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Binding Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 6)

Page 13

by Setta Jay

  She smiled as she let the towel drop before slipping on the tee he handed her. It was rewarding to see just how affected he was by her body, but it was short lived when he dropped his towel and she eyed his semi-hard cock.

  He lifted her in his arms again and she looked around as he took her from his room. There were gorgeous works of art in special niches in the walls. Stone columns dotted the center of the huge open living area. Potted plants were set around, and overall it was comfortable in its subtle beauty. The furniture was large and obviously chosen for comfort, with seating facing the two-sided fireplace and others grouped with a view through the French doors to the city beyond the park.

  “You could have just said ‘let’s go talk in the living room.’ You know that, right?” She just stared at him and tried to shake the heated sensation that came when he put his hands on her. He set her on the couch next to him, but she still felt the echo of his touch on her skin.

  “That would have deprived me of having you in my arms.”

  He kept doing and saying things that threw her off balance. She should be ashamed for feeling too damned good to even dig down for the righteous anger that he hadn’t told her about the frenzy before she touched him.

  She shook it off. “You still haven’t explained what ‘completing’ the mating involves.”

  “There are traditional ceremonies.”

  “Like a wedding?” She frowned. There had to be more to it than that.

  “Yes and no. I’ll give you my vow, but instead of a ring, I’ll be marked as yours.”

  “What do you mean marked?” She wasn’t sure she understood.

  “Traditionally my chest would be marked with the symbol of a mated male. It’s a tattoo of two serpents entwined as signs of double infinity or eternity.” He sent her a mental image of a symbol.

  “You’re getting a tattoo that essentially says you’re taken? And only you get one?” she asked.

  His eyes darkened before he spoke. “My brothers’ mates have all gotten smaller versions on different parts of their bodies, but tradition is that the male do it.” He wanted to mark her. She could feel it.

  She wasn’t sure how she felt about any of that. It was like a human tattooing his girlfriend’s name on his chest.

  “What then?”

  “We consummate and blood bond.”

  She just stared at him and wrinkled her nose. “We drink blood and have sex? That’s disgusting.”

  His lips twitched. “It’s what finishes the bond.”

  “And the sex?”

  “In an Immortal consummation ceremony, I’m expected to give you anything you desire. Whatever gives you the most pleasure is what you’ll get, to prove my devotion. Then I’ll take you in every way possible until you can’t take anymore.”

  She blinked and licked her suddenly dry lips. “I don’t know what to think about any of that.”

  His lips curved and he looked even more beautiful than before.


  “Once we complete the bond, it’s technically possible, but it usually takes a decade or so,” he answered. His eyes tracked to her stomach when she put her hand there.

  She needed to ask the question that bothered her last night. “Doesn’t it bother you that you didn’t have a choice?” she asked, looking into his eyes.

  “You think it wouldn’t have been you?”

  “I just don’t like some unseen fate forcing us into something we might not want.”

  “It’s no different than any other attraction,” he answered, eying her watchfully.

  “How do you know?”

  “It didn’t make me see you as anything but who you are, your lush sexy curves were already there. Your beautiful face and gorgeous bronze skin isn’t an illusion,” he answered thoughtfully.

  “Judging by what little I saw in the club, I’d guess you had those submissive fantasies before me.” He gave her a searing look and she had to suck in a breath because he was right.

  He kept going. “You were already confident, intelligent and loyal. The frenzy didn’t change who you are any more than it changed the things that have always been attractive to me.”

  She just sat there in silence, trying to process the beauty of his words. He’d eased one worry at least.

  “Is there any way to ease the need until we complete the bond?”

  “The only way to ease the frenzy is to feed it until the ceremonies are done. At some point it will distract us until all we can think of is the need. And if we wait too long, it’ll become painful.”

  She took stock of her body and she truly felt better and stronger than she’d ever felt in her long existence. There wasn’t a hint of any pain.

  “What kind of painful?”

  His lips curved, and she frowned harder, thinking of what males went through if they went beyond the point of no return. Did females even get that kind of pain?

  “Two of my brothers’ mates felt pain when they fought the frenzy. There aren’t enough cases to truly know when and how the symptoms arise or what might be unique to a Guardian over an Immortal or Mageia.”

  “Mageia are mortal.” Mageia mated? With an Immortal? How was that possible?

  “Sirena, our healer, found out centuries ago that some Mageia were compatible with us.”

  “But they die.” She gaped.

  “There’s a way to make them Immortal. It’s detailed and only works with a Mageia who has a mate. It can’t be done with the others.”

  “So that’s why there’s a push for Mageia to go to Tetartos. But you don’t want to tell them it’s to breed,” she bit out. It sounded a little too close to what Apollo had done. Breeders.

  He reached over and pulled her into his lap, and his eyes were hard when he spoke. “It’s nothing like you’re imagining,” he growled. “We don’t tell them because the odds are slim that they will find an Immortal mate. Maybe one in thousands.” He eyed her as she glared. “We only tell them what we know we can guarantee. A life where they don’t have to hide who they are. They get a home, food, and can pursue any number of interests in whatever city they choose to live in. Don’t judge what you’re unwilling to see for yourself.”

  “That’s all very conveniently beautiful, considering you know I won’t make that trip,” she snapped and slipped into mist and out of his reach, standing a few feet away. He just stared at her.

  “You can port out of my arms?”

  “You can state the obvious?” she snapped back as she rolled her neck to relieve some of the tension there. She had more questions, and being in his arms made it harder to remember. They’d already gone in a different direction than she’d planned. She went on ignoring him and he stayed where he was. It was a good plan on his part, since she was in no mood for distraction.

  His next words were low and sounded irritated. “They know it’s a one-way trip. They have most of the same conveniences as Earth Realm because we send items over for them to sell in shops. I’d say the vast majority are happy to be where they can practice magic freely and no one is hungry or homeless.”

  “A regular Utopia.” She raised a brow in disbelief. “You can save the highlights from your brochure for someone else.”

  He was in front of her in a second. “You think I’m lying?” he snapped. “Some are happy, and some are not. There are those who merely want what they can’t have. Why is it different from them living here their entire lives? We give them an option. Nothing more,” he snarled.

  She stilled, her mind rolling over that information. “How do they find out if they have a mate? Are Immortals waiting for their opportunity to pounce on the poor mortals the minute they get there? Is that how they pay their fare?”

  He growled at her. “What the hell do you think we are? Did I pounce on you?” His eyes were flashing to dark and not with desire. “The want is mutual. No one does anything they don’t want to. Did I just take you away and fuck you?” He growled in her ear, “Did I force you to finish the bond, or am I trying t
o fucking court you first?”

  “Court me?” She gaped at him. “This is us dating?” What did she say to that? Wasn’t it a little silly at this point?

  “It will be,” he growled, and she couldn’t do anything but stare at him. “Natasha, I understand that you’ve lived here among humans and don’t know any of this. If I could show you, it would be easier, but I know you won’t go to Tetartos Realm,” he said and turned back to the chair. A few seconds later she was getting mental images of cobblestone roads with townhomes and shops. There were milling people chatting. They looked the same as in some old town in Earth. It really was pretty.

  “That doesn’t really tell me anything,” she pointed out.

  He sprawled out and frowned, and he looked so beautiful that she really itched to crawl in his lap. He looked off for a second before speaking again. “Once a year there is an event in Tetartos Realm. All of the unmated mortals and Immortals who’ve reached majority attend to find a mate. There are formal balls and parties for an entire week. There is no forcing a mating. Either you are or you’re not.”

  She wasn’t sure what to think about what he’d said. She paced to the French doors and looked out into the cloudy skies over the park. She didn’t feel like he was lying to her, and what could she do about it if he was? Then she received images of something that looked very much like a ball, with females in beautiful gowns and males dressed in tuxedos or silk clothing, dancing and laughing. She still wasn’t sure.

  “And the Immortals treat the mortals well, with the whole imbalance of power thing?” She raised an eyebrow at him, reminding him of the reason she and Nastia weren’t supposed to be in Earth Realm.

  “They have a vested interest in keeping the Mageia safe and happy. Mageia live in cities and have families of their own if they don’t find an Immortal mate first. Who’s to say if one of the mortals will be the one to birth the next mate? That potential keeps things balanced.”

  It made sense, she’d give him that.

  “So what’s supposed to happen now? You’re supposed to exile me? Nastia?” She needed to know what to do to protect her sister and stay in Earth Realm.

  “I’m not going to force you to go to Tetartos. I’m doing what I can to find a way to convince Drake that Nastia’s not dangerous. That you’re both not dangerous.”

  She sucked in a breath. “What does that mean?”

  “Nastia messed with two Guardians’ minds. We don’t know the scope of that power or what you could do to a Guardian or anyone else. If you weren’t my mate, they would have already put you both in cells and had Uri take blood memories to find out just how dangerous you are.”

  She refused to look panicked. They couldn’t go against all the Guardians when she had a permanent link to one. They obviously knew about Nastia messing with Sander’s head too. Damn it.

  She rubbed the back of her neck.

  “So either way we’d have been exiled already. And if Drake decides we’re dangerous, we go in a cage, and if not, we’re still in an unknown Realm?” She needed to think. To plan.

  “But you’re my mate, and I’m making sure that doesn’t happen.”

  “Is Uri still supposed to take my blood?” she snapped, feeling threatened. “I’ll warn you that he’ll be tasting his own before he ever gets a fang near me or my twin.”

  He caught her in his arms and growled deep. “That will never happen.”

  “Meaning he won’t try? Or I won’t leave him a bloodied mess?”

  He growled. “He knows not to get anywhere near my fucking mate.” He leaned in and kissed her hard. “Or Nastia.” He left the words “for now” off, but she could feel them.

  She wanted to sink into him, take the warmth he offered, but she was anxious and needed to think, she needed to see Nastia and regroup. “I have things I have to do.”

  He pulled her in for a long hot kiss that left her humming and aroused.

  “I’m going to take you out tonight, but I’d like to see your club first.”

  She stared at him a little breathlessly before nodding. “Meet me there tonight.”

  And then she was gone.

  Chapter 19

  The Guardian Manor, Tetartos Realm

  Drake leaned his head against the shower wall and watched the water take the dirt and blood down the drain. He’d wanted to kill the God. Red-hot rage had taken him over, and if any of his Guardians had lost their shit like that, he’d have ripped into them. He’d lost the damned God. Not one of his warriors and not because the God was stronger or smarter, it was because he’d raged and wanted blood more than anything.

  He hadn’t listened to P, they’d come to blows instead, and he’d cursed his damned cousin for following him when he fucking knew better.

  He washed quickly. The cuts on his hands had healed along with the broken wings.

  He needed to get to his office; he needed to see the footage of his mate for the day. He may have never wanted a female of his own, but he’d made a decision to live through her pain together. It was all that he could think to do. Sirena told him Delia wouldn’t allow the other females to help her, to even talk to her. She’d rather sit silently or fucking pace.

  He ran his hands through his wet hair and breathed in. He needed to refuel his energies; they were draining every day that he fought the dragon for control.

  Drake was clothed and in his office in minutes.

  Is there anything new with my mate? he demanded from Sirena as he turned on the new laptop.

  The healer showed up at his desk minutes later. Her violet eyes were hard and her cheeks were flushed. “You need to get your damned head out of your ass!” she snarled as she leaned over him, looking like she wanted to do damage, and he’d let her. He’d fucked up and hated it.

  She continued, “I get that this is hard. That you have issues because of what happened to her. What Cyril did to her is a fucking nightmare. I will find a way to help her. You need to stop the month-long tantrum.”

  He felt his temper snap. Smoke was filling the room faster than the exhaust fans could carry it away. He snarled back at his cousin. She was one of the few people that he wouldn’t make suffer for talking to him like that, but she didn’t have a clue what the fuck he was dealing with. “My beast has a mate that’s been harmed. He has no one to fucking kill. I never asked for this, for her, but she’s mine and she was damaged because I didn’t keep her fucking safe. Because I never found Cyril to take him out! You don’t have any idea what that’s doing to me. Do. Not. Come. At. Me. Because you don’t have a fucking clue how much blood the dragon needs.” He stood leaning over the desk with his face in hers as his shoulders pulled tight and his back itched. Every day now he had to fight even a partial shift.

  She stared, assessing him until she just looked exhausted and regretful. He knew she was working too hard, but he was too close to losing himself to his beast to tell her to rest. He needed her to fix his mate before he lost the fight, before he put everyone in danger.

  “I’ll find a way to help her,” she vowed. “I will. What’s more important is what are we going to do with you?” she asked, shaking her head.

  “I will deal with the dragon,” he shot back.

  She eyed him and he gave her a hard stare. A warning.

  The healer spoke after a minute. “Alex has been trying to ease the memories for her, but her mind is just too strong and she fights it. It’s just going to take time. If I can find a way to alter the effects of the drug, she might allow more help with her mental state.”

  He willed the dragon to calm. “Anything else?” he demanded.

  “The problem is that her blood isn’t staying the same; it keeps changing. All I can do is continue testing and trying spells and drugs to get her to sleep. The only thing that’s stayed consistent is that the blood of mated pairs isn’t affected when tested with hers. That should mean the mated Guardians are immune to her pheromones, but I’m not comfortable testing that.”

  He hated every damned word she
spoke. “You won’t.” He wouldn’t risk his Guardians or any other mated pair with that kind of test. The dragon would kill anyone who thought she was theirs.

  He sat at his desk. “You still don’t think she’ll survive the mating? My blood might fix her.” He was powerful and the dragon was willing to take any risk to make her whole.

  “I don’t know. And we can’t risk the drug affecting you.” He knew that, but he was running out of time to make that choice. “Her power mixed with yours could be catastrophic. You’d be another kind of hybrid if we could even keep you from being taken over by the beasts.”

  There was a good reason the races didn’t mix. Brianne and Vane almost didn’t come through their hybrid bond without being lost to the two beasts inside them. Delia had already been mated twice, first to a Lykos and then to Cyril. That meant his mate had one shifting beast and other non-shifting animal DNA from Cyril’s healer blood. And if she mated him, she’d also have a dragon, he couldn’t curb the feeling that if his dragon’s mate arrived it would destroy any other animal within her.

  Sirena eyed him again. “If you’re having a hard time controlling the animal now, what happens when you get her two beasts?”

  “They submit or die,” he growled.

  “You don’t know that. And you damned well know that might not work for her.” Sirena eyed him furiously.

  “Find answers soon,” he demanded.

  Chapter 20

  New York, Earth Realm

  He’d just finished getting ready for his night with Natasha when he heard hard rock music pulsing from his pocket. It was the damned phone Conn had dropped off earlier.

  “I hate this thing,” he growled after swiping it with his thumb. At the moment he hated everything that didn’t involve being inside his mate. The frenzy was riding him, making the hours since she’d left feel like days. After the first couple he’d put up a block so that he wouldn’t hear her thoughts for a while. She deserved some mental space, but he hated not hearing the sound of her voice in his head.


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