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The Complete Stephen King Universe

Page 54

by Stanley Wiater


  LegionSee also Walter/ Marten/Flagg

  Leigh, Jennifer Jason

  Lemke, Susanna

  Lemke, Taduz

  Leonard, Brett

  Leone, Sergio

  Lester, Mark L.

  Lestrade (“The Doctor’s Case)

  Lewis, Damian

  Leyden, Henry

  Library Policeman, The

  “Library Policeman, The”

  Lindfors, Viveca

  Linoge, Andre

  Lippy, Brian

  Little Blaine

  Little Sisters of Eluria, The

  Little Tall Island (Dolores Claiborne)

  Lloyd, Danny

  Locklear, Heather

  Lom, Herbert

  “Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill, The”

  Long Walk, The

  Lord of the Flies (Golding)

  Lord of the Rings, The (Tolkien)

  Lords, Traci

  Lortz, Ardelia

  Losers Club, The (IT)

  Lot Six (Firestarter)

  “Lottery, The” (Jackson)

  Lovecraft, H. P.

  Low Men

  Low Men in Yellow Coats

  Lowe, Reverend Lester

  Lowe, Rob

  Lucas, George

  “Lucky Quarter”

  Lumley, Francie

  Lumley, Gerard

  Lumley, Janey

  “Lunch at the Gotham Café”

  McAuliffe, Dr. John

  McBain, Ed (Evan Hunter)

  McCammon, Robert R.

  McCann, Calvin

  McCann, Jimmy

  McCarron, Emlyn

  McCarthy, Richard

  McCauley, Kirby

  McCausland, Ruth

  McCone, Evan

  McCutcheon, George

  McDowell, Malcolm

  McDowell, Michael

  McFarland, Larry

  McFarland, Trisha

  McGee, Andy

  McGee, Charlie

  McGee, Vicky Tomlinson

  McGill, Everett

  McGovern, Bill

  Machias (Maine)

  McKellen, Ian

  McLoughlin, Tom

  McVries, Peter

  “Mad Hatters, The”

  Madder, Rose

  See also Daniels, Rose

  Madigan, Amy

  Maerlyn. See Fannin, Richard; Walter/Marten/Flagg

  Maerlyn’s Rainbow

  Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction

  Magliore, Sal

  Maine as a setting

  See also Castle Rock; Derry; Haven; Jerusalem’s Lot

  Major (The Long Walk)

  Malenfant, Ronnie

  Malevil (Merle)

  Malvern, Daniel

  Man in Black (From a Buick Eight)

  “Man in the Black Suit, The”

  “Man Who Loved Flowers, The”

  “Man Who Would Not Shake Hands, The”

  “Man With a Belly”

  Manders, Irv

  Manders, Norma

  “Mangler, The”

  Mangler, The (“The Mangler”)

  Mangler, The (film)

  Mann, Stanley

  Mantegna, Joe

  Marinville, John

  Marinville, John Edward

  Markson, John

  Marsh, Beverly

  Marshall, E. G.

  Marshall, Judy/Queen Sophie

  Marshall, Tyler

  Marstellar, Dorrance

  Marsten, Birdie

  Marsten House (’Salem’s Lot)

  Marsten, Hubert (Hubie)

  Marsten, Hubert

  Mary, Sister

  Mason, James

  Massey, Mrs. (The Shining)

  Masur, Richard

  Matheson, Richard

  Maturin (Turtle)

  Matheson, Tim

  Maximum Overdrive (film)

  Mears, Ben

  Melville, Herman

  Merle, Robert

  Merrill, Ace

  Merrill, Reginald Marion “Pop”

  Meteor Shit, The (“The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill”)

  Mia (Susannah Dean)

  Midkiff, Dale

  Miller, Professor

  Milligan, Spike



  Mist, The

  Mitla, Howard

  Monash, Paul

  “Monkey’s Paw, The” (Jacobs)

  “Monkeys, The”

  Monster in the Crate

  Moore, Pete

  Moores, Hal

  Moores, Melinda

  Moreau, Margueritte

  Moreu, Rafael

  Morgan of Orris (Morgan Thudfoot)

  Moriarty, Michael

  “Morning Deliveries (Milkman #1)”

  Morris, Hans

  Morris, Mrs. (“Battleground”)

  Morrison (The Dead Zone)

  Morrison, Dick

  Morse, David

  Mort, Jack

  MotoKops 2000 (The Regulators)

  “Moving Finger”

  “Mrs. Todd’s Shortcut”

  Munshun, Mr. (Black House)

  “My Pretty Pony”

  Mysteries of Harris Burdick (Van Allsburg)

  Mysteries of the Worm

  Narrator, The (“The Wedding Gig”)

  Narrator/Prisoner (“Nona”)

  Naughton, James

  Necronomicon (Lovecraft)

  Needful Things


  Needles (“Night Surf”)

  New Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos (Campbell)

  New York Times, The

  New York Times Book Review, The

  New Yorker, The

  Newall, Joe

  Newall House (“It Grows on You”)

  Nicholson, Jack

  Nielsen, Leslie

  “Night Flier, The”

  Night Flier, The (Dwight Renfield)

  Night Shiftadaptations

  “Night Surf”

  Nightmares & Dreamscapes

  Nightmares in the Sky (photo collection)

  Niner (The Eyes of the Dragon)

  Nolan, Billy


  Nona (“Nona”)

  Noonan (née Arlen), Jo

  Noonan, Mike

  Norman, Jim

  Norman, Wayne

  Norris, Lt. Edward

  Norris, Stan

  Northrup, Henry

  Northrup, Wilma

  Norton, Susan

  Norton family, The (’Salem’s Lot)

  Number Nineteen

  O’Connell, Jerry

  O’Dim, Walter

  See also Walter/Marten/Flagg

  O’Nan, Stewart

  O’Toole, Annette

  Oates family, The (“The Jaunt”)

  Oliphant, Timothy

  Oliver Twist (Dickens)

  On the Beach (Shute)

  On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

  “One for the Road”

  Oriza, Lady

  Osmond (The Talisman)

  Osgood, Richard

  Other, The (IT)

  Otto (Kingdom Hospital)

  Otto (“Uncle Otto’s Truck”)

  Ouelette, Sherry

  Overholser, Wayne

  Overlook Hotel (The Shining)

  Owen (“1408”)

  Oy (The Waste Lands)

  Pace, Jack

  Pace, Maddie

  Pangborn, Sheriff Alan

  “Paranoid: A Chant” (King poem)

  Parker, Alan

  Parker, Lester “Speedy”

  Parkette, Harold

  Parkus (The Talisman)

  Parmalee, Henry

  Parrakis, Elton

  Partt, Upson

  Pascow, Victor

  Pasternak, Shirley

  Patel, Surrendra, Patel

  Paul (Kingdom Hospital)

  Paul, Alexandra

  Paulson, Gary

  Paulson, Rebecca

, John

  Pearson, Brandon

  Pearson, Ridley

  Peckinpah, Sam

  Pederson, Rolf

  Peebles, Sam

  Pennywise the Clown

  See also It

  Pepper, Barry

  Pet Sematary


  Pet Sematary 2 (film)

  Peter (“Dedication”)

  Peter (The Tommyknockers)

  Peter, King (The Eyes of the Dragon)

  Petrie, Mark

  Petrie family, The (’Salem’s Lot)

  Peyna, Anders

  Philbrick, Captain Frank

  Philtrum Press

  Phoenix, River

  Pillsbury, Guy

  Pinchot, Bronson

  Pine, Richard

  Plant, The

  Pleasantville. See Devar-Toi

  Plummer, Christopher

  Poe, Edgar Allan

  “Pop of King, The” (column)

  Poplar Street (The Regulators)


  Popsy (“Popsy”)

  Possessed Refrigerator (“The Mangler”)

  Power, John

  Preston, Kelly

  Priest, Hugh

  Prime Evil: New Stories by the Masters of Modern Horror (Winter)

  Project: Zeus (“I Am the Doorway”)

  Pubes (The Waste Lands)

  Publisher Weekly

  Pullman, Darlene

  Quentin, Glenn

  Quick, Andrew (Tick-Tock Man)

  Quick, David

  Quicksilver Highway (film)

  “Quitters, Inc.”

  Rachel (“The Raft”)

  Rafferty, Ennis

  “Raft, The”


  Rage: Carrie 2, The (film)

  Rainbird, John

  Rainey, Mort

  “Rainy Season”

  Raising Demons (“Sometimes They Come Back”)

  Rambaldi, Carlo

  Ramon (“In the Death Room”)

  Ramu (“The Beggar and the Diamond”)

  Rancourt, Billy

  Randy (“The Raft”)

  Rathburn, George. See Leyden, Henry

  Raymond, Bill

  “Reach, The”

  “Reaper’s Image, The”

  Reardon, Dr. Joyce

  Rebecca (du Maurier)

  Red (Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption)

  Red Rose (mansion)

  “Red Tops, The”

  Redman, Stuart

  Reechul, Naomi

  Regulators, The

  Regulators, The

  Regulators, The (film)

  Reid, Tim

  Reiner, Rob

  Renfro, Brad

  Renshaw, John

  Repperton, Buddy

  Reppler, Mrs. (The Mist)

  Reynolds, Clay

  Rhea of the Coos

  Rhiannon of the Coos

  Rhinemann, Duke

  Richard (“I Am the Doorway”)

  Richards, Ben

  Richards, Cathy

  Richards, Sheila

  Rickman, Natalie

  Rickman, Peter

  Ridgewick, Norris

  “Riding the Bullet”


  Riley, Pete

  Rimbauer, Ellen

  Rimbauer, John

  Rimbauer, Steven

  Ring Around the Sun (Simak)

  Ringwald, Molly

  Ripley virus (Dreamcatcher)

  Ripton, Cary

  Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption


  Ritter, John

  Roach, Brad

  “Road Virus Heads North, The”


  Roanoke (1587)

  Robbins, Tim

  Roberts, Carolyn

  Roberts, Ralph

  Robertson, Don

  Robertson, Tanya

  Robeson, Burt

  Robeson, Vicky

  Robinson (“Dolan’s Cadillac”)

  Robinson, Elizabeth

  Rock Bottom Remainders

  Rockwell, Johnny “Rocky”

  Rockwell, Sam

  Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine

  Rogan (née Marsh), Beverly

  Roland (the Gunslinger)

  Roland, King (The Eyes of the Dragon)

  Romano, Maureen Scollay

  Romero, George A.

  Rooker, Michael

  Rose Madder

  Rose Red (miniseries)

  Rosewell, Martha

  Rosewell, Peter

  Ross, Tommy

  Rossington, Judge Cary

  Royer, Huddie

  Rubinstein, Richard

  Ruiz, Sheemie

  Running Man, The


  Rusk, Brian

  Ryden, Mark

  Ryerson, Mike

  St. George, Joe

  St. George, Selena

  ’Salem’s Lot


  Sally Ann (“The General”)

  San Giacomo, Laura

  Sands, Julian

  “Sara Laughs”

  Sarrantonio, Al

  Sasha (The Eyes of the Dragon)

  Satterfield, Paul

  Savini, Tom

  Sawyer, Jack

  Sawyer, Phil

  Sayre, Richard Patrick

  Schenk, Quentin

  Schoondist, Tony

  Schroder, Rick

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold

  Scott, George C.

  Screamplays (Chizmar/Greenberg)

  Secret Window (film)

  Secret Window, Secret Garden


  Serling, Rod

  “Shadow Over Innsmouth, The” (Lovecraft)

  Shadows (Grant)

  Shake, Henry. See Leyden, Henry

  Shapiro and Rand (“Beachworld”)

  Shardik and the Guardians (The Waste Lands)

  Shawshank Prison

  Shawshank Redemption, The (film)

  Shea, Katt

  Shearman, Willie

  Sheehan, Bill

  Sheemie (Wizard and Glass)

  Sheen, Martin

  Shelbourne, Hal

  Shelton, Carol

  Sheldon, Paul

  Sheridan (“Popsy”)

  Sheridan, Jamey

  Shining, The


  Shooter, John

  “Shop, The”

  Shute, Nevil

  Sidney, Miss (“Suffer the Little Children”)

  Siemaszko, Casey

  Silverberg, Robert

  Simak, Clifford D.

  Simpson, Deputy Sheriff

  Sims, Bethany

  Singer, Bryan

  Singleton, Ralph S.

  Sinise, Gary

  Sisters of Oriza (Wolves of the Calla)

  Six Stories

  Skeleton Crew

  Skeritt, Tom

  Sleepwalkers (screenplay)

  Sloat, Morgan

  Sloat, Richard

  Smith, Bryan

  Smith, Cynthia

  Smith, Johnny

  Smith, Yeardley

  Smits, Jimmy


  Snell, Susan

  Soderson, Gary and Marielle

  Sofer, Rena

  Sombra Corporation

  “Sometimes They Come Back”

  Sometimes They Come Back (TV film)

  “Something to Tide You Over”

  Something Wicked This Way Comes (Bradbury)

  Sonderegger, Shirley

  Sophie, Queen (Judy Marshall)

  “Sorry, Right Number” (teleplay)

  Soul, David

  Spacek, Sissy

  Spangler, Johnson

  Spann, Terry

  Spielberg, Steven

  Springheel Jack

  Staad, Ben

  Stand, The


  Stand by Me (film)

  Stanley, Dexter

/>   Stansfield, Sandra

  Stanton, Harry Dean

  Star Wars

  Stark, George

  Stark, Richard (Donald E. Westlake)

  Starkweather, Charles

  Stars My Destination, The (Bester)

  Staub, George

  Stebbins (The Long Walk)

  Steele, Karen

  Stegman, Dr. (Kingdom Hospital)

  Steiner, Bill

  Stephen King: The Art of Darkness (Winter)

  Stephen King’s Golden Years (miniseries)

  Stephen King’s Graveyard Shift (film)

  Stephen King’s It (miniseries)

  Stephen King’s The Night Flier (televison/film)

  Stephen King’s Night Shift Collection (video)

  Stephen King’s The Shining (miniseries)

  Stephen King’s Silver Bullet (film)

  Stephen King’s The Stand (miniseries)

  Stephen King’s The Tommyknockers (miniseries)

  Sternhagen, Frances

  Stevens (“The Breathing Method”)

  Stevens (“The Man Who Would Not Shake Hands”)

  Stevens, Ray

  Stevenson, Anna

  Stevenson, Laurel

  Stillson, Greg

  Stockwell, Dean

  Stockwell, John

  Storm of the Century (miniseries)

  published version

  Storrow, John

  Storyteller, The (“Trucks”)

  Straker, Richard Throckett

  Straub, Peter

  Straud, Ben

  “Strawberry Spring”

  Stromberg, Carolyn

  Stutterin’ Bill (The Dark Tower)

  Subaudible, The (The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon)

  “Suffer the Little Children”

  Sukeena (Red Rose)

  Sullivan, John

  Sun Dog, The

  “Survivor Type”

  Susie (“Night Surf”)

  Sutherland, Donald

  Sutherland, Kiefer

  Swithen, John

  Sword in the Darkness

  Symphonic Sam. See Leyden, Henry

  Szarbajka, Keith

  Tak (ancient evil entity)

  Tales from the Darkside

  Talisman, The

  Tanaka, Professor Toru

  Tanner, Charles Belknap

  Tarkanian, Jerry

  Tashmore Pond (Firestarter)

  Tassenbaum, Irene

  Teague, Lewis

  Teale, Bill

  Tell, John

  “Ten O’Clock People, The”

  Tessio, Vern

  Tet Corporation

  “That Feeling, You Can Only Say What It Is In French”

  They Came From Within (film)

  “They’re Creeping up on You”



  Thomas (The Eyes of the Dragon)

  Thomas, Richard

  Thompson, Bill

  Thompson, Bobby

  Thompson, Jim

  Thorin, Coral

  Thorpe, Reg

  “Three Billy Goats Gruff, The” (fairy tale)

  Three Kings (Feemalo, Fimalo, Fumalo)

  Three Robed Figures (The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon)

  Through the Looking-Glass (Carroll)

  Thudfoot, Morgan. See Morgan of Orris



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