worried but this is just not like him.”

  Felicity was frowning too. “No, it’s not like him,” she agreed. “I’ve never known Al to miss an appointment of any kind.”

  “I was hoping that he’d at least been in touch with you. I know you guys touch base. I’ve been out of the country and in places where there’s very little cell reception, so I wasn’t worried that I didn’t hear from him. But I landed in New York last night and he didn’t keep our Skype date and he was supposed to meet me here today and he didn’t show up. I’m really worried.”


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