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The Missing

Page 15

by Kate O'Hearn

  When they parted, Astraea lay down in the bed. Zephyr settled on her left, and Belis slithered up to her right side and coiled beside the bed. Jake and Tryn took beds opposite her.

  Astraea knew she was tired; she just didn’t realize how tired until she tried to say good night to Zephyr, but the words never left her mouth as she drifted away.

  * * *

  When Astraea awoke, she yawned, stretched, and raised her head to look around. Tryn and Jake were already up and away. Beside her Zephyr was sleeping soundly. When she moved, Belis raised his head and laid it on the cot beside her.

  “Good morning, Belis.” Astraea stroked the snake’s cool scaled head. “Did you rest well?”

  The snake’s red tongue darted in and out of its mouth, and it tilted its head to the side.

  “I sure did,” she said, stretching again. She flapped her tiny wings and settled them down on her back.

  Just a few feet away were Cylus and Render, both sound asleep in a pile of blankets on the floor. Cylus’s mother was lying on her haunches, keeping watch over them. When she saw Astraea, she nodded in greeting.

  Astraea nodded back and rose from her bed. She treaded over to one of the boarded-up windows and found a spy hole that had been cut into one of the boards.

  The day was gray and dull as heavy dark clouds filled the sky. She had no idea if it was morning, afternoon, or early evening. The road near the plant was quiet and there was an icy cold wind blowing in from the broken window behind the board. She realized that because the forge on the main floor was being constantly stoked, it was keeping the whole building warm.

  Leaving Zephyr still sleeping, Astraea and Belis returned to the main floor. Weapons production was in full swing, with Vulcan and his helpers working at the forge while others sharpened the newly made swords.

  In another part of the plant, Astraea spied a large centaur teaching both Titans and Olympians how to wield the new swords. Another was teaching them how to accurately use a bow to shoot arrows. Looking at the students, Astraea noted that most were from Jupiter’s upper council. She was surprised to discover that they would need teaching. Then she realized it had been a very long time since they’d had to fight. If the council members ever did fight.

  Astraea was also stunned to discover that some of the Shadow Titans had been put to work and were commanded to carry large chunks of metal over to the forge, while others were sparring with wooden swords against the training Titans.

  “Astraea!” Jupiter called. He walked over to her. Since eating ambrosia, he’d lost his limp. “I am so glad you are up. We must not waste a moment.” He looked behind her. “Where is Zephyr?”

  “She’s still asleep,” Astraea said. “She’s been through so much on Zomos; she needs to rest.”

  “I appreciate that,” Jupiter said. “But, unfortunately, we must not waste a moment. It is time for the two of you to get moving. Please go wake her and bring her to me. Juno, Pluto, and I have a plan that we want to share with you.”

  Astraea nodded. “Of course, Jupiter. I’ll go get her.” She started to run back through the plant to the stairs and was surprised to find Belis keeping up with her. She never imagined the huge snake could move so fast.

  When she reached the top floor, she went to Zephyr, who was still down and asleep. It took her several tries to wake her friend.

  “I’m awake,” Zephyr moaned.

  “Then open your eyes,” Astraea said softly.

  “They are open.”

  “No, they’re not. Because if they were, you’d see that Belis was right in front of you and ready to lick your face.”

  Zephyr’s head sprang up and she looked wildly around. Then her eyes landed on Belis several feet away. “Hey, that was not nice!”

  “Maybe, but it worked,” Astraea said. “Jupiter told me to get you. He, Juno, and Pluto want to talk to us before we go.”

  As Zephyr climbed to her hooves, she looked at Astraea. “Are you ready for this?”

  Astraea shrugged. “Honestly? I’m scared out of my mind. But I just saw what’s happening downstairs. Some centaurs are trying to teach the council members how to fight. They’re not very good.”

  “They don’t have to be,” Zephyr said. “If they have venom on their blades.”

  “That’s fine against Mimics, but what about Shadow Titans? They’re down there too and have been ordered to help teach people to fight. But from what I saw, they win every time.”

  “You’re right,” Zephyr said. “We do need better fighters.”

  “I just hope there are some left.”

  “Well, there’s only one way to find out.”

  Astraea nodded. “We go see for ourselves.”

  They made their way downstairs just as Jake, Tryn, and Triana were coming up. There was a long line of snakes following behind them.

  “Morning,” Jake said. “We’re starting to gather venom. Wanna help?”

  “We can’t,” Astraea said. “Jupiter wants to see Zeph and me before we go.”

  Tryn had an unreadable expression on his face. “When do you leave?”

  “Soon, I think,” Astraea answered.

  “Don’t leave without saying good-bye,” Tryn said coldly as he stormed past them and out of the stairwell.

  Astraea watched him go. “What’s his problem?”

  “He’s Tryn,” Triana said. “Sometimes he gets in these moods when he’s upset. It’s best to just ignore him when he’s like that.”

  “Is he mad that Zephyr and I are going back to Titus?”

  Triana shook her head. “Not mad. If I know Tryn, and I do because he’s my brother, he’s frightened for you. He doesn’t always like to show his emotions, but when he’s really worried about someone he cares for, he becomes impossible to be around. He’s going to be a nightmare once you’re gone.”

  “I wish he were coming with us,” Astraea said. She looked at Jake. “I wish you both were.”

  “Me too,” Jake agreed.

  Darek entered the stairwell. “There you are! Jupiter sent me to find you both. He’s waiting for you.”

  Astraea nodded. “We’re coming.” She looked at Jake and Triana. “We’ll see you before we go.”

  “You’d better,” Jake said.

  Astraea and Zephyr followed Darek out of the stairwell. “Wow, this place is jumping!” Zephyr commented.

  “It sure is,” Astraea agreed as they wove through the plant, around machines and people. They paused to watch a single Shadow Titan use its wooden swords against two Titans also holding swords. With very little effort, the Shadow struck the Titans down.

  “If I ever doubted that we needed fighters, that just proved it,” Zephyr said.

  “I know,” Astraea agreed.

  They reached an area that in the past had been used as an office. There was an old desk and a couple of filing cabinets. Jupiter, Juno, and Pluto stood at the desk looking at a drawing.

  “Ah, there you are,” Jupiter said. “Come in, come in. We’ve been drawing up some plans that we want you to study.”

  Astraea looked at the complicated map showing the layout of several buildings from Titus.

  “You may recognize these. Here is Hyperion’s home.” Jupiter pointed to a building on the plan. His finger moved across it. “And this is my father’s palace. It used to be the seat of power in Titus before Olympus was destroyed. Since we moved there, a new palace was built. Now this old one is just our father’s private home.”

  “That’s some home!” Zephyr said. “Mind you, after what Brutus did to your palace to help us reach the arch, you may need to move in there again.”

  “I do not care where we live as long as it is on a Titus free of Mimics,” Juno said.

  “Indeed,” Jupiter agreed. He looked over to Astraea and Zephyr. “If Saturn is still himself, this is where you will find him. However, if the Mimics have taken him…” Jupiter’s voice trailed off. It was obvious he still cared for his father despite their warring past.

; “What Jupiter is trying to tell you,” Juno said, taking over, “is that to be sure, you will need to sneak into the palace to rescue him.”

  Astraea nodded, feeling a stone settle in the pit of her stomach. Jupiter and Juno were expecting them to go against the Mimics to rescue the Titans? She just hoped she and Zephyr were up to it.

  Zephyr neighed. “If that is a palace, even an old one, it will be hard to sneak into it without being seen. Especially for me.”

  “Well, if you weren’t so big…,” Darek teased. He walked into the office and was unrecognizable. All his long, shaggy hair was gone, cut short to his scalp. He was wearing two big bracelets, which reached from elbow to wrist.

  “What happened to you?” Zephyr cried.

  “I’m in disguise,” Darek said. “So the Mimics won’t recognize me. At least from a distance.”

  “What Mimics?” Astraea said.

  “The ones on Titus,” Darek said. “I told Jupiter I’m coming with you.”

  “But—but you can’t fly!” Astraea said. “What if we get into trouble? How will you get away?”

  “I’ll use the ring to escape.” Darek held up one of the Solar Stream rings taken from the Mimics. He then handed another one to Astraea. “Look, we need to move fast. While you two are going into the palace to find Saturn and Hyperion, I’m going to Arcadia to get some of my friends together. We need fighters, and centaurs are the best. Even young centaurs. Since the Mimics don’t value us, I’m hoping the students are still there.”

  “That is the Mimics’ biggest mistake. You are the saviors of our world.” Jupiter looked at Astraea. “I hope you understand that I have asked Darek to join you on this mission.”

  “I don’t mind at all,” Astraea said. She was relieved that he was coming. Darek had proven to be a brave fighter and was now a good friend. She looked at the bracelets on his wrists. “Those are new.”

  Darek help up his arms. “Do you like them? Vulcan built them for me. Look…”

  Astraea and Zephyr looked closely and saw that the bracelets had hidden compartments. When the centaur opened the latches, they saw two snakes curled up inside each compartment. “Nesso asked them if they would help, and they agreed. Vulcan is making bracelets for you as well. You can put your two friends inside, so the Mimics don’t see them.”

  Astraea had grown so used to the two snakes around her neck, she forgot they were there. “These two are fine where they are.”

  “No, they are not,” Juno said. “Should you be captured, they will likely be taken from you and killed. If we hide them, they can help you against the Mimics.”

  Astraea looked at Darek’s bracelets again and realized that no one would ever suspect that snakes were hidden inside. “All right,” she finally agreed. “But only if these two agree to do it.”

  Zephyr neighed and nodded to Belis. “I don’t think there’s a bracelet big enough to hide him!”

  Astraea looked at Belis, who was beside her. “I know. Part of me wants him to come with us, but it will be too dangerous. Especially since the Mimics know about the snakes.”

  “Yeah, like he’d let you go without him,” Zephyr teased. “That snake is stuck to you like glue.”

  “I’ll ask Nesso to tell him to stay here.”

  “It won’t work,” Zephyr said.

  “All right,” Jupiter said, drawing their attention back to the plan on the desk. “These homes, here, here, and here”—he pointed to different locations—“are where you will find Hyperion’s top security people. If you can’t find him, try them next.”

  Astraea looked at the plan and committed it to memory. “Will you remember it?” she asked Zephyr.

  Zephyr nodded. “I hope so.”

  “You must,” Darek added. “I’ll remember it too.”

  “Good,” Jupiter said. “It is time for you to move.” He walked around the desk and up to Astraea. He put his arms around her and held her tight. “It grieves me to ask you to do this, but we have no choice.”

  “We understand,” Astraea said. “We’ll be back soon with more help.”

  Juno came forward and hugged Darek, Zephyr, and finally Astraea. She whispered in Astraea’s ear, “Thank you, child. All our hopes go with you. Stay safe.”

  “I’ll try,” Astraea whispered back.

  When they left the office, Vulcan was waiting outside with two beautifully ornate bracelets. Astraea was amazed that he could create something so beautiful from the scrap lying around the plant. “These are for you,” he said gruffly as he handed them over. His hands were burned and blistered from working the hot steel at the forge. It must have been agony for him, but still he kept working. He showed Astraea how to move the secret panel. Inside was a place for the snakes.

  “Thank you, Vulcan,” Astraea said. “I will treasure them.”

  Vulcan smiled and his teeth showed bright white against the grime and soot on his face. “Just come back safe.”

  “We will.”

  He turned and walked back to the forge.

  “Come on,” Darek said. “Let’s go tell Nesso to talk to your snakes. Then we can get going.”

  Darek looked so different without his shaggy hair obscuring most of his face. She’d never realized he had dimples in his cheeks and sparkling green eyes. Short hair suited him much better than his long, tangled mane.

  They walked back into the stairwell and up to the next floor. This level was as much a shock to Astraea as the main and top floors were. A whole large dining area had been built. Several Titans were eating at trestle tables, while others were in the makeshift kitchen preparing meals.

  At the back of the large floor were several Olympians being taught how to milk the venom out of the snakes. Jake was at the head of a table, working with Nesso.

  “See?” he was saying. “The snakes know what to do. You just hold the glass up to them and they do the rest.”

  There were snakes scattered all around the floor, awaiting their turn.

  Zephyr walked carefully forward. “Have I ever told you I really don’t like all these snakes? One or two are fine, but look—the floor’s covered in them.”

  “You might have mentioned it once or twice,” Astraea teased. “Jake,” she called. “We need to speak with Nesso.”

  Jake left the table and walked carefully through the carpet of snakes. His eyes landed on Darek and he gasped. “Dude, what happened to you?”

  “I’m in disguise,” Darek said. “I’m going with Astraea and Zephyr to Titus.”

  “What?” Tryn called as he stormed over. “Why do you get to go when Jake and I can’t?”

  “Because I’m going to Arcadia to gather more centaurs and students to bring here for the fight. You are still new to the school and they don’t know you.” His eyes settled on Jake. “And being human, well, you remember how it was when we first saw you.”

  “Oh, I’ll never forget!” Jake said. “Cylus nearly killed me.”

  Tryn looked back at Jake. “We should go with them.”

  Astraea felt trapped. “Tryn, please. I want you to come, but Darek is right. You don’t have friends at Arcadia, and with Jake being human, you know what will happen to him. Besides, you are needed here.”

  “But, Astraea, you need us,” Tryn insisted. “You know how strong I am.”

  “Yes, I do know, but Jupiter needs you more. We all know there were Mimics sent through the Solar Stream when they collided on Zomos. What if they came here? If they find Jupiter and the council, they will communicate with the others and then Earth will be overrun with Mimics. You know they need Jupiter and the others in their plan against Titus. They must be protected by the strongest among us.”

  “Tryn, she’s right,” Jake said. “I feel rotten for saying it, but if the Mimics make it to Earth, we have no defenses against them. The authorities don’t know about the snakes.”

  “It’s still not right,” Tryn insisted. He crossed his arms over his chest and turned his back on Astraea.

  “Please, don�
��t make this any harder for me,” Astraea said softly. “You know I want you to come. We’re a team. But this time it’s not possible. Just wish us luck and we can go.”

  Tryn turned around slowly. He suddenly leaned down and kissed Astraea on the cheek. “Good luck and stay safe!” He ran from the room and disappeared in the stairwell.

  “Wow!” Zephyr said. “I did not see that coming.”

  Astraea’s cheek was tingling from Tryn’s kiss. She caught her breath and couldn’t speak.

  “I think he’s got it bad,” Jake said as he watched Tryn go. “And by the color of your cheeks, I’d say you’ve got it bad too.”

  Astraea felt flushed. She turned toward the stairs.

  “Got what?” Darek asked.

  “Never mind,” Jake said. He pulled Nesso from his neck. “What do you need her for?”

  Astraea was still watching the stairway where Tryn had disappeared. “I—uh—I…”

  “Astraea, focus!” Zephyr said.

  “Yes,” Astraea said, shaking her head. “I need Nesso to ask my two snakes if they want to come with us. If they do, they’ll have to hide in my bracelets like the others are doing with Darek.”

  Darek opened the compartment and showed his snakes. “Just like you did for these guys.”

  “And,” Zephyr said, “don’t forget to tell Belis to stay here.”

  Astraea nodded. “Nesso, would you please ask Belis to stay here. It’s very dangerous for him to come.”

  Nesso hissed and the two snakes in Astraea’s hands crawled into the compartment on one of the bracelets. Then two more snakes arrived at her feet. Astraea picked them up, and they crawled into the compartment of the second bracelet.

  “They will do what you need them to,” Nesso said.

  When Jake repeated her message, Zephyr asked, “What about Belis?”

  Astraea repeated, “What about Belis?”

  Nesso hissed, “I told him what you wanted, but he refusssesss to ssstay. He will not do asss I tell him to becaussse he isss much older than me and hasss ssseniority. He doesss asss he wantsss, and he wantsss to ssstay with Assstraea.”

  Jake repeated the message and said, “But it’s dangerous for him on Titus.”


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